Chapter 36- Just... keep me safe in your arms
A/N: Keith/Hunk and also contains self harm, mentions of depression and eating disorders.
With his eyes held close, his mind was somewhere else as tears ran down his pale face. He felt so hollowed out, empty and so numb.
Keith felt so lost and as if he was slowly drowning before everything and everyone. He was slowly beginning to feel unsafe as his mind raced nonstop. His depression was getting worst and so out of hand. He felt like he didn't matter at all, that he was worthless and that the team, his family, would be better off with him out of the way. When he slept he found no peace, his mind attacked him then too. He continued to have dreams of dying, setting those he loved free of him. When he was awake, he kept looking at his wrists that held year old scars from self harm. He has been clean for awhile now but the feeling, the thoughts, the urge and the want to cut was really scaring him right now.
Being up in space has really thrown Keith though a loop. He was out of his medicine for his major depression, his eating disorder was slowly creeping back up at him and his anxiety was through the roof causing him to feel distant from the others, to push them away and angry. He wasn't really angry at them but more himself for the way he was acting, for pushing those closest to him away.
What he wanted more than anything was to be wrapped up in Hunk's big, warm arms and to feel loved and safe for a little bit but he couldn't bring himself to ask for it, because deep down a part of him felt like he didn't deserve it, that he was just screwing up Hunk's life more, that Hunk deserved someone so much better than the likes of him.
Hunk looked around the lounge room with a frown upon his face. He has noticed that his boyfriend was becoming more distant by the day. He overall looked sad and down and Hunk had no idea how to help or what to do to help him. He tried to reach out, to help him but each time he did Keith seemed to pull back more as if his attempt to help, his kindness burnt him somehow.
The others where also now picking up on Hunk and Keith's distance and that now Hunk was seeming down too now.
Everyone knew that something had to be done soon before things could get much worst. So Lance was the first to go to Hunk and of course Hunk spilled everything out to him, told him every last detail about what was going on but Lance couldn't really do anything other than give his best friend a hug and tell him that it was all going to be alright.
Shiro soon came to Hunk because he was worried about his teammates and how his little brother was doing because it was scaring Shiro to see Keith like this...again.
"Hey Shiro" Hunk said as he was gathering up some space goo. Shiro gave him a small smile before he sat down with a small sigh, which caught Hunk's attention right away.
"Is something the matter?" questioned Hunk as he made his way over towards Shiro.
Shiro sighed again before nodding his head. He patted the table, telling Hunk to sit down with him. Hunk sat down and waited for Shiro to say whatever was weighing heavy upon his chest.
"Hunk, you know about Keith's scars right?" Shiro asked and watched as a frown formed upon Hunk's face before he answered.
"Yeah. Yeah I do'' said Hunk, sadness heavy in his voice.
"Keith has clinical depression or known as major depression. And I'm worried that without his medicine, he...he maybe falling into a deep depressive episode. I've seen this kind of behavior before Hunk. I've seen it right around the time he tried to kill himself'' said Shiro.
Hunk sat up at this, he had no idea that Keith has tried to kill himself before. Worry and fear flowed quickly though Hunk.
"I didn't really know what it was then, didn't see the full effect it was having on him so in a way I failed him. I should have been there to prevent him in the first place at trying to take his life. But now, I think he may need more than ever. I'm worried about him and I fear that if something doesn't happen soon, he'll be in that same place again, trying to kill himself'' Shiro said and lowered his head as guilt from the first time hit him hard.
"Thanks Shiro" was all that Hunk said before he got up and left the kitchen.
Hunk was headed towards his bedroom, the room that Keith liked to come into and snuggle up upon his bed.
The door to his room slowly slid open to reveal a small bundle upon his bed, and Hunk sighed at the sight.
"Keith?" Hunk said but he sadly got no response, "Babe?" as soon as he said that he could notice the small shakes that were coming off the little bundle upon his bed. Hunk slowly moved forward and now could hear small sobs coming from his boyfriend.
"Oh Keith" Hunk said as he rushed over towards him. He wasted no time picking Keith up and placing him in his lap. Keith's head was rested upon his chest as he cried even more and louder now.
"Shhh, it's okay. I got you" whispered Hunk who then leaned down and planted a small kiss to the top of Keith's head.
"H-Hunk" whispered Keith and Hunk pulled back slightly to see his boyfriend's face. He watched as tears fell down Keith's face. Hunk reached up and rubbed his thumb upon Keith's face, whipping the tears away but once he whipped some away, only more fell seconds later.
Keith didn't say anything as he slowly held his hand out and opened it to reveal a small razor blade in his hand. Hunk's eyes widen as he quickly reached down and took the blade away from Keith.
"Keith, you didn't-" said Hunk but Keith cut him off before he could say anything more.
"I-I didn't'' he said before another wave of sobs came crashing down upon his small form. He folded upon Hunk's chest as he cried out, speaking quickly between the sobs that racked his body.
"I-I...I didn't do it but I...I r-really want t-to. I n-need to c-cut! Hunk...I...'' cried out Keith but before he could say anything else Hunk quickly reached down and kissed Keith upon the lips. Hunk could feel Keith slightly relax into the kiss, some tense leaving his body, but sadly not enough to make things better.
Hunk then quickly pulled Keith closer towards his chest and held tightly onto him as he cried and tried to desperately try to get out of his hold, to get to his razor to bring more pain to himself.
"L-Let me go! I need to...n-need to-" cried Keith as he tried to get away, get away from the only true place he wanted to be. For he so badly wanted to be within Hunk's arms to feel safe but the worst part of his screamed at him that he didn't deserve it, deserved to be loved by Hunk.
"I got you. I'm here for you, whatever you need'' Hunk said and held tighter onto his boyfriend.
Keith crumbled under all the love, he dug his fingernails into Hunk's forearm but Hunk didn't care, didn't care about the pain or the small crest moon imprints left upon his skin. He just held his boyfriend, hoping that his love was carrying over to him.
"I-I just...keep me safe in your arms" Keith whispered and Hunk nodded his head and pulled Keith tighter into his chest, his arms never going away and slowly Keith eventually cried himself to sleep, safe within Hunk's arms and Keith slightly smiled as his eyes slipped closed because for the first time in awhile, he felt okay.
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