Chapter 5: Guerilla Tactics and A New Fighter

(This chapter is quite interesting)

Y/n was peacefully sleeping in bed, laying on his chest was Nonon Jakuzure who was peacefully asleep as well. The two were cuddled up to each other, but the cuddling was ended when Y/n's phone rang. He quickly picked it up and Nonon woke up, yawning groggily and her hair was a mess.

Nonon: N/n, who's calling this damn early?

Y/n: It's Ira... wait what day is it?

Nonon: It's uh... [Insert Date Here]

Y/n sighs and rubs his temple.

Y/n: It's no tardies day...

Nonon: Oh yeah... I'm going back to bed... that's your and the Toad's thing. Have fun, love ya N/n.

Nonon then quickly fell back asleep and Y/n just sighed with a small smile and kissed her on the forehead. He quickly got dressed and made his way out of their shared room. He then called Ira back.


Y/n: Calm down Ira, I was getting ready. Also had to make sure Nonon got back to bed.

Ira: Very well, will you be arriving at the No-Star district shortly?

Y/n made his way out of his and Nonon's apartment and spread his wings.

Y/n: Give me just a sec.

Ira: See you then, vice president.

Y/n then quickly took off into the air and flew at his fastest speed, within 3 minutes, he landed next to Ira.

Ira: 3 minutes, excellent work Vice-President. I was expecting you to take at least 10.

Y/n: I live to surprise Ira, now are you ready for today?

Ira: Of course! Today is the day where all no-stars put their lives on the line. It's a day of reckoning, a day of death. IT'S NO TARDIES DAY!

Y/n: Yep, and did you make sure to tone down the traps a little bit? We had a 75% Failure Rate last year. Wasn't the biggest fan of filling out all those expulsion forms.

Ira: I did not!

Y/n: And wh- You made it harder because Satsuki asked you to? In-order to test Matoi?


Y/n then sensed something and quickly stuck out his arm.

Ira: Vice President?

Y/n: She's nearby.

Ira: Matoi is?

Ryuko: No tardies day? The hell is that?

Ira looks at Y/n who just nods. Ira then proceeds to knock down a bunch of houses in front of him, it reveals Mako and Ryuko surfing on students with Ryuko's guitar case.

Y/n: Well, well, well. Look who it is.

Ira: AHAHAHAHA! Do I detect some confusion, Ryuko Matoi?!

Ryuko: Bite me! Elite Jerk! And what the hell is Boy Toy doing here?

Y/n: Simple, as Vice-President I am assigned over supervising tasks and events such as this. I'm here doing my job.

Ira: My title is chair of the disciplinary committee. And my name is IRA GAMAGORI! Pay attention, new girl. Once every semester, no star students put their lives at risk just to arrive at Honnouji in time when the bell tolls, at 8:30 AM. It starts when the buzzer rings at 4. However, you are required to run an obstacle course designed by the disciplinary committee. If you fail, however, you will- WHAT THE HELL!?

Y/n: You have got to be kidding me...

The two members of the Student Council noticed that Ryuko was wearing her pajamas instead of her Kamui.



Ryuko: M-my Kamui's washing! It will be delivered later, that's all!

Ira: Spare us the excuses! It's clear to see that you disrespect the dress code of Honnouji! Thus, disrespecting Lady Satsuki's and Vice-President Y/n's authority as well! IT'S A MORTAL INSULT!

Mako: It is so not! 

Y/n: Excuse us?

Mako and Ira then proceeded to argue with each other, the argument consisted of whether Ryuko was disrespecting Honnouji. Ira even revealed that he slept in the nude. Which for Y/n was something he never wanted to know, but now knew and wanted to forget..

Ira: No-star, what was your name again?

Mako: My name is Mako Mankanshoku! My jammies have Mt. Fuji, two hawks and three eggplants on them!

Ira: Mankanshoku, huh? I'll remember that.

Y/n: As will I.

Ira then turns to Ryuko.

Ira: New girl! We will overlook your choice in wardrobe for now! But I'm curious as to see how you're going to reach the school without your precious Kamui. Vice-President if you would.

Ira then hands Y/n a remote and Y/n presses the button which turns the entire city into a trap filled course. Y/n and Ira made their way to the cable car. Ira decided to start trash-talking Ryuko while they ascended.

Ira: Congratulations on passing the first trap. I forgot to mention, use of the no-star cable car is prohibited. So good luck with that!

Y/n sighed as the two began their ride up the cable car.

Ira: Usually you just fly, why use the cable car Vice President?

Y/n: Eh, nice change of pace. So, how goes getting that new car?

Ira: Very well, I should be getting it before the Elections. I must thank you for recommending me to that Driving Instructor and letting me borrow your car.

Y/n: Don't worry about it. Anything for my friends. But I can't help but wonder something Ira.

Ira: And what is that Vice-President?

Y/n: What caused you to let Mako off the hook so easily?

Ira: I-It's because she made some fair points.

Y/n: Hold on a second.... Ira... Don't tell me....

Ira turns his head away and blushes slightly causing Y/n to give a small smile.

Y/n: Don't worry big guy, I ain't gonna tease ya. I ain't like that, besides who am I to tease? Have you seen the way I act when Sats and Nonnie give me any kind of affection.

Ira sighs and gives a small smile.

Ira: I suppose you make a good point. Thank you.

Y/n: No problem, I'll support you big guy.

After a while, the two arrived at the academy. Y/n left Gamagori in charge of supervising the remaining students. To no-one's surprise, Mako and Ryuko made it in time. But what surprised the most was Ira handing Y/n an expulsion paper for the leader of the Trap Development who wanted to overthrow Lady Satsuki.

Y/n: Someone wanted to overthrow Sats? Hell no, never while I'm around...

(The Next Day, it's Belial time!)

Y/n was walking through the hallways of the Academy on his Patrol, he had his earbuds in his ear with his music blasting at full volume.

Y/n: I really gotta thank Nonnie for showing me that movie, it was amazing! Taron Egerton as Elton John was perfect casting.

Y/n's music time was interrupted when even over the sound of his music, he heard a gunshot coming from the courtyard.

Y/n: That came from the courtyard!

Y/n looks and sees a nearby open window. He jumps out and uses his wings to fly to the courtyard. He sees a guy with a red mohawk standing over Ryuko, her right hand was pinned to the ground. The mohawk guy was using what looked like a gun but was also a sewing machine. Y/n was about to intervene when the mohawk guy was barely able to dodge a red/black blur. Y/n's eyes widened when he saw someone now standing next to Ryuko and removing the pin. It was a man around Y/n's age with brown hair and glowing red eyes, he was also wearing an interesting outfit and had an apple in his hand.

Y/n then flew in and landed between all of them.

Ryuko: Boy Toy, what the hell are you doing here?

???: Boy Toy? You should have told me you got a boyfriend Ryuko.

Y/n then glared at ???.

Y/n: Okay first off, never in my life would I date her, and second, I'm in a relationship already with two wonderful ladies I love more than anything. Third, who the hell are you?

??? then takes a bite of his apple and tosses it away before bowing.

Belial: Ah my apologies, my name is Belial Matoi, this little rebel's older brother. May I ask for your name?

Y/n: Y/n Kazama.

Belial: Kazama, huh? Like Jin Kazama, the guy who basically started World War 3?

Y/n clenched his fists at the mention of his brother. Y/n was no idiot to what Jin had done, but if anyone who could understand Jin's actions it was Y/n. Y/n had assumed for a while that Jin had unlocked the Devil Gene and set out to destroy it.

Y/n: Yeah... He's my twin...

Mohawk: So you are one of those damn Mishima's?!

Y/n then turned to the Mohawk guy.

Y/n: No, I might share blood with the Mishima Bloodline, but I will never associate with anyone from that bloodline except for Jin. So, don't go assuming things. Also, Why the hell are you attacking the random students?

Mohawk: ...

Y/n sighs.

Y/n: You aren't going to answer me are you?

Suddenly a landmine went off and Y/n was distracted for a second, but Y/n's focus returned he felt something coming towards him. He turned and caught a needle that was about to hit him in the eye.

Mohawk: What the hell?

Y/n: A needle? Let me make a assumption. This needle is meant for pressure points, and for life fibers, pressure points basically mean being immobilized. You think what I'm wearing is a Goku Uniform correct?

Y/n then turned when he heard the sound of Popcorn, he look and saw Belial eating a tub of Popcorn.

Y/n: Really?

Belial: Hey man, this is getting interesting. Can't blame a guy.

Y/n sighs and turns back to the Mohawk guy.

Y/n: Answer my question.

Mohawk: Yeah... all you under Kiryuin's boot wear Goku Uniforms.

Y/n gives a long chuckle.

Y/n: That's the thing, I can't wear a Goku Uniform.

Mohawk: WHAT?!

Y/n: Simple reasoning, my blood hates it.

Mowhawk: Tschh..

Mohawk then turns to Ryuko.

Ryuko: What?

Mohawk: I'll be back tomorrow. 

Belial: Yeah, yeah. Whatever.

The Mohawk guy then used a smoke bomb and flashbang to get away as Y/n sighed and turned to Belial.

Y/n: So you got the-

Belial: Check your back.

Y/n reaches around his back and feels a piece of paper.

Y/n: Oh real funny.

But when he turned back the two were gone.

Y/n: Goddamnit...

(Later that night)

Y/n was now having a meeting with The Elite Four and Satsuki. Inumuta was pulling up information on the big screen.

Inumuta: I found some intel on the person who attacked Kazama earlier. His data matches up with the person who has been causing us trouble lately.

Ira: An anti-unifoorm guerilla. He's the one that's been attacking all of our affiliate academies.

Inumuta: I also found this.

Y/n: Ah yes, the needles. I managed to catch one of these. If I was wearing a Goku Uniform and it would have hit me, the life fibers would have been severed and I would have been rendered immobile.

Inumuta: Exactly.

Ira: We can be sure he's not acting alone on his attacks on us. He's with those pathetic fools who dare oppose Honnouji Academy.

Y/n: Well we can assume he's not with those who work Yggdrasil. They have confirmed that they only focus on G-Corp and the Mishimia Zaibatsu. So that only leaves Nudist Beach.

Inumuta: Most likely, but his target seems to be Ryuko Matoi.

Satsuki: Yes... He must be after her Kamui. This is a struggle between sandpaper and a cloth, nothing more. However, there seems to be someone else now on Matoi's side.

Y/n: Ah Yes, Belial Matoi. His file is as basic as they come... but something's off with him. He feels... Like me.

Satsuki: Do you think he's from the Hachijō clan sent after you under the disguise of being a Matoi?

Y/n: No... this guy feels familar in a way I can't quite pinpoint yet. I ask that you leave him to me.

Satsuki: Very well. But would you allow Jakuz-

Y/n: Yes, she can help.

Nonon then quickly gave Y/n a kiss on the cheek.

Nonon: Thanks N/n, I need to avenge my biology club and help defeat the guy who dared attack my man!

Y/n: Thanks Nonon..


Y/n was now chilling in the music room with Nonon and Inumuta. The trio were waiting to step in to deal with the Mohawk guy who was most likely now going after Ryuko AND Belial.

Y/n: So is it safe to assume the reason you sent your weakest clubs after her is because you don't want to win right away? You want to toy with her, don't you babe?

Nonon smiles and gives a cute giggle.

Nonon: You know me so well N/n. I also want to study her, you know whatever we learn we can apply to Lady Satsuki's planning.

Inumuta: I didn't know you were so diligent. I'm impressed.

Nonon: Me and N/n are one of the only few people who know how Lady Satsuki thinks. Now if you don't mind.

Nonon walks up to her stage in the music room and she signals for Y/n to open the curtains which he does, it reveals the music club, equipped with tubas, trombones, and other instruments.

Nonon: Now, instead of analyzing me and N/n, you better go collect some data on them. Hop to it, four eyes!

Just then the sound of glass shattering could be heard.

Nonon: And that's the signal.

Y/n: Let's go.

Nonon and Y/n made their way out of the music room.

Nonon: Hey N/n.

Y/n: Yeah what's up babe?

Nonon: Promise me you will be careful?

Y/n: I will

Just then, the two saw Mako run out of the men's bathroom while Belial was leaning against the wall.

Y/n: Belial?

Belial: Oh sup Kazama, just watching my sis get her ass beat.

Y/n: So... you aren't going to intervene. 

Belial: Not yet, And If I'm being honest.

Belial then got into Y/n's face. Belial's eyes then began to glow a dark red. Y/n's eyes began to glow a dark E/c. The two's auras were leaking out.

Belial: I want my first fight to be against someone who can actually challenge me. Mr. Devil Gene. 

Belial was about to grab one of Y/n's wings but Y/n grabbed his wrist.

Y/n: Don't touch them. I didn't give you permission.

Belial: Hey calm down there Mr. Angel. My bad. Anywho, you two should probably get in there.

Y/n then let go of his wrist.

Y/n: Yeah... Just stay out of our way.

Nonon: N/n?

Y/n turned back to Nonon and gave her a smile.

Y/n: I'm fine babe, let's go.

Nonon: Yeah.

The music club then made a tune, and Nonon and Y/n made their entrance.

(Just imagine Y/n standing behind her)

Nonon: Your battle with the Kamui was truly beautiful, I'm impressed.

Y/n: A bit destructive, but in a way it made it somewhat beautiful I suppose. Now first, I suggest you hand it over.

Nonon: And turn yourself in too.

The Mohawk guy then turned to the two lovers.

Mohawk: There are two things you need to know. First: I'll never let you people catch me. Second: I'll never hand them over to you!

His clothes then puffed up and bursted like a smoke bomb.

Y/n: Smoke again?!

Nonon: Don't worry N/n, he can't escape.

A member of the music club came up and blew her tuba, which caused the smoke to vanish, but the mohawk guy was no-where to be seen. Instead.. a hand grenade went flying towards Nonon.

Y/n: BABE!

Y/n jumped in front of Nonon.

Nonon: N/n?

Y/n: BRA-

The Grenade then exploded and Y/n screamed in pain as his back had taken the blunt and his wings were now burnt with a bit of bone exposed.

Nonon: N/N NO!

Nonon quickly kneeled next to the injured Y/n, who's wings were now smoldering as he grunted in pain. Nonon turned to one of her members.


Y/n: H-Hey b-babe... A-are you h-hurt?

Nonon: Who care about me right now?! YOUR WINGS ARE RUINED!

Y/n: H-heh. A s-small price to p-pay if it means keeping you safe.

Nonon: But why?

Y/n: I'm your G-Guardian A-Angel remember? I'm going to p-protect you always.

Nonon then teared up.

Nonon: Y-You I-Idiot!

Y/n: Yeah b-but I'm y-your idiot!

This caused Nonon to sit down next to Y/n and she held him close, trying to soothe his pain anyway she could. She eventually told the music club to disperse. Eventually the biology club arrived to patch up Y/n.


Uzu: And after all, you two let everyone get away and even Y/n got inju-

Satsuki: Sanageyama... do not comment on my love's injury.

Y/n was sitting next to Satsuki, his wings bandaged up and in a cast.

Y/n: Guess, I won't be flying for a while...

Nonon: Nope, that just means me and Lady Satsuki get to take care of you till you recover.

Y/n: You two really don-

Y/n stopped talking when he felt Satsuki and Nonon glaring at him.

Satsuki: Excuse me my love, did you say something?

Nonon: That can't be right Lady Satsuki. It sounded like he didn't want his two lovers to take care of him.

Y/n quickly panicked.

Y/n: T-That's not what I said at all! You two will do great!

The two then give small smiles.

Satsuki: I'm happy to hear that my love.

Nonon: I'll be sure to make you some of your favorite ramen when we get home.

Y/n: O-Okay.

Satsuki: Now Inumuta have you completed the anti-uniform guerilla combat data?

Inumuta: I have, I found a pattern.

Satsuki: Excellent. Now my love, you have something else to say.

Y/n: I do.

Y/n then got in front of her and kneeled.

Y/n: I humbly request that once I recover, you let me deal with Belial Matoi. I believe that I might be the only one able to handle him. You are already occupied with Matoi and from what his aura has told me during our confrontation earlier. He might be on an equal power level with mine. 

Satsuki: Is that so?

Satsuki then takes a sip of her tea.

Satsuki: Very well, my love. Belial Matoi will be your next fight. I hope you will not disappoint me.

Y/n: I won't... I promise. Belial Matoi... when you and I fight. I WILL WIN!

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