Chapter 6: Anger and Weakness
Y/n looked in the mirror. The feathers on his wings had began to regrow back, but he still was unable to fly. Therefore both Satsuki and Nonon had decided that Y/n would stay with Satsuki who lived in a room off of the council room. He sighed as he sat gently in a chair nearby. He than began to relax. Satsuki was nearby in the shower and Y/n could hear the gentle running of the water, it brought a sense of calm to him. It reminded him of the waterfall that was located near his childhood home. The six year anniversary of the event was coming up right around the time Satsuki had planned some kind of Raid Trip, Y/n wanted to return to the site of the accident, maybe Jin would be there too. But Y/n still couldn't bring himself to do it. His thoughts were interrupted when he sensed someone sitting in the chair next to him. He looked and saw Satsuki, now finished with her shower. The towel clung to her wet body and Y/n was enamored. Y/n thought Satsuki was beautiful from the moment he first laid eyes on her. But it was these moments, where she let him see the real her, where he felt the most in love.
Satsuki: Is everything okay my love?
Y/n gave her a small smile.
Y/n: I'm fine Sats, just thinking that's all.
Satsuki gently put her hand on top of his.
Satsuki: And what are you thinking about?
Y/n: It's coming up soon you know?
Satsuki: Ah yes... the anniversary of the accident that took your mother?
Y/n: Yeah... I'm thinking about finally visiting the old place, saying one last goodbye to my mother before the Raid Trip. I want you and Nonon to join me, to finally meet her.
Satsuki then gentle pecked Y/n on the lips.
Satsuki: I would love to, and I'm sure Jakuzure would as well.
Y/n then smiled.
Y/n: Thank you, it means a lot.
Satsuki: Of course.
Soroi then walked in the room and began to pour some tea for Y/n and Satsuki.
Soroi: Do not try to overexert yourselves..
Satsuki: Not to worry, it is the path we have chosen.
Y/n: We will be fine, I promise.
The two then take a sip of the tea.
Y/n: Wonderful as always Soroi.
Satsuki: My love is right, Delicious as always.
Soroi: Thank you both very much.
Y/n and Satsuki then sensed someone behind them.
Satsuki: Did you think you could sneak up behind us, Sanageyama?
(Imagine Y/n sitting in a similar chair next to Satsuki in this picture. Basically Uzu is in the middle behind them.)
Uzu: I wasn't sneaking. What, did you think I was gonna attack or something? I know you'd kill me with that teacup without me even drawing my sword. Kazama, well there would be a fist embedded deep into my gut before I even got the chance.
Y/n: Then what do you want?
Uzu: Let me fight Matoi.
Satsuki: Why?
Uzu: I'm surprised you would even ask that. You know how I am, when someone powerful draws under my radar. Ask Kazama, our countless contests should be a good example. I live for this stuff.
Y/n: You really don't change do you?
Uzu: Nope, but Look, I'm grateful that you two brought me here and gave me a place to bust some heads. But that Matoi girl, I really just wanna test her strength.
Satsuki: Ah, I see.
Y/n: You do know what happens if you lose right?
Uzu: Don't worry about it. I got special eyes remember? There's no way I'll lose to her.
In a flash, Satsuki quickly broke the handle of her teacup and aimed it towards Uzu's neck. Who blocked it.
Y/n: A shame, that was your favorite cup Sats.
Satsuki: It was... it was the one you bought for me to celebrate our one year anniversary of our first meeting.
Y/n: Thank goodness, I happened to buy spares in-case this happened.
Satsuki: Excellent my love, always prepared. Also nicely blocked.
Uzu: Thanks for noticing. She used the same moves as the first time we met. Although, I was not expecting the fist about an inch from my gut right about now.
Y/n smirked as it shown Y/n's fist is exactly one inch away from Uzu's gut.
Uzu: You two held back didn't you.
Satsuki: Do as you wish, see what happens.
Uzu: Alright. And when I beat her, maybe we can have a cup of tea or something. Or Kazama can give me a rematch.
Y/n: We shall see.
Uzu then made his leave as the two made their way back to their chairs.
Y/n: It does not matter how many special abilities those eyes give him. They will be his downfall. You gave us orders not to interfere and here he is, coming to ask to interfere.
Satsuki just nods.
Satsuki: I apologize for the wasted tea, Soroi.
Soroi: It's quite alright miss, sadly that was the last of that kind we had in stock.
Y/n: No need to worry Soroi, I already ordered another shipment, it should arrive within the week.
Soroi: Thank you Sir.
Y/n: Of course.
Suddenly the phone rang and Soroi picked it up.
Soroi: You called the student council office of Honnouji Academy, how can I help you? ... Y-yes, right away, ma'am.
It was then that Y/n felt something wrong, something that disturbed him greatly. Soroi then brought the phone to Satsuki who was now holding Y/n's hand sensing his dread.
Soroi: It's Mistress Ragyo.
Y/n began to breathe more and more heavily. Y/n never liked being anywhere near Ragyo, everything about her disturbed him. Satsuki then gently rubbed his hand, calming him down slightly and giving him a look that said "It's okay, I'll deal with this."
Satsuki: This is Satsuki.
Ragyo: What's this I hear about you getting into a relationship with Y/n Kazama and you putting on your wedding dress?
(The Next Day)
Y/n made his way through the hallway of Honnouji Academy, he was heading to Sports Gym #1, most likely to watch the fight between Ryuko and Uzu. Y/n's hands were still shaking from just hearing Ragyo's voice the night before. Y/n eventually arrived at a small room above the Gym where he took a deep breath before opening the door and walking in. He saw Ira and Hota standing and Nonon sitting on a Sofa. Without anything needing to be said, he took a seat on the Sofa and Nonon moved right into his lap and he wrapped his arms around her.
Ira: Vice President, we thought Lady Satsuki would be with you.
Y/n: The Devil called last night... Satsuki is dealing with it.
Nonon then wrapped Y/n in a tighter hug as she knew who The Devil was to him.
Ira: I see... I assume you have been put in charge today?
Y/n: Yes.
Hota: So you and Lady Satsuki both agreeded to let Sanageyama fight Matoi?
Y/n: We told him to do what he wished, he knows what happens if he loses.
Nonon: Well lets watch.
Ryuko then arrived at the gym, with Belial next to her. He looked up and saw Y/n and the two just stared at each other before Belial sat down.
Uzu: Well, look who showed up.
Ryuko: I was called out by one of the Elite Four, now that's an invitation I can't refuse!
Uzu: That's the spirit. Come on then, let's do this!
Uzu then began his transformation.
Uzu: Three Star Goku Uniform: Blade Regalia! Kamuis aren't the only things that can transform!
Ryuko: Thanks for pointing the obvious, Einstein! Now it's my turn.
Ryuko then transformed.
Ryuko: Life Fiber Synchronize: KAMUI SENKETSU!
Ryuko then began to swing at Uzu, who just kept dodging causing her to miss.
Uzu: Men! Dou! Kote!
Uzu used a combo and sent her flying.
Uzu: Your moves are so ppredictable!
Ryuko then spoke to her Kamui.
Ryuko: We're gonna go full speed on him, Senketsu!
Ryuko began to run around Uzu, but he was faster and she got hit with another combo.
Uzu: No matter how fast you move, you'll never be able to outspeed me. Wanna know why? I'll show you. Tengetsu!
Y/n: Tengantsu... He used this move against me, and I was barely able to counter it then.
Uzu: With these eyes, I can see any move you make, before you make it!
Ryuko: You what?!
Hoto: A human makes sudden movements before they initiate an action, like Kazama's wings twitching before he flies or the blink of an eye. Sanageyama is a master of reading those movements. And his Goku Uniform enhances those abilities. It's called Tengantsu.
Nonon: Gosh, looks like the monkey got a big shot with his new ability.
Satsuki: Is that why Lady Satsuki said she didn't need to be here?
Y/n: Yes, it is the exact reason. Me and Her have already predicted what will happen.
Uzu was hitting Ryuko with various Kendo Strikes, but she was using her Scissor Blade to block most of them.,
Uzu: Not bad. But lets see if you can handle this!
He then attached several kendo swords to his fingers and they begun to spin.
Uzu: Shinsoku Senbonzuki!
Uzu sent out a volley of strikes to Ryuko.
Uzu: Sure, your blade can sever life fibers, but that's only if you can hit me!
He kept up the assault until he stopped when Ryuko fell to the ground. She then slowly got up and whispered something. Uzu attempts to hit her, but she blocks it with her blade, however the blade was sent flying away cutting a part of her Kamui. The part of her Kamui went into the eyeholes of Uzu's armor.
Uzu: My eyes! I can't see.
He dropped the swords and began to try and claw the pieces out, but to no avail.
Ryuko: This is it!
Y/n: He's lost, the utter fool.
Ryuko then extended her scissor blade.
Ryuko: Finishing Move: Sen-I-Soshitsu!
With a single slash, Uzu's uniform was destroyed and a single life fiber went into her Kamui. Y/n clenched his fist in anger. Something rare from him.
Nonon: What a bummer, he lost.
Hota: I see why Lady Satsuki didn't need to be here.
Uzu, who was now naked, got up and pointed his kendo sword to Ryuko.
Uzu: I'll fight you naked! C'mon, Matoi, round 2 right now!
Suddenly Uzu was kicked in the back of the spine and fell to his knees. Standing over him was Y/n.
Everyone including Ryuko was shocked at Y/n's sudden outburst. This was one of the rare times that Y/n, who was usually sweet to most people, showed genuine anger.
Nonon: N/n?
Y/n then walked over and grabbed Uzu by the hair, causing the man to grunt in pain.
Uzu: I know I failed! But I can taker her down! Just let me-
Y/n then began to slam Uzu's face into the ground.
Y/n then stopped and stood up.
Y/n: Your punishment will be decided by her. I'm usually a nice guy, but you crossed a line. We told you not to interfere with Ryuko until you were given permission. But that damn pride of yours costed you everything.
Y/n then pointed a finger not even a centimeter from Uzu's eye.
Y/n: These eyes of yours... they are your greatest weakness. If I wanted to, I would take them for your punishment. But I want them to be a reminder, a reminder of your arrogance. HOW THEY HAVE LED YOU ASTRAY!
Y/n then makes his way out of the area, but before he leaves he turns to Gamagori.
Y/n: Ira! You are not to harm him until Lady Satsuki returns! Am I clear?
Ira: Y-Yes Sir!
Y/n then leaves the gym in anger.
Hota: I've never seen Kazama so angry before.
Nonon: I know why he's acting like this... It's all Ragyo's fault....
Ira: What do you mean?
Nonon: There are only two people that Y/n fears... Ragyo Kiryuin... and his father... Kazuyu Mishima.
Meanwhile, Belial looked on at the scene and thought to himself.
Belial: That anger... I wonder if I can trigger it during our fight. I want to fight THAT Y/n Kazama!
Y/n was sitting on the roof of the tower with an umbrella, the rain had always been a calming thing to him. The thunder and lightning which might be scary to some others was a safe sound for him. The darkness outside was only pierced by the lights of the Helipad, outside of these lights was the void. Standing near Y/n was Mr. Soroi who was waiting under an umbrella with a spare for Satsuki. Y/n was still in turmoil of why Ragyo wanted to see Satsuki, nothing good ever came from talking to the Devil. The sound of rain was interrupted by the sound of a helicopter approaching amongst the thunder. The helicopter soon lit up the tower and removed the void. The helicopter landed and Y/n and Soroi walked to the door to greet Satsuki.
Soroi: Welcome back milday
The old butler proceeded to hand Satsuki the spare Umbrella.
Satsuki: Thank you. It's good to see you both..
Y/n: It's wonderful to see you Sats..
Satsuki then walked out of the helicopter and walked over to Y/n and gave him a peck on the lips.
Y/n: So why did the Devil want to see you?
Satsuki: Nothing stressful for you, she just wanted to know why I took Junketsu. I explained to her why I did and left soon after.
Soroi: She wasn't upset was she?
Satsuki: No. In fact... she planned on me taking it...
Y/n: W-Was she upset about our relationship.
Satsuki: No... she was strangely accepting of it.
Y/n: O-Oh, t-that doesn't concern me.
Satsuki then gently grabbed Y/n's hand.
Satsuki: Do not be worried my love, I won't let her do anything to you.
The two lovers then made their way back into the tower, but they saw someone standing in the rain, he was shirtless, covered in bandages, and still had the smell of embarrassment and defeat.
Y/n: Sanageyama...
Uzu dropppepd to his knees as the darkness covered his body and his hair covered his eyes.
Satsuki: We have no time for the weak, Sanageyama..
Uzu: I admit.... Y/n was right, my eyesight made me cocky. But if you give me another chance, I can beat Matoi!
Satsuki: How pathetic! I have no use for subordinates who lack resolve.
Uzu: I have resolve... and here's proof.!
He whipped his head up and his hair finally uncovered something neither were expecting. He had his eyes sewn shut.
Y/n: You didn't...
Uzu: I did! After what you said to me in the dojo and the beatdown... I realized that my eyes were what made me weak. They really were the source of my arrogance... my cockiness... my pride. But now they're gone! This is how far I'm willing to go Lady Satsuki, Vice President Kazama! Let me have one more shot at Matoi!
Uzu: I promise... I WON'T FAIL!
Satsuki and Y/n walk past Uzu with Mr. Soroi following them. None of them even giving Uzu a single glance.
(The Next Day)
The school day was just starting. All the students were inside Honnouji attending their first period classes. Meanwhile Uzu stood in the courtyard, awaiting Ryuko to arrive. He had sent out a letter attached to a bokken to the place she was staying, calling her out for another challenge. Y/n and Satsuki stood atop the tower watching him.
Y/n: Think he stands a chance this time Sats?
Satsuki: With his weakness removed.... he might pull it off.
Ryuko and Belial appeared in the gateway leading into the courtyard..
Ryuko: I got your message! I didn't think losers got a second chance around here! Guess you've just gone soft Satsuki!
Satsuki smiles
Satsuki: Only to my love am I soft. Let's see how soft you think I am after this!
Uzu: I'm going to show you what happens... when you force a man to change!
Uzu then transforms into his new Goku Uniform.
Uzu: Three-Star Goku Uniform: Blade Regalia Mk 2!
Belial then heads to the sidelines but not before giving another smirk to Y/n, Ryuko then transforms into her Kamui.
Ryuko: Life Fiber Synchronize: Kamui Senketsu!
The two then star each other down. Then Ryuko slices a piece of her Kamui off and uses it to cover all of Uzu's armor eyeholes.
Ryuko: I covered up all your eye holes again! Try using that Tengantsu crap now!
Ryuko jumped around Uzu attempting to throw off his sight. But she didn't know that he no longer needed his eyes to see.
Ryuko: Take this-
Uzu then raises one of his gauntlets in Ryuko's direction and a bamboo pole shoots out of it and strikes her in the stomach. Ryuko then falls to ground.
Ryuko: What the... I covered up all your eye holes! How did you-
The black fabric on Uzu's helmet falls to the ground and Ryuko looks through the open slit to see Uzu's new look..
Ryuko: Your eyes... What did you do to your eyes?!
Ryuko's look of surprise quickly became that of panic when Uzu bursts from his spot to attack. His suit deploys staff after staff, striking Ryuko each time. She tries to block the attacks but is unable to.
Uzu: Your breathing... the smell of your sweat... even the heat your body is giving off... I can see it all. I relied too much on my eyes before, numbing my other senses, but now my eyes are truly open. I WILL BEAT YOU MATOI!
Y/n: This is something my mother taught me... Shingantsu. The eyes of the mind. With his eyes sewn shut, his mind is more in-sync with his Goku uniform.
Uzu continues his high-speed attacks and Ryuko ends up not being able to block anymore and takes each hit..
Satsuki: His uniform has become his eyes... and he has become his uniform's heart! You cannot evade his attacks, no matter the opponent!
A solid attack on Ryuko's head causes her to crash into the ground, blood pooled from her mouth and her arms shook.
Uzu: This is it Ryuko. I've won!
Just as Uzu is about to swing down, some one catches the Kendo Stick. It is revealed to be Belial.
Belial: Leave it to the big brother to save his little sister.
Ryuko: S-Shut up.
Belial then turns to Uzu.
Belial: Besides, you are at your limit.
Uzu: What do you-
Uzu's suit then locks up and steam is released in mass from the vents.
Uzu: What the?!
The suit explodes and goes back into its base form. Belial uses the moment to grab his sister and make a mad dash away. But not for giving Y/n one last taunting smirk.
Y/n: That bastard...
Uzu: Goddamn it! What the hell happened?!
Satsuki: Your suit overheated. It was no error of your own. The Goku Uniform could not handle your newfound power.
Uzu lowers his Kendo Sword..
Satsuki: You have redeemed yourself Sanageyama, but do not fail me or my love again.
Uzu: Yes, ma'am.
Y/n watches as Uzu heads into the school. A single thought in his head.
Y/n: Uzu Sanageyama... the one who challenged the Deadly Sin of Pride and lost everything to beat it.
[End of Chapter]
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