Chapter 2 - "Your name is very pretty"

(Yoongi POV)

I wake up and rub my eyes. I yawn and stretch as I sit up, still trying to open my eyes to start the day. Oh, I don't want today to start. Because today is the day my mission officially begins.

I haven't voiced my opinion on this mission, but that's because as an agent we don't voice our opinions on anything. We find. We capture. We kill. No questions asked. But now that it's just me... I just have to say--

I hate this.

No. I do not want to be here. I don't want to be some high school girl's boyfriend! Screw that! I haven't really met her yet, and I already don't like her. "Undercover" my butt; I hate this. And to top it all off, the school doesn't know about me or the agency... which mean no special treatment for my grades... which means I have to do well in school to stay. I know for a fact if I fail this mission because I fail Math, the Chief will have my life.

I haven't been to school in years. Ever since the fire... and I was put into the agency. But today I get the extreme privilege of getting dressed and stepping out the door wearing tan slacks, a short red tie with a navy jacket, and a school mascot on my chest. I look like a highschooler again. Of course, that's what I'm supposed to look like, so I guess that's a good thing.

I suppose that's why I was selected for this mission. I've always had a young face to begin with anyway. Apply a little make-up, dress me in a school uniform, and yeah, I can pass for a student for sure.

"Alright...let's do this." I give myself a pep-talk before wrapping up in a warm coat and stepping into the cold world.

(Yanna POV)

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock singing beside me. I roll over in my bed and throw my hand over to turn off the incessant ringing.

"Hmm..." I groan and sit up slowly. Sliding my glasses onto my face, I sigh, "Good morning to me."

Downstairs, I stuff an apple between my teeth before getting my uniform from the closet, and slipping on my tights and skirt. It's kinda nice living alone sometimes. For instance, when I'm running late I can get dressed and run around the house at the same time.

With one arm in my jacket, and the rest falling off my shoulder, I quickly throw my book bag together and turn the security system on for the day.

"Whoa!" I exclaim when the winter world slaps me in the face. Last night's storm must have been worse than I expected. I wish they would have canceled school today, but oh well. I'll just have to deal.

I always walk to school with my earphones in, blocking out the world. With my steps in time with the piano, I make my way to that horrid place they call school.


The hallways are crowded as usual, except now the floors are slippery with melted ice and the leftovers from an obvious indoor snow ball fight. What lunatics.

My locker is close to the back entrance which is a good thing on most days, but on days like this, when every time the doors open, and a rush of snow and cold wind blows me over, it's not the greatest thing in the world.

I just use my shoulder to somewhat block the breeze from hitting my cheeks when the door opens again. I do a double-take at the figure that walks in.

My eyes must be playing tricks on me. Isn't that the same guy that ran me over yesterday? He looks a little different now that he's wearing his uniform, and his hair is brushed back. He looks... good. Actually, he looks drop dead attractive if I do say so myself.

He passes me without even a glance (not that I was expecting him to notice me or anything). Quickly, I push my glasses back up my nose and open my locker. A small piece of paper drops from the top shelf. I watch it fall to the ground.

I know what it is. I shouldn't open it, so why I do, I don't know. My stomach flips just like it does every morning I come to school with one of these notes stuffed in my locker.

"why don't you do everyone a favor and just die already! tell the devil I say hi, you little bi--"

Quickly, I crumble up the note, stuff it in my pocket, and slam the door. Taking a few deep breaths to calm my rushing heart, I turn my head away and walk down the hall.

Whispers surround me as normal. But what's not normal is what people are saying. They're not gossiping about Rachel Graveto's new pixie cut, or Danny Hardie's new tattoo. They're all talking about--

"Oh my god, did you see the new student?"

"No kidding! He's seriously hot."

"He looks a little old for high school, are we sure he isn't a sibling of a student or something?"

"I don't know honestly. He's in dress code so I assume he isn't someone's parent or anything."

"Who cares! He can be my daddy anytime."

The first bell rings for class. I ignore the rest of the comments as I'm not interested in the perverted things they say when they think no one hears them.

My first class is Math-- save me. I pass the registrar's office on my way to the classroom and see the "new guy" finishing up some paperwork. Wait... he is attending here? To this school? Does that mean I'll talk to him again?

"Don't worry about that, Yanna! Just get through the day without crying, and we'll be okay. That's the goal for today! No crying! No matter what they do. You can do this."

I think about my birthday, and how my parents said they would be back soon. A small smile finally comes to my lips when I think about seeing them again. Coming home and finding Mom in the kitchen making my favorite dish, and Dad in the living room with his arms open, waiting for a hug from his favorite girl.

In my mind, things are all okay now.

But no...

I'm greeted by a loud shout when I step into the classroom, "Get her!!"

I gasp and immediately hold up my binder to guard myself from the oncoming assault of paper cannon balls.

Each time one of them hits me, their laughter gets a little louder and more victorious. Eventually the fire ends, and all that's left is the smoke from the war, and a small tear stain on my cheek. I quickly wipe it away before lowering my binder.

"First class. Mission failed."

Everyone else has already passed me and is at their own desks. They're over me now. Just like that, the world goes on. I disregard what just happened before anything else happens. It's what I always do. It's how I cope. I simply make myself forget.

I wish I could always forget.

I sit down in the back corner and lay my head in my arms. It makes sense that as soon as the teacher enters the room all those whispers and snickers from before cease.

The teacher clear his throat to get all of our attentions, "Class, I hope everyone is awake and ready for another day of learning!" A few groans and fake yawns sound throughout the room. The kids at this school really are just troublemakers.

"But first, I have an announcement to make." The teacher gestures to the door.

A handsome boy walks into the classroom, shyly waving at us with an unamused smile. He stands next to the teacher and bows to us, "Hello. I'm Min Yoongi. Please take care of me."

I lift my chin from my desk. Wait a second... That's him! The same guy that ran me over, and the student I saw in the hallway. My heart rate picks up a little. So his name is Yoongi, huh?

I keep staring at him, but it's not ten seconds before his eyes are done searching the room, and now dead set on me. I put my hand up and try to hide again. Why is he staring at me?

I peak at him after a moment. He's still looking at me, and now he even has a small smile playing at his thin lips.

For some reason I feel even more intimidated by his presence alone than all the threats those bullies give me combined. His eyes look almost dangerous considering how soft they looked yesterday. Great, just what I need. Someone else to leave hate notes in my locker.

The teacher introduces him as well, "Yoongi is a transfer student so I except you all to treat him well, and show him what a great school Howard High School is! Okay?"

All the students answer with a unified, "Yes, Mr. Kim."

The teacher smiles before directing Yoongi to the only open seat in the room. The one next to mine. All the eyes in the room follow him as he comes over.

Yoongi sits down next to me and gets his notebook and a pencil out of his bag. He keeps glancing over at me before finally speaking.

"Hi." He whispers.

I pretend I don't hear him and try to focus on the teacher at the front of the class. Not that I don't want to talk to him, but who knows what his school life could be like if I was the first friend he made. Students are already passing notes with hidden looks and tiny smiles directed towards us. This poor guy doesn't know what talking to me could do to his reputation.

"Hey, I don't mean to bother you. I just didn't get a chance to pick up the textbook. Can I share with you?"

My gaze shifts to find his. His eyes don't seem so dangerous now. Actually, his features are relaxed. Almost child-like. His cheeks are soft, but his jawline looks sharp enough to cut glass. He's attractive. Just as I predicted.

I nod and slightly slide my book towards him.

He smiles at me with this gummy smile that makes me blink, "Thanks." He says, and leans over his crossed arms to see better.

He seems nice enough... but I know better than to just trust blindly. However, I have a feeling this guy is gonna make that difficult somehow. He has an aura that I've never felt before. Something about him just... makes me want to trust.

All during class he keeps pointing to different, random parts of the equation and asking me to explain them. I don't mind helping him out, it's just the way that he scoots closer and closer every time that makes me question what his real intentions are.

As soon as the bell rings, I pack up my textbook and run out the door. I feel something just sitting next to him, but I can't decide if I like it or not. It definitely effects me whatever it is. I can't help but feel intimidated, but also curious.

"Hey!" He calls after me cheerfully. I can hear the rest of class giggle and scoff when he comes after me. I try to hide my face out of habit. I'll be teased about this for years if I'm lucky.

It's not that I don't want a friend at school, it's just the fact that anyone who is friends with me is undoubtedly going to end up with the same fate as I have. Good morning hate letters. Ambushed by spit balls. Stolen lunch money. Tripped in the hallways. And I don't want that for anyone. I've gotten used to it enough. It doesn't bother me too much. I stay a pretty positive person. But I definitely don't want that kind of life for anyone else.

So I pretend I don't hear him calling me. Until I get to my locker, and he comes up behind me, panting.

"Man, you're a hard one to keep up with." He chuckles, "Where ya going in such a hurry?"

I look at my locker and point at it, "To get my books for second period."

Yoongi nods and readjusts his beanie, "Oh, yeah. Well, I don't have a full fledged schedule yet. Can I just chill with you?"

"With me?" I'm somewhat, very much taken back by his question. He wants to stay with me?

He shrugs, "Well, yeah. You seem pretty cool, and I need someone to show me the ropes around here."

I furrow my brow. Not because I'm upset, but because I'm just so confused. No one ever "chills" with me. This new guy just doesn't understand yet. I'm the laughing stock of the school. As soon as he spends one day with me, he'll understand how things work around here.

So I just nod.

He smiles that cute, gummy smile again, "Thanks. Oh! By the way, what's your name? Mine is Yoongi, but you already know that." He chuckles nervously.

For a second, I think I forgot how to talk, "My name is Yanna."

"Yanna." He repeats, "I like it. Your name is very pretty."

My eyes fall to the floor. I bring one hand to my face to feel how hot I am. Am I blushing? What is this? Who is this guy that he can just come into my life and make me start... blushing?!

It's mostly in the way he's looking at me. As if I'm the most important girl in the world. Part of it is his eyes, but the other part is his.... well, everything else! His nose, his lips, his cheeks, his hands, his hair, even his ears, all of him is making my resolution to not be caught up in hopeless romantics harder than it needs to be.

"Okay." Is all I manage while I try to make my heart steady.

He just giggles at my response.

I fumble a little with my locker as I open it. Somehow, my books tumble out of the locker and spread across the floor. How cliché can you get?

"Dang it..." I grumble and start to bend down so I can collect my books.

"Uh oh! Here, I got you." Yoongi quickly kneels down and picks up every book one by one.

"Oh... thanks." I say quietly when he stands up, his arms full of books and a smile pulling on his lips.

"No problem." He says placing my books back in my locker, "So what class do you have next?"

I don't answer right away. I can't. What is with this guy? He's being way too sweet to me. How do I even respond to this? No one has ever even talked to me at this school let alone picked up my books for me.

"Uhh..." I pause until he finishes putting my books away and looks at me, "Anatomy and Physiology."

"Okay, I'll just go with you then, Yanna." He smiles.

I slowly nod, and take out one book before closing my locker, "Okay."

Yoongi steps next to me as I walk down the hall. It's so weird walking with someone like this. What's even weirder is the way everyone in the halls makes room for us. No one throws spit balls or starts laughing when I push my glasses up my nose. Every one stares. But I know they're staring at him.

One thing I notice is the way Yoongi walks just a little bit in front of me the whole time. Isn't he supposed to be following me? And why does he keep staring back at everyone. It's like every person we pass, he makes eyes contact with and silently tells them to keep their distance.

Should this make me feel good? Because it does. Like he's protecting me or something? That's crazy, I just met this guy! I have got to get a grip.

The classroom isn't that far, but the whole way there, I can't help but glance up at the boy next to me. Does he even blink? All of a sudden he doesn't feel like the sweet, gummy smiling, transfer student who picked up my books. Now he's taller, broader, and his presence is much more intense. If I wasn't walking with him, even I would have walked the other way... which is what most of the students do.

On the way there though, he makes conversation with me. He asks me questions like...

"So were you born here?"

I shake my head, "No. I was born in Daegu, and my parents moved us around a lot before they decided I should stay in one place for all of high school. So they chose here."

"Really? I see." Yoongi nods and tucks his hands in his pockets.

"What about you?" I ask slowly.

Yoongi says, "I was born in Daegu Town too, but I just recently moved here for family reasons."

I nod completely understanding. He seems normal enough. Besides, if anyone understands family struggles it's me.

He asks me what my favorite classes are, what my favorite number is, what my favorite food is. Honestly, if I didn't know any better, it would seem to me that this Yoongi guy is trying to... be my friend?

No one has ever done that at this school.

No way, that's crazy thinking! He just doesn't understand how the kids work at this school. That's all it is...

Once we reach the classroom, he stops me with his arm. I try to say "excuse me", but he walks in front of me. After looking around the room, he motions for me to enter.

I slowly step in behind him, "What was that about?" I have to ask.

Yoongi raises his eyebrows at me, now completely normal again, "What was what?"

I point at him, "That... thing you just did. Like you checked the room before I came in."

Yoongi looks around innocently, "I was just making sure the coast is clear." He smiles.

I nod slowly, "Sure." I decide not to question it. This dude is a little weird, but it's kinda cute in a way. Plus... no one has ever checked the room before I entered before. Even if that is a little strange, I found it endearing.

I make my way to my usual seat in the back row, and Yoongi follows me with his notebook in hand. He sits down next to me, and immediately scans the room again. There's not even a full room of students yet, but the students in the room aren't getting any kind looks from this transfer boy.

"What are you doing?" I ask with a furrowed brow.

"What?" Yoongi looks at me with wide, innocent eyes, "Nothing."

I gotta admit. This dorky, protective attitude he has is kinda adorable. Weird... but still adorable.

I just sigh, trying not to smile and open my book. This chapter, if I remember correctly, is a little more difficult so I decide to read it over again before class starts.

Yoongi must think that's a good idea too because he's leaning over my shoulder, reading the book. I try to keep myself calm because no one has ever voluntarily gotten this close to me before. I think I like it. But the more I think about it... Yoongi is going to get himself bullied if he keeps sitting next to me like this. Of course I want the friendship, but I don't want him to lose the tiny chance he has of gaining the respect of his classmates on his first day just because he sat too close to the one girl he isn't supposed to talk to.

"I'm sorry, but can you not do that?" I didn't mean to be that sassy, but I can see on Yoongi's face how shocked he is.

"What?" He asks curiously with maybe a hint of worry in his question.

I take a deep breath and calm myself before speaking, "Look, I don't know if it's because you're new here, or you're desperate for a friend, or what, but you shouldn't be leaning over my shoulder like that. Or picking up my books. Or checking the room before I walk in. Okay? So thanks, but no thanks." Ouch, it hurt my soul just to say that.

Yoongi's entire expression hardens. I can tell he has a few words he would like to say, but he refrains himself and just nods, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." I sigh, "I'm just really not used to people being so... whatever, people just don't treat me like that at this school, so you shouldn't either if you really want to make friends."

He nods again, listening to every word, "Oh... well, I guess I was just hoping that we could be friends." He hangs his head.

The way he says this hurts my heart. The poor guy doesn't understand what this school thinks of me, or what this school will think of him if he gets close to me. He's so nice, and he definitely doesn't deserve to be friends with someone like me, someone who could ruin him. I don't want to do that to him!

But god, what I wouldn't give to have a friend...

I think I internally fight with myself for a good three minutes before I finally crack. I do want a friend. Maybe things will work out? Maybe we can be friends, and Yoongi won't end up getting hurt? I'm being selfish here, I know, but I'm going to try.

I turn my body to him and smile as best I can, "I think we just got off on the wrong foot." I stick out my hand for him to shake, "I'm Yanna. It's nice to meet you."

The boy slowly smiles and shakes my hand, "I'm Yoongi. It's nice to meet you."

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