Adventure, here I come! [Part 3]
Warning: swears, my (at times cursed) humor, my headcanons, my (bad) grammar, 4th wall? never heard of her—
TW: Wu is being cringe at 20:34
The whole team, Sensei Wu included, sat in a boat, sailing to the Frozen Wasteland. Jay pretty quickly got bored, not having much to do on the boat, and started playing 'I spy' with what should be his team but ended up being his own self. "I spy something... white!"
Cole sighed, having enough of this since like last hour, "Could you try to be quiet for once? This ain't easy"
Before anyone could say anything, the boat stumbled, hitting some stray ice piece. "I spy something broken..." [Name] muttered.
"If Sensei knows the way to the next Golden Weapon, then why isn't he steering the ship? We've been drifting aimlessly for miles" Kai complained, his voice tinted with worry and annoyance.
"Sensei's wisdom is beyond my own" Zane said, earning an 'Are you for real?' look from the Red Ninja.
As if listening in on them, which wasn't that hard considering the old man was literally right there, Wu spoke up, "The most powerful move in Spinjitzu can only be accomplished when all four elements are combined. Earth! Ice! Fire! Lightning!"
"Uh, what happens when all of them are combined?" Jay asked.
"The Tornado of Creation. The power to create something out of nothing" Kai thought to himself, 'There's no way' He started doing some moves, partly as a joke, but Wu quickly stopped him, "No, Kai! If done incorrectly, it will lead to disastrous consequences"
Just then their boat hit the icy land. All the boys looked at each other at the sudden stop. "Uh... wasn't me" Cole quickly said.
"Did I do that?" The Red Ninja asked with worry. Was he really so bad and broke the pinky promise already!?
"No. We are here"
The ninja got out, leaving their Sensei while they went after the second Golden Weapon. "Looks like someone's already been here" Cole said, pointing at a small group of frozen skeletons. [Name] cringed, suddenly the air seem ever colder than before...
Finally, after more walking, and probably getting frostbite, they noticed the Shurikens of Ice, levitation over a similar podium they saw at the Caves of Despair. "The Shurikens!" Zane exclaimed, going to grab them. His hand didn't even touch them when he turned into a literal ice cube. Everyone gasped in fear and surprise, with [Name] making a weird face as he couldn't decipher which aura was coming from the ice-cubed teen and which was from the ice itself.
Another dragon awoken, quickly staring at the intruders. Kai quickly got out the cloth and grabbed the Shurikens with it. "Push!" He said, pointing at the Zane-cube before doing so himself. No one had to tell them twice, the other three quickly joined in, pushing their friend out of there as fast as possible. Being on ice, the Zane-cube eventually fell over, making the whole rest land on it as it slid down, gaining speed and fast.
They all crashed into a dead end. Fortunately, the crash broke the ice keeping the White Ninja frozen.
The five were on their way to yet another Golden Weapon.
"We're being followed" Zane noted, discreetly pointing behind at the group of skulkin. They picked up their pace.
They climbed at the top of the Floating Ruins, quite a literal name as the whole place had to be attached to the ground with a chain so it would fly off. Jay quickly located the Nunchucks of Lightning and grabbed it with a cloth. Just as the group was about to leave, another Elemental Dragon woke up from its slumber. They quickly made their escape, missing Samukai laughing evilly as they left.
The ninja organized a small celebration for how good they were doing so far.
"Come on, Sensei. Join us" The Red Ninja invited the meditating man.
"There is still one weapon left! We must get our sleep"
"Aww, Sensei. Look, you gotta admit, we're kicking their boney butts" Jay said, earning a snort from the youngest member.
"Get up here. Show us some moves" Kai urged with a smile.
Wu thought for a moment before getting up, "I guess I could. Now this move is very special"
"But if done incorrectly, will it lead to disastrous consequences?" Zane asked, genuinely concerned. But nobody caught onto that and they all just laughed, thinking the teen finally made a joke.
"Zane, is that a joke? A sense of humor... you found it!" Kai actually joked, making the laughter last longer. All to Zane's confusion.
Wu started dancing some wild moves. "Shake what your momma gave you. Yeah, look at this one now. Hmm... oh yeah. Spin round. Oh yeah. I put my feet" As the man had his fun, Jay, Kai and [Name] tried not to die laughing at the ridiculousness of his dancing moves. Soon, they joined him while Cole played the drums and Zane meditated.
Eventually, the 'party' had to end and everyone went to sleep. Or at least tried to.
Kai couldn't really sleep, and it seem like [Name] had some problems too, constantly turning from one side to another and sighing or groaning softly in annoyance.
"Kai..." Just as the Red Ninja was about to finally fell asleep, he heard a familiar voice calling him.
"Huh?" He opened his eyes, picking himself up on his elbows to check the surroundings.
"Kai..." The voice called again.
'Was that...?' Kai thoughts trailed off as he saw none other than his little sister standing a little bit from their camp. He sat up in disbelief, she was here! And she was safe!
He quickly got up, but just as he did the girl took a step back and turned around. "I have to go..."
"Huh?" The girl started running. Kai's eyes widen. "Nya! W-wait up!" He quickly run after her, but boy was she fast! Faster than he remembered her to be... "Slow down! Why are you running so fast?!" The girl stayed deaf to his pleads, maybe even speeding up a little. Ultimately he couldn't catch up with her, actually at one point he couldn't even see where she was anymore. "Nya? Nya! Where are you!?" There was no answer. But he had to find her, he had to! She was just there...
He started looking for her, he was already lost so there was nothing he could lose. After some time Kai found a temple, he stopped at the sight. 'Could it be...?'
The door opened, seemingly on its own, and the girl's voice called from inside, "Kai..."
"Nya?" Now, what the actual fuck would Nya be doing here of all places? Fuck if Kai knew! But if she was here, for any reason, he had to get her back. It was his chance, and there was a possibility he wouldn't get another one.
Kai headed towards the Temple.
Was this going against the promise? It shouldn't, right? He wasn't endangering the whole team, only himself, and you barely knew him. Even though, he hesitated before crossing the door. He shook his head, it will be fine. (Nevermind him not even bringing his sword—)
Kai made his way through the temple, running into his sister relatively quick. "Nya!"
"Don't worry" She looked up and smiled at him. Holup— One close look made Kai realize this wasn't his sister. No, Nya had ocean blue eyes, not bloody red ones! But the Red Ninja was too slow, soon the 'girl' started morphing into a shadow on the wall, smiling evilly at him. "I'm right here, 'brother'"
Kai had never seen this man-shadow before, but he didn't have to know exactly who it was. "Garmadon" He growled, hand reaching for the weapon he didn't bring.
The shadow laughed. "Forgot something?"
"You can't hurt me here! You're banished! Trapped in the Underworld!"
"And that is why you are going to remove the Sword of Fire for me" Oh, right, I forgot to mention the fricking Sword of Fire placed in Excalibur style into the ground in the middle of the temple. #RelatableNarrator
"I don't think so!" Wait. Are you talkin' to me or–?
"Are you sure about that?"
Nya, the real one, was lowered down from the ceiling on a chain. "Kai!"
The teen gasped. "Nya!!"
"If you don't remove the sword, how else will you cut the chains to save your precious little sister?"
"You know it's a trap! I can— free my—self" Nya grunted as she struggled to free herself. Eventually she gave up and let out a defeated sigh. "Okay, that's tight..."
[Name] sat up, gasping as he woke up.
"[Name]?" Wu called out, surprised.
The teen blinked and looked at the old man, "Sensei?" He looked around, the other three were still asleep. Three. "Wha– Where are you going? And where's Kai?"
Wu looked at the ground and sighed. "I'm afraid Kai got himself into serious trouble. I was just about to go after him. Why did you wake up?"
The Lavender Ninja shot his Sensei a meaningful look, "Uh, this whole area is soaked with evil energy?"
"I was afraid you'd say that..."
"Well," [Name] jumped to his feet. "What are we waiting for? Someone has to save that moron's a—"
"Language, [Name]"
The teen huffed. "Someone has to ensure plot armour. Better?" He rephrased, giving the old man a look.
The girl was lowered closer to the lave bellow. "Nya!!"
"Tick tock. Tick tock"
Kai clenched his fists and closed his eyes. He had no choice. Taking a breath he sprinted over to grab the sword, using his spinjitzu along the way. Once he had the sword in his hand he cut the chain and caught his sister. The two hugged each other. "Nya..."
The hug quickly ended, with the Red Ninja pushing the girl behind himself. "Stay close"
"Trust me, I'm not going anywhere"
Kai turned to the shadow on the wall, aiming his new sword at it, "You can't hurt us! You're only a shadow!"
"Even shadows have their uses" Garmadon laughed as next to him, yes, on the wall, a shadow resembling Kai appeared. Wait, I'm sorry, Dad can do what now!?
"Kai! Look out!" Nya warned her brother. He has eyes y'know?
"Stay back, Nya!"
"Stay close, stay back. Make up your mind" The girl huffed, but did stay back while Kai stepped forward. The ninja was doing just as well as you would expect, turns out fighting a shadow, your own nonetheless, isn't a cup of tea. While it could easily hit him, Kai had no real way of doing literally anything! And, trust me, he tried his best. "That's not fair!" The girl complained, she did not rush to help his brother, how would she even help him???
"Oh, am I being too hard?" The shadow man snickered, soon more Shadow Kai's appeared and they all started beating the teen up. Okay, that's just rude now...
It was quick before Kai lost the Sword of Fire, one of 'his' shadows picked it up and was about to hand it to its master when a lavender ribbon wrapped itself around the handle and it got yoinked. Wu jumped in to help the Red Ninja, making the shadows disappear with one swift move. "No!! It can't be!"
"But it is!" [Name] smirked, holding the Golden Sword with bare hands. Thanks to the lack of cloth this time he could note it wasn't the thing making the Elemental Aura weak. Not that it was useful at the moment...
Two red, glowing eyes narrowed at the younger teen. Shadowdon turned to his brother, "Brother. I see you protect one, but what about the other three?" Both Kai and [Name] made a face, there were only two options, either Garmadon was talking about the Golden Weapons or he sucked at math.
"They are safe! Far from you grasp, Garmadon!"
"I wouldn't be so confident" He showed them all their camp in the forest where the skulkin disarmed all the ninja and stole the remaining Golden Weapons.
"I believe these belong to Lord Garmadon now" Samukai laughed while his underlings tied the trio up.
(Okay, why is Shadowdon so OP??? Like, he can see what's happening in another place!!)
"No!!" [Name] screamed, seeing his friends captured.
"My brother must not unite the four weapons. We must keep them apart!" Wu reminded, as if we fucking forgot that because of everything that happened, nevermind the fact everything happened because of exactly that— The four, we, unlike Shadowdon, can count, started to make their way out of the temple. But before they could escape Garmadon woke up the Fire Dragon. Is there something he can't do!?
"Awaken, guardian of the deep! They're stealing the Sword! You must not let them escape!"
The dragon, as one could easily guess, quickly blocked their way out. It growled at them, making Nya scream and hide behind her brother. "There's no way out! He's taken away all our options" Kai, we have eyes! And I'd assume You can read since you got this far.
Wu looked around. "All but one" He grabbed the Sword from [Name] a jumped onto a rock drifting on lava. LAVA. And he doesn't even own Lava Waders!
"Sensei!" The youngest teen called out.
"What are you doing?!" Kai asked, staring at him in shock.
To everyone's utter bewilderment Wu stabbed the sword into his rock, breaking it in half, his half drifting off to a, I can only guess, big drop. "No, you fool!" Garmadon screamed.
"If he is to bring the other weapons here, then I will take the Sword of Fire to the Underworld. It is my sacrifice to pay"
"No!" Kai screamed, reaching out a hand towards him, even though the old man was definitely too far away. "It's mine. I shouldn't have come on my own. You don't have to do this! There has to be another way!" Wu sat down, took out the fricking cup and teapot, poured himself tea and drank it before falling down. "NOOOOOO!!!!!!" The two boys screamed at once while Garmadon growled, seething in anger.
"Then I will see you there, Brother!" With that Shadowdon disappeared, leaving the three teens alone with the dragon.
Kai hung his head in despair. "This is all my fault. Sensei won't be able to hold up for long..."
[Name] shook his head. "You don't know him at all, and it shows. Wu is one hell of a tank"
"Forget Sensei!" Nya cut in making the younger boy glare at her, quckly stopping and furrowing his brows at the oh-so opposite aura in comparison to her brother's... until she pointed at the Dragon behind them. "What about us!?"
The two ninja looked up. The Dragon huffed at them. "...Shit"
"To the Fire Temple!" Samukai exclaimed.
"Yeah!" The army cheered. Too busy with 'victory' they missed Jay sneakily taking one of their swords and replacing it was a stick.
Suddenly, Shadowdon appeared in front of them. "My brother has taken the Sword of Fire to the Underworld. Hurry! Return home and unite the weapons before it's too late!" After that quickly message he disappeared.
Samukai stared at the spot blankly for a moment. "Uh... change of plans. To the Underworld!"
"Yeah!" They all turn to follow the general as he leaded them to their trucks.
One of the skeletons noticed the other had a stick instead of a sword. "What happened to your weapon?" The skeleton looked at the stick, shrugged and threw it away before the two joined the rest. The trucks left, leaving a smoke cloud behind.
Cole coughed and groaned, "Great... Now what?"
Jay smiled, revealing the stolen sword. "Now, we get outta here!" He quickly got to cutting the rope that binded and left them suspended in air.
"Uh, Jay. Before you do that, you might wanna—" Cole tried but the Blue Ninja managed to cut the rope in the middle of his sentence, cutting him off as they all fell down screaming. He groaned again, "...warn us..."
Zane quickly jumped to his feet. "Let's go!" They grabbed their weapons and chased after the skulkin army.
"There they are!" Cole pointed, some of the trucks disappearing right in front of their eyes.
"Great. So how do we stop them?" Jay questioned, titling his head and putting both hands on his hips.
"First we have to get to them!"
The trio used spinjitzu to get closer to one of the trucks, which just so happened to be Samukai's truck. They all somehow managed to jump on and knock off four skulkin. "Get them!" Samukai ordered and more skeletons attacked the three teens.
Cole and Zane used their spinjitzu to fight them off while Jay went to try and get the Golden Weapons. He hit the padlock, somehow thinking it was a good idea. He yelped in pain while the lock stayed just as intact as it was before. "Okay... that's why they make keys..." Knowing now, only NOW, he couldn't do anything on his own, he decided to ask Cole for help. "Hey, Cole—" His voice died in his throat as the teen's scythe hit it. Cole froze.
"Jay! I'm sorry! I didn't see you" Jay coughed for a moment, struggling for air before he showed the Black Ninja a weak thumbs up.
While the two were having their problems, Zane approached the driver. "Greetings" He was just about to kick him off when he himself got kicked by none other than Samukai. The Skulkin General kicked the driver himself and speed up, going so fast the three ninja fell off while he succeeded to cross over.
"Whe dedm'th sthop then..." Jay groaned out.
"You don't need to say it. I know. We've lost..." Cole sighed, defeated.
The three ninja mourned their defeat before remembering their two teammates and Sensei disappeared somewhere. A search party was quickly organized and soon they found the Fire Temple. "[Name]! Kai! Sensei!" Cole called out, looking at the slightly damaged temple.
"The Sword of Fire was here, as well our friends, but I only sense loss. We are too late" Zane announced with sadness. "The Elemental Weapons have left this realm and are now in the Underworld. The end is drawing near"
Not questioning how the White Ninja would know all that, Cole groaned, "Ugh... great. The one place no mortal can cross over"
"We might not be able to cross over," Kai's voice caught everyone's attention. The trio looked at him, noticing [Name] and Nya, alongside the Fire Dragon, at his sides. "But a dragon can" Cole shrieked seeing the creature, quickly hiding behind Zane.
"Our father used to tell us stories about the dragons, that they were mystical creatures that belong to both worlds and ferried between them" Nya explained. The Lavender Ninja couldn't help but chuckle noticing how Jay's eyes sparkled once he saw the girl.
"Are you insane?!" Cole peaked from behind his teammate, glaring at the Red Ninja.
"Once he realized we were trying to protect the Sword of Fire, he actually became quite a softie" [Name] said, and as if to prove his point, the Dragon poked Kai playfully. The trio laughed.
"Knock it off!" Kai pushed the Dragon's snout away.
Jay approached the girl. "Du ygu rike blueh?" Nya made a face in surprise and confusion while [Name] stifled his laughter.
Zane quickly came to his friend's aid, leaving poor Cole exposed, "He cannot talk, but he wants to know if you like blue"
"Oh! It's my favorite color" She smiled at him. Jay pumped his fist and groaned out what everyone could easily guess was a victorious cheer. [Name] did laugh this time while Kai shook his head in annoyance.
She turned to her brother, rolling her eyes at him with a smile before turning serious. "This is goodbye, isn't it?" Kai gave her a nod and she sighed. "Come back to me in one piece, okay? I don't wanna have to run the store on my own"
"I promise I won't be gone for long"
"I'll keep a candle lit outside our shop until you return" They hugged, then the boy pointed out the way home. Map boy—
Kai, Jay and Zane jumped on the Dragon's back while Cole backed away, "You guys go on ahead. There's not enough room for all of us on that... thing"
"Not a thing" [Name] corrected but the teen didn't react.
"You're right, Cole. But I got a way to fix that" Kai smiled at him, making the Black Ninja even more scared.
As the sun rises up, the ninja already collected three more Dragons, the same ones that caused them all the problems before. With [Name] not having his own dragon, he sat right behind still-terrified-Cole. "E-easy... not so fast..."
"Calm down, he's not gonna eat you"
"He b-better not!"
The Lavender Ninja rolled his eyes. "He's your Elemental Soulmate, you're fine"
"Whoa! This is awesome!" Jay cheered, clearly having way more fun with his own soulmate.
"Yes. This is quite fun" Zane agreed.
"So how do the dragons cross over to the Underworld?" Cole asked, glancing at his teammates.
"Eyes on the road!" [Name] screamed, making the Black Ninja jump and look straight ahead.
"What road!? We're in the flipping sky!"
The Dragons started gaining speed, flying ever higher. "I think we're about to find out..." Kai commented with a hint of concern.
Suddenly the Dragons started descending, and fast, causing everybody to scream in panic. Cole covered his eyes, with the younger boy quickly grabbing the reins from behind him. The world flashed before their eyes and they found themselves in the Underworld in a matter of seconds. [Name] let out a relieved sigh, lying his head on the older ninja's back. "Is it over?" Cole asked, peaking from between his fingers. Seeing he was safe he quickly jumped off, leaving the Lavender Ninja collapsed on the Dragon. "Solid ground!! We made it!"
"I'm never taking that airline again..." [Name] groaned. The Earth Dragon grunted at the comment. "Fuck off" The Dragon pushed him off, making the teen hit the ground with another groan while the other four looked around.
"Sensei's inside" Zane pointed at a building.
"They're expecting us" Kai said, noting to himself the check-up on every cart that went into said building.
"No shit" Cole muttered.
"Ugh. This place reeks" [Name] complained, cringing at the all-present evil aura. The five quickly sneaked close to the building, once the two skulkin at the front went to search another cart they tried climbing up. The Lavender Ninja hesitated, sensing something foul above them. He looked up and his face drained of all color. "Guys..." His whisper fell deaf on all except Jay, who also figured something was wrong, he too tried telling the others but failed due to his voice loss.
"Can I be the first to say it's been an absolute pleasure since Jay lost his voice?" Cole said, smiling goofily and Kai laughed. The Blue Ninja glared at them and jumped off, showing the younger boy to stay quiet just as he was about to warn them. The other three stopped in realization. "Huh?" They looked down at the two, then up. Cole and Kai screamed while Zane only yelped as they all let go of the Spykor they were climbing. Jay crossed his arms, glaring down at them while [Name]'s eyes were still glued to the big-ass spider.
"Uh... if there are more than one ninja, is it 'ninjas' or just 'ninja'?" The group heard one of the skeletons say, making them freeze just as much as the youngest boy.
"I think it's just 'ninja'"
"Oh, okay. Then, NINJA!!" The Skulkin quickly surrounded the five.
"I count ten boneheads to every one of us. I think I like these odds" Cole said, cracking his knuckles.
Kai furrowed his brows, feeling like there's something off with his math, but didn't comment on it as he noticed more spiders descending from the ceiling. "Uh oh... Anyone got any bright ideas?! I'm all ears!" He asked, trying to scare the skulkin off with his sword.
"Tolmado oh Cheathon"
Everyone turned to Jay, confused. "You feel a weird sensation?" Cole tried, making Jay shake his head.
"You ate an odd crustacean?" Zane took a guess, visibly disappointing the Blue Ninja.
"Thorato o' Clathion!"
"I got it. I got it! Two natives on vacation" Jay facepalmed at Kai's proposition
"Thornato o' CREATION!!" He screamed, regaining his voice. The trio oh'ed, now realizing how stupid their ideas were.
Zane patted the Blue Ninja on the back and send him a smile. "Welcome back"
"But it could lead to disastrous consequences!" Cole reminded.
Kai gave him a look. "We're about to HAVE disastrous consequences"
"Not to mention [Name]'s out" Jay pointed at the still frozen teen, staring at the spiders in fear.
Cole glanced at the youngest member, then eyed all the skulkin surrounding them. "Let's do this. Earth!" He did spinjitzu.
"Ninja, go!!" The four combined their spinjitzu, creating a big tornado that begun sucking everything in. [Name] shrieked as a spider flew past him and he quickly took cover. As the tornado disappeared it showed a Ferris-Wheel with all the skeletons 'trapped' inside.
The four high-fived each other, then Kai said, "Come on! There's no time to waste!" They quickly made their way inside, with Cole grabbing [Name] along the way. The five quickly searched the whole building. Finally, they found Wu battling Samukai at the bottom, with Garmadon watching them at the side. Cole was about to step in when Kai stopped him. "No. This is Sensei's fight" The Black Ninja glanced at him but took a step back.
The ninja watched as Wu fired flames from the Sword like it was a fire gun. Oh wait, I think there's an actual word for that— Anyhow, Samukai dodged and used the Shurikens to freeze the Sword, making it so heavy Wu couldn't even hold it up, then he used the scythe and Nunchucks to take the sword away from the man. "Bring me the Four Weapons" Garmadon demanded.
The skeleton general glared at his master and picked up the last golden weapon. "No! You will obey me now!"
The older brother started laughing while Wu located his students and joined them, knowing what was about to happen wouldn't be pretty. "No one can handle all of their power at once..."
Soon the weapons started glowing, their power tripling and giving the Lavender Ninja a small headache. "Selfish fool. Did you think I wouldn't plan on your betrayal?"
"What's happening to me?!"
"You've fallen right into my master plan. Not even I can handle all of their power! But now that they're combined, it'll create a vortex through space and time, allowing me to finally escape this ghastly place!" Garmadon smiled while Samukai had this look of realization. Then the Skulkin general exploded, leaving only a portal behind.
"Father would not want you to do this, Brother" Wu called out just as the other man was about to enter the portal.
"Father is no longer here! Good and evil, there has always been a balance. Where I go, the balance can be destroyed. Soon I will be strong enough to possess the Four Weapons, so I can recreate the world in my image! You! You were always his favorite" Garmadon glared at his brother, then glanced at [Name] before jumping through the portal and it closed after him.
The whole group approached the spot to collect the weapons. Wu sighed, "He is gone, but he will return"
"We'll be ready for him" Kai assured, putting a hand on his Sensei's shoulder.
"And keep an eye out in case he has any more of his evil plans" Cole added.
Wu looked at each of his student, noticing each of them wielding the weapon of their respective element. He smiled, "Then I have done my part. The balance has been restored. ...For now"
Nya looked out for the ninja, soon noticing four dragons flying towards Ignacia. She quickly rushed out to greet them. "Kai!" The Red Ninja jumped off his Dragon and the two hugged.
"Hey, my turn!" Jay quickly got off his dragon and approached them. Nya laughed and, much to everyone's surprise, hugged him. Kai glared at them, mostly Jay.
The girl pulled away and looked at everyone. "I'm so happy you're back"
"For now" Kai said, walking in-between them, a little annoyed. [Name] and Cole chuckled. "But it's not over. Lord Garmadon will return"
"And we'll be ready for him" The Black Ninja said confidently.
"Yeah!" The youngest teen cheered. "This calls for a high-five" The other four smiled and they all high-fived with their weapons, causing a blast of energy that knocked them all away. The five looked at each other with wide eyes.
"...Okay, we gotta remember not to do that again" Kai commented, still shook.
"Good idea" Cole quickly agreed.
"Yeah, we'll stick to normal high-fives instead" Jay proposed.
"Yup..." [Name] said, cringing in pain and holding his head with one hand.
"Agreed" There was a moment of silenced after Zane's words, then everyone started laughing confusing the teen. "Was that a joke?"
Again, ask for more information:
So, uh, next part... yeaaaah uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh—
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