It goes in the square hole!

So, for this story (idk 4 what reason but ok) I'd want to establish an intro w/ [Name] in it for each season so...

Intro: right after Jay we get a lavender background and [Name] slides down onto the screen Spiderman style (upside down) using his Wand, jumping down into his spinjitzu, ending on the right part of the screen with his name showing (art above (btw eyes and hair were left white so that you can fit it to your looks)), then we normally move to Zane; at the very last scene (the one that shows everyone) [Name] would be sitting on the ground next to Sensei Wu


Warning: swears, my (at times cursed) humor, my headcanons, my (bad) grammar, 4th wall? never heard of her—

CW: the guys are bullying a kid 😔


"Fire strike! Oh, my gosh, is that the greatest move you've ever seen or what?" Wu was meditating when he heard Kai scream from another room.

"Pfft, how about the lamest move?" [Name] roasted the other teen.

"Stop trying to do it yourself. We need to attack as a team!" Cole complained. Wu got up and started searching the monastery. He walked out into the front yard but found nobody there.

"Zane, why are you wasting your special attack on me? You have to save it" The man hummed to himself and followed the voices. After a moment he found all five playing video games, he frowned at them. [Name] quickly noticed the familiar aura, he looked at their Master awkwardly while the others continued with the game. "Fantastic, I'm out of lives!" Jay complained, crossing his arms as his in-game character died.

"But the lesson lives on, and I am getting the hang of it. Hee-yah!" Zane cheered, not noticing how the Blue Ninja glared at him. The youngest teen elbowed him, Jay raised a brow at him before looking up at an angry Wu.

"Okay... Now!" Cole exclaimed and the three started smashing their buttons in an attempt to kill the final boss. "[Name], why aren't y—" Just then, Wu unplugged the TV, the screen flashed and turned to black. "Aw, man!"

Kai furrowed his brows. "What– What happened?"

"It took us three hours to get there!" Cole glared at the Master.

"Why would you do that?" Kai joined in. Zane seem to blue screen (get it?) while the other two stayed quiet.

"Just because Lord Garmadon escaped through a vortex doesn't mean he won't return one day for the Golden Weapons of Spinjitzu!" The man gave all five a stern glare, hitting the floor with his staff as if it was supposed to empathize his point.

"But Sensei Wu, ever since he's been gone, Ninjago has had nothing but peace" Zane noted.

"Yeah, peace is boring" Jay chirped in, [Name] snorting at his comment. "There's no one to save, there's nothing to do"

"We can train tomorrow" Cole offered, but Wu only seem more annoyed at them.

"Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today"

The Black Ninja smirked at that. "Well, I was gonna eat this pizza tomorrow, so if that's the case..." He grabbed a slice of pizza from the box, but before he could put it in his mouth Wu kicked his hand, the slice flying off and sticking to the wall behind. "Ow!"

"No pizza for you! In order to reach your full potential, you must train"

"Uh, remember when we did a little thing called the Tornado of Creation? I thought that was pretty insane" Kai smiled cockily at the memory, the others nodded in agreement.

Wu sighed, as if this was the biggest disappointment he had ever experienced in his very, very long life. "You five have merely scratched the surface of your full potential. There are still so many secrets you have yet to unlock. You haven't even begun to tap into what powers your weapons hold"

"Now that's bull!" [Name] furrowed his brows, offended by the comment. "I'm doing perfectly fine with my wand!" The man only sighed again, making the teen even more annoyed.

The others were uninterested in what Wu could be implying with these words, Kai was even heating up his pizza slice with the Golden Sword. Cole smiled, suddenly getting an idea and he grabbed his Scythe, "You wanna talk secret powers? Check this out" He used the weapon to pick up the plug from the floor and stick it back into the wall, bringing the TV back to life, all without moving from his spot on the floor.

"Nice" Kai smiled at him while the raven head and Jay high fived.

Wu sighed, sliding a hand down his face in disappointment. "Don't worry, Master. We will be ready when Lord Garmadon returns" Zane assured seeing his Master's reaction. The man spared him a doubtful look.

The four quickly got back to gaming, with Jay watching as his character was still very much so dead. Running could be faintly heard from the other side, drowned out by the game's sounds. [Name] groaned a little, sensing Nya's aura right outside the door, seconds later they were slid open and the girl stumbled into the room, panting heavily. "Guys—! Lord Garmadon— he's returned!" The five gasped, shocked by the news, Nya took this moment to swallow and catch her breath before adding, "He was spotted approaching Jamanakai Village"

Chaos erupted as the five quickly got up. Kai grabbed his sword before jumping to his feet, bumping into Zane, almost making the White Ninja fall as he stumbled back and hit Cole, who was still on the ground, re-reaching for his Scythe. Just as the Red Ninja was about to leave, Zane took a step back to avoid [Name] as he jumped over the other two (making Jay shriek and stomping over Cole) to reach his wand, unfortunately the only thing he managed to accomplish was make Kai fell over.



Cole snort at the two grounded ninjas as he walked around them and sprinted past the door, tripping on Jay's Nunchucks and almost falling into the girl. Nya dodged out of the way, wincing as the teen collided with the wall. As Zane followed his teammate in black, more cautiously as to not make the same mistake, [Name] grabbed his wand and helped Kai up, the two quickly following after the other two while Jay frantically looked around for his weapon.

Nya sighed, picking the Golden Nunchucks up and offering it to the Blue Ninja. His face turned bright pink and he smiled sheepishly, "Uh, th-thanks, uh—"


"O-okay!!" He quickly bolted out of the room, surprisingly not colliding with the wall like his friend, and sprinted after the others.

Wu and Nya looked at each other before slowly following them outside, where the chaos continued. The five quickly run down the stairs to the stables, almost falling down as they bumped and tripped over each other. As Zane was opening his dragon's stable the door hit his head, Cole dropped his weapon just as he mount on his dragon, Jay somehow managed to jump over his dragon, ending up on the cold, hard ground with a pained groan.

Wu sighed in disappointment.

"Uh, can I help?" Nya asked when Kai jumped onto his dragon, [Name] doing the same right after him.

"Sorry, sis, where we go, danger abounds. This is a job for the ninja" He reached for the reins but couldn't reach far enough to grab them. "Uh... Uh, a little help? Heh-heh..." The boy sitting behind him send him a 'WTF' look while his own sister deadpan glared at him, she did help though.

The four dragons ascended, flying off into the new adventure.

Nya watched the guys leave, one hand shielding her eyes from the sun. She turned to the man, "Will they ever reach their full potential?"

"In time" There was a short pause as he thought to himself. "Maybe a long time, but in time"


"Just like old times, eh, Rocky?" Cole asked his dragon, smiling.

"Except last time you were crying like a baby" [Name] quipped with a smirk, recalling how the teen used to be afraid of dragons.

"No, I didn't!!"

"You guys believe what Sensei said about unlocking our full potential?" Kai asked, only now questioning Wu's words.

Jay hummed, giving it a second thought. "He may be onto something. I mean since we got these Golden Weapons, it's not like we ever had to use them. I wonder what they do"

The Lavender Ninja gave him a look. "They literally do what the names suggest. We already saw that"

"Still, it's not like we used them much"

"I, for one, look forward to the future" Zane chimed in. "If there is more for us to accomplish, let it be"

"Don't know about you, but is anyone else a little excited about battling Lord Garmadon? I've been looking forward to trying out some new Spinjitzu moves. Could be the perfect opportunity" Cole smiled, pumped for a real fight, not whatever they were supposed to do while training (which is part of the reason they decided to ignore all that in the first place).

"Yeah! Haha! Race you there?" Jay offered, not waiting for the answer and zooming past the other three dragons.

[Name] quickly tighten his grip on the Red Ninja's waist just as he also speed up, him and the other two joining the race. They each gave a good chase, out-flying each other a few times and doing some acrobatics in the air.

Some time passed before Kai spotted their destination. "Jamanakai Village. First ninja there wins!" He announced, yet again speeding up, with the rest right on his tail. The whole group landed at roughly the same time, but each teen was convinced he was the one to finish first. "Haha! I was first!"

"No! No one was faster than me!" Jay argued with the statement.

[Name] snort. "You wish!"

"My feet were down before yours!" Cole stated, the trio crossed their arms and gave him a doubtful look.

"You were all disillusioned! It was clearly me!" Zane cut in.

Before anyone could argue further they heard screaming, looking at the village they saw all the people running back to their homes as a shadow, accompanied by something that one could only assume was supposed to be an evil laughter, approached from behind one of the buildings. The four quickly took battle stances while [Name] stood there normally. The 'evil' shadow didn't seem all that evil to be honest.

"Stay sharp, fellas—"

"Who says that?" The Lavender Ninja questioned, making his teammate in red send him a look.

"I  do" The older retorted through gritted teeth. "Whatever happens, never let your guard down" The [color] haired boy crossed his arms, this was just the stupidest thing he had heard this morning.

Soon, the shadow revealed itself to be a boy with blond hair and green eyes in a black hoodie, he looked only a couple years younger than the youngest member of the team. "It is I, Lloyd Garmadon! I demand all the candy in town, or else!"

The four groaned while [Name] stared at the small blond with curiosity, his aura was...interesting, to say the least. Kind of like a mix between the four ninjas over there yet unique at the same time. "Lloyd Garmadon?"

"It's his son" Cole briefly explained, making the Lavender Ninja even more intrigued. The four might have mentioned running into the boy a few times before while doing some smaller missions, but never by the name. [Name] himself was never allowed on a solo mission since he was younger than the other four, thus he never had the opportunity to meet the kid himself. That is, until now.

"I thought we were gonna face Lord Garmadon..." Jay complained.

"Looks like he escaped his boarding school for bad kids. Again" Kai groaned in annoyance.

"And to think we could've been doing Spinjitzu already" Cole muttered in disappointment.

[Name] really didn't understood their attitude, surely he couldn't be that bad. The kid was not evil, and being mischievous was pretty on point for most kids his age. Hell! [Name] himself was mischievous most of the time! So perhaps it was just pure disappointment in not getting the real fight they were hoping for.

As it was revealed there was no threat, most of the people went out of their homes and gathered around, glaring at the small blond who was now standing on the fountain. Seeing the crowd deadpanning him with annoyance, Lloyd became shy for a moment before composing himself, "Er... er... Gimmie your candy or I'll release the Serpentine on you!" The crowd booed him, making [Name] feel for the little fella. Lloyd seem to ignore the crowd and got out a can, a bunch of fake snakes shot out of it as he took the lid off. The youngest ninja's eyes sparkled at the toy while his teammates watched the scene annoyed just as much as all the adults in the village. Out of nowhere, people started throwing vegetables at the kid. "No way! I asked for candy, not vegetables! I hate vegetables!!" [Name] frowned as the boy fell into the water, angrily glaring at the crowd.

Kai picked up one of the fake snakes, deadpanning at it. "He's gonna have to do a lot better than use an old bedtime story to scare people"

"The Serpentine are real, Kai. They're not something to joke about" Zane informed his teammate.

The Red Ninja raised a brow. "Serpentine? Real? We're talking about the ancient race of snake people who once ruled Ninjago and were supposedly locked underground"

Jay winced. "Sealed in five different tombs to separate the warring tribes and ensure they don't unify to exact their revenge upon those who put them there..."

Kai rolled his eyes at him. "It was an old wive's tale to teach kids not to poke their noses where they don't belong. Don't you think it's a little suspicious no one's ever found one of their tombs?"

"That's because you'd be a fool to look for one" [Name] chimed in, giving the Red Ninja a pointed look. "Take it from someone who saw pictures of them hanging out with their family member. Uncle Bruno was one hell of a wildcard..." Kai was playing with the fake snake as the boy said that, the last part making him pull the snake a little harder and accidentally making it fly off, right past Cole's face.

The Black Ninja sighed. "If there was anything I hated more than dragons, it was snakes. Rubber or not. Let's deal with it, fellas" The five approached the crowd and the little troublemaker. Seeing five teens in colourful pajamas, people quickly made way for them, staring at them as if they were crazy.

Now, when Cole said 'let's deal with it' [Name] wasn't expecting him to pick up the kid and throw him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "Unhand me!!" Lloyd screamed, promptly throwing his can at the closest ninja, which was Jay.

"Uh, Cole—?"

"Don't worry, folks. We'll take care of this. Nothing to see here" The Black Ninja assured the crowd, not hearing his younger brother was about to complain. He started walking off, the rest following, with [Name] still not really getting what was happening.

"Bow down to me or suffer my wrath! I'll give you to the count of three! One!... Two!!"

"What are we supposed to do? Spank him?" Kai proposed, snickering to himself. [Name]'s eyes widen, he furrowed his brows, not believing what he was hearing.

"Two and a half...?"

"Guys—" [Name] pleads fell deaf on all ears, his friends' and all the adults in town.

Before anyone knew it, Lloyd was hanged on a sign by his cape, with the ninja and crowd laughing at him (with Zane doing so kind of awkwardly) while the second youngest boy stood with his arms crossed, scoffing at how cruel everyone was for absolutely no fricking reason at all. "Argh!! You just made me your nemesis! Mark my words, you'll pay for this!!"

Zane, having been advised by Kai, bought some candy for each member of the team and walked back. He kept one piece before handing Cole the rest so he could pass it forward. "Next time, try paying for your candy" The Black Ninja advised, handing the sweets to Kai.

"Crime doesn't pay, muchacho. You can take that to the bank" Kai quipped as he let Jay pick what he wanted from the 'candy pile'.

The Blue Ninja quickly grabbed cotton candy and munched a big part of it. "Mmm... cotton candy"

Kai offered the youngest ninja to also pick a candy, not really having a preference. [Name] glared at him, taking a lollipop rather harshly before pointing at the screaming kid with an open palm, "What the fuck is this!?"

The four looked at him, confused by his outburst. "What do you mean?" Cole asked, stopping from unwrapping his candy bar.

"This is not what heroes are supposed to do!!"

"[Name], calm down, it's just—"

"Just what?" He cut the Red Ninja off with a scoff. "He's a kid!! There's no excuse that would make this okay! So he annoys you, runs away from school and goes around making silly pranks. Okay??? Most kids do that! did that! A lot! Does that means I deserve to be publicly humiliated?"

Jay sighed in shame, holding a piece of the cotton candy in one hand with guilt. "No... He's right, guys"

"Of course I am!!" [Name] growled, stomping his leg. He rolled his eyes, letting a huff when he realized just how childish the small gesture was. "At least you're listening. I guess..." He muttered the last part, kind of not believing it.

Kai sighed. "So..." He glanced at the small blond for a second, the kid was observing them with curiosity but once he saw the ninja looking at him he crossed his arms and pouted angrily. Kai sighed again, "Alright, I got this" He gave the Lavender Ninja his own candy and went to get the kid down from the sign, climbing onto a nearby roof to unhook the cape.

Lloyd fell down, somehow managing not to faceplant into the ground. He watched as the Red Ninja got back down with a glare, then looked at [Name] as he walked towards him. The not much older boy offered him the candy Kai gave away, keeping the lollipop to himself. Lloyd eyed him suspiciously but took the candy anyway. He turned to the other four, glaring daggers at them, "You're still my enemies!!" He quickly declared before sprinting off.

"No, wait—!" Cole reached a hand after him, groaning once the kid disappeared behind some building. "Prolly should've dropped him back at Darkley's..."

"Prolly should've used a brain before bullying a child" [Name] growled, making the four shift in their places in shame and guilt. He sighed, "Let's just go home"

The five walked back to the dragons. As Kai was mounting he accidentally kicked a bag (maybe because it wasn't supposed to be there—), making a scroll fall out of it. "Huh? I don't remember putting this here" He picked up the scroll.

"That's Sensei's bag. You must've accidentally taken it in the rush" Zane theorized. Kai scratched his head, trying to recall the moment he could've accidentally pick it up along the way.

"What is it?" Jay quickly skipped over, peaking at the paper as Kai unrolled it.

"It's a scroll, windbag" [Name] muttered, getting on Shard's - ice dragon's - back.

The Blue Ninja huffed, "I know it's a scroll, but what does it say? It's written in chicken scratch"

The youngest boy sighed, growing more and more disappointed with his teammates with every minute. "Not chicken scratch..."

"It's the ancient language of our ancestors" Zane explained, extending a hand in a silent request for the paper.

"Can you read it?" The Red Ninja asked, handing it over.

"Well, I can try" The White Ninja looked the scroll up and down. "This symbol means 'prophecy'"

"Prophecy?" Jay raised a brow, the rest (minus Zane) deadpanned at him.

"It means it tells the future" Kai explained.

"Of course. Haha. I-I knew that..."

"'One ninja will rise above the others and become the Green Ninja, the ninja destined to defeat the Dark Lord'" Zane read, catching [Name] attention and making him forgo the bullying part.

"Oh, look, a picture!" Jay pointed, excited for little to no reason. The Lavender Ninja stood up on the dragon, trying to see the picture.

"Dark Lord? Hold on... You think they mean Lord Garmadon?" Kai questioned, looking at his teammates the gasping, "Wait a minute! Is that us? Is anyone else thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Like how good I'm gonna look in green?" Jay asked, chuckling with pride while the Red Ninja furrowed his brows.

"Uh, isn't it obvious I'm gonna be the Green Ninja?"

[Name] tried balancing on the dragon's back, was it only him or was he missing from the picture?

"The color obviously suits me!" The Blue Ninja protested at his friend's statement.

In his attempt to see the picture more clearly, [Name] tripped over his own feet and fell down. Thankfully Cole noticed just in time to catch him. "Thanks..." He muttered, the older smiled at him as if saying it was no problem.

"Technically, I am the best" Zane chimed in, saying it so casual one could think he's stating facts.

Cole turned to them with furrowed brows while the younger boy got back onto the dragon, "Everyone, stop it! Remember why Sensei brought us together in the first place. We're a team. We weren't meant to see this and probably for good reason" The three looked away in shame. "Come on, let's head back home. We have training to do"

"It's about time I added some finesse to my routine" Jay hummed, pretending he already had this in his schedule.

"Well, I could use some exercise" Zane admitted honestly.

"Yeah. I gotta work on some new moves..." Kai also joined. [Name] rolled his eyes, secretly plotting how he could get his hands on that prophecy to check if he really was missing from the picture. They all got onto their dragons, the three flew off while the Red Ninja stayed behind. "Could I be the Green Ninja...?"


Lloyd walked through Glacier Barrens, which were pretty close to Jamanakai Village it would seem.

"Stupid ninja" He muttered to himself in annoyance. Clenching his fist he felt the piece of candy the Lavender Ninja gave him. He looked at it, his expression softening for a moment before he 'angrily' ate it. To get rid of it, of course, nothing more. "I'll show them who they're dealing with..." He kicked a nearby rock, it flew a few feet before hitting something metal. Confused, he walked over there, pushed the rock and snow to the side revealing some floor sculpture. Lloyd got up, taking a couple of steps back to see better what he had found. "Hey, what is—?" He cut off with a yelp as the floor opened right beneath his feet making him fall. Next thing he knew, he found himself in an icy tomb, groaning in pain at the rough landing.

"You are out of your mind to venture ssso far away from home, little one" A Serpentine approached him, he quickly jumped to his feet and started backing away. "Look into my eyesss. Give up your mind. I will control you..." Walking back, Lloyd slipped, ending up back on the ground. Slithraa – the Serpentine – failed his attempt at hypnotizing the boy successfully as, thanks to Lloyd's fall, he accidentally stared at his own reflection and managed to hypnotize himself. Lloyd stared at him for a moment, not getting attacked he got up and waved a hand in front of his face. "What shall you have us do, Master?"

Lloyd's eyes widen. He looked behind him noticing an ice pillar reflecting everything perfectly. A smiled quickly appeared on his face as he realized what happened. It fell for a moment as the words hit him. "Us???" The whole army of snakes revealed itself, it quickly dawned on Lloyd just how lucky he was to now control their superior. "My own army of snakes!" He cheered before letting out an 'evil' laugh.


"So then we all agree" [Name] rolled his eyes. They were back home, climbing up the stairs from the stables to the monastery. "The prophecy states that one of us will become the Green Ninja and the issue will not rest until it is decided" As Jay talked the youngest ninja stopped, waiting for a few seconds to check if anybody would notice. When nobody reacted, he started tip-toeing back down.

"May I suggest a tournament? Last ninja standing is the best" Zane proposed, getting Kai excited.

"And will be declared the Green Ninja! I love it!"

They pushed the door open, entering the front yard where Nya was working her way through the training course. Noticing the four teens she got distracted and a dummy thrown her off. "Hey, Nya" Jay laughed shyly as he approached her to offer a hand. Kai glared at him. "Closer to beating your brother's speed record?"

She smiled at him, accepting the help, "I'm getting there. Heard what happened in town. Just a false alarm?"

[Name] sneaked into Flame's – fire dragon's – stable and took out the scroll, this time getting a good look at the picture. Sure enough, he was missing.

"Yeah. Uh, but we're gonna need the space. Sorry, sis"

Cole walked over to grab and give out everyone armors. "Two matches. Then the winners of each face off for the title. Armors for our own protection. It's time to see what these babies can do!" He smiled, staring at the Golden Scythe in his hand.

"Hey, Nya. Wanna stay and watch me mop the floor with them?" Kai asked, putting the armor on and sending the others a grin that could only mean 'Y'all goin' down'.

The girl chuckled. "No, thanks. I think I'll just visit Jamanakai Village. Knock yourselves out"

"Wait, why are you sparing without me?" [Name] furrowed his brows, being confused as he missed the whole conversation.

Everyone quickly became awkward, looking away. "We... don't want you to get hurt. And since, y'know, we didn't really use these–" Cole raised his Golden Weapon. "I think it's best you don't engage"

The Lavender Ninja's frown deepened. "It's because I'm missing from the prophecy, isn't it?"

"No!!" The four quickly said. "Of course not. We just—"

"Forget it" [Name] raised a hand, stopping Jay mid-sentence. "I wouldn't want to train with bullies anyway..." He muttered as he past them and went back inside. Normally he'd use this free free-time to play around but his mind was occupied with more important things at the moment. Why was he missing from the prophecy?

The four watched their little sibling leave, feeling guilty and overall shitty. Cole sighed, "Alright... First up: Kai versus Jay" He announced and the two ninja took a stand in front of one another, getting ready to fight. The Black Ninja glanced at the two of them. "...Ninja, go!" The two immediately charged at each other, leaving Cole little to no time to jump out of the way. Zane helped him stay on his feet as the Earth Ninja stumbled back, the two smiled at each other.

Jay went to swing his weapon, but Kai jumped over him and kicked him from behind. The shorter boy stumbled forward, quickly spinning around and swinging his Nunchucks again, electricity (or more so lightning) sparked around it as the weapon charged up, getting a bit out of Jay's control, resulting in the teen zapping himself. The two paused for a second but quickly continued with the fight, with Kai jumping at his teammate and their weapons clashed. They did a bit of back and forth, both switching between attacking and blocking the other. After a few minutes, Kai jumped back and threw a fireball at Jay with his sword, the teen yelped as the attack made him topple to the ground. A fun accident if you will, an accident that marked the Red Ninja as the winner.

"You good, Jay?" The hedgehog haired boy asked, walking over to him.

"Yeah..." Jay groaned in response. Kai smiled down at him and offered a hand, the Blue Ninja took it without hesitation. He went to sit down while the winning ninja went to announce the next fight.

"Next up: Cole versus Zane" The two bowed at each other. "...Ninja, go!" Kai quickly exclaimed before jumping out of the way as they immediately grabbed their weapons.

Cole charged, taking a swing with his Scythe, much like Jay did. Zane jumped out of the way, and the other quickly caught on, turning around to repeat the motion. The White Ninja blocked a few attack and again jumped away, this time throwing one of the Shuriken at the other. It stopped right by Cole's feet, making the ninja smile in victory, but soon ice started grown (for the lack of a better term) around it, immobilizing him waist down while Zane went for another attack with his remaining Shuriken. The Black Ninja blocked it with his Scythe multiple times, then used the weapon to trip the other, pointing it at his chest as the boy went to get up.

Zane slowly looked up from the blade to Cole's eyes and smiled, "Looks like you've won"

Cole quickly matched the smile. "Thanks, buddy" He glanced down at his trapped in the ice legs, then up at the others and asked sheepishly, "Um, a little help?"

Kai grabbed his sword, walked over to him and placed the blade against the ice while Zane went to sit next to Jay. The ice started melting, a bit too fast to be normal but also a bit too slow to be caused by fire (maybe because there was no fire coming from the sword yet—). Soon Cole was free and the two standing ninjas took a stance opposite each other.

Jay sighed, still feeling salty from his lose. "For the prize and the title of best ninja...blah, go"

Kai sent him a look, big mistake. The Black Ninja charged at him, managing to making him stumble back. The teen focused back on the fight, matching the next attack and quickly going for one himself. As the two times before, the fight was fairly matched, with the two boys doing a great job at both attacking and dodging. Then Cole jumped back (as one does) and slammed the scythe against the ground, creating a small quake, sending Kai flying off into the wall. Him and the other two cheered, early celebrating the Black Ninja's victory.

Kai growled angrily, quickly picking himself from the ground and charging for another attack, Cole barely managed to jump out of the way. The Red Ninja let out a grunt as the weapon started to heat up in his hands, it's power coursing through his vein. Or maybe it was being channeled from them... Whatever the case, he couldn't seem to be able to let go of the sword as its blade was lit on fire. "It's too h-hot!"

Zane gasped, "It's burning—"

"Fire!!" Jay screamed in panic. Kai threw the burning sword on the ground, the fire quickly spreading across the whole yard, trapping him in a circle of fire and causing Jay to catch on fire as well. As Zane tried putting out his blue teammate out, Cole, in his big brain time, decided to put the flames by repeatedly smashing his scythe on them. As you can imagine the Black Ninja failed spectacularly.

All this chaos summoned Wu and [Name], while the teen stared in disbelief, questioning how they managed to accomplish this hell of a mess, the man quickly grabbed the Shurikens of Ice and preformed some cool trick, making them fly around, extinguishing the flames. Wu turned to the four, furious, "What were you thinking?!" The four looked away in shame.

"Uh, we were tryna figure out who is the Green Ninja" Jay admitted, earning a slap from Zane which made the youngest ninja snort. "Ow! Did I say Green Ninja? No, sorry. What I— What I meant was lean"

"Lean Ninja?" [Name] raised a brow, trying real hard to contain his laughter.

Wu was not as amused, his face falling in something close to horror. "You were not supposed to see this..."

"But Sensei, we wanna know. Which one of us is the chosen one?" Kai asked, with the cat out of the bag there was no point in hiding their interest in the topic.

"None of you if you don't unlock your full potential" Wu said sternly, catching [Name]'s attention as he noticed a little shift in the man's aura. Deep sorrow, regret and guilt. The boy furrowed his brows in confusion.

"But my sword. It was so bright—"

"It was on fire" Cole deadpanned, interrupting Kai.

"Is this what you meant by unlocking our Golden Weapons?" The Red Ninja questioned further, making Wu sigh.

"You are only at the beginning. And the road is long and winding, but yes, this is what I meant. If this is what it must take for you to train, then so be it. But none of you are near the level of what it takes to be the Green Ninja" Sensei turned around and went back inside, leaving the boys to their shame and curiosity. [Name] followed him.


The man stopped and faced the Lavender Ninja. "Yes, [Name]?" He looked (and sounded) tense, probably knowing the teen sensed his grief. Luckily for him, he wasn't about to pry into personal stuff. Not this time.

"I was wondering... Why am I missing from the prophecy?"

Wu's shoulders fell as he relaxed, a small smile appearing on his face as he put a hand on the teen's shoulder. "Destiny isn't always what it seems. We may fit in more than one role, but it doesn't mean all of them are correct. I'm sure you'll know your role when you reach your True Potential"

[Name] frowned, confused. "...So I go in the square hole...?"

The man seem just as, if not more, confused for a moment before letting out a short light-hearted laugh. "Yes, you go in the square hole" Wu using metaphors he didn't understand made [Name] even more confused. It was better to leave before either of them got a headache, the boy most probably.


Nya was soundly walking around Jamanakai Village when suddenly people started running away, screaming in panic. She sighed. "What now?"

"Take the candy! Take it all!" Lloyd exclaimed and laughed 'evilly', he was pushing a cart halfway filled with candies, an army of Hypnobrai marching right behind him. Nya gasped, quickly finding a hiding spot as the Serpentine started hypnotizing everyone.

"This makes no sssense, General. Raiding an entire town for sssweets?" One of the snakes asked. The girl peeked out.

"You will do as I command because I hold the ssstaff!"


The ninja were actually practicing with their weapons while [Name] doodled in his sketchbook. He wasn't the greatest, comparing his art with Cole's was like comparing instant noodles with a full on buffet, but he only did it for fun and to kill the time.

Suddenly, Wu burst through the front door, startling the teen (which didn't happen often). "The Serpentine are back! Everyone in Jamanakai Village is in danger!"

"Calm down, Sensei. We were just there. It was some kid who says he—"

[Name] furrowed his brows, he quickly interrupted his teammate in black, "Some kid?"

"The spirit smoke does not lie!" Wu quickly said before they could stray from what's important. "An ancient evil has been released!"

Kai gasped. "Nya's there right now!"

Jay also gasped, but more dramatically. "Nya!?" The five quickly run towards the stables, this time without any issues.

"Stay close. Stay together" Kai said as he jumped onto his dragon.

"Stay sharp" The Lavender Ninja quipped passing him and joining Jay. Kai wasn't amused.

Cole laughed. "Would we do it any other way?"

The dragons flew off.


"I'm never coming down from this sugar high! Woo-hoo!" The little boy cheered, clearly not noticing the ninja's arrival.

"Sorry to bust your buzz, little Garmadon" Cole started.

"But it's already past your bedtime" Jay finished.

[Name] furrowed his brows, confused. "But it's the middle of the day..."

"Get them!" Lloyd quickly ordered.

"Seize them!" The Hypnobrai General repeated and the Serpentine started attacking the five.

At the sight of walking snakes the Red Ninja was flabbergasted. "The Serpentine? They're real!?"

"It's not just them we have to worry about, the whole village has been hypnotized!" Cole noted the obvious, as not only the snakes approached them but also some villagers.

Jay raised his Nunchucks, preparing for combat, but Zane grabbed his wrist. "No! Our weapons are too unstable. We can do more harm than good"

The Blue Ninja sighed and put away his weapon. "I guess that leaves us with... RUN!!!" The five quickly run away. They run until he got pulled into a side alley. He took a fighting stance, the rest jumping in to help. His 'kidnapper' crossed their arms and gave the whole team a look. "Nya!! You're okay!" Jay cheered, quickly dropping his arms.

"Barely. They've hypnotized everyone in town"

"Mind control? How is this possible!?" Jay screamed, throwing his hands up.

"Just don't look them in the eyes" The youngest ninja said, and in such a way it seem as if it was common knowledge.

"Well, what are we supposed to do then? We can't use our weapons, and now we gotta fight with our eyes closed? Ha, perfect" The Blue Ninja crossed his arms, sulking. Cole shook his head, Kai groaned and [Name] and Nya deadpanned at him.

"The snake with the staff is the General. He's the one in charge" The girl picked up.

[Name] smiled, catching with her thought process and being happy someone was finally being smart. "If we can get the staff from him, it holds the anti-venom. We can use that to save everyone!" Nya smiled at him and nodded. He turned to the others, "Look, guys. Forget about the whole Green Ninja thing. Let's make Sensei proud. All six of us. We're a team!" Nya's smile grew at being included.

Cole threw a hand around the youngest teen with a smile. "Now you're talking!" They all have an agreeing nod and head back towards the chaos.

Kai jumped down from a roof, a group of snakes immediately closing in on him. "You wanna play? How about a little Spinjitzu? Ninja, go!" He started spinning, quickly losing control over his spinjitzu and slamming again the nearest wall, much to the Serpentine's amusement.

[Name] and Jay cringed, the latter shook his head, "Okay, we're really out of shape..."

"No shit!" The younger boy mused as he jumped down to help his teammate in red. The others quickly followed him.

Seeing how the colour coded bullies (accompanied by the candy giving teen and some girl; that's such a downgrade Nya...) returned and starting fighting off his snake army, Lloyd quickly grabbed the wheelbarrow and started running away. "Ha! Consider this a warning, ninja!" He let out what was supposed to be an evil laugh. As the kid was getting away, Zane threw his Shurikens, using the same trick he used in his sparing with Cole, making the wheelbarrow tip over, spilling all the candy as it took Lloyd forward with it. "My candy!" The kid lamented in despair.

The ninja exclaimed their catchphrase as he used spinjitzu to get over to him. "Sensei was right. Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today. We should've dealt with you the first time around"


"Retreat!" The Serpentine General repeated and the snake army started, well, retreating. Before he himself could escape the Black Ninja kicked him and grabbed the staff. The snake was about to fight for it but Cole reached for his Golden Scythe.

"Go ahead. Give me a reason" The General hissed at him but otherwise did nothing.

Before the ninja could go reunite with his friends Skales stopped him. "Look into my eyesss. I control you"

"You control..."

"Cole!!" [Name] screamed from a few feet away, he used his Wand to yank the snake away from him. Skales landed on the ground, flabbergasted, as the young ninja rushed over to his brother, "You have the anti-venom!"

Cole shook his head, putting a hand on it. He had a weird feeling of dissociation as he looked at the staff in his hand. "Oh yeah... You're right" [Name] furrowed his brows, sensing a small shift in the teen's aura before it went back to normal.

"Quick, the fountain!" Nya instructed.

The Black Ninja gave a nod. "Good idea" He quickly run to the fountain and placed the staff in, the anti-venom (somehow) spread across the whole village, creating a Healing Mist™ that released all the people from hypnosis.

The youngest teen turned to his teammates (minus Nya this time), giving them a light glare, "You do realize none of this would've happen if you weren't a bunch of bullies, right?" The boys looked away in shame, the girl raised a brow and looked at her brother.

"Even lessons learned the hard way are lessons learned" Wu said, appearing out of nowhere.

"Holy—!" The Lavender Ninja jumped, staring at the man with wide eyes. "Where did you come from!?"

"A great evil has been released" He said, ignoring the question. "I fear troubling times will come. This is only the beginning"

"Then we will train and be ready for the Serpentine" Zane quickly assured, the other three nodding to that while [Name] still questioned reality.

"It may not be Lord Garmadon, but that doesn't mean we won't bring our A-game" Cole added.

"Help us train. Help us realize our potential" Kai pleaded.

Jay was nodding at every part. (If he keeps going his head's gonna fall off—) "Yeah. Teach us the secrets behind the weapons of Spinjitzu"

Wu smiled. "There is much to teach. We must return to the Monastery"

"But how did you get here in the first place!?" The youngest questioned, the others only laughed. "I'm being serious! Is nobody else seeing just how insane this is???"

"C'mon" Cole threw a hand around him and started leading him away, towards the four dragons. The other three following them.

Nya chuckled at them then sighed. "When am I gonna get my own dragon?"

Wu let out a short laugh. "Patience, Nya. Your time will come"


Back at the Hypnobrai Tomb Lloyd was still mourning losing all the candy while the snakes argued over the whole situation. "The boy ssset us free" The General said in answer to Skales's complaint. The other Serpentine only got more peeved.

"He isss a child! He is not one of usss"

The General narrowed his eyes at him. "I may not have the ssstaff, but I'm still your General! Ssstand down!" Skales only glared at him and walked away.

One other Serpentine grabbed Skales' arm to stop him. "You coward! We all know he'sss under Lloyd's spell. You're sssecond-in-command and still you do nothing?"

He yanked his hand away, glaring at the snake. "Now wasss not the time. I still hold the key to destroy the ninja. And when I do that, everyone will sssee it is I who should be in control!" Skales laughed wickedly, using his connection with the Black Ninja to spy on him and his friends as they had dinner.


The Lavender Ninja glanced at his brother, sensing how, ever so slightly, his aura shifted again, making him frown in worry and confusion.


So, I needed to rewatch this ep to finish this chap, now I'm halfway through Tournament of Elements—

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