How to become friends with a boy (to girls)
This is a life hack for girls. I'm a girl so I'm doing the best I can with this since Demonic_Killer_Angel told me to do this. You should check her out. She really funny. Anyway if your a boy reading this... good luck.
Girls, you think boys don't read into things, but they do.When boys want to be friends with a girl, they try really hard to make sure you don't think they like you.
Random guy: I like your glasses.
Lucy: Uh. Thanks. *smiles*
Random guys thoughts: Oh great now she thinks I like her.
When we want to become friends with a guy we do the same thing just for a slightly different reason.
Lucy: Hey. I like your new your new haircut.
Random guy: Oh thanks. *smiles*
Lucy's thoughts: Ugh now he thinks I like him. Great. *rolls eyes*
In short guys:* read between the lines to much* girls: *roll eyes*
Us girls have to worry about coming off like we're flirting, but you don't want to flirt you just want to get to know him become friends and maybe flirt... just a little bit. As a fellow girl I'm unqualified to help you, but I've done research and asked some guys (my brother),so bare with me because guys are a little tricky.
Keep in mind guys will read into anything and everything.
Lucy: Hey how's it going?
*Two hours later*
Guy: There was something is the way she said 'it' like she was referencing a specific 'it'
Guys friend: Yeah the 'it' was that she's into you.
Guy: Oh my gosh really
Friend: totally
So if you don't want a guy to get the wrong idea, you got to phase your words carefully, so I have compiled a list of words you can say without them reading into it. A, and the.......that's it. Okay, okay I know it's really hard to form a sentence with only articles. Okay impossible!
Guy: So what type of music do you like?
Lucy: The.....
Guy: The what?
Lucy: The... A?
Guy: The A? Is that the name of a singer?
Lucy: .......No
Guy: There was something in the way she said 'no'
Instead of focusing on that aspect, lets talk about how exactly getting to know a guy because becoming friends with people is tough in general. It's hard to put yourself out there and step out of the amazingly comfortable comfort zone that's why you need to remember FAC
Lucy and Guy: FAC?
That right FAC. It means you believe scratch that, are
Nerd: That's fa-a-k, fake. This guy.
Bottom line, you are worth getting to know so you can walk up to a guy with confidence (I did not say strut), put out your hand for a hand shake or say hi, and introduce yourself. What if you're already friends with this guy and you just want to become better friends with him without giving off the wrong impression. Okay here's how to solve that. It's very simple just find something he likes and do that thing. That's literally all there is to it. Guys are naturally used to girls not being interested in the things they like to do so if you show interest naturally, he's going to want to spend more time with you. It's that simple. Now with that said good luck with not getting him to fall in love with you.
Guy: There's just something in the way she played Minecraft with me.
Guy's friend: Mick.. that's awesome that she plays Minecraft with you that way.
Mick: Yeah. Well I gotta go. Bye.
*Lucy walks in*
Lucy: Hey Josh. Are you still up for Minecraft?
Josh: Yeah wait no because now I found out you play Minecraft with Mick too!
Lucy's thoughts: I great now he thinks I like him *rolls eyes*
Well good luck to you becoming friends with males. If none of this help... well I tried.
A/N: Hey peps, I just wanted to ask you if like the Percy Jackson and the Olympians or the Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan. If you don't please walk out the exit door to your left *No exit* or go get the books then come back when you've read them. Anyway to those of you that have read, don't you wish it was a TV series? Well then go on, sign up and go to the petition called, To make Percy Jackson/ Heroes of Olympus cartoon series #TVPercy and sign. They already have 44,234 supporters. They just need 5,7... hold on let me refresh, 5,766 more supporters and your vote can be the one that decides it all. If you are a true PJO/HoO fangirl or fanboy you would go sign in a heartbeat.
Thank you.
P.S: I know the ending to that note was sappy.
Vote, follow, comment you know the drill of desperate me. (it's a thing now)
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