Chapter 34 - First friend

A/N:  Young Keith meets shiro.
Contains: child abuse and depression.  

The head lady at the third orphanage he was currently stuck at told him the night before to be dressed and presentable because someone was coming to foster him.

After so long, Keith had lost hope of finding a good family. Every foster or group homes where almost the same. The adults paid no attention to him, were just pocketing the money. The kids would either bully him or blame everything on him, which madeKeith grow angry and lash out.

So now Keith had a red flag in his folder that held all of his information. Once someone got a red flag chances of ever getting adopted was 0-4 out of 100. The red flag stopped for bad behavior, a flight risk, violent and uncontrollable all things people who wanted to adopt or foster stayed far away from.

So when the head lady told him that people where coming today for him, he had no hope living inside him. If these people were willing to take a child with a red flag in his file vs a child that seemed well behavior and had a future for adoption, then something was up with these people. They probably just wanted the checks that came with fostering, plus if he showed up with any bruises they could blame it on his bad behavior.

He has already dealt with so many abusive homes he was so tired and done with cycle he was trapped in.

With no hope living inside you can really mess someone up, especially a child from a shattered life.

His hopeless grew into a dark web of depression. He was a no body and clearly there had to be something wrong for him, to have so many people treat him poorly and hate his guts the moment they laid eyes on him.
Keith sat all alone in the head lady's office just waiting for these people to take him and do god knows what to him.

He slowly kicked his feet as he sat in the chair, his feet currently couldn't touch the floor while he sat in the chair. Keith blamed the chair not the fact that he was a little bit on the shorter side of things.

It was taking so long and Keith thought maybe those people who were coming changed their minds, they possibly couldn't have wanted him. No one wants him, no one had ever wanted him, not even his parents.

Keith's chest began to feel tight as his mind race and yelled at him, making him feel more insecure about himself.
Keith finally pushed himself out of the chair and was about to march back upstairs and pretend to not be there because no one cared if he was there and alive at all.

He headed to the door and just as his finger tips ghosted over the door handle, the door opened wide revealing the head lady and a couple.

Keith sighed. He was so close to not having to do this, to go around and around this endless cycle.

"Oh there you are dear" said the head lady with her super kind and caring voice that she only used around adults looking for children. Keith felt like rolling his eyes at her but knew that she had a great memory so even if it didn't work out with this couple (which Keith knew that it wouldn't work out) he would be sent right back here and she would surly hit him for rolling his eyes even if it was like a month ago, so Keith nodded his head but refused to answer verbally.

Keith had stopped taking at his last foster home. The man who was in charged of him, broke and beat him til he was nothing but a shell of a crying kid, bloody and broken.

"Keith, I would like you to meet Mr. And Mrs. Shirogane. They are the couple you will be staying with for some time" said the head leady. "I have already informed that about...your currently, stubborn situation about not speaking plus gave them a whole copy of your file. Anyways, enjoy your time with them. Bye!" The head lady said with a smile upon her face, which he knew was driving her nuts, begin so nice to others.


He walked behind them as he followed them to their car. He heard the sound of their voices but he wasn't paying any attention to what they were saying because he has learned over the years to not care, not get attached because that would only hurt him more in the end.

He sat in the back seat as they began to drive away. Keith glanced out the window and looked at the building, wondering to himself how long it was going to be this time before he was sent back here. 

He could hear the Shiroganes talking a little more before the rest of the car ride was in silent. His eyes was focused on the moving objects out the car window, that he was totally lost when he finally realized that they came to a stop. He felt the rush of cool air hit him as the car door was open for him. 
Keith glanced up at Mrs. Shirogane who had a smile on her face.

"She seems nice'' thought Keith, ''but it's probably an act, no one nice to me.''

He slowly followed them, his hands gripping tighter on the small bag he had that held everything he own in his life, and sadly it wasn't much. It was a few pair of clothes, a notebook where he draws in and a handful of colored pencils. He wished he had more like some of the other kids but he knew that he never would because no one would ever want to waste more time and money on his worthless self.

He watched the door open and Mr. Shirogane walk in but before he could enter, Mrs. Shirogane stopped and knelt down before him. She looked directly into his eyes and gave him a sad smile, like she could see all his pain and thoughts in his eyes.

"I know that things haven't been the best for you, and that you might not trust us but I do hope at some point you do learn to trust us and maybe open up and talk again. Now, I must tell you that we do have a son, Takashi, he's only a few years older than you but he is very excited to meet you. He is sadly at school at this time but he'll be here shortly. Keith, your room is the third door on the right. Just go up those steps and try to get comfortable okay?'' she said and Keith just nodded his head before slowly walking up the stairs as his eyes darted around the room, taking the whole place in for himself.

He found his room and he was shocked at what he saw, he at first thought he entered the wrong room at first. It was a normal bedroom, there was a desk, a bed with matching blankets and pillows, a rug, a few books and toys on the shelves. The usual rooms he was placed in was just a crappy bed with maybe two blankets and that was it. The walls were painted a light blue color and Keith couldn't believe that they were allowing him to stay in this room. 

"Don't get attached...don't get attached'' Keith kept repeating to himself.


An hour or so pasted and Keith was sitting at the desk in the room. He glanced out the window when he a honking sound. He saw a school bus outside and he watched as the doors opened and a boy hopped out and rushed towards the house.

"That must be Takashi, their son. I don't get why they would want me when they already had a normal child'' thought Keith as he went back to drawing and coloring.

Keith heard the door open then it being closed, he heard a few voices but he didn't focus on what was being said. A few seconds later he heard a knock on his door and he turned around to see the kid that jumped off the bus standing there.

"Hi!" said the kid and Keith just waved at him. "I'm Takashi, but you can call me Shiro. All my friends call me that. You're...Keith, right?'' said Shiro and Keith nodded his head.
"Cool, so what are you doing?" said Shiro as he walked over. Keith just sat silent as Shiro came over and looked at his stuff.

"Whoa! Did you do all of this?" asked Shiro and Keith nodded his head 'yes' as he went back to coloring. Out of the corner of his eyes he could see Shiro watching him.

"Hang on for a sec'' Shiro said as he raced out of the room. Keith looked over his shoulder and continued to work, half expecting Shiro to not come back but he was surprised when he did.

"My grandmother gave me this on my last birthday, I'm not that big at coloring and stuff. I get bored to quickly with it, but it does have some cool space pictures. I don't know if you like space, I love it! I can't wait til I get the chance to go!'' said Shiro and Keith paid him not attention while he spoke. 

Keith suddenly jumped when Shiro dropped a coloring book on the desk. Keith looked at it then up to Shiro, who was smiling and holding out a whole box of colored pencils. 

"Take it" said Shiro and Keith slowly reached out to take the box. As he was looking at the colored pencils Shiro pulled a chair over to the desk and sat next to him as he began to flip through the coloring book showing him all the different pictures of space. Keith looked at the pictures and then over at Shiro. He for some reason couldn't understand why but for some reason seeing Shiro all happy about space made Keith smile and feel somewhat happy himself.

He actually listened to Shiro as he talked about space and all the different things about it.

Eventually, it was dinner time and Shiro got up to get ready but was stopped by Keith.

"Th-Thanks...S-Shiro'' whispered Keith and he watched as a huge smile came across Shiro's face.

"No problem friend'' said Shiro as he rushed out the door, yelling to his mom that he was coming. Keith sat there in a daze.

"Friend? He called me...friend?" thought Keith as he couldn't believed it at all, then he realized that he finally spoke after not speaking in so long. He slapped a hand over his mouth and then chuckled a little bit.

"Keith" he heard Mrs. Shirogane yell and Keith smiled. 

For some reason, this home, this family...there was something different about it. He felt like he actually might belong, might have found a home for once and maybe....

his first friend.

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