Adventure, here I come! [Part 2]
Warning: swears, my (at times cursed) humor, my headcanons, my (bad) grammar, 4th wall? never heard of her—
Three out of four figures immediately jumped at him. Kai quickly ducked, throwing himself at the floor before any of the figures could get him, unfortunately for him, he was now at disadvantage while the fourth figure joined their friends(?) in catching him. Quickly judging the situation he rolled over in their direction, making the definitely shorter figure fell over with a yelp while he jumped to his feet. He immediately had to dodge as Scythe jumped at him again, Nunchucks and Shurikens followed soon after. Noticing Nunchucks was also on the shorter side, Kai pushed them at the other two to slow them down as he made his escape onto the roof.
Outside, just as he thought he was mostly save, he got tackled down. Yes, off the damn roof! Yeah, it hurt! He hissed in pain, kicking the figure off and quickly left that spot before the rest could ground him again. And it seem like that was the plan as soon two more figures hit the ground, the one hitting the ground first groaned while the other ended on top of their teammate(?). Before Kai had the time to feel proud of himself, a lavender ribbon wrapped around his ankle and made him fell yet again. He glared at Ribbon Wand and pulled his leg, making them fell as well. Just as he was getting up Nunchucks run at him with their weapon, so Kai naturally started running, dragging the shortest figure along with him.
"Shit!" He heard them hiss before he felt a yank and fell over face first. "Get 'im, C!!" 'C' was quick to act on the... order? Plead? Whatever the case, Scythe jumped at Kai. Feeling the ribbon still yanking at his ankle he looked around for some sort of escape. The only thing close enough for him to reach was the dragon statue. Bingo! Kai smiled to himself, dodging Scythe and jumping over Ribbon Wand to reach the statue. The course rose up and he run there, dragging Ribbon Wand with him. "Oh, no, no, no, nononononoNONO!!"
Just before the course they let go, letting Kai drag the ribbon wand away from them and leaving them without a weapon. The other three tried jumping the teen again, but he used the course to his advantage. Finally, he managed to tackle Nunchucks down, Scythe and Shurikens quickly jumped at him, creating a pile. "Time out! Time out!! Time out!!" Nunchucks cried out, hitting the ground with their free hand.
"Stop!!" Wu's voice boomed as he exited the monastery.
The four figures immediately got up and stood in a line before bowing and saying in unison, "Yes, Sensei"
Kai slowly got up, looking between the four and the man in confusion. "Wait a minute, they're your students too?" Wu nodded, making him facepalm I'm realization, "This was my final test, wasn't i–?"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" Nunchucks started waving their arms, then they took off their mask revealing a teen with ginger hair and electric blue eyes. "You never said anything about a fifth. It's always four. Four seasons. Four playing cards. Four—"
"Uh, what he's trying to say, Sensei Wu," Scythe cut their friend(?) off, taking off their mask revealing a teen with raven hair and chocolate eyes while he continued, "is that the four of us have trained together. We're solid"
Kai crossed his arms. "Didn't look so solid to me"
The shortest of the four quickly took off their hood, revealing a slightly younger teen with [color] hair and [color] eyes glaring at him, "You being a menace to society doesn't mean your better than us!"
"[Name]..." Wu started causing the teen to cross his arms.
"He stole my wand!" Kai looked down, the ribbon was still wrapped around his ankle, he promptly got it off and handed the item back. [Name] huffed, "Thanks..."
The last figure took off their hood as well, showing a pale teen (who would've guessed at this point, am I right?) with platinum blond hair and ice blue eyes. "Master, what is the meaning of this?"
"Each of you have been chosen. Each in tune with elemental properties. But first, ninja, go!" Wu used spinjitzu, changing the five's outfits. In some unknown way...
"Woah!" Kai exclaimed, looking at the four before looking down. "How'd he do that?!"
"Look, what color I am?" Nunchucks asked in excitement, trying his best not to look down at himself.
Scythe did look down. "Wait a minute, I'm still black!"
"I'm a fricking minor!!" [Name] called out, not happy with the unannounced clothes change.
Wu, unbothered by all the commotion, started introducing everyone by putting a hand oh Kai's - who was now in a red gi - shoulder, "Kai, Master of Fire. It burns bright in you" Wu took a step back and pointed at Nunchucks with his staff, "Jay is blue, Master of Lightning"
"Heh, that's not all I'm the master of. I do a little inventing. A dabble in model building. A touch of cooking. A little poetry..."
"More like Mouth of Lightning" Scythe whispered to [Name], the younger teen quickly covered his mouth with one hand to hide his laughter.
"Black Ninja is Cole, solid as rock, Master of Earth"
"Nice to meet ya, bro. I got your back, and for the record, there ain't nothing in this world I'm afraid of"
"Except for dragons" Shurikens noted, making Cole huff a little.
"Dragons aren't from this world, Zane. I said in this world"
"White Ninja is Zane, Master of Ice, and seer with sixth sense" As Wu said this Zane preformed a trick with his shurikens making them vanish into thin air before bowing down.
"I sense this one takes things a little too seriously" Kai joked, catching Zane's attention.
"You too have the gift?"
The trio facepalmed with a sigh. Jay put a hand on his friend's shoulder, "He's just making a joke, Zane. Remember what we talked about? Your sense of humor? Huh?"
"Ah yes, it was a joke. Ha-Ha" Jay shook his head while [Name] gave Zane a disappointed look.
"Pay attention!" Wu hit the ground with his staff (typical teacher stuff, am I right?). "You four are the chosen ones who will protect the Four Weapons of Spinjitzu from Lord Garmadon"
"Hey, what about my sister?!" The Red Ninja reminded. Jay gasped at that.
"We're saving a girl!? Is she hot?"
[Name] facepalmed again and Cole glared at the Blue Ninja, "Jay..."
"I-I just wanna know what we're getting ourselves into. Does she like blue?"
"Back off!!" Kai growled, taking a step forward and making Jay back out with raised hands.
"When we find the weapons, we will find your sister. Now, last but not least, [Name], Lavender Ninja and Master of Soul"
The teen grinned cheekily. "I have demons and know all your demons. Also, I get Minor Privileges"
"...Heh?" Kai scratched his head in confusion.
"[Name]'s the younger sibling" Cole explain shortly, the mentioned boy grinned widely.
"And I proudly take advantage of that!"
Before Kai could question the demon line, Wu spoke up again, "It is time! We must go to the first weapon!"
"Whoa! Hold on a minute! You said you were gonna teach us Spinjitzu" The Black Ninja reminded his teacher.
"Spinjitzu is inside each and every one of you, but it will only be unlocked when the key is ready to be found"
Jay groaned. "Now we have to find the key?"
"And what about [Name]?" Cole picked up again. "You've always said we need to find four weapon but there's five of us now"
"Well," The mentioned ninja started, clearly suppressing a laugh. "Unlike you, losers, I already have my weapon" He raised the silver wand with a lavender ribbon attached to it and shrugged carelessly, "Family heirloom"
"[Name]'s correct. This is the Wand of Souls, very important and it should never be left unattended" At the last part Wu gave the teen a pointed look, making the Lavender Ninja groan.
"He was trying to get me killed! Also, you know I can see he's not a bad guy"
"Those two things technically exclude each other" Zane pointed, earning a betrayed glare.
"Come now!" Wu butted in, stopping the ever straying conversation. "My feet are tired. We will take the horse carriage"
Cole groaned watching their Sensei leave, "Great. Looks like he's taking us for a ride..."
"I reserve the front seat!" [Name] quickly declared, jumping and rising his hand up.
Kai sighed, "Well, if it means finding my sister, then sign me up"
In the morning the four ninja groaned while pulling the carriage while Wu and [Name] were sitting in it, the teen wearing a victorious grin on his face.
"'Sign me up'. Way to go, Spark Plug" Jay glared at the new member.
"I sense this is some strange form of team-building" Zane - who miraculously wasn't as tired as the other three - theorized.
Cole groaned. "Just keep pulling. We have a long way to go"
"So, where did Sensei find you four?" Kai asked, both to kill the time and change the topic.
Cole grunted with an eye roll, clearly not interested in talking while having to pull a whole effing horse carriage with two people inside it. "Let's just say if it wasn't for Sensei Wu, I don't think we'd ever been seen together. I was testing my limits"
It was a particularly hard time in Cole's life. To take his mind of all the things, he decided to climb the highest mountain he had ever heard of. Once he reached the top he was met with Wu calmly drinking his tea.
"I was testing my invention" Jay joined in, just as mysteriously as the Black Ninja.
It was Jay's umpteenth test of his gliders, it was going well for some time but then he crushed into a billboard. As he picked himself up he noticed Wu drinking his tea as if nothing happened.
"I was testing myself" Zane said, following his teammates.
Zane was at the bottom of a frozen pond meditating. Following a fish passing by with his eyes he noticed Wu sitting right next to him, shocking him and making him struggle for air.
"What about you?" Kai asked the youngest teen, turning his head to look at him.
"Oh, I tested my parents patience" [Name] scratched the back of his head, as if he was both proud and embarrassed by that.
Little [Name] looked up, watching the Wand of Souls on the top shelf. He smiled getting an idea. Soon a pile consistent of all the different things in the room was formed so that he could reach the item. His mother passed by, stopping in shock as she saw what her son had created. The little boy smiled sheepishly before the pile collapsed onto itself.
At night, [Name] sat there awkwardly, the Wand of Souls still in hand, while his parents talked with Wu. When they finally finished, the old man approached the boy, smiled and offered him a hand.
Not really having an answer to his questions, Kai addressed the Black Ninja, "You're right, if it weren't for Sensei, none of us would—"
"Stop!" Wu cut him off. The four stopped in their tracks, letting out relief breaths. The whole group left the carriage and approached the cliff to take a look at the area while still staying out of anybody else's sight, and there were a ton of skeletons down there. "The Caves of Despair. Samukai must be close to unearthing the Scythe of Quakes. Remember, do not use the weapon. For its power—"
Jay rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, yeah! It's too much for us mortals" The four ninja gathered in a circle to discuss their plan, with [Name] looking in Kai's direction as he didn't join them. "Alright, guys. Let's chop-socky this lemonade stand! Cole, you got the plan?"
"Sure do. First, we lower ourselves down the ledge. And then—"
"The Hot Head's off"
"Huh?" The trio looked at the youngest member in shock, the [colour] haired teen only pointed at the Red Ninja, who was already invading the skeletons camp. Cole groaned. "Great..."
Jay sighed. "Let's go"
The four followed Kai's path, sneaking through almost at plain sight. One of the skeletons noticed the Red Ninja, but just as he was about to alert all the others the four jumped at him, annoyed at their teammate's carelessness. At the same time Kai located the map with none other than this whole's operation leader (also the bitch that took his sister) - Samukai.
The three ninja followed while [Name] stayed behind, getting distracted as he heard part of the skeletons' conversation, "But it's shaped like a doughnut! I wonder what it tastes like" The teen covered his mouth to stifle any laughter. Soon Cole pulled him back to the group.
Finally, after few more minutes the whole team reunited. Jay immediately slapped Kai's head, the two glaring at each other, "What's the matter with you!?"
"Shh!" The Red Ninja quickly shushed his teammate and pointed down, where Samukai just entered a room, examining the map. Finding what he thought was the spot he put the map down and left.
[Name] narrowed his eyes at the map, letting out an amused snort in realization, "It's upside-down. They're digging at the wrong spot"
"The Golden Weapon is near" Zane pulled out one of his shurikens and tied a small rope around it, the used it to get the map.
The map could barely land in White Ninja's hand when Kai ripped it away from him, scanning it quickly while the four stared at him in bewilderment. "There's no time to waste!" He took off again, offhandedly throwing the map in his team's direction, with Zane catching it before it could fall.
"What is it with that guy? Always in a rush!" Jay complained before they all followed.
Once they caught up with him, Kai was already trying to push a bolder to the side. All four stopped to throw him disapproving looks for leaven them yet again. "Hey! Before you race off again, you need to remember that we're a team" Cole reminded.
Kai only rolled his eyes. "Yeah, whatever" He grunted as he tried pushing harder. "Mind helping a little bit?" [Name] scoffed while Cole slid a hand down his face, the other two just stared in disbelief. All but Lavender Ninja, who crossed his arms and huffed, walked over to help their new teammate.
With the boulder out of the way the five entered the cave, the Scythe of Quakes being held up on a podium in the middle.
Jay squeaked. "That is so cool!!" His voice echoed throughout the whole cave.
"Shh! Not so loud" Cole shushed him, approaching the Scythe with Zane.
"Come on. Don't be paranoid. We're totally on the opposite side of the caves" Jay said as the White Ninja handed Cole a cloth to retrieve the weapon.
"Zip it, okay?" Cole threw the wrapped weapon to Kai, much to [Name]'s bewilderment. "Now that we got the Scythe, let's sneak out while those boneheads are still busy" The five headed out, not noticing a dragon waking up. Cole leaded the group towards the exit, "Alright, team. Everyone stick together. The way out is right around the corner" The five stopped as 'right around the corner' they met Samukai and his whole army. Everyone quickly took fighting stances.
"Couldn't you warn us?" Kai questioned the youngest member.
[Name] threw him a murderous glare, "They're skeletons! They don't have souls!!"
A battle quickly broke out, with the skeletons mostly focused on getting the Golden Weapon. "Kai! Throw it here!" Zane called out, catching on the army's main objective. The Red Ninja glanced at him then threw the weapon at first given chance, most of the skeletons immediately run after it.
"Going long!" Cole called, Zane quickly located him and threw the Scythe in his direction.
"Ugh. There's too many of them!" [Name] screamed, having a similar problem as the army also tried to grab his Wand.
"Let me handle that!" Jay came to his rescue, helping the younger teen with the sea of skeletons. The two fought together for a while. Eventually Jay slowed down. "Is it only me or is this like the training course?"
[Name] gave him a look, but payed more attention to the fight, soon coming to the same conclusion. "Huh, your right. That's weird..."
"I meant the similarities, not you!"
"Oh..." Jay laughed nervously and [Name] rolled his eyes.
"Over the planks!" The younger exclaimed and they both jumped over their respective opponents.
"Dodge the swords!" The Blue Ninja said and the both of them ducked.
[Name] laughed. "Y'know, doing this together is way more fun"
"I know, right? Why haven't we ever done that before!?"
"Here comes the dummy!" The Lavender Ninja warned, he and the other raised their fists, ready to attack.
"Cha-Ching!" Jay exclaimed happily as they punched one of the skeletons in unison. Right after the two made a spin, quickly disappearing inside two respective tornadoes - one blue with lightning sparks, the other lavender with something resembling ghostly faces.
Kai's eyes widen in surprise. "Spinjitzu! Guys! What's the key?!"
[Name] stopped, a big grin plastered on his face while he shrugged, "I'm just going through the motions"
"This is what Sensei must have meant when he said we already know it" Jay gave some actual explanation. He smiled at the younger teen before adding, "It's also pretty fun doing it with someone!"
"Yeah!" [Name] agreed and laughed before they repeated the motion.
The other three started following their moves. "Over the planks! Dodge the swords! Here comes the dummy!" Kai said to himself as he fought, a red, fiery tornado forming around him at the end.
One of the skeletons laughed, "He just called you a dummy!"
"No, he called you a dummy!" The other retorted. The two were quickly swept aside by Kai's tornado.
Cole and Zane also managed to preform spinjitzu, respectively having an orange tornado with some dust/dirt particles and an icy blue one with snow/ice. The White Ninja stopped, aiming his Shurikens at the remnants of the army, "I sense you do not stand a chance"
Samukai seethed with anger until he notices the grins on every ninja's face. He screamed just as five tornados started heading at them, "Retreat!!"
The five celebrated as the whole army left in fear. "Haha! Guess they didn't want a second serving of these babies!" Cole said before kissing his biceps, making Kai and Jay groan while [Name] stifled a laugh. "Good thing they didn't check out the merchandise in the back!" He turned around, his smile dropping once we was face to face with a real-ass dragon. "Uh... guys...?" Cole said in a thin voice, [Name] was the first one to turn, his eyes quickly widen as he looked up at the dragon as well.
"Didn't Sensei say there was a guardian protecting the Weapons?" Zane reminded. [Name] tapped his arm, making him turn around, with the other two following in tow.
"That's not what I think it is. Is it...?" Cole asked, pleading this was just a bad dream.
"You mean a...dragon?" Jay asked, voice breaking.
"Uh, that sure looks like a dragon to me!" Kai commented, just as scared as the other two.
"I sense we won't be able to spin our way out of this one"
[Name] stayed silent, his eyes kept on jumping from the dragon to the Black Ninja. The both of them had similar auras, only the dragon's was brighter, pure. Finally his eyes landed on the weapon hidden in the cloth, it also had the same aura, but this one was very weak, almost as if it wasn't there to begin with.
The dragon stared at them, staying on Cole for a little longer before glancing at the cloth, then it spit dirt at them. The five ducked with a surprised yelp. Everyone quickly turned on their heels and booked it. "I thought dragons weren't from this world!" Cole complained, desperately trying to find some exit.
Seeing no exit, Kai took the cloth off the Scythe of Quakes, making it glow gold. [Name] looked in his direction, noticing the power spike. "Kai, no!"
"Bad idea! Sensei told us not to!" Jay added.
"Then you better keep your mouths shut!" Kai growled, Jay backed away, clearly unhappy while [Name] glared at the new member.
"Kai!!" The Lavender Ninja screamed as the teen charged at the dragon.
"DOOOON'T!!!" Cole also screamed just as Kai jumped, ready to stroke the animal. But Kai didn't hot the dragon, instead he hit the ground, creating a small earthquake. The whole place quickly started coming down, a big part of the ceiling fell onto the dragon's head, knocking it out.
Jay jumped back with a yelp as another part of the ceiling fell right next to him. [Name] glared at the Red Ninja, "Look what you fucking did!!"
"We gotta escape!" Kai called out, also avoiding the falling parts of ceiling.
"We'll use Spinjitzu!" Cole advised, everyone nodded and they quickly zoomed out of there before the whole place could collapse onto them.
Having escaped from the falling cave they ninja cheered again. "That was so awesome!" Cole exclaimed in excitement.
"Yes! We are unbelievable!" Kai joined in, with Zane following soon after.
"We are the best!"
"We almost died, but yeah, I'll admit, it was pretty dope"
"Did you see that?! I was like pow! And you were like bam!" Jay reenacted some battle moves, almost bumping into a very angry Sensei Wu.
"ENOUGH!!" The whole group froze at once, looking at their Sensei as if they were just caught doing something bad. "I told you not to use the Scythe!"
"He did it" Jay and [Name] quickly pointed at Kai, making the teen glare at them in betrayal.
"Excuse me?"
"We warned him, Sensei" Cole added quickly, also getting the glare.
"Using it was my only option!"
"And what makes you think you're more important than the team, huh?! Huh?!" Wu ripped the Golden Weapon from Kai's hands, gotting in his face. The teen growled.
"They took my sister, remember?!"
Wu sighed heavily. "There are still three Weapons left. Maybe next time you can do it right" He gave the Red Ninja a pointed look before passing him and heading towards the carriage. Three teens followed the man while [Name] and Kai stayed behind.
[Name] looked at the other with sad eyes. "What?" Kai muttered, crossing his arms.
"I..." The younger boy shifted a little. "I'm sorry. That I was rude to you before and... and for Wu..."
Kai's eyes widen, he uncrossed his arms. "Oh. It's fine, you didn't really hurt my ego or anything" He laughed a little, [Name] following with a sheepish giggle. "I did though..." He sighed. "I'm also sorry. For being a dick. I just—"
"'Really care about my sister'?" Kai nodded. "I get that. These guys—" [Name] glanced over his shoulder, looking at the other three. "—are more of a family to me than my actual family" He looked back at the Red Ninja. "They mean the world to me, and I don't know what I would do if anything happened to them. That's part of the reason why I was so mean" He crossed his arms.
Kai laughed in amusement. "Trust me, you weren't that bad. Truce?"
"Only if you promise to stop putting us in harm's way when it's unnecessary"
"I promise"
"Pinky promise?" [Name] extended a hand with his pinky finger raised.
Kai send him an amused smile and connected their pinkies. "I pinky promise" The Lavender Ninja smiled brightly, as if he was a small kid and was just promised a big box of ice cream. Kai's eyes widen a little, now he understood why Cole had said he was like a young sibling to the group.
"HEY!! [NAME], KAI, C'MON! WE NEED TO GO!!" None other than the Black Ninja himself screamed for them, the two quickly run to their team. Once they all reunited Cole sent the two a look, especially Kai, silently questioning why they stayed behind.
After retreating, the skulkin and Samukai went back to the Underworld. The defeated leader approached his master's chamber with unease. "Master, I have failed you. They have learned Spinjitzu and they have the Scythe" Samukai confessed, fearful of whatever punishment that was surely heading his way.
Much to the skeleton's surprised, Garmadon wasn't all that angry. "Good. Then my brother was there"
"If I can gather my army, then we can easily ambush them and—"
"No" The disembodied voice quickly cut the skulkin general off. "Let them think they're winning"
"But I... I do not understand"
"Everything is going according to plan" Garmadon started laughing, leaving Samukai stunned and without any real explanation.
Still have nothing to tell y'all xd
Again, next part is coming either later 2day, tmrw or heavnes know when
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