Chapter 39-Lost member

A/N: The paladins enter a prisoner ship looking for Pidge's brother and father but they stumble upon someone else...something else.

Contains: Slavery and nightmares.
*Angst, hurt/comfort
*In this Allura pilots Red
*Possibly hints towards Keith/Lance/Shiro

Both Shiro and Lance were racing down a hallway, trying to make their way back to their Lions. The ship was almost completely searched and Pidge got into their database and sadly discovered that neither her father or brother was on this prisoner ship so, as a few galra soldiers discovered them, the ship was now on high alert and flashing with alarms. 

"Make it to your lions as quick as possible. Coran have the castle ready to go!" shouted Shiro through his coms as he and Lance raced down the hallway, only a few more turns and they would be out and long gone hopefully. As they rushed by, Lance stopped when he heard a small sound. 

"Lance!" shouted Shiro but Lance shook his head and made his way over towards the sound he heard. He slowly looked into the disgusting cell and saw a small form upon the ground. "It's another prisoner I think" said Lance as he shoved his way into the small cell. Shiro sighed but then stood outside the cell door to keep an eye out for any soldiers. Lance walked to it and saw pale skin.
"Human? How did a human get here?" thought Lance but then he saw huge wolf-like ears. 

"Shiro?" voiced Lance causing Shiro to turn and enter the cell towards him. Lance looked over at Shiro and saw his eyes widen at the sight of the being before them.

"What is this? A human-galra hybrid?" asked Lance and Shiro narrowed his eyes but before anything else could be said a loud bang happened and the ship shocked slightly. 

"I...I don't know Lance but we can't stand around here anymore, we got to move" said Shiro who made his way to the exit of the cell but something was pulling at Lance to get closer towards the being. He could see cuts, bruises and blood on the being.

Lance bent down to be on eye level with it...with him.
"Hey, buddy. I'm going to get you out of here, alright? Just..."  said Lance as he reached towards the being but he quickly flinched away from Lance's hand.He began screaming and crying  and Lance felt bad for him. He began to mumble and if Lance wasn't as close to him as he was he wouldn't have heard him speak. 

 "No! no no no. Master p-please no. St-Stop'' he said as he curled up tighter.Lance quickly pulled his hand back. "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you. I want to take you away from here. You can trust me, okay?"said Lance but the boy just whimpered in response to him.

"Lance, Allura needs us out now" said Shiro but froze when his eyes meet the purple ones of the being laying, bloody on the ground. Shiro then moved closer and knelt down beside Lance. "Hey we need to go now'' said Shiro more to Lance but also to the boy before him. The boy slowly sat up. 

"Cha-pion?" questioned the boy and Shiro eyes widen. 

"How did he know that he was called champion when he was held by the garla?" thought Shiro before he knew it he was nodding his head and reached out to pick the boy up. As soon as he had him in his arms, both he and Lance sprinted towards their lions just before they could been seen or caught. As they flew back to the castle, Shiro could hear Lance and the others talking about the being, no the boy that was laying in Shiro's lap as they neared the castle. Allura wasn't too happy with the both of them bringing in a galra to the castle but once Lance explained everything she agreed that they did the right thing. Shiro glanced down at the boy who was curled up so small in his lap and had his eyes held tightly shut. There were so many questions and hopefully they would be able to discover the answers soon enough.


The boy, human-galra like hybrid was in a pod for a while due to the amount of injuries he had. Both Shiro and Lance hardly ever left the med bay, for they both wanted to be there when the pod opened and the boy came out.

The pod hissed opened and Lance jumped up quickly and got the boy in his arms. His eyes slowly began to flutter open and as soon as they met Lance's blue eyes, fear crossed his face.

"It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you" said Lance as he slowly led the boy over towards the couch. Shiro was standing now beside Lance as he watched the boy before him. "I'm Lance'' said Lance as he pointed towards his chest then he pointed over at Shiro. "And this is Shiro. We are friends, we're not going to hurt you.'' The boy looked over at Shiro and pointed at him before he slowly spoke, "Cha-pion?" Lance looked at Shiro to see what was the next step in all of this.

"Yes, I was called the Champion for some time, who are you? What's your name?" said Shiro.

"KK-K-ff." said the boy before tears began to fill his eyes.

"It's okay, take your time there's no rush'' said Shiro and Lance smiled down at him.

"I...I-I Ke-keith'' he said and Shiro nodded his head and held his hand out towards Keith but he jumped backwards at the sudden movement, he looked like he expected to be hit, Shiro slowly withdrew his hand away from Keith. 

"It's nice to meet you Keith, are you hungry?" said Shiro.

It looked like Keith was afraid to answer him but he eventually nodded his head. It took a while but they finally managed somehow to convince Keith to trust them enough to get him off of the couch and head towards the kitchen. 

As soon as food was placed down before him, Keith looked up to see if he was allowed to eat. After getting a few nods he quickly ate all the food. Keith seemed like he had to eat quickly before the food was taken away from him, leaving him to starve. 

He slowly met everyone else on the ship but he remained very quite and didn't leave either Shiro's or Lance's sides.

Everything seemed to becoming too much for him and Keith was showing signs of being overwhelmed and tried. So, Shiro and Lance took Keith to a bedroom right between their rooms. Keith laid easily on the bed, pressing his hand down upon it as he felt the softness of it and then he raised his head up to look at both Lance and Shiro and smiled at them.

"It soft'' said Keith who then quickly laid down on the bed and curled up on his side. 

"Get some rest okay, Keith'' said Lance but Keith sat up quickly. 

"-Ance, Shir- no leaf pleas'' said Keith with a sadness in his voice that convinced the two of them to stay in the room with Keith.

"We're not going anywhere'' said Shiro who sat down on the edge of the bed.

"No leaf?" asked Keith and Lance chuckled, "No leaving Keith.''

Keith laid back down on his side and curled up into a small ball. Lance laid on the other side of the bed and looked down at Shiro who sat at the end of the bed. "You know you don't have to stay there, you can...umm... join me, I mean us?" said Lance who was blushing now. Even in the darken room, Shiro could see him blushing. 

"I know, but I think I'll stay up for a bit, to keep watch. You rest though'' said Shiro as he patted Lance's leg. Lance smiled at him, nodded his head an allowed himself to close his eyes and fall asleep next to the already asleep Keith.


After some time, Shiro moved to a chair in the corner of the room and eventually fell asleep, but that sleep was quickly broke when he was awaken to screams and cries of pain.

Both Shiro's and Lance's eyes opened quickly as they now looked towards Keith. Shiro flipped on the light as Lance moved closer towards Keith on the bed. "Keith?" Lance whispered. Keith then let out a loud sob, his eyes shutting tighter as the dream, or more like nightmare continued. Lance could hear the faint 'no's falling from Keith's lips, terror dripping from each one. "Keith?" said Lance as he then reached out towards him. Keith gasped, pulling back and shoving his back against the corner of the bed. "Keith, it's okay. It's just me Lance. You were having a nightmare, but it's okay now" whispered Lance who gave Keith a small smile. Keith didn't stop shaking but he did turn his head to look at Lance then up over at Shiro. Keith pulled his legs up towards his chest, wrapping his shaking arms around them and then buried his head in his knees.

"I o-tay'' whispered Keith and looked up at the two. Shiro slowly moved forward and brushed a tear from Keith's face. Keith felt the warmth of his hand leaned into him. Shiro smiled and Lance just loved seeing these two interact for some kind of reason.

What Keith said next surprised the both of them. 
"I go see -Oltron pleas?''

"Voltron? How do you know about that" questioned Shiro. 

"I see it. -Oltron nice'' said Keith but then lowered his head as if he had done something wrong. "Bad?" asked Keith and Lance quickly stepped in to tell Keith that he had done nothing wrong by asking.

"No, not bad. It's okay Keith, we can go see the lions if you wish too'' said Lance and Keith raised his head to look at Shiro to see if it was alright just as Lance had told him so. Shiro nodded his head and Keith held his hand out towards Shiro who slowly took it, pulling Keith up from the bed. As soon as they got to the door Keith grabbed ahold of Lance's hand and gave it a nice squeeze. 

"Both -Ance and Shir nice to me" said Keith who smiled up at them. Shiro and Lance both chuckled and glanced at once another. 

As soon as they got into the hanger, Keith let got of their hands and stepped a little closer towards the lions before them. He then pointed at the blue lion then pointed at Lance. "-Ance, you in this one'' said Keith who took a step forwards towards the blue lion. Lance looked over at Shiro before making his way to stand next to Keith. 

"Yeah Keith, the blue lion is mine, but...but how did you know that?" asked Lance.

"Told me'' said Keith as he pointed at the lions. 

"The Lions? They told you?'' asked Shiro and Keith nodded his head quickly and smiled at him before looking at the lions then over at Lance before he walked over towards the red lion. The red lion lowered her head before both Lance and Shiro's eyes. They both could hear a loud purr coming from the red lion as it let Keith run his hand over her and they watched as she gently nudged his hand. Keith giggled and laid his head against her nozzle. 

"She talk to me and like me! Say I no ready yet. They all nice to me!'' said Keith with a huge smile upon his face.

Both Shiro and Lance looked at one another as the same thought crossed both of their mines. The red lion, Allura's lion, the same lion that belonged to her father... the one that she said wouldn't listen to her, who she at times struggled to control at times, making all of team voltron worried but never really said anything out loud about the fact that maybe she wasn't really meant to pilot the red lion.

"Shiro? Do you think, he couldn't right? Keith couldn't be..." said Lance.

"I don't know but I think that maybe he is, maybe he's the rightful pilot for the red lion. A lost member to our team Voltron" said Shiro as they both watched Keith interact with Red and the other lions with a huge grin upon his face, this was the first real time that they ever saw Keith at ease.

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