School Troubles (Bullies)
Summary: Wally west is being Bullied. As word gets out about the teacher incident the worse it gets. At one point Len and Mick have to go down to the school to talk to the principle.
I'm sorry this is so late, but I started writing it, but once I was at 1500 words it was late and I had to stop to sleep and continue the later, but it was worth it, I mean look at how good it came out. It's over 3600 words.
I had one of the boys named Jason but that turned out to be to much work in the future, so I changed it to Luke. If you see a Jason that I missed in this chapter then let me know so I can fix it.
Third Person
It was the morning and Wally was walking down the school hall making his way to his classroom when another taller guy pushed against his shoulder making him drop his books, as the boy walked past with his friends you could hear them call him names.
Are just a few of the things they yelled as they walked down the hall in their group. Their outburst caused the other kids to look at them and laugh at him also.
To put it simply Wally West's day already sucked and it's just getting started, just another normal day for him.
It was after school and Wally already had bruises all over his torso from playing dodgeball in gym, he was the perfect target. Now he's trying to make it home as fast as he can.
Normally if he wasn't all bruised up he would go find an alley and run to the rouges as Barry is usually busy at CCPD working a case and would come by later in the day to pick Wally up.
Barry is very over protective of Wally if he's not in uniform, if he is the Flash he is sure to tone it down a little.
Today, however, he was going to take his time and walk to the hideout. As he was walking he noticed the same group of boys walking behind him and laughing.
Wally just sighed and got out his phone, he had to call Uncle Len to find out which hideout they were at.
As he was waiting for someone to pick up the phone he could hear the boys getting closer. Finally someone picked up as they were close enough to hear.
"Sup Wals," He heard.
"Hartley, why do you have Uncle Len's phone," he asked the person on the other side confused, but also keeping an eye out for the group of boys who was close enough to hear what he was saying, so he had to choose his words carefully so Hartley would know.
"Is he on another Job with Uncle Mick," he asked. Thank goodness Hartley is smart because he caught on immediately.
"Nah, their out getting food, Sam and Mark went out to our bar, and I'm left to wait for you at #434 while babysitting James, he wants to play Darts," Hartley told him.
Wally smiled. Hartley, him, and James were all 16, but James did have his mental problems and Hartley was always responsible, just at the same time not, Len always left him in charge.
"Alright, I'm on my way," Wally told him, but before he hung up one of the boys said something and he was postive that Hartley heard it.
"Whore," One of the boys said.
"Wally who is that. I swear I will Kick their a-," he didn't get ti finish as another voice interrupted his sentence.
"Lenny doesn't like that language," James said.
Before he would let the bullies find out anymore about his personal life he hung up the phone.
"Who was that your babysitter. Did you try to sleep with him to like the slut you are," another boy asked.
"I don't know what your talking about," Wally said trying to walk away with his head down.
"Oh, but I think you do," The one in charge said as he stood in front of Wally and was much taller and buffer.
"You see we snuck into Principal Clice's office and looked through her records. That substitute teacher that was mysteriously imprisoned, apparently he tried to have sex with a student, you. you see everything was private, but written down," He said while the three boys dragged Wally down an alley way.
"What he tried to do was have sex with a minor. That makes him both a pedophile, and a rapist, as the minor never gave consent and tried to get away from him," Wally said.
He was kicked in the ribs and fell down from where he was standing against a brick wall. He was picked back up and beaten to a pulp, he passed out soon after they started kicking.
He did notice that they were writing on him, but couldn't do anything about it.
Wally didn't know what time it was when he woke up to a ringing sound. He moved his arm, with a lot of effort and pain, and found the source of the ringing, his phone. He saw that it was Len and answered it.
"Sup Uncle Len," he said tiredly
"Sorry. I'll be on my way their now. Can we save the lecture till then," he asked.
"Fine. But you better be their in the next thirty minutes or you'll be in even more trouble," Len told him with an angry, but worried tone.
Wally stood up using the wall to help him as pain shot through his body. He found his bag and ate a granola bar meant for speedsters and was able to walk with still a lot of pain, but less of it, and started to make his way to the safe house.
Once he made it to the safe house he knew that he was way past his 30 minute time limit that he was given. He walked into the safe house with a limp and who knows what else.
When he walked in he could see everyone their but James and Hartley looking worried, he figure that Sam and Len put them to bed before they knew something might be wrong.
When he walked in everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him, at the same time Len looked at him and he could see anger in his face when he yelled, "WHAT HAPPENED!"
"It was nothing. I'm fine," Wally told him as they all gave him looks of disbelief.
Mick huffed and looked at him, "Kid that lie may have been more convincing if you didn't have stuff written all over your face," Mick told him as Sam gave him a mirror.
He looked into the mirror and could see that his nose was broken, not the only thing, he had a black eye, a busted lip, and a bruise already formed on his left cheek. As he looked around he could see words written on him. SLUT was on his right cheek, WHORE written across his forehead. KILL YOURSELF is written around his neck and lost of other mean and horrible stuff, those were the only noticeable ones.
Wally just sighed and looked down. "Sorry I lied, or well tried to," Wally told them.
"Mind telling us what happened," Sam asked.
"These guys jum-," he didn't get to finish as Sam yelled out, "BULL."
"I talked to Hartley. He said that he could hear more then just your voice on the phone when you first called him. They called you a Whore and then you hung up. Were criminals Wally, not idiots," Sam told him with a serious look in his face.
"I'm fine," Wally tried to assure them as he walked closer only for them to see his limp. They helped move him and made him take his shirt off so they could see what was wrong. His shoulder had been dislocated, he had bruises all over his torso, and three broken ribs
By the time they were done they had him fixed up, fed, and they scrubbed the words off of him.
"Wally we already know it's bullies. Len and Mick are going up to the school with you to talk about it," Sam told him.
"Could you go to," Wally asked him in a small voice that made Sam smile
"No problem kiddo. Now try to get at least an hour or two of sleep," Sam said rubbing the top of his head and messing with his hair.
"Okay. Thanks Uncle Sam, Uncle Mick, and Uncle Lenny," Wally yelled as he sort of ran to the room he shares with the other two 16 year olds.
"It's Len," was the only response back.
It was the morning and all four of them got to the school and they saw a horrible sight. Their were pictures of Wally everywhere from last night. Him beaten to a pulp with the words written on him, and they were posted everywhere.
When they found Celice she was frustratingly taking down the pictures, only for her to go down another hall and see more. She turned around and spotted Wally and gave a sad smile to him.
"I'm sorry for whoever did this. I've been trying to take them down all morning," She told him as they all saw her stack of useless paper to her.
"We need to talk about it," Len said as she directed them toward her office. Once their Sam introduced himself and they got talking.
"The Kid was beaten to a damn pulp," Sam said as Celice gave him a look and Mick hit the back of his head. Sam looked at him with a glare, "Don't cuss. Your in the brats school and Len doesn't want the three brats turning into us," Mick explained in a bored tone as Celice gave all three of the adults a look.
"Wally can you tell us who did this to you," Celice asked him.
"It's fine. Their just being a bunch of jerks," Wally tried to avoid the situation.
"Kid they beat you to a pulp," Len said. He knows the kid doesn't want to cause trouble. They practically forced him in this position.
"I've had worse, remember," Wally almost shouted at them, but kept his voice down.
"and we handled that problem to," Sam reminded him as he put a hand on his shoulder.
"Trust us on this kid. We don't do things without a reason," Mick assured him.
At this Wally got a smile, "What about Hart and James."
With that Len repeated the actions he did with Sam and hit him across the back of the head, not enough to injure, but enough to get the reason through, "Those two are your age. They put as much reason in to the things they do as you and Rob," Len said to him making Wally feel just a little guilty, just a little.
"Fine. Phillip, Jack, and Luke. They ganged up on me when I was calling Hartley earlier. They called me a Whore and Hartley heard them, James was also on the line, but I hung up before they could hear James say anymore and break his feelings.
Wally told them everything he could remember and was awake for and by the end you had one angry principle and three angry rouges.
"It's already past 2nd hour. I'll call the three in here along with their parents," Celice said as she got to work.
As she was calling the three into the office, Len got a call from Harley about James.
"What is it Hart," Len asked.
"I can't find James's meds. Do you know where they are," Hartley asked on the other side of the phone as the three kids walked in waiting for their parents.
"I've got no Idea. Give me a sec," Len said as he looked at the other three. "You guys know where James's meds are," Len asked them, as the parents walked in.
"Give me the phone," Wally said. Len handed him the phone as he talked to Hartley.
"Listen sometimes when he knows he needs to take the next dose he'll hide them," Wally explained.
"What the fu-hell," Hart said and corrected himself knowing Len was on the other line and James near him.
"Before you ask him where they are just search in normal spots James has his toys," Wally told him and he did, being sure to stress toys as bomb parts.
"Nothing's here," Hart said.
"Hand him the phone," Wally said.
"BABY RED," James yelled in the phone, not saying flasher as Hart explained he was at school.
"That's right it's baby red. James did you hide your meds," Wally asked him.
"I don't like them. Their strange and not usual," James said.
"I'm sure we can fix that later and get you better ones if you take these for now. Why don't you give Hartley your meds and we'll do our best to change them and you get a game off darts out of me and Rob," Wally told him with a smile.
"YOU BRING BABY BIRD," James almost yelled.
"Yep! I'll bring the baby bird," Wally said as Harley said thank you a hundred time before hanging up.
Len looked at him suspiciously before asking the question everyone was wondering, even the kids and principle, "How'd you know to do that."
"I watch over Hartley and James over half the time you guys are doing a job. Making sure Hartley doesn't try to sneak out and join you and making sure James has his meds. Is he on different ones," Wally asked.
"It was just something the docs at the hospital wanted to try, we'll get him back on his regular one. Now stop worrying about everyone else and focus on your problems," Len said as he hit the kid over the head again, while Wally smiled.
"Can someone tell us why we're all here," Jack asked.
"For bullying and beating up a student, not to mention you put pictures everywhere. What were you three thinking," Celice said exasperated.
"How do you know it was our kids that did this," one of the parents asked.
She looked at Wally as did everyone else, but the rouges. "I have him and witness saying that they heard what they said over the phone when Wally was calling someone," She explained.
"Well, where is he. Is he here to say whose voice he hears," A different parent asked.
"No, but we can get him here," Sam said.
"Are you sure that's a good idea. He has James with him, and James doesn't like to be alone. When some does have to watch him he prefers the brat or Hart," Sam explained while pointing to Wally for brat.
"We might want to move this to a classroom, Your gonna need a lot of more room, and it's already crowded in here," Mick said and everyone agreed. They moved to the closest classroom they could find as Sam called Hartley to get him over here along with James.
While they were waiting Mick, Len and Sam were talking about whatever, the other parents were talking, the three boys were talking amongst themselves, while Wally was by himself using paper and going over scientific formulas.
Once they arrived it was a scene. James ran over to Wally and gave him a bear hug ,"BABY RED," he yelled as Wally laughed and patted his back. "Hey James. Did you take your meds like promised," Wally asked him as he shook his head frantically.
"Hart can you confirm if you heard one of these guys on Wally's phone yesterday," Len asked him
"Of course I can," Hart said with a cocky smile. If their's one thing he knows it's sound. He's called Pied Piper for a reason.
All three boys spoke and and he confirmed that yes it was their voices.
"Did they hurt baby red," James asked.
"Yeah they did James, but look at baby red. he doesn't look bad any more does he. We'll feed him later and he'll be better in no time remember," Sam asked him about the healing factors of speedsters.
"I remember," he said.
"What are you two even doing here. Shouldn't you both be in school, or did they kick you out for behavior issues and for not be able to go farther then kindergarten," a boy asked Hartley and James.
James was about to cry, but everyone heard what the boy said. "I take online school. I'm in a different position then Wally. I don't have so many protective uncles to tell me that I need to go to school. James is officially dismissed from school by the courts," Hart explained in a calm manor to not upset James further.
"Don't talk to James like that. He did nothing to you," Wally told them as he comforted James.
"Can I shoot these kids," Mick asked as all the parents looked at him including he principle.
"Mick down. We told Barry that if Wally was involved we could take care of it like civil adults," Len told him while putting a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.
"Speaking of Uncle B where is he," Wally asked.
"He's with Bruce, something about Gotham needed a csi and Iris is in Star visiting felicity" Len explained to him.
"Seems like they care more about them then you," another one of the boys said.
"Please don't start that fight. If Uncle Len and Barry get into a another fight about caring about me again I'm going to go crazy," Wally said as the other rouges agreed, and Len glared at him.
"Can we just focus on the situation at hand," a parent asked.
"They have a choice of expulsion, suspension for six months, and I don't like either of those option, but I have another option," Celice explained as everyone looked at her, "They can help Wally with any and every thing he needs, in and out of school, think of it as a social exercise. We can find someone to also be with them of Wally's choosing so everything is fair," She held up her hand as she heard protest form all sides, but Mick, James, and Hartley. "Hear me out. Spring break is coming and they stay the whole time at his house along with the assigned watcher, which option would you like."
They all talked with alot of Wally saying no to the third option, but giving in, "I'll accept the third option if the want, but they won't be staying at my house as we wouldn't have enough room," Wally told everyone.
"We'll take the third option as well," the boys agreed.
"Now I need to know everything since you won't be staying at your house Wally, then where," she asked.
"One sec let me make a call," he said as he got out his phone.
"Sup Roy," he asked.
You could hear the person on the other end speaking, "What is it Wally."
"Could you stay at Dick's for a week to help watch over some kids, is the short version," Wally exaplanied.
"Wally you don't just ask something like that. I know you, so what happened. I swear if you lie I'll put an arrow in your shoulder," Roy said angrily. They could see Wally swear.
"Actually they beat me up and we have to bond for a week. I don't trust Dick alone when it comes to this as he will prank them like crazy, so I need your hep," Wally asked him.
"Wally, last time I had to watch kids do you remeber what happened," he asked.
"No not really."
"So is that a yes," Wally asked.
"It's a yes," Roy told him.
Wally hung up and called up Dick.
"Sup bro I have a favor to ask and I promise to explain everything if I can get a full plate of A's cookies," Wally told him.
"Wally I swear if this is about Artemis I am going to dislocate your shoulder," Robin told him.
"What is it with my brothers and hurting my shoulders," Wally asked aloud.
"Can me and a few friends from school stay over their for spring break, along with Roy," He asked him.
"They have to stay in their rooms at night, but I'm sure I can get B to budge," Rob said as he hung up.
"Okay so we have to watch over us, Roy and Dick my unofficial brothers. Please don't freak out. You will be staying at Wayne manor for the week as well," Wally explained to them as the parents freaked out along with Celice
"Are you sure you have permission to do this," Celice asked.
"Trust me even if I didn't I wouldn't get into to much trouble, wouldn't be the worse thing I did over their anyways. I think the worst was when Dick and I trashed the whole place when Roy was babysitting us, that was about 8 years ago though, I think. Math's not my strong point," he said
Suddenly his phone rang and he picked it up, "Hello Master Wallace. I have been told to inform you that you have permission to have your 'field trip' over here for the week," Alfred told him.
"How many time have we been over this, it's Wally, not Wallace," Wally told him.
"Very well master Wally," Alfred told him as he sighed. He just couldn't get rid of the master.
"Everything is set. We got permission. I recommend not eating on the day of arrival, you will taste the best food ever," Wally told them as they were excused and told to meet up back at the principle's office the day school got out for spring break.
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