Casino Crashers: Part 2

"It's not what it looks like!" Larry said. "The Pizza Hut kids are our doppelgangers!"

"Then why are you guys wearing fake beards?" The Sky Marshall questioned.

"They're not fake, they are authentic zebra hairs, thank you very much," Aaron said.

"Once this plane lands, we will have a nice long talk at the police station- " Someone interrupted the Sky Marshall.

"HE'S HAVING A HEART ATTACK!" A passenger yelled out, while the man next to them was in pain.

"Somebody needs to call a paramedic!" Mya shouted. One of the flight attendants ran over to the man to see what was the matter. 

She yelled back to another flight attendant, "We need to land now!"

"We are landing for a flight emergency. I repeat we are landing due to an emergency. The flight to Las Vegas will be delayed." A flight attendant announced on the overhead.

Once the plane had landed because of an emergency, the Khaotic kids used this to their advantage to sneak away. As they were sneaking away, they heard the flight attendant calling for an ambulance. Unfortunately, they put her on hold, but she got good music to listen to while she waited. The classics, of course, the Dora the Explorer theme song. DO DO DO DORA! DORA DORA DORA THE EXPLORER!

They walked away to plan their next move. They huddled together beginning to devise a plan.

"This is perfect!" Asor said to the crew.

"But how are we going to get to Vegas now?" Larry asked.

"It's pretty obvious, dear," Mya answered. "We going to steal some horses." She said pointing towards a farm.

"HORSIES!" Aaron screamed running over to them.

They jumped the horse gate and each of them rode a horse jumping over the fence. They guided the horse into town frightening people as they went along.

"THE BRITISH ARE COMING!" Aaron shouted causing people to run in panic. They rode the horses until some roads lost them.

"Where are we?" Mya asked, looking around.

"Looks like the middle of nowhere," Larry said.

"Well, actually we're in Spring Valley, according to that 'Welcome to Spring Valley' sign." Asor pointed out.

A couple of road midgets road past them on motorcycles.

"Look! Leprechauns!" Aaron said.

The khaotic kids gasped.

"According to my trusty calendar, its St. Patrick's Day. So, they must have gold on them!" Larry said.

"I like your logic. Let's stalk 'em." Asor said.

They followed the midgets to a casino, planning out how they will trap them to steal their gold.

"First, we trap the leprechauns, then we cheat at the casino games so we can double our profits," Asor said.

"Yay! More money for us!" Aaron said.

They galloped into the casino but were told by security that they had to keep them outside.

"We need to let the horses run free," Asor said. "We have them imprisoned for TOO long!"

"Nooo, who's going to kick a toddler with its hooves for me?" Aaron asked. "I need Mr. Horsie!"

"Don't worry, we have to keep one of them as our getaway horse," Mya said.

"Ooo! I'll pick!" Larry said, as he closed his eyes and performed eenie meanie miny moe. His finger pointed to the scrawny mule that looked like it hadn't eaten in days.

"Perfect!" Asor said. "Let the plan commence."

They ran into the casino to catch up with the midgets. Mya paid an elderly woman to tackle one midget and Larry got a fishing pole to catch the other.

"We got you now, leprechauns! Give up the gold!" Asor said.

"We're not leprechauns! We're just short!" A midget named Paul said.

"You're lying! Where's the gold?!" Larry asked.

"We don't have any!" Benjamin, the second midget said.

"Well, if you're not gonna talk, we're gonna have to force it out of you," Aaron said aiming his nerf gun.

"Please! Not nerf guns! Those foam bullets actually hurt!" Paul pleaded.

"Yeah they do, I wonder why they sell that to kids in the first place," Benjamin said.

"Me too, they're going to get a lawsuit one day," Aaron said.

"Aaron! Stop socializing with the midgets and knock them out already." Asor commanded.

"Sorry, but you yee'd your last haw, leprechauns," Aaron said as he was about to pull the trigger.

"Wait! We'll battle you to a poker game!" Benjamin said. "If we win, you let us go."

"What do we get if we win?" Asor asked.

"You'll get gold coins from the dollar store and a coupon for Pizza Hut."


The khaotic kids spat on their hands to give the midgets a handshake to seal the deal, but the midgets politely declined. They sat at a table while a casino worker dealt them their cards. Obviously, the khaotic kids cheated by looking at the midgets' cards using mirrors. The midgets lost miserably. Aaron got to worship his Pizza Hut coupon while Asor eliminated the midgets with a nerf gun.

"It's nerf OR NOTHING!" he cried as he blasted the nerf gun.

As the midgets screamed in agony, the other people stopped shuffling their cards to see the commotion. When the khaotic kids realized they had witnesses, they had a choice to either eradicate everyone or skedaddle on out.

The security guards were built like they ate steroids every morning for breakfast so they skedaddled. They hopped on their scrawny mule, almost breaking its legs and made their way back to Florida. Somehow, the police struggled to keep up with them and eventually gave up.

They got on the earliest train to the Florida Keys. Unfortunately, the train was going a mile an hour because of all the cargo it had to drag along. So, the kids hijacked the train and sped off.

They arrived home about a day later.

Mya walked into her home to find her parents angry on the porch.

"Young lady," Her father started. "Where have you been?"

"Nevada." She calmly responded.

Slowly putting down the flip-flop, her mother said, "Oh I see. Was it a school trip?"

Mya unsure how to answer said, "It's so good to be back home!"

Aaron's parents didn't care much, Larry's assumed he was at a nerd convention and they punished Asor with spring break homework. After all, this was an adventure they will never forget.

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