Chapter 9 - "Shes important to me, and thats enough"

(Yanna POV)

This class is officially crazy. No, scratch that, LIFE is officially crazy! A week ago, I didn't even know this guy. He just transferred in and randomly talked to me, and now we're here.

"I'm someone you don't want to make angry."

The boy snickers, "And how do I make you angry?"

Yoongi just shakes his head, "You already did."

My heart starts pounding harder and harder at this. Yoongi still looks so calm as if he knows he is in complete control of the situation.

This boy, who still stands against Yoongi for some unknown reason, shifts his weight between his legs and swallows quickly. He's nervous now.

And yet... what I see next blows my mind.

(Yoongi POV)

"This is so stupid. Am I really about to fight this dude?"

The bully raises his fists in front of his face and grits his teeth at me.

"I guess I am."

This guy is exactly what he seems. Cocky. He throws a punch at me (sloppily), and I easily avoid the attack.

A chorus of "ooh" and "ahhh" fills the classroom. These kids have never seen a real fight. They don't know what they're doing. Gotta admit, this is a little more exciting than watching Yanna eat brownies through a snowy window.

He throws another punch directed towards my jaw. I lean to the left to evade his fist while moving to a position behind him and give a small shove. I can't help but chuckle when he almost put a hole through the wall stumbling forwards.

He looks back at me with determination and hate.

I gasp, "Whoops."

The bully's face turns blood shot when he lunges at me again. I lift my arm to block his punch, shifting my weight so my right leg wraps around his left. I lift his leg from underneath him, and his sense of gravity pulls him backwards to land on his butt.

"Oof." He bites his tongue when he lands, causing his face to scrunch up in sharp pain.

I roll my shoulders and sigh back before leaning down to offer him my hand, "You okay?" I ask with a smirk.

I can see it in his eyes, he hates me. When he has my hand in his, the boy pulls with all his might to bring me to the ground. But I'm ready for this. So, with one fluid movement, my head tucks, and I roll over his body onto my shoulder, bringing his arm with me when I land.

"Ahh!" He lets out a cry when his arm is pulled above his head. I have to let go so I don't dislocate his shoulder by accident. He fumbles to his feet about twenty seconds after I stand up tall, waiting for him.

This whole fight is a little ridiculous. I shouldn't be fighting this kid, but honestly, I've been kinda stressed not having any action in my days since I started this mission. It's all acting, protecting, and awkwardness. Don't get me wrong, Yanna is definitely an easy mission when it comes to physically protecting her. But that's what bores me. At least I'm getting a little action today, even if it is just a high school brawl.

He punches again. And again. And again. You would think that after the fifth time I've easily moved out of the way from his fist, he would change up his tactic a little. But, no. This is what we agents call "inexperience".

One last attack from the boy, and this time I turn to shift behind him and tap the pressure point in his neck, causing him to buckle and kneel. But he quickly stands back up, huffing a few annoyed breaths at me once he turns back around.

I shrug.

Yanna is still standing in the doorway. When I glance at her, she blinks at me as if amazed at what I just did. She's kinda cute when she's not talking.

I smirk, "Wait until she gets a load of this..."

When I look back at the idiotic child who stands with his fists still ready to attack, I roll my eyes and remove my coat, "Okay, big guy, if we're gonna do this, we're gonna do this right. I'm gonna give you a few pointers, okay? So, listen up."

"You're dead meat!" He shouts, nervously eyeing his audience. His fist flies forward right into my grip. He gasps when my hand stops his attack so suddenly, and my fingers squeeze around his hand before throwing it to the side. He stumbles a little, catching himself on a desk.

"Now, what you can deduct from that is I am a lot stronger than you. So, now that you know that, what do you do?"

He hisses at my comment before yelling as he throws a punch through the air. I step to the side, so he falls forwards, and then grip his wrists, pulling them behind his back to hold him steady in front of me. He grunts at the slight discomfort of having his arms bent behind his back, but honestly, I could do a lot worse. He should be thanking me.

"Okay," I try again, "so your arms are caught behind you and your opponent has you locked motionless. What do you do?"

"Let me go, you coward!" He grunts at me.

I click my tongue in annoyance, "Wrong answer." My foot kicks the back of his knee, and his legs fall from beneath him. He throws his head back in an attempt to hit my gut as he kneels, but it fails when my fingers grip his hair.

I lean down so my I can whisper in his ear, "Listen up good this time since your buddies didn't before. Yanna is under my protection. You mess with her, you deal with me. And I think I've made it painfully obvious you don't want to be my enemy."

He swallows, "What makes that loser so important?" Gotta give this jerk prompts for being the stupidest dude to ever ignorantly assume he's still has the advantage to ask questions when I have him literally on his knees.

"She's important to me. That's enough."

And with that last comment, I release him, and he stumbles to his feet. He looks back at me for two split seconds before I give him a flat smile. He honestly didn't stand a chance. I just feel bad because now he has to face his buddies after being humiliated like that.

He glances over at them before blushing with embarrassment. This fight was just a chance for him to show off to his "friends" basically. Unfortunately for him, I don't like show-offs.

The next thing that catches my attention is a large hand being placed on Yanna's shoulder. My head picks up so I can see who it is.

"What's going on here, Yanna?" Mr. Kim enters the room.

"Oh," She looks at me, "Ummm..."

"Nothing, Mr. Kim." I answer for her, my eyes never leaving hers.

That's when the bully who's butt I just kicked points a finger at me, "That transfer dude almost broke my arm, that's what happening! He also threatened my life, Mr. Kim! This guy is crazy!"

I shake my head and bow, "So sorry about the confusion, Mr. Kim."

The teacher doesn't look very convinced, but he gives the bully and me a reassuring smile anyway, "Let's everyone find a seat, please. And Yoongi?"

"Yes, Sir?" I finally look away from Yanna to the teacher.

"We will talk after class."

I nod. Yanna looks more nervous than I am about the sternness in Mr. Kim's statement. Her gaze finds the floor as she walks past me to her desk without even a glance.

(Yanna POV)

What was that? Yoongi just... he just... what did he just do?

Okay, this guy definitely learned that from somewhere. Was he ever going to tell me that he could fight like that?

Yoongi is sitting next to me just like he has the last however many classes we've had together by now. But now it feels different after what just happened. Also, shouldn't he have gotten his own class schedule by now? I'm starting to question... who even is this guy? He showed up rather suddenly, and how come he only talks to me? I haven't seen him talk to a single other student. Several warning signals start to sound in my head. There's something off about this guy...

I glance over at the boy next to me. He's pulled the textbook all the way to his side of the desk. It's kinda cute the way his hair has fallen over his eyes, and his chubby cheek is resting in his palm. But I still have to be careful. His aura has totally changed. I don't feel the same sitting next to him as I did before. There's something about him. My gut is telling me to be wary.

Now that I think about it... I never questioned him. At all. This strange, kinda emotionally distant, transfer student says hi to me, and all of a sudden, I'm blushing and waiting for him to walk me to class. How naive can I be? That stuff doesn't happen in real life! Ugh, now I'm annoyed at myself. How can I fall for a person in a week? Not to mention someone like Yoongi. What do I even really know about him?

Based on what I just saw, this guy means serious business. He's dangerous on a whole other level. Is he even shook at all that he just almost broke another student's arm? Yoongi was calm through that entire fight. His breathing is normal now too.

His brow is furrowed as he reads the textbook.

"I wonder what he's thinking...?"

(Yoongi POV)

This book is boring. Why is this crap taught in school? High school still sucks just as much as I remember. I wasn't thankful at the time, but now when I think back to that day... I am thankful they offered to take me away from my family.

"Tell me something about yourself." Yanna's voice sounds next to me, bringing me back to reality. Her voice sounds wary, cautious, and distant. She must be nervous about the scene she just witnessed. Not that I can blame her.

Crap! I can't have her being afraid of me when I'm supposed to protect her. What do I tell her?

"I can kill a man with this pencil in sixty-seven different ways."

Eh, no.

"I can watch your body language and tell you what you had for breakfast."

Hmm, that won't work.

"I like to read." Yeah...that's good.

"Oh," Yanna seems unimpressed, "That's...not what I meant." She mumbles.

I can't blame her for the disappointment layering her voice. That was a horrible in-the-moment thing to say. I like to read? Seriously? That probably just confused her even more.

"I also took martial arts when I was growing up." I lie.

This sparks her interest, "Is that how you knew how to... do all that stuff?"

I nod and look up at her unblinking eyes. She quickly looks down at her fingers and starts fidgeting and biting her lip. She's thinking hard about something. Her body language makes me think she's also really nervous now. She's not sitting as close to me as she normally does.

Don't ask me why I ask this next question. I'm not really sure. Something about her expression is screaming at me that I just messed up big time fighting that bully like I did.

I tilt my head to get her attention back, "...are you scared of me?"

She quickly shakes her head, "No!" She steals the textbook back and starts reading with flushed cheeks.

I sigh. She is scared. Screw me.

"Do you think..." I raise my eyebrows when she speaks, still not looking up from the book, "You could teach me... how to fight like that?"

I'm never caught off guard, and I don't know why this question surprised me, but it did.

"Uhh, no!"

"Uhh, I guess." Why did I say that? I can't teach her anything I know! I was trained to kill. The agency would dispose of me before they allowed me to share my techniques with a citizen.

The more I think about it, the more I regret what I did. Yanna is my mission, and I'm supposed to be undercover. I can't be exposing myself to her like this. I'm an idiot today.

"Really?" She lifts a half smile to me. At least she's somewhat smiling again. I think her smile is kinda... growing on me. Although, this one isn't half the shy, cute smile she gave me the first time when I ripped up that hate note.

Today hasn't been half as bad as I was expecting, I admit. I got to show off some moves, scare the socks off of a few fakers, but most importantly Yanna is safe. That's my purpose.

"But at what cost? Did I just ruin everything?"

Yanna hides her expression behind a bitten lip and looks back to her book.

I have a worse than bad feeling about this...

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