Keeping Warm

Some Scosage for the soul. Enjoy!


Third Person's P.O.V.

Scott sighed in bliss as Sausage held him close. A wonderous warmth radiating through him from the contact. Sausage wasn't the only source of warmth in the house of course. The ruler of Sanctuary is quite muscular but he alone can't ward off the current chill settling over most of the empires. It was that weird transition period between autumn and winter when the air hasn't quite reached freezing temperatures but that crispy cool associated with the prior season had noticeably dropped. Hence, the lit fireplace aiding in keeping the pair warm as they cuddled on Scott's couch.

"Mi amado," Sausage eventually whispered, breaking the comfortable silence that the couple were previously basking in.

"Hmm?" Scott hummed, cracking open his non-magical eye.

"The fire is going to go out," Sausage said.

It took a moment for Scott to process what his lover said. Once the words sank in, Scott whined. He knew what was coming before Sausage even said it. He was going to have to get up to relight the fire.

"Aw, don't be like that," Sausage said, giving Scott a gentle squeeze.

Scott opened both of his eyes and looked up at Sausage. He pouted and made puppy eyes at his lover. Clearly expressing how much he didn't like the idea of Sausage putting a pause on their cuddle time.

"I won't take too long," Sausage assured.

Scott held eye contact with the brunette holding onto him and huffed in fake annoyance. He then muttered a faint, "Fine," and shimmied out of Sausage's grasp. Internally whining at the loss of contact and warmth as he sat up. Sausage chuckled at Scott's reaction as he stood up. Scott crossed his arms and puffed up his cheeks much like a toddler on the verge of throwing a temper tantrum.

"Patience mi amor," Sausage said, ruffling Scott's hair before heading over to the fireplace. Scott watched him go. Still pouting with his arms crossed as Sausage got to work on stoking the fire. The effect of the dwindling fire soon made itself known and Scott felt a chill ghost over his skin. That small twinge of cold was enough to pummel what little patience Scott actually had.

"Sausage," Scott called from his position on the couch, impatience evident in his tone, "hurry up please."

"Do you want the fire to go out quickly and make me get up again?" Sausage asked as he added more logs to the dwindling flames in the fireplace.


"Then be patient querido."

Scott huffed and crossed his arms. Sharply turning his head away from Sausage and pouting. However, the small blush Sausage spied on Scott's face gave away his boyfriend's true feelings. Sausage laughed to himself at the reaction as he continued to stoke the fire. Soon, the flames were burning brightly and radiating warmth in Scott's living room once more.

"There," Sausage said, standing up and dusting off his hands.

"Finally," Scott said in faux exasperation, which caused Sausage to chuckle again. The cyan haired man's cheeks grew a tinge redder at his boyfriend's laugh. Scott then huffed for the second time that day and extended his arms toward Sausage. Making needy grabby hands at him as he approached the couch.

"Now what did I say about patience cariño?" Sausage asked with another chuckle as he stopped just out of Scott's reach. The colourful man only whined at that. Jutting out his lips in a much bigger pout and continuing to make grabby hands at Sausage. Scott was done waiting for cuddles.

"Alright, alright," Sausage said, shaking his head lightly in amusement, "you'll get your cuddles."

Scott hummed happily as he scooted over on the couch. Allowing Sausage to make himself comfortable along the cushiony furniture. Once his boyfriend was settled on the couch covered in mismatched fabric, Scott laid across Sausage's lap. Snuggling up to him as Sausage's arms wrapped around his smaller frame. Holding him close to his chest. Scott sighed in bliss once more as additional warmth spread through him.

"You're so needy," Sausage joked with a laugh as he planted a kiss on Scott's forehead.

"Don't ruin the moment," Scott said, nestling himself further into Sausage.

"I'd prefer to ruin you instead querido," Sausage replied, a smirk dancing on his lips.

"Hmm," Scott hummed, bringing a finger to his chin in contemplation although he didn't have to do much thinking on the matter, "That's definitely one way to keep us both warm."

"Is that all you're dating me for?" Sausage asked playfully, already maneuvering himself and Scott so that the cyan haired man was laid on his back beneath him, "To keep you warm?"

"Maybe just a little bit," Scott replied cheekily. Sausage chuckled before pressing a kiss to Scott's throat. Scott gasped as Sausage nipped the spot he kissed afterwards. Not hard enough to leave a mark unfortunately.

"I guess I'll have to show you that I'm good at more than just keeping you warm," Sausage said, his voice low and husky. Scott smiled and wrapped his arms around Sausage's neck as well as his legs around his waist. Pulling the taller man's body closer to his. Scott pecked his lips before leveling his gaze with a challenging yet playful look. 

"Prove it."


This started out as cute cuddles and ended up being suggestive. I swear I don't mean for this to happen! I genuinely wanted to write a cuddle fic and it turned into a great spot for someone to write some smut 😭

Translations: mi amado - my beloved, mi amor - my love, querido - my dear, cariño - sweetheart, tesoro - treasure

Have a good rest of your day/night!

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