
"And then you grab the ball with the Y button," Louis explains. Harry's sitting between his legs, leaning into his chest with the controller in his hands. Harry does what he's told. "There you go, babe. You're getting the hang of it."

Louis has his chin hooked over Harry's shoulder. He kisses right below his ear. "What do I do now?" Harry asks, voice soft. His voice always seems to get like that when he's concentrating on one thing, whether that be a video game or homework or Louis.

"Press A," Louis instructs. Harry does. "You're getting good at this."

"Really?" Harry asks. Louis can practically hear his grin. Looking up, he sees it. Harry, smiling wide, eyes still on the screen. Louis' heart skips a beat.

"Yeah," Louis kisses his neck. "You're good at everything, it seems."

Harry giggles, shaking his head. The door busts open, with Lottie walking in with two shopping bags. "Okay," She says, dumping the contents of the bags. Boxes of hair dye. "I got a bunch. I didn't know what we'd want to do. There's extra if Harry wants to do any."

"I'm all set," Harry raises his eyebrows. Louis reaches over Harry's arm and pauses the game, and Harry pouts.

"Shit, Lottie, how much did you spend?" Louis picks up a box of hair dye. It's red.

"Doesn't matter," Lottie waves him off. "You can just pay me back for whatever you use. I got bleach too. Just in case."

"Sweet," Louis grins. He nudges Harry. "You know how to dye hair, baby?"

"No?" Harry furrows his eyebrows.

"Well," Lottie picks up a box of pink hair dye and smiles. "You're going to have to learn."

"Why me?" Harry whines. Louis stands up from the bed. He winces a little, his stitches still not fully healed, but he feels much better than he did when he came home two weeks ago.

"Because you're the only one who's not gonna get theirs dyed," Louis explains. "And you love me, and you're so good at everything, and so beautiful-"

"God, fine," Harry sighs. He reaches his arms out to Louis, who helps him up. Lottie's eyes drop to the bump poking out under the t-shirt Harry's wearing.

"Oh," She says.

"Yeah, thanks, Lots," Harry rolls his eyes.

"No, no," She says quickly. "I was just thinking, can you even dye hair if you're pregnant?"

"Shh," Louis says quickly. "You're still the only one who knows."

"Seriously?" She huffs, closing Louis' bedroom door. "How far along is he now? Like four months?"

"Four and a half," Louis mumbles. Lottie rolls her eyes. "I'm gonna tell them, okay? I just...I don't know, I don't know how to. I didn't want to have to make mum do it, she's got so much on her plate."

Lottie's expression softens. "You've got more on your plate, L," She says. "You should just have her do it if you don't think you can." She smirks. "Or me and Harry could do it."

"Yes!" Harry exclaims, mischievous.

"No!" Louis says quickly. "No. You two together is dangerous. I'll do it, okay? I'll do it tonight." Harry giggles, and Louis rolls his eyes before wrapping his arm around his shoulders and pulling him closer, kissing his forehead.

"I don't wanna mess it up."

"Hazza, it's gonna fall out in like two weeks, it doesn't matter if you mess it up."

Harry sighs. "Just try not to get too much on the floor or anything," Lottie mentions from where she's sitting on the counter. "I don't want Mum to completely kill us."

"She can't kill me," Louis points out. "I have cancer."

"I'm growing her grandchild," Harry adds. "Guess that just leaves you, Lottie."

Lottie pouts, and Harry laughs. Louis just grins fondly, shaking his head. He's sitting on the toilet, Harry standing in front of him. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" Harry asks cautiously, the bottle of blue hair dye in his hand.

"Yes, love," Louis assures. "Just do it."

"Okay," Harry twists his mouth. He squirts some of the dye onto the gloves he's wearing and starts to work it into Louis' hair. "I think your hair is gonna be a little darker than you wanted it to be, babe."

"That's okay," Louis shrugs. "Doesn't matter anyways."

Harry frowns, but he continues to work on Louis' hair. "Are you okay?" Harry asks quietly. Louis just nods, closing his eyes. "Lou," Louis opens his eyes and looks up at Harry. Harry repeats, "Are you okay?"

Louis smiles weakly. "I'm fine, H," He assures. "Just tired."

Harry doesn't point out the fact Louis wasn't tired ten minutes ago. He sighs softly. "I think you're gonna look really good," He says thoughtfully. Louis grins.

"Really?" Louis chuckles.

"Oh, yeah," Harry scoffs. "You're gonna look badass, babe."

Louis' smile widens. "I bet," He says. "Still think you should do yours. Maybe a bright pink."

"Yes," Lottie nods, looking down at her phone.

"Perfect for an expecting parent," Harry rolls his eyes. "Stay still. I don't wanna get any on your skin."

"Yeah, don't, that's not falling out," Louis snorts.

"Hopefully not," Harry grins. Louis closes his eyes again. He reaches up and puts his hand on Harry's stomach. Harry sighs shakily. Louis' so worn out, he knows that, and it's breaking his heart, the difference in Louis' behaviour. How slow he is with everything, how quiet he is.

"What do you think about orange for mine?" Lottie asks.

"Orange?" Louis opens his eyes and whips his head towards Lottie. Harry's hand is still up to his hair, and Louis turning his head causes a bright streak of blue from Harry's hands to appear on his forehead.

"Louis," Harry sighs. "Jesus."

"Oh well," Louis shrugs. "You're not dying your hair orange, Lottie. God."

Lottie sighs. "Okay, what about pink?" She asks. "That'd be cool. Like a light pink."

"Sounds sick," Louis nods. "I'm down."

"Me too," Harry agrees. "Lets just remember I'm not a professional."

"You're doing pretty good with me," Louis grins up at him.

"Besides your forehead, love," Harry smiles fondly, shaking his head. Louis puckers his lips, and Harry's grin widens before he leans down and kisses him.

"That's an interesting choice, pumpkin," Jay raises her eyebrows, looking up at Louis' hair that turned out a very dark blue.

"Thank you," Louis runs his fingers through it. "Won't last long, don't worry. Harry thinks I look cool."

Jay smiles fondly, shaking her head. "Harry's gone for you. You could grow a mullet and he'd think you look cool."

"I should've done that!" Louis exclaims before sighing. "Damn. Missed opportunity. Could've looked like one of the four hockey kids Lottie has dated."

"Okay, fuck you," Lottie huffs.

"Language," Jay scolds. "Be nice, Louis."

"Sorry," Louis grins cheekily.

"Did Harry go home?" Jay asks, handing Louis a plate of food. "You should've told him to stay for dinner."

"I know, I tried," Louis sighs. "But he's gotta go home at some point. His parents probably don't even remember what he looks like."

Louis is joking, but Jay smiles weakly. "I don't think Anne is taking it so well, huh?" She questions. Louis twists his mouth and shakes his head.

"No," He says quietly. "And she doesn't even know about the cancer," He sits at the table, digging his fork into the chicken on his plate. "We told her, and she was all like 'if you had found a nice girl this wouldn't have happened'. Like, what the hell?" Louis' quiet for a moment. "I think I'm a pretty nice girl."

Lottie laughs. Jay's mouth tightens. She shakes her head. "Poor Harry," She says softly. "I understand. You guys messed up. But Harry needs support right now, especially from his mother," Jay puts her hand on her face. "You let him know I'm here. Even if his own mother isn't."

Louis gives his mother a weary smile. "He knows," He assures. "He thinks you're awesome."

Jay returns his tired smile. "I think he's awesome too," She nods. She walks over and kisses the top of Louis' head. "You did good, love."

"I know," Louis replies.

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