Chapter 4: New Position and Compromised Judgement


Y/n sat at his new desk inside Satsuki's office. Well it was now his and Satsuki's office, since both Satsuki and Nonon had confessed to him, they had been spending more and more time with him than usual. Satsuki usually spent from Before School to The Final Bell, while Nonon got him from After School to when they went to bed. At Satsuki's request, he was also given a new outfit to reflect his new status. One hand crafted by both Satsuki and Nonon.

It was the first time he had worn armor. It was quite the adjust for him since he had spent his life in more traditional martial artist clothing. To coincide with this, Satsuki also had a blade made of same material as Bakuzan made for Y/n.

Y/n was also no stranger to swordsmanship. While his preferred method of fighting was hand-to-hand combat. Satsuki insisted that he learn how to weild a blade as a secondary form. He took to a sword like a pro, almost as if he was destined to weild one. Satsuki even decided to change his name from Honnouji's Angel to Honnouji's Archangel like those of Michael and Sandalphon of the Bible.

Back to the present, Y/n looked up to see Satsuki sitting across from him. He couldn't helped but notice how Junketsu looked on her. It made her look like the angel instead of him. But it was the eyes on Junketsu that gave him a shiver down his spine. 

Satsuki: Is everything alright my love?

Her voice caused Y/n to jump a small bit.

Y/n: Oh yeah, I'm fine Sats... Just...

Satsuki: Still getting used to being in a relationship with myself and Jakuzure?

Y/n: Yeah...

Satsuki: Do not stress about that my love. As Jakuzure and myself have told you many times recently. There is no-one else the two of us want to be with more than you. 

She then gave him one of the world's eight wonders. A rare, genunie, affectionate smile.

Satsuki: You have been the wings at my back for the last six years. You are one of the few people who truly understands me and my mission. We care for one another greatly. You don't see me as the daughter of Ragyo. You see me as myself. And I couldn't ask for anyone better.

She then proceeded to give him a small kiss on the lips causing his face to burst into red and a bit of steam emerge from his ears.

Satsuki: Also, the way you blush is truly the most adorable.

Y/n: T-thanks.

Y/n then quickly shook off his blush.

Y/n: I've been meaning to ask. How does it feel to wear Junketsu? It's living... does it feel like wearing clothing or... wearing skin?

Satsuki: It feels like power... pure power. The fibers that line the inside of the chest piece expand and contract like its breathing. Sometimes it even gets goosebumps. But to answer your question... it feels like wearing flesh over my own. Living... breathing... flesh...

Y/n shudder at the description.

Y/n: I suppose I'm lucky that my body naturally rejects life fibers because of the Devil Gene huh?

Satsuki gives a small chuckle.

Satsuki: I suppose that makes you the only one who might be able to stop me if Junketsu causes me to lose control of my judgement.

Y/n: Sats-

Satsuki then gently puts a hand on his cheek and he nuzzles into it subconsciously. 

Satsuki: I said IF my love, do you not have faith in me?

Y/n: I didn't mean it like that... d-darling

Satsuki: Did you finally give me a pet nickname?

Y/n: Y-Yeah, do you not like it?

Satsuki then gives him a kiss on the cheek.

Satsuki: I love it, now we should get going?

Y/n: Yeah. And you want me to not intervene correct?

Satsuki: Correct, while I do believe you could deal with her easily. This is my academy, so I must show her why I am to be feared.

Y/n: I suppose that makes sense.

The two then made their way to the courtyard, the courtyard had been covered in the banners of the Academy. In the center was an arena where students were waiting for the fight to begin. Y/n looked and saw the long staircase. He then felt a gentle tug on his sleeve. He looked down and saw Nonon pointing to her cheek. He knew what this meant and blushed, he then quickly gave her a peck on the cheek and she smiled before skipping back to her spot. Y/n then sensed the arrival of Ryuko and Mako, both of them had confused expressions.

Satsuki: Show time.

Ryuko then glared up at Satsuki.

Ryuko: Satsuki Kiryuin!

Satsuki: Correct, Ryuko Matoi.

Ryuko then quickly glanaced at Y/n and then back to Satsuki.

Ryuko: I see you have your boy toy next to you now instead of behind you. Tell me, was this welcome his idea or yours?

Satsuki: It is none of your business if this was the idea of my love. Also, do not dare call him a "boytoy" Matoi.

Ryuko: Well regardless, this is some welcome! You got somethin' on your mind or are you jjust gonna stand there lookin tough?!

Satsuki's heel clacks on the first step as she begins her decent to the arena. Y/n then takes her place and spreads out his wings. He was now standing in her spot... no-one else had ever done that. He looked down and saw his hands shaking. He took a deep breath and they began to steady out.

Satsuki: Last time I saw you, you said quote, "we would finish thing."

Ryuko: Well aren't you the conscientious type?!

Mako moved out of the arena, as she like Y/n had put together what was about to happen. Y/n's hands began to shake again.

Y/n: Calm down, Y/n, she's going to be fine. I'm still going to make her fill out the paperwork for the destruction, even if she is my girlfriend...

Y/n re-calmed himself as Satsuki reached the final step and she walked onto the courtyard grounds.

Satsuki: Feel honored Matoi. You get to be my first offer to Junketsu!

Ryuko: Junketsu, "Purity"? I didn't know there was anything pure about you!

Y/n: Should I mention the plush she sleeps with that looks like Me? Nah, I don't feel like dying.

Satsuki then chuckles.

Satsuki: Allow me to show you just how "pure" I can be.

Satsuki then flipped the three switches on her arm and Junketsu began to shine. 

Y/n watched as it leeched out for her blood, it than exploded into life fibers and Satsuki's transformation began.

Y/n could feel the power and bloodlust radiating from Junketsu. It felt... dark... and disturbing to him.


The students of Honnouji than began to clap with a few perverted looks. They all stopped when they looked up to see Y/n glaring at them.

It wasn't the glare of an angel. It was the glare of a Demon King protecting his Demon Queen. This caused the perverted looks to stop in an instant.

Ryuko: What the hell?! How did you-

Satsuki: You are not the only one with a Kamui, Matoi! This is Junketsu!

Ryuko: Alright... you showed me yours... now I'll show you mine!

Ryuko then transformed into her Kamui.

Satsuki then drew Bakuzan as Ryuko brought the scissor blade out of its case.

Ryuko: So, you ready?

Satsuki: You will be kneeling at my feet by the end of this!

The two fighters than began to walk towards each other, Y/n quickly sensed what was about to happen and jumped behind Nonon and wrapped his wings around her.

Nonon: N/n?

Y/n: Trust me, this is necessary for you b-babe.

Nonon: Awww, you called me babe!

The air pressure around Satsuki and Ryuko created a shockwave.

Y/n: Jesus!

Hota: Inredible! Their willpower created a concussive blast.

A piece of rubble nearly hit Nonon, but Y/n used his wing to knock it away. This caused Nonon to give him another Kiss on the cheek.

Ryuko: Cool! Now, let's see if you can back it up or if you're just blowing hot air!

She then dashed at Satsuki who responded with nothing but a simple sword swing, Ryuko was barely able to block it but it sent her flying back.

Y/n: This is going to be one-sided. At least... I think it is. I still don't trust that Junketsu at all...

Y/n's hand then made a small movement to the sword that was holstered on his waist. Ready to intervene if he needed.

Ryuko then dashed again at Satsuki, but all Satsuki did was swing her sword with one hand rapidly. Each strike hitting with more and more force. Ryuko attempted to hit Satsuki from behind but Satsuki blocked it without any effort.

Satsuki: Incredible! This is more power then I ever imagined. Is this how Y/n feels every time he fights because of the Devil Gene?

Satsuki then kicks Ryuko off the ground and uses the pommel of Bakuzan to hit her with a massive amount of Energy. Ryuko then slammed through the side of the school through a window. The screams filling the academy.

Y/n: She's getting more and more brutal... This isn't like her...

Satsuki then bursted from the ground towards Ryuko's location and the battle carried on. Y/n then activated his enhanced eyes to see where the two where. He saw them batteling throughout the hallways and classrooms. His ears picking up the sounds of metal hitting metal. He saw them stop fighting for a second, when Satsuki delivered a massive slash to Ryuko that caused an entire section of the school to erupt from the shockwave. Ryuko landed in the courtyard and crashed to the ground causing her to revert back. Satsuki then jumped oout of the hole and landed next to Ryuko. She picked her up from the ground and held her by the hair.

Satsuki: Pathetic! Your Kamui might have spared you from passing out. But In a dormant Kamui, you might as well be naked.

Ryuko then said something only Satsuki and Y/n could hear, thanks to his enhanced hearing.

Ryuko: Not sure how I feel about you laughing at me in your exhibitionist getup.

Satsuki then threw Ryuko to the ground.

Satsuki: Exhibitionist? Nonsense! To unleash the most power, this is the form a Kamui must take! You claim to the perverted views of the masses, proving just how inferior you are! But I have no such shame, if it's for my ambition, I will bare my breasts for all to see! I'll do whatever it takes, for I know my actions are utterly pure!

Y/n: This isn't Satsuki... Junketsu is corrupting her! I gotta step in! 

Satsuki raises her sword above her head.

Y/n's wings then pop out and he gets in position to take off. But just as he is about to. Mako steps in.

Mako: Come on Ryuko! Get naked! I know for a fact that you are not inferior to Lady Satsuki!-

Y/n: What the hell is going on?

Mako gestures into the air, to give her expressions more power and to imitate what she was saying. Satsuki looks on with a stunned expression.

Mako: -your boob are WAY bigger than hers!

Y/n: Now hold on-

Mako: I know because I saw them! "That Ryuko, she's got a huge rack!" My whole family said! We were all talking about what a slamin' body you have!-

Y/n: S-Should I even be hearing this?

Mako: -so perk up! And stop being embarrassed! Rip your clothes off and get NAKEEED!

Y/n: ... words will never be able to describle what I just sa-

Y/n's thoughts where interrupted when he felt Satsuki's aura... and for the first time... he was scared of her. Her left eye was twitching and her grip on Bakuzan got tighter.

Satsuki: What. Is. This. Nonsense? Nothing about you is even remotely mature, and I am thoroughly done with you, Matoi!

Satsuki then lifted her sword back up and was prepare to swing down.


Y/n then quickly took off from atop the tower and flew towards Satsuki with his sword out. He then landed in front of Satsuki and used his sword to block Satsuki's blow. The strike was strong, but Y/n held strong.


Ryuko and Mako looked at him in surprise. They were not expecting this at all. Y/n saw Satsuki's eyes fill with a fire, a fire that wasn't started by her, but Junketsu.


Y/n felt the pressure increase.


That last sentence struck a chord inside Satsuki. Satsuki then looked into Y/n's eyes and saw them, inside his eyes was fear... and it was fear.... of her. This caused Satsuki to pull back Bakuzan quickly.

Satsuki: T-Thank you my love, for stopping me.

Y/n then quickly hugged her and she hugged back.

Y/n: Just... don't scare me like that again.

Satsuki: I won't...

Ryuko: Saved by the boyfriend... what the hell?

Y/n: Well the boyfriend just saved you. I suggest you be grateful I didn't let you die.

Satsuki and Y/n then began to walk away.

Satsuki: It's obvious you're not strong enough to challenge me directly Matoi. I expected more out of you.

Ryuko: It's obvious you're not strong enough to challenge me directly Matoi. I expected more out of you.

Y/n watched as Ryuko tried to use her scissor blade to get up.

Y/n: And why would she tell a weakling like yourself? You have no ambition. No aspirations. And no strength to back yourself up. You required my help to stay alive! And the only reason I jumped in wasn't to protect you! It was to protect Satsuki from making a compromised action because of her compromised Judgement!

Ryuko: You know what. I'm gonna take- all that lofty crap you two say about ambition this and aspiration that- crush them into ash- AND SHOVE YOUR GODDAMN FACE IN IT! And then you'll both be begging to tell me what I wanna know!

Satsuki lets out a small laugh and Y/n looks at her.

Satsuki: So you're going to crush my ambitions are you? How amusing.

Satsuki turns around on her heel to stare down at Ryuko.

Satsuki: Honnouji Academy is mine and my love's Kingdom! If you think you can topple it alone then we accept your challenge! Starting tomorrow, every club will be after your head! Still think you can win?!

Ryuko: You bet your ass I do!

Satsuki: As you wish! If you can manage to defeat every student who challenges you, then Junketsu and I will face you again! Even my love will face you! But be warned Matoi... with the elite four serving as my wardens and with my love by my side, you are sure to fail!

Ryuko: If I beat you both, you'll tell me everything!

Y/n/Satsuki: You have our word!

Ryuko: Then you two are on!

Satsuki then turns to Y/n and whispers in his ear.

Satsuki: You and I must speak.

Y/n nodded and the two made their way to their office. Y/n entered last and closed the door behind him. Satsuki then looked at him.

Satsuki: My love, why did you intefere.

Y/n sighed.

Y/n: You were not acting like Satsuki. You were acting like Junketsu...

Satsuki: What do you mean?

Y/n: You were about to strike down an innocent girl and someone who was beaten. It would have gone against everything you stand for. And also...

Satsuki then gently touched his cheek.

Satsuki: You were scared?

Y/n: Yeah... is that what broke you out?

Satsuki: It was... I saw the look in your eyes and it's something I never want to see again. Fear... the fear of me. It hurts my heart in so many ways that you would be afraid of me. I love you, and I love that you stepped in to save me when my judgement was compromised. Did I hurt you at all?

Y/n: I'm fine, but I wouldn't lie in saying that Junketsu is powerful... But are you sure you can handle it again?

Satsuki: I must...

Y/n: Then how about I teach you some of my meditation techniques I learned from my mother.

Satsuki then smiled and gently kissed him on the lips and Y/n gently kissed back.

Satsuki: I would love that.

Y/n: But first...

Y/n walked over to his side of the office and pulled out a stack of papers.

Y/n: You got some paperwork to do.

Satsuki: I thought you-

Y/n: Nuh uh, you caused the destruction, so you have to fill out the paperwork! Am I clear?

Satsuki gave a small smile and bit her lip.

Satsuki: Oh my, a forceful side of my love. I like it.

Satsuki then took the pile of papers from him.

Satsuki: You will stay with me while I fill these out, won't you?

Y/n: Of course, d-darling.

The two then head over to the desk. Satsuki then begins to fill out the paperwork. Y/n looks at her and gives a small smile, while his outside is smiling. His inside was having other thoughts.

Y/n: Junketsu... I won't let you corrupt the woman I love again. If I'm going to make sure Satsuki stays safe. I'm going to have to get stronger... for her and Nonon. I won't let either of them experience fear and pain again... I refuse.

[End of Chapter]

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