Chapter 43- Nose bleeds

A/N: Hunk/Keith fanfiction. This is based off of something that happened to me.

Keith groan as he slowly rose up from his warm bed and headed towards the bathroom to get ready for the day. He was going to go train before Hunk made some breakfast for everyone. He slowly moved to the bathroom with a small wave of dizziness but he pushed it to the side. 

He went to the sink and splashed some water on his face before reaching for his toothbrush. Just as he reached for it, a drop of blood fell upon his pale hand. He looked at it for a moment before looking into the mirror. He brushed his hand against his nose and that when everything went wrong.

His nose from both sides began to pour out blood. Keith rushed to grab some toilet paper to stop the bleeding but nothing was slowing down the flow. As quickly as he pressed the toilet paper to his nose was as quickly the blood soaked through it. Suddenly, a huge wave of dizziness hit him and Keith had to sit down on the cool floor. He didn't know what was happening but it was freaking him out. He tried to call out for Hunk but his throat felt like it was close as black spots filled his vision. He tried to push himself off of the ground to attempt to make it back to the bedroom where his boyfriend was laying but just as he rose to his feet, his vision blurred and he felt himself falling just as everything was going black.


Hunk felt the side of the bed shift as Keith got up ready for a training session. He let out a sigh as he felt the cool air hit him as the blankets were shifted around. He pulled them closer towards himself and rolled over, hearing the bathroom door close. He didn't think that much when he didn't hear the door open again.

But after a while when Keith didn't come back to press a small kiss on him before heading out made Hunk a little bit worried. He slowly opened his eyes and glanced over his shoulder and could still see the light shinning from underneath the door plus he could hear a small amount of water running. So Hunk just thought that Keith was taking a little bit of extra time getting himself ready for the day, they both did go to bed pretty late the night before after a long mission. 

Hunk glanced at the clock and saw that it still was way too early to rise and begin breakfast so he closed his eyes again, drifting halfway off to sleep, still a little bit awake waiting for his kiss.


Keith's eyes slowly began to flutter open, being blinded by the bright white lights in the bathroom. He slowly turned his head to see where he was and slowly realized that he was on the floor. After a moment of thought, Keith remembered what happened and quickly reached up to his nose. He pulled his hand away from his face a saw a bright coat of red blood on his hand. He had hopped that it would have dried up and stopped by now but it hadn't.

Keith slowly pulled himself up onto his feet and swayed for a moment before he got his balance. He glanced around the bathroom as once again black spots came into his vision. He saw his com on the counter and quickly pressed it, calling out to anyone in hopes that someone would come for him, but no one came.
As he slowly moved towards the door, his legs gave out from under him and he collapsed back upon the cool bathroom floor.

So much time had passed by the time Keith woke up again, his whole body felt heavy and sleep kept calling for him. He slowly blinked his eyes a few times as he heard a muttered voice and a few knocks upon the door.

"-unk?" Keith questioned as he felt himself slipping once more. But this time he wasn't alone. The bathroom door quickly flew open and he heard a loud gasp as Hunk's eyes landed on him. He saw Hunk lean over him as everything faded again. Everything was blurry and moving so quickly that Keith didn't really know what was going on. During sometime, Hunk had lifted Keith up in his strong arms and rushed him to the med bay. Everyone was called to see what was going on. Keith was cleaned up and quickly placed inside a pod because they figured out that he had loss a lot of blood.


Hunk sat before the pod that held his boyfriend inside it. Fear and worry were all of which Hunk could feel at the moment, but also a wave of guilt. For he knew, deep down that something was off that morning. He knew Keith never took that long to get ready and never forgot to give him a kiss before heading off. So, as he sat there waiting for his boyfriend to awaken and to apologize to him. 

It felt like forever before the pod slowly hissed open, allowing Keith to tumble out. Hunk quickly got up and caught Keith in his arms and pulled him tightly to his chest. 

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry" Hunk kept repeating over and over again. Keith slowly pushed himself away from Hunk and looked up at him. Keith shook his head, telling him that he had nothing to be sorry for but deep down Hunk didn't believe that but he didn't want to stress his boyfriend out so he nodded his head. Hunk slowly brought Keith over towards the couch and sat down beside Keith. Hunk took Keith's hands into his and rubbed his thumb over his pale skin.

"I was so worried" whispered Hunk, not taking his eyes off of Keith's hands.

"M sorry" Keith mumbled and Hunk quickly looked up at him, he cupped his face.

"Are you tired?" asked Hunk and all Keith could do was nodded his head. Hunk leaned forward, pressing his lips against Keith's forehead before swooping Keith up into his arms and carrying him off towards their bedroom. 

Once inside, Hunk curled up with his love safely in his arms, planting small kisses everywhere as Keith drifted off.

-So the whole nose bleeds thing happened to me, I passed out and was later discovered by my mom who didn't think it was a big deal. So i was forced to go to work where maybe an hour in my nose began to bleed again and I almost passed out again. I came to learn that the new blood pressure meds i was on were causing me to have nose bleeds and pass out. So lucky my dr changed my meds and all is okay. But i had a nose bleed this morning that went on for a whole hour and it reminded me of this and I've been wanting to write a little Hunk/Keith fic for sometime now so I figured why not write a little about this.

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