Chapter 31- Mental influence

A/N: The team goes to a planet to help out it's people who were just attacked by The Garla, leaving many dead and most of their planet destroyed. But something happens while Keith is on this planet.

Contains: Sheith plus some suicidal themes.

It was early to Earth hours and everyone was tried as they waited to arrive at this planet. Everyone but Allura was in the room.

"Hey Coran, where's Allura?" questioned Lance.

"The Princess is meditating, preparing to the arrival of this planet. See, this planet is extremely powerful, it's life forms and creatures send out waves of emotions. With Allura having her Altean abilities, she must calm herself and find her center or else she will become overwhelmed with everything and could become under control by something or someone'' said Coran who went back to the map before him.

"So...this planet is dangerous?" questioned Hunk, now growing a little worried about going there.

"Well, I suppose it can be but you Paladins shouldn't worry one bit" said Coran who gave Hunk a small smile to try in hopes to ease the big guys mind about this situation.


They all soon came to the planet, and they were all in awe. The sky was like cotton candy, a light blue color with pink mixed in it. As soon as the castle landed on the soft soil, the Paladins exited and began looking around.

Only a few moments passed before Allura slowly exited the ship.

"Are you alright Princess?" questioned Shiro. She nodded her head towards him before looking over the planet they were on.

"The village should over those hills, shall we?" said Allura, leading the team in the direction of the village.

As Keith kept walking, he felt more and more drained with a small headache forming at the back of his head. He squinted his eyes for a moment to try and ease the pain but it didn't seem to be helping him one bit. He opened his eyes and slowly followed everyone.

As time went on and they where heading down the hill, his whole body felt extremely heavy and he just told himself that he didn't sleep long enough, but that wasn't the case at all.

"Greetings traveler'' Keith heard a small voice say. He turned around quickly, hand hovering over his bayard.

"Whose there?'' asked Keith but he was met with silence.

"Keith?" asked Shiro and Keith turned around quickly, blinking his eyes quickly because his vision suddenly became blurry. "Are you doing alright?'' Shiro asked and his concern was so heavy within his words.

"Yeah I'm fine, just tired'' he said and hoped that Shiro would by it.

"Okay, once we're done with this mission I want you to take a nap'' Shiro said and Keith crossed his arms over his chest.

"I'm not a child'' Keith said and Shiro nodded his head 'yes'.

"That's true but the team needs you to be sharp, not sleepy. It's whats best for everyone'' said Shiro and Keith just nodded his head and slowly began walking behind Shiro, turning his head every so minutes because he thought he heard something.


The village was now insight and sadly it didn't look as beautiful as the rest of the planet. Garla soldiers destroyed almost every little thing in the village.

"Hello...'' whispered a voice and Keith turned quickly around but saw no one. "I do not mean to frighten you traveler. We need your help'' the voice whispered again.

"Where are you?" asked Keith, as the pain in his head grew worst.

"We are everywhere. Come with us, we will show you the way oh great warrior'' said the voice. Keith glanced over at the others as Allura and Shiro spoke to some of the people while Lance, Hunk, and Pidge began cleaning and helping the people out.
" won't be long. We can help you as well'' said the voice and Keith couldn't put a finger on it but it felt like there was a pull in his mind, pulling him towards the area the voice wanted him to go.

"Come, follow the lights'' it whispered and Keith opened his eyes slowly because his eye lids felt extremely heavy. Soon tiny small lights fluttered before him in the path he was suppose to go and with a quick rub of his eyes Keith began to follow the lights before him, dropping his helmet from his hand because the voice told him too.


After speaking with the locals and cleaning up some of the ruble, Hunk brought some food from the castle for the people since almost everything of theirs was gone.

Shiro closed his eyes tightly as a loud ringing ranged within his ears.

"Are you quite alright Shiro?" asked Allura who's eyes held a whole lot of concern within her eyes.

"I'm not sure, but since we came here, I have been having this ringing sound in my ears''Shiro said. Allura's eyes doubled before reaching out and grabbing awhole of Shiro's metal arm.

"This is Garla text, which is making you hear that ringing sound you mentioned. The planet and it's people are trying to reach out to you. On this planet, many of those who live here can enter one's mind and make them fall under their will. I had to meditate so I could place walls up in my mind to protect me from their influence. However, I believe that you will be alright. You are only hearing a ringing tone because those whom hold their powers are all around'' said Allura before she let go of his arm. But before she could get too far, Shiro reached out and grasped her hand.

"What about Keith?!" questioned Shiro as worry flooded over him.

"Keith?" said Allura as she was confused as to why he was asking her about him, for Shiro knew Keith the best.

"Yes, he's part Garla'' Shiro said and the color in Allura's face drained away. 

"Where is he? We need to get him off and away from this planet now!" The two of them began to look for Keith but couldn't locate him one bit. They looped the others in and everyone from the castle began their search for their lost teammate. After awhile, worry settled in all of their chest. Allura began asking the people who lived here where someone might take someone.

"Hey, guys!" shouted Lance and everyone rushed over towards where he was at. At his feet was Keith's helmet.

"Oh man! Oh, this isn't good!'' said Hunk as his hands began to shake slightly with fear. 

"So, since Keith is part Garla, they and influence him?" question Pidge as their mind worked to process all of this.

"Yes, but the troubling thing that has me the most worried is that it was the Garla who just attacked here and If they discover Keith has Garla blood then they may hurt him'' said Allura who lowered her head, she was blaming herself for this, for what could be happening to The Red Paladin. Shiro laid his hand upon her shoulders, causing her to look upwards.

''It's not your fault, it isn't any of our faults. I noticed from the moment we landed that Keith seemed off and I believed him when he said he was just tired. I should have noticed or something..." Shiro said.

"You're quite right Shiro, it isn't any of our fault even if we feel guilty. We must turn our energy into finding Keith'' she said.

"Do you think you can find him?" Hunk asked. Allura looked down at the ground in thought for a moment.

"It's worth a try'' she said before she knelt down on the ground, laying one hand on Keith's helmet, the other on the ground. She closed her eyes and tried to locate Keith's life force, his energy.


The walk felt like it was forever long due to how heavy his body felt. He felt like he wad going to fall over at any second but somehow his body kept moving forward.

"You have arrived'' said a voice and Keith forced his eyes open and look as to where he was. He could hear the sound of what sounded like water rushing. In a small circle were log like seats and an orange fire burning in the center.

"Were am I? Why am I here?" Keith asked right before a sharp powerful pain rushed through his head, causing Keith to collapse upon his knees. His hands grasped his hair and pulled. The pain and the ringing was too painful. He tried to look around but everything was so un-focus that he couldn't make a single thing out.
"W-Why?!?!" yelled Keith for he didn't understand, they said that they need his help, so why were they hurting him.

Slowly, Keith's eyes began to flutter open right before he felt a sharp slice of a blade across his check. He hissed in pain and tried to move but his hands were tied behind his back against a purple tree. One of the people of this planet came walking over towards Keith.

"Greetings Garla'' said the one before him and Keith narrowed his eyes at the alien before him.

"Part Garla'' said Keith.

"Part or full does not make a difference to us warrior. Your kind is filth!'' said the alien before him just as he slapped Keith across the face. 

"MONSTER! MONSTER! MONSTER!!" shouted those before him. Each word was like a knife stabbing his head. 

"Now, listen to us speak and relax warrior filth'' said the alien. Keith watched as all of the aliens before him closed there eyes. In a few seconds, Keith's mind was over powered by the aliens voices and the hate for Garla...for him. It was becoming unbearable, just how these aliens wanted it to be. Keith felt like he was drowning in a sea of emotions and there wasn't anything he could do to stop them from washing over him again and again, pulling him down deeper into the sea of emotions.

"ST-STOP!" cried out Keith as his body now shook from all of the pain he was feeling, draining him so badly that he felt as if he had no energy left.

"KEITH!!" he heard right before everything went white.


The whiteness faded away along with everything else. He felt relaxed and at peace. He was no longer tied to the tree. He slowly sat up and was face to face with the aliens.

"Wonderful, you've awoke! Now we can begin, shall we?" said one of the aliens.

"B-Begin...what?" questioned Keith, his mind was so fuzzy to the point were he could no longer think clearly.

"For your death warrior'' said the alien with an evil grin upon his blue/green face. "Now, don't feel afraid, remember listen to us speak and relax. This will all be over soon warrior.'' And with that said, Keith found himself nodding his head 'yes' to them. A small ringing sound filled the area where silence was once at. Keith slowly rose up off the ground and listen to the voices. He slowly made his way to the edge of a cliff, where a waterfall was flowing downwards into a lake.

"Now, those who you care about, those who you work with...they all hate you because you are a filthy Garla and Garla only destroy! You want to be seen, to be cared about but you know that won't happen because of who you are. You're a monster! You killed our village, destroyed this planet and countless lives! You deserve to die! End it to save your friends, to save this planet and others, do it to save yourself from the horrible truth that you hide deep within yourself. That you are a monster and no one will ever care from a monster, you're living on extra time before you destroy everything in your wake!! DO IT!" said a few aliens like it was a chant.

Keith's mind was still so fuzzy, he was so out of it that he took every single word these people said to him, to heart. He believed them, so he made his way closer towards the edge, preparing himself to die. He lifted one foot of the ground but froze where he was when he heard Allura's voice shouting.

"Don't! Keith, don't listen to their words. They are just spilling lies!" she shouted.

"It's a lie that she...they are here. That they care about you! Do it! JUMP!!" shouted the alien out loud. 

Keith closed his eyes and let himself fall forward but before anything close to his end happened. He opened his red, diolated eyes and looked up at the person who had caught him and held him safely within his arms.

"I got you buddy'' said Shiro right before everything faded to darkness.


Warm air brushed against his cold, numb limbs. His body tumbled forward but was greeted by a pair of arms, that washed a wave of familiarity over him. He felt as if he had no control over his limbs, he could hear the sound of voices but couldn't hear their words. His eyes fluttered open for a moment before Keith groaned and slammed them shut as his eyes were met with a blinding white light.

Keith could feel his body sink into something soft, he couldn't tell what it was but his muscles that were still tight and his body that held no energy in it liked the softness, so he allowed himself to lean back and slowly drift off.

"-eith. Keith? Keith?! Are you with me buddy?'' questioned a voice that Keith knew so well. He felt a hand brush over his face, laying on his forehead for a moment before threading his fingers through Keith's hair.

Keith slowly opened his eyes and sighed in relief when they weren't met with the blinding lights. He then glanced over to were the sound of that voice was. His vision was still a little bit blurry but he could kinda make out the figure sitting beside him.

"Ta-Ta....Takashi?" questioned Keith as his vision slowly began to clear up. Shiro smiled down at him and nodded his head.

"It's me...I'm here'' said Shiro and now Keith smiled and allowed his heavy, tired body lean against Shiro's shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Keith. I should have paid better attention to you, to the situation. I should have-" Shiro said but Keith cut him off.

"It's okay..." Keith whispered as he was slowly beginning to drift off to sleep again.

"No Keith, it's not okay! You were seconds away from-" Shiro said with a raised voice because he was so worried about Keith.

"Shhh Takashi, you're too...l-loud'' whispered Keith and Shiro looked down at the person he loved more than anything.

"Okay" whispered Shiro who leaned down and planted a soft kiss against Keith's head.

"O-Okay" Keith whisper as he was drifting off even more so now. Shiro ran his fingers through Keith's hair as he felt Keith's weight against him growing me. In a few moments, Keith was fast asleep, snuggled up against Shiro's side. It was hard getting moments like this where the tow of them could just cuddle and relax and feel safe in each other's grip. The war and all the missions were so much at times that the two of them hardly even got to hold hands or share a kiss. 

Shiro lowered his body with Keith on him, so that they were both laying downwards. Keith shifted a little bit, pressing his head into Shiro's chest and wrapped a arm around him. Shiro smiled down at Keith, his love and wrapped his arms around Keith, protecting him from anything and everything. 

Shiro was just so glad that they got there in time. If they were a few seconds later, Shiro wouldn't have the love of his life asleep, breathing and curled on him. Shiro closed his eyes and slightly pulled Keith closer towards him, causing Keith to shift his head for a moment before falling back into a comfortable sleep against Shiro.

"Shiro loves you baby'' Shiro whispered as he leaned forward slightly to kiss the top of Keith's head. He didn't know if some part of Keith heard his say that because as soon as he said that, Keith's gripped tighter upon his t-shirt and let out a small sigh. 

Slowly Shiro drifted off to sleep as well with his boyfriend safely asleep against him. A small smile formed upon Shiro's lips as sleep dragged him away.

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