Chapter 35 -Triggers from the past open the doors to the future.

A/n: this chapter will contain self harm, PTSD,depression and references of child abuse: physical, mental, verbal and emotional.

No one seemed to notice the signs and really, who could blame them.

None of them had ever been in that type of situation before or knew someone who was, none of them did but Shiro. And Keith held his breath as he waited for him to notice the signs, to notice the situation that was unfolding before everyone's eyes, but he didn't.

Shiro was one of the very few people he told about his home life situation and Shiro was right there to protect him from it as much as he could. Keith was so grateful to finally have someone to see the truth and actually listen and help him out.

Keith was now feeling stupid for the way he was currently thinking and feeling.

"It's all in my head" he kept repeating to himself. But no matter how many times he repeated it to himself it didn't chase away the feelings.

Everything would be fine then suddenly, he would find himself back at home with his abusers. A single word or action would trigger him, and he knew that Lance most likely didn't even know he was triggering him, but he was.
The rude comments, the jokes, the name calling and hateful glares he sent Keith's way only made things worst for him.

Keith slowly walked over towards one of the couches in the castle. He hardly ever joined in there with the others but for some reason, Keith felt drawn to it at this moment. Pretty much everyone was there in the room and it was a comfortable silence until Lance and Hunk walked it.

"I'm telling you man, he thinks he's all that! Taking on level 4 was him showing off! He's always trying to be number one" said Lance who then turned his head and smiled a bit.
"Isn't that it Mr. I wanna be perfect."

Keith remained quite. His body felt drained and he had zero energy to argue with Lance right now. Keith tried his best to block out Lance's voice but somehow, he heard a few words that made Keith's chest tightened.

He turned to look over at Lance with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Shut Up Lance!" Keith yelled as he slowly made his way towards the exit, hardly catching a word anyone was saying.

He heard Hunk's voice and just as the doors to the room was opening before him, he tried his best to listen in on the conversation that was unfolding.

"Dude, I think you took that too far" Keith heard Hunk say before Lance chinned in.

"No one wants his emo life around here. I say, good riddance!" Lance said.

Hunk turned to look at Keith, a bit of himself hoping that Keith didn't hear any of that but by the tear that slowly escaped his eye and rolled down his check, Hunk knew that he had heard everything that Lance said.

Hunk watched as Keith turned and rushed down the hallway to get away from all of them. His eyes than glanced over at Shiro who looked lost in thought. He could tell that Shiro knew what Keith was going through, and Hunk felt a small pang in his chest for he worried and cared about Keith.


Keith at first was going to head to his room but his blood was boiling and he just needed to let off some steam. So he turned and made his way towards the training room.

Keith shouted out in the empty room, his voice activating a few bots and he held his hand out to the side, his bayard began to materialize into his sword. He smiled with the weight of his sword in his hand as he charged off towards the bots.



"Stupid Emo"


"Messed up kid"

Where just some of the words that Keith could hear, some where in Lance's voices but soon enough, like always Lance's voice would fade away and the words would now be coated in the voices of his abusers. It was the kids in the group homes, the bullies at the many schools, it was his foster parents and soon enough those words soon came from himself because after so much time had passed he began to believe in those words, their meanings.

He was nothing. His parents never stuck around, his mother skipped out the second she was free of him. His deadbeat dad only lasted so long until he grew tired of trying to be a "father'' to Keith. He traveled through so many homes, received some many beatings. Each time it happened, each time he received a punch, slap or a wave of hurtful words broke him bit by bit.

He slammed his sword down upon one of the bots before him before his mind drifted out of his control. He hated when he became lost within his own mind, within his past and body. The world would suddenly fade away and Keith would sometimes be right back at one of the group homes of foster homes. Other times, his mind would seem to freeze as something touched something that just brought up a certain feeling within his chest and he would get lost within the sea of it.

"I'm telling you man, he thinks he's all that!" The words that Lance had said earlier were now clouding his vision.

"He thinks he's all that but really he's nothing, ain't that right boy?" A chill ran down Keith's spine as he quickly blocked a blow from the bot before him, somehow Keith still managed to fight when he was so lost within his thoughts and emotions.

"Boy! You can keep showing off but you will never be anything and deep down you know it!" Keith closed his eyes as he remembered the tight grip of the man's hand upon his t-shirt collar.

"Who does he think he is?!? He's always trying to be number one! Stupid Emo brat!" Keith flinched suddenly when he remembered that day. He had accomplished a task and felt very confident and proud of himself for he had worked so hard and for like the first time in his life he had did something which seemed to be finally right but the kids didn't see it that way, they just saw Keith, the loser who kept to himself once again do something that they couldn't and every time Keith excelled, he was hated more and more. That hate grew into being hit and bullied on a daily basic until Keith finally stopped trying to do well. For he soon grew to think: "What did it matter?" He would just move to somewhere else eventually and no matter what he did bad or good it ended up meaning nothing, just like he was starting to see himself as.

Keith still struggled with that so often. His kindness soon grew into anger. His innocence faded away as he began seeing how dark and evil the world really was. 
So when Lance said earlier:
"Isn't that it Mr. I wanna be perfect."   

He wished he could be perfect but he was anything but. He was nothing and he hated when others judged him by his actions and fire in everything he did.

His mind wouldn't let him be alone this time, it was like the damn was finally open and everything his mind could come up with at the moment came rushing down upon him with hundreds of pounds.

Over the time of his life, these events lead to things. They lead Keith to become depressed, take a blade to his wrists and cut away the pain, cut to feel and cut to escape it all. 


Keith stumbled for a moment, the training room spinning quickly around him for a moment. After regaining his balance, Keith quickly spun around and brought his sword down upon the robot, it shimmered and disappeared. Keith didn't even take the time to catch his breathe as he shouted out for the next level.

"Level 5!" Keith yelled and watched a group bots appear before him. He twisted his sword in his hand and bent down into his fighting stance, his mind once again being attacked with hurtful words and memories. He blinked quickly trying to ignore the fast pace of his breathing and the tears that welled up and threaten to spill out at any moment. 

Keith kept fighting until his mind was fuzzy and the room was spinning around him faster than ever before. He suddenly collapsed to his knees out of exhaustion, panting hard. His arms that held his upper half of his body above the floor began to feel numb and shake.

"Keith?!" he could hardly hear but he slowly turned to look at who had just entered the training room. Just as his eyes landed on Hunk, his arms gave out and he fell forward, his eyes closing and darkness consuming everything.

He could feel a bit of pressure upon his shoulders and a loud buzzing sound in his ears. He then felt himself lift off the cool flooring being pressed against something soft and very warm. Keith snuggled closer towards the warmth for most of his life was cold and numb.

"You can't exhaust yourself like this" Keith heard Hunk say as his eyes began to flutter open. He looked up at Hunk's face and could see how worried he was and even though Keith loved the feeling that someone seemed to be worried about him, the voices in the back of his mind kept telling him that he was nothing. He remained quite as Hunk carried him away.

Keith leaned his head against Hunk's chest and slowly closed his eyes, drinking up all of this before it came to an end, like all the kindness he has ever received in his life.

Soon, Keith found himself being lowered down on a bed and opened his eyes to see Hunk leaning over him. Hunk sent one of his warm smiles his way and Keith tried his best to force his tired body to smile back up at him.

"Hey'' voiced Hunk and laid there in the bed as Hunk reached down and brushed some of his hair off his sweaty forehead. 

"Hi'' Keith whispered before a yawn slipped out. 

"You're okay, just rest. I'll be here for ya'' said Hunk and before anything else could be said, the tears that have been held in for so long spilled out and Keith broke down before Hunk, who quickly pulled Keith into a sitting position and pressed his head against his chest as Keith sobbed and in a broken voice told Hunk everything. Once the tears started and he began to talk it was like Keith lock within himself shattered and he couldn't stop everything from coming out. Hunk sat there with his pressed against his chest, Keith sitting in his lap and Hunk rubbed soothing circles against his back as Keith shook as he cried more, diving deeper into the warmth and care Hunk offered him right now.

Hunk was a bright light in the sea of dark of Keith's life, and Keith soon learned that he never wanted to be anywhere else than in Hunk's arms that offered him everything that he had been dying for his whole life.

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