Prologue: Growing Wings

(Route 2 won by a fucking landslide, so because of that I've deicided to remove Ryuko as a love interest for 2 reasons. 1: So I can focus on Y/n's Relationships with Nonon and Satsuki and 2: Ryuko is the main love interest in almost EVERY Kill la Kill Fanfic I read. So that means this story is going to have a lot of original dialogue and I'm gonna be able to write it how I want to.)

(Six Years before the Events of Kill la Kill)

A young boy no older then 12 years of age can be seen walking through the forest, he is exhausted and is pace is incredibly slow. The most noticeable features are his messy h/c hair, his piercing e/c eyes, and the white angel-like wings that adorn his back.

(I know Jin lost his mother at 15 but I'm making him and Y/n 12 at that time for story reasons.)

???: I need to find him... I need to find Jin... I have to... I can't let mom down...

The boy continues to walk for a few more steps before exhaustion finally kicks in and he falls forward onto the ground. He attempts to reach his hand out.

???: I'm sorry mom... I'm sorry Jin... Even with the wings of an angel... I'm not strong enough....

The boy then passes out as two figures walk up to him and stand over him.

???2: So you think he caused that damage we saw Lady Satsuki?

Satsuki: No Nonon... he doesn't look like he could have caused that damage, whatever did is long gone, he must be the only survivor.

The first female figure points to a symbol on the young boy's sleeve.

Nonon: Isn't that a Kazama Clan symbol?

Satsuki: So he's a Kazama, interesting. But what of the wings on his back?

Nonon proceeds to feel the wings on the young boy's back.

Nonon: I don't believe it... these are real... how is this possible?

Satsuki: There's only one clan with this kind of power...

Nonon turns to Satsuki.

Nonon: You don't mean....

Satsuki: Yes he must be the child or grandchild of a Hachijo Clan member.

Nonon: But I thought that clan's power was a DEVIL gene, not an Angel Gene.

Satsuki thinks for a moment as she looks at the boy on the ground.

Satsuki: The power of the Kazama Clan is to purify, perhaps this boy's Kazama blood purified the Devil Gene are gave it Angelic properties.

Nonon: That's incredible... so are you going to try and recruit him?

Satsuki: If he wishes, but first we must heal him.


Satsuki and Nonon turn around to see armed men running towards them.

Satsuki: Perfect timing, please see that this young man gets healed and let me know the second he awakens.

Armed Men: Yes Lady Satsuki!

The Armed Men then proceed to pick up the young boy and take him to a chopper that is now landing.

Nonon: So that makes you, me, and now possibly him?

Satsuki: That is correct, I have a strong feeling about him. He might just be the wings that bare us to paradise Nonon.

Nonon: Maybe, I do have to admit he is quite cute.

Satsuki: Hmmm.... just who are you Kazama?


The young boy opens his eyes slowly, after the e/c orbs have been shown he sits up and looks around the room. He sees many medical devices and sees some needles in his arms.

???: How the hell did I get here.... and where the heck is here?

Satsuki: Ah you are awake.

Nonon: Kept us waiting angel boy.

The boy turns to see Katsuki and Nonon (both now in casual attire) standing at the entrance to the hospital room.

???: Oh hello there, are you two the reason why I'm here?

Satsuki: Yes and No. We are the ones who brought you to the hospital after we found you passed out in the forest..

The boy's eyes widen.

???: Was there anyone near me?! Maybe someone my age who had black hair..

Satsuki: I'm afraid not... you were the only one.

The boy looks down.

Y/n: Oh I see...

The two girls look at him, they can easily tell that the person must have been important to him.

Y/n: I suppose I should tell you my name, it's the least I can do. My name is Y/n Kazama. My mother's name is Jun Kazama and my twin brother's name is Jin Kazama. 

Satsuki: A pleasure to meet you Y/n, my name is Satsuki Kiryuin.

Nonon: The name's Nonon Jakuzure cutie~

Y/n then began to blush heavily.

Y/n: C-Cutie?!

Nonon: I mean yeah, I think your cute as hell.

Y/n then blushes more and looks down.

Satsuki: That's enough Nonon.

Nonon pouts.

Nonon: You're no fun Lady Satsuki.

Satsuki: Anyway, Y/n, could you please tell us what happened and why we found you unconscious in the forest?

Y/n looks at the two and takes a deep breath.

Y/n: I lived with my mother and my twin brother. Me and my brother never knew our father, the only thing  our molder ever told us about him was that he was a man who was corrupted. We lived in relative peace with our mother teaching me and my brother the Kazama Fighting Style. On the day you found me our home had been attacked, the details of who attacked are fuzzy to me but me and my brother were separated. If I had to guess my brother isn't dead, he was always the stronger of the two of us.

Satsuki: But where would he have gone.

Y/n thinks for a minute.

Y/n: If I had to guess he took our mother's advice... oh god... my mom...

It was then that Y/n began to tear up. Satsuki and Nonon look at the boy, the two nod at each other and walk on either side of him and each one of them take a hand. Satsuki takes his right while Nonon takes his left. The boy looks at both of them, his face starting to become stained with tears.

Nonon: Take your time cutie, no rush.

Y/n nods and eventually calms down.

Y/n: Thank you, as I was saying. Our mother's advice was to seek out our grandfather and train under him.

Satsuki: And how is your grandfather.

Y/n: Heihachi Mishima.

Both Satsuki's and Nonon's eyes widen.

Nonon: No way.... HE'S your grandfather?

Satsuki: Heihachi Mishima.... the leader of the Mishima Zaibatsu...

Y/n: You two know of him?

Nonon: Of course we do, the Mishima Zaibatsu is tied with REVOCS as one of the biggest conglomerates in the world.

Satsuki: My mother has had several meetings with him. I've seen himself myself several times and I can tell he isn't the world's best father or grandfather...

Nonon: And to think your brother went to go find him.

Y/n: I should prepare myself to go find him as well.

Satsuki and Nonon look at each other.

Satsuki: Very well... if that is what you wish.

Nonon: I suppose we won't be able to change your mind. But there is one more question we have for you.

Y/n: I suppose I can answer one more question of yours for allowing me to heal in this hospital. 

Satsuki: Why do you have angel wings?

Y/n: Huh? What do you mean?

Nonon: When we found you you had angel wings on your back.

Y/n: I have zero idea what you are talking about I'm afraid.

Suddenly, the angel wings appeared on Y/n's back causing him to jump out of the bed in fear.

Y/n: Ah! That's new! Wait a second...

Y/n then smiles and chuckles.

Y/n: I suppose it all makes sense now.

Nonon: You seem awfully calm about this.

Y/n: My mom always called me her little guardian angel. Maybe these wings are the last gift she has left for me... Maybe having you two find me was her spirit guiding you two to me.

Y/n then began to think for a second.

Y/n: Satsuki, what is your ambition?

Satsuki: My ambition... I'm afraid I can't tell you that...

Y/n: I see, I believe I understand why.

Satsuki raised an eyebrow.

Satsuki: Oh?

Y/n: You only reveal your ambition to those you deem worthy to stand at your side. I can respect that you know. I assume Nonon is one of those worthy am I correct?

Nonon: Wow, cute and smart.

Y/n blushes some more but shakes it off. Satsuki then walks up to Y/n.

Satsuki: I sense a lot of strength within you, you have an aura that tells me that you are someone who will do anything to protect those you find worthy to care about. No matter the cost.

Y/n: You know my mom always gave me and Jin a second piece of advice.

Satsuki: She did and what is that advice?

Y/n: That if anything was to happen to her and we didn't want to go after our grandfather then we could join with someone we wanted to protect. I believe I shall act on that advice.

Y/n then proceeds to kneel in front of Satsuki.

Y/n: Satsuki Kiryuin, I humbly request that you take me under your care. I promise to follow your every order give to me. I wish to one day know your ambition and on that day I promise to pledge myself as your wings. I shall be the man whos wings you use to take you to the paradise you seek. Will you allow me this?

Satsuki looks at Y/n with a blank expression for a few seconds before the smallest of smiles.

Satsuki: Your drive is admirable Y/n Kazama. Very well, I humbly accept your offer. I hope you do no disappoint me.

Y/n: I would never dream of me.

Nonon: Well alright the cutie gets to stay.

Nonon then proceeds to hug Y/n who blushes like crazy as Satsuki watches on.

Satsuki: Y/n Kazama... you might just be the one who is destined to be the wings at my back, please do not let me down.

(Six Years Later)

A now 18 year old Y/n can be seen sitting in his office at Honnoji Academy. It has been six years since Y/n became a member of Satsuki's squad. He became the second-in-command of Honnoji as The Student Council Vice-President. Soon after his recruitment he earned the honor of finding out Satsuki's ambition and he did he was shocked, he never expected her ambition to be what she told him. But he made a promise to her and he refused to break it, while she did do some questionable things at times he knew the true reason why and he understood. He was working on a transfer student's papers when he heard a knocking on his office door.

Y/n: Come in.

The door opened to revealed Nonon, she was wearing her 3-star Goku uniform.

Over the last six years besides Satsuki herself, Y/n had the best relationship with Nonon. Not even a week after joining Satsuki she began to call him N/n. She also constantly teased him by calling him cute and hugging him whenever she had the chance. She also dubbed Y/n's lap as her "throne" and would sit in his lap during every meeting the two attended together. The two also share an apartment together.

Nonon: Hi N/n!

She quickly walked up next to him and hugged him which caused him to blush but he hugged back anyway.

Y/n: What brings you here Nonnie?

Nonon: Two things. One: I wanted to see you cause I can and Two: We've received information about that stolen Goku Uniform.

Y/n: Oh? Who stole it?

Nonon: Some slacker from Class 2K.

Y/n: Ah I see.

Y/n then pats Nonon on the head which causes her to smile.

Nonon: Yes! Praise me more!

Y/n: Jeez Nonnie... You really liked being praised that much?

Nonon: Only when it's you and Lady Satsuki.

Y/n: So is it safe to assume that Gamagori is going to deal with it?

Nonon: Yep, he also said you were more then welcome to join.

Y/n thinks for a minute and sighs.

Y/n: I suppose I better because if I don't he might actually kill someone again.

Nonon: Yeah he does go overboard a bit. But first.

Nonon then hopped into Y/n's lap and snuggled close to him and Y/n sighs.

Y/n: Let me guess, you wanna cuddle for a bit?

Nonon: Yes please!

Y/n: And you want me to wrap the wings around us?

Nonon: Of course.

Y/n gives a small smile as his Angel wings pop out and wrap around the two.

Y/n: The things I do for her and Satsuki... but I wouldn't change it for anything. I hope your proud of me mom... I just wish Jin and I could meet again, he's been doing a lot of questionable things recently... now to just mentally prepare myself for Gamagori again.

[End of Prologue]

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