Chapter 3-Aftermath
A/N: Based off of episode 8 "The Blade of Marmora", this is a little bit of what happened after Keith was done fighting. Shiro and Keith brotherly fluff.
It was rough going back to the castle. He saw the worried faces of his teammates when the entered the room. He knew that he looked like a mess, he felt like a complete mess. Every single inch of his body was on fire and screaming in pain. He just wanted to lie down, Shiro even told him to go to the pods to get healed up but he shook his head 'no'. They were introducing members of The Blade of Marmora to Allura and the others.
A part of him was curious and wanted to stay informed about everything and didn't want to miss a second of anything while he went to get healed up, his injuries could wait a little longer, he was sure of it.
But another part of his was worried and concerned about how Coran and of course how Allura was going to react to the members of The Blade of Marmora, they were Galra. The Galra were the ones who were responsible for destroying Allura's home, her people and her family was killed by them. She hated them and she had every reason to be mad and hateful towards them, this was their first time meeting friendly and good Galra. Keith hoped that if she saw this, saw that all Galra weren't awful then maybe she wouldn't hate him but his mind kept screaming at him that she would hate him, that everyone would, that he would no longer be trusted and kicked out. He would left all alone and that pained him dearly.
''Princess Allura, it's good to see that the stories are true, that you are still alive after all of this time.'' said the leader of The Blade of Marmora, Kolivan, as he knelt down before Allura.
Allura's eyes narrowed at him before her.
"So is Zarkon. Can we consider you in our fight against him?" she said and Keith raised his head to look over at her.
"Yes'' stated the leader but Keith was now more focused on Allura than the conversation being held.
His eyes scanned her, he could see the hate burning within her eyes, the way she held herself before the leader in front of her feet. He could hear in the way she spoke that she didn't like nor trust them but she was being polite towards them because they needed numbers in order to defeat Zarkon. Keith lowered his head slightly, this was what he was afraid of. She hated all Galra and that she would hate him as well, because in her eyes they couldn't be trusted and were all horrible.
Keith's chest was tight, he knew that it was only going to be a matter of time before he found himself all alone again. He inhaled sharply, allowing his fears and pain bubble up but he had to try and remain focus on the conversation before him.
When he inhaled he knew Shiro's eyes were on him, he could feel them plus his concern but Keith was wondering why that was.
Shiro knew now that he had Galra blood,that he was part Galra. The very same individuals who kidnapped him, held him captive, tortured him and took his arm and a year of his life away from him. Shiro should have just as much hate and anger as Allura did, so it confused Keith greatly when Shiro was still being kind towards him and was worried about him. His mind just couldn't make sense of it, of any of this.
He was Galra. Galra are bad, they destroy innocent lives. They ruin everything and cannot be trusted. He now fell under this category so why was Shiro concern about him? He was the enemy now, he would only put them all in danger even if he didn't mean to.
The group soon began to discuss plans and soon found a possible way to finally take down Zarkon. Keith stood somewhat off and away from the others. He really wasn't paying any attention to what anyone was saying, he kept glancing over at them but not hearing anything that was spoken, for he was lost within his mind. He kept going of the trial of marmora, every hit and kick, the pain he received, then his mind jumped to the what ifs. His worries and fears about who he was, who he might become and how the others would treat him.
Keith looked up when he saw Shiro and the leader of the blade of marmora shake hands, they done something and the others seems thrilled and happy but Keith felt empty, numb to it all. The only thing he was feeling right now was the burning and aching of his limbs and muscles. He watched the others talk for a minute, feeling more distant from them than ever before. It seemed like no one even noticed or cared that he was even in the room, that him being there or his opinion meant nothing to them.
That he was nothing to them.
He lowered his head and looked off in the distance, allowing the hurt he felt, not just physical hurt, affect him. Allowing it to cloud his mind.
He was so lost in himself that he didn't hear the current conversation being held within the room he was in.
The Leader of The Blade of Marmora spoke to Allura telling her that the plan will work and that maybe then she would see that all Galra are not as bad as Zarkon.
Just a little bit before they began discussing their plans, Lance had asked Keith and Shiro why The Red Lion began to attack the blade of marmora's base and Shiro told everyone everything, including the fact that Keith, himself had Galra blood.
The room was filled with gasps and looks of shock but the others didn't eventually turn to hate and disgust like Allura's did. Seeing her face changed after her learning that he was part Galra felt like a tiny stab in the chest. All the hate she held for The Galra was now being directed completely onto him.
All the trust and kindness she held for him once was now all shattered and gone the second the truth was revealed to her and it hurt deeply inside Keith to see that look, to feel that kind of hate for something that he had no say about. He didn't choose to be part Galra but now that he and everyone knew that he was, everything felt different for it was.
He felt all alone and hated by those he had come to care about and consider his friends and even possibly his family.
Keith was disconnected with everything and everyone and completely missed Allura looking and speaking towards him. It was mainly to herself but the others beside Keith heard it.
"I hope not'' she whispered as a response to 'not all Galura are bad'.
After a bit, Keith's entire body feel super heavy and he silently made his way out of the room, undetected by anyone.
The walk down the hall felt extremely long. Each step caused him pain and he half dragged himself not towards the pods to heal but towards his room to rest and escape everything, for the numbness feeling was over powering him at this very second along with his injured and tired body.
The doors to his room slid open and Keith limped his way to his bed. He began to remove his red paladin armor and toss it on the floor with little to no care. As soon as it was off he allowed himself to collapsed down upon his bed. The second he hit the soft mattress his glazed over purple eyes shut and he was pulled into darkness.
A knock upon his room woken Keith up. He slowly opened his eyes at the sound of his name being called beyond his door.
"Keith?'' called a voice and Keith groan as he slowly sat up in his bed, his entire body still hurt a lot.
"Keith?'' said the voice and this time Keith recognized who the voice belonged to, Shiro. "Keith, can I come in?" questioned Shiro and Keith sighed and slowly sat up more and pushed the covers off of him.
"Yeah'' called Keith who inhaled sharply. He didn't know how long he had been asleep but to him it didn't feel like it was enough because he still felt extremely tired. Keith swung his legs to the side of the bed and he pushed himself off the bed but the room began to spin very quickly around him just as his door to his room was sliding open to reveal Shiro standing in the brightly lit hallway. The light from the hallway spilled into Keith's dark bedroom, shining down upon him as he fell back down upon his bed.
Shiro rushed to his side and held lean Keith up against the back board of the bed. Shiro sat beside him on the bed and glanced over him in silence. Keith rested his head back and shut his eyes for a few seconds as his body yelled at him in pain.
Shiro cleared his throat and sat there for a few seconds. Keith knew that Shiro could see that he wasn't alright. Keith really just wanted to be alone, he didn't want to see the hate written on everyone's face. He was tired of feeling worthless and like a no one, he was now thinking about leaving everyone before they kicked him out because Keith thought that if he left on his own that it would hurt a lot less, but deep down Keith knew that it would still hurt because he would have no one, he would have no one there for him and he would be all alone.
"Are you okay, Keith? You should eat, it's been a few days since anyone has seen you. Is it because of what happened with everyone? Keith you know-" said Shiro but Keith cut him off.
"I'm not hungry...and I'm...I don't want to talk about it Shiro, I just want to forget what happened.'' said Keith and looked away from him.
To Keith it felt like a stung that no one else trusted him. He felt like an enemy in my own skin and on this ship. He was a monster and if he was around them then he could be putting them in harms way. He didn't know what to do. He knew that they all believed that now he would betray everyone but that was the last thing he was going to do. He just wanted the to see that he wasn't anything like the Galra, but apparently that didn't matter, because the shocked looked he got from his friends and teammates, the silence he received shortly after, no one spoke to him or paid attention to him now. But what hurt a lot was the look of hate that burnt through him, through his soul. But the thing that crushed him most of all was believing that the one person who never ever gave up on him had finally given up on him because of something he didn't do or control, that Shiro hated him just as much as Allura and most likely the others did, that he was no longer going to trust or believe in him like he used to because he was Galra. A piece of his now thought that Shiro came by to tell Keith off or to say good-bye to him. Keith didn't want to cry in front of anyone especially Shiro, but the urge to cry was there. HE let out a small sigh and rolled onto his side and buried his face into the pillow, holding it close to himself because he figured that he was all alone and no one was every going to hold him, or touch him in the slightest because he was a horrible monster. He was Galra and all the Galra did was destroy worlds and innocent lives, so why would anyone want him around, why would anyone care about him in the slightest. He wasn't good enough for the team or Shiro and he thought he should just leave.
He didn't know what type of leave he should take, either the run away type or the kill yourself leave, but he was drifting off towards the ending of your life choice because he didn't want to feel that pain, that emptiness, that loneliness that slowly tears away at your soul again, he rather be dead than to be and feel alone again.
He was alone for so long and it shaped him into who he was, but now he couldn't make out who that was.
Just as he was lost in his mind, tears silently falling down his face as he thought that the best way to save his friends and to save himself from more suffering was to end his life, he felt Shiro's hand upon his back. Shiro's hand rubbed small circles as he tried to comfort him but it wasn't working, it only made Keith even more confused. His mind just couldn't understand why Shiro was here, why he was being so kind towards him. Shiro shouldn't be nice, he should be hateful and hate him as he didn't himself.
Keith rolled over, wincing as he did, and looked up at Shiro. There was no hate on his face, just kindness.
"Keith-'' said Shiro.
"I-I...I don't understand'' whispered Keith as he brushed the tears off of his face.
"Don't understand what?'' asked Shiro.
"I know how everyone feels about me now. The look on their faces said it all, I'm alone here, Shiro. why are you here right now? Why are you being kind to me? I don't get it, I'm Galra. A Monster!" cried Keith and placed his hands over his eyes.
Keith was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of Shiro's voice and his hand upon his shoulder. Keith sighed and glance with sad eyes up at his big brother figure. He was fearful that everything was gonna come crashing down around him any second.
"You're not alone, Keith. Everyone just needs time and they'll come around. We won't leave you behind because you are half-Galra, okay? I know everything is confusing right now for you but you shouldn't be so hard on yourself, you didn't know okay, you didn't know that you were part Galra. But Keith, that doesn't change anything, you are still you. You've always been part Galra, the only thing that has changed is that all of us know it now. Keith, it doesn't change a single thing between us or how I see you, you're apart of Voltron and our family. You've always been a piece of my family, this changes nothing. You're my brother Keith and I not leaving you no matter what, I trust you. None of us is going to leave you, I promise you that I'm not going anywhere" said Shiro. Keith's eyes widen as he took in all of what Shiro said.
Shiro waited for Keith to say something, to say that he was wrong because that who Keith was he argued, he never could accept compliments, he couldn't see his own worth but he didn't argue. He was just too tired, both physically and mentally.
"O-Okay Shiro'' whispered Keith and Shiro's eyes slightly widen and smiled a little bit. He then tried to stand up and leave but Keith's small voice stopped him from leaving.
"Can you stay with me? I don't want to be alone." whispered Keith.
Shiro nods his head and smiles at Keith as he slowly climbs into the bed and leans against the back board beside Keith. "OF course Keith, I'll stay as long as you want. I'm not going no where."
Keith smiled and laid his head upon Shiro's shoulder and closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep, Shiro smiled down at Keith and smiled, he remembered when Keith was younger and was scared to be alone and he would come and lay with him to make him feel safe and not alone anymore.
They stayed like this for hours until Keith began to have a nightmare, a nightmare about the trails of marmora but it wasn't the battle that was giving him the nightmare it was Shiro, and Shiro leaving him all alone.
"Sh-Shiro?" asked Keith as he saw Shiro standing before him with a smile written on his face. Shiro held his hand out towards him and Keith slowly took it. He looked around the room before looking back at Shiro. Keith smiled at him.
"Shiro, I'm glad you're still here'' said Keith.
"I'm here to tell you to get lost!" shouted Shiro with so much anger, Keith had never seen so much of it in Shiro before.
"Shiro? Wh-'' began Keith but he was then shoved backwards, causing him to fall to the ground.
"You're not one of us! You're not a member of Voltron, you are nothing! We. Hate. You!" yelled Shiro and Keith shook his head quickly.
"No this couldn't be true. This can't be happening!" thought Keith as tears welled up in his purple eyes.
"No...n-no Shiro you're wrong. I-I'm a Paladin of Voltron, your friend...your br-brother'' Keith said as he sat up to look at Shiro, the hate in Shiro's eyes hurt so badly.
"Who you are is the enemy! A Monster! You're Galra!" yelled Shiro.
"No!" yelled Keith, his voice cracked when he yelled because his heart was breaking.
"You're all alone!" said Shiro who reached down and yanked Keith up by his collar, "I Hate You" said Shiro and threw Keith across the room. Keith watched as Shiro disappeared from sight and once he was finally gone the strength he had to hold back his tears were gone as well.
Keith sat up quickly, breathing heavily. His eyes were wide as he tried to catch his breath, his heart still aching from the words and hold Shiro, his big brother, his role model, his protector left inside him.
"Keith?" came a voice and he jumped back, snapping him back to reality. He had totally forgotten that he had asked Shiro to stay with him. He knew a piece of him feared that he would have woken up to being left all alone.
The is what he felt deep down, that was his greatest fear.
His body began to shake. "Come here'' Shiro said as he wrapped an arm around him and slowly and gently pulled him back down. Keith pressed his head against Shiro's chest and cried as Shiro ran his fingers through his midnight dark hair.
"Shhh....shh it's alright Keithy, you're safe now buddy. I got you'' said Shiro and he drew Keith in closer towards him. He continued to run his fingers through Keith's hair because he remembered how when he was younger that it would calm him down.
"I got you'' whispered Shiro as he laid his head on top of Keith's, "You're not alone anymore.''
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