Chapter 3: Wedding Dresses and Engagements
Satsuki entered Y/n's office where she saw him sleeping at his desk. He looked exhausted.
Satsuki had to admit that he looked adorable and she wished she didn't have to wake him up. But she sneakily took a picture of the young man sleeping and sent it to Nonon. She then began to gently wake him up.
Satsuki: N/n, it's time to wake up.
The boy slowly woke up before yawning but he accidently lowered his head back down.
Satsuki: He's so cute....
Y/n: H-Huh? Sats? Was I asleep?
Satsuki: You were.
Y/n: I'm sorry, I just wanted to rest my eyes for a few minutes. I've been up late recently trying to gather more footage of that hooded man.
Satsuki: No need to apologize, have you gathered anything notable?
Y/n then proceeded to pull out a folder and hands it to Satsuki. She reads the documents inside the folder.
Satsuki: So he's only acting in self-defense of those who agitate him, has he gone after one-star and above?
Y/n: So far no, he's only been attacked by no-stars who think they can become a one-star if they turn him in.
Satsuki: Interesting.
Y/n: Is there another reason why you have visited me today Sats?
Satsuki: There is, Matoi is about to go after Omiko Hakodate.
Y/n: Ah so that's why there was a forum to build the tennis court in the courtyard.
Satsuki: Yes, I want to be there to watch it all play out so I can respond accordingly. This will determine if she is truly a threat or not. I want you to be there with me.
Y/n then stands up and stretches causing a bit of his shirt to lift up revealing his abs to Satsuki who bites her lip which Y/n doesn't notice.
Satsuki: My, my, N/n is in peak shape. Perfect.
Y/n: Of course, shall we get going.
Satsuki: Yes, let's.
The two made their way through the Academy to the top of the tower where it overlooked the main courtyard. In the center of it was a massive tennis court. It was surrounded by spiked walls and the seats were filled with onlookers ready to watch the match.
Y/n: Jeez, they really went overboard for just once math.
Satsuki: I will admit, it's a bit more then needed, but if it get's the job done then it's fine.
The two looked down to see the two girls each with an extremally cocky smile. Y/n could easily recognize that cockiness as one thought they could beat the other. Uzu was standing in as the referee of the match. Hakodate wore her two-star uniform which consisted of a tennis racket made of life fibers. Ryuko was in her Kamui from the other day and with a very poor tennis racket..
Y/n: An actual tennis match, interesting choice.
Satsuki: Indeed, make sure to watch closely.
Ryuko then served the ball and hit it towards Hakodate who simply hit it back with so much force that when Ryuko attempted to hit it back the racket shattered, Ryuko sighed and picked up another racket. The exact same thing happened on the next serve, the basic rackets could not withstand the power of a Goku Uniform. The gears inside Y/n's head where churning which Satsuki noticed.
Satsuki: What is it Y/n?
Y/n: I think Ryuko is about to show us something creative in order to win.
Satsuki: And how do you know this?
Y/n: Call it my intuition Sats, but I can tell the gears in her head are turning.
And right Y/n was, Ryuko stopped the match as she yelled to Mako who tossed her the scissor blade. Ryuko then used a loose life fiber from her Kamui and used it to create a pseudo-racket.
Satsuki: It seems as if your intuition was right again N/n.
Y/n: As a creative type myself, you know when another one is nearby.
Satsuki: Interesting..
Uzu attempted to call a fault due to the pseudo-racket being non-regulated, but Satsuki spoke up.
Satsuki: No! It's fine Hakodate! Play along with it! show her the power of your two-star uniform!
Hakodate: Yes, milady!
Uzu: Apologies, milady!
Ryuko stares up at Satsuki with fire in her eyes.
Ryuko: Hmph, would you look at that. You're standing up there high and mighty with your boyfriend, yelling orders to slaves below. Why am I not surprised?!
Y/n blushed.
Y/n: B-Boyfriend?!
Satsuki looked at the blushing Y/n for a second and smiled to herself internally. She then looked back at Ryuko.
Satsuki: I'm merely here to observe. I wish to see how much power you can draw from that Kamui.
Ryuko: How do you know this thing is called a Kamui?!
Y/n then regains his composure.
Y/n: Silence! Your opponent is Hakodate! Focus on her and prove yourself Ryuko Matoi!
Ryuko screams in rage as she volleys another ball. This hit causes a shockwave through the air as moves at super sonic speed towards Hakodate who manages to return it with enough force. Sadly, Ryuko hits it back and it sets on fire. Hakodate attempts to strike it back, but it breaks through her racket and hits her in the face causing her to go flying. She bounces off the concrete wall towards Ryuko who easily slices the two-star uniform to pieces as Hakodate falls to the ground defeated. Ryuko looks toward the tower.
Satsuki: Hmm, so she is worthy. Let's go Y/n.
Y/n: Right.
The two use the distraction to jump down to the Tennis court. The crowd goes silent as the two step onto the court.
Ryuko Ha! How's that for power Satsuki-
She jumps when she spots Y/n and Satsuki right in front of her..
Uzu: L-Lady Satsuki.
Uzu kneels at her side while Y/n stands with Satsuki as a circle of students forms around.
Ryuko: So you decided to come join us?! Well now that we're face to face... I want to know if you're the one who killed-
Before Ryuko can react, Y/n delivers a punch to Ryuko's Kamui as a chunk is shown laying on the ground, the sound follows shortly after.
Ryuko: WHAT THE-
Y/n: If you want answers, make sure you pay attention to the one's giving you a lecture.
Ryuko for a second swear she saw a black like armor on Y/n's arm before it quickly disappeared.
Satsuki: Y/n is right, if you wish to know the answer, you'll have to fight me for it. You've done enough for now Y/n, this fight is now mine.
Y/n steps away from the two.
Satsuki: My blade, the Sacred Sword Bakuzan, can cut through anything. Even a Kamui. It's sharpness surpasses that of your scissor's.
Satsuki swings her blade at Ryuko, like an Eagle it elegantly slices through the air and strikes Ryuko's scissor just as hard as Y/n's punches. Ryuko was barely able to block the attack, a wave of energy was blasted out from behind Ryuko as a result of the clash. Anyone caught in it's path as sent flying. Steam then begin to emerge from Ryuko's kamui.
Y/n: She's at her limit.
A smoke cloud then blinded Satsuki. Y/n quickly sliced the air with his hand causing the smoke to dissipate which showed Ryuko running away in a panic.
Ryuko: Next time I see you, WE'LL FINISH THIS! LET'S BAIL MAKO!
Y/n watched as Ryuko and Mako sprinted away through the front entrance.
Y/n: She ran, consider me surprised.
Satsuki: As am I.
Uzu stands up to approach Satsuki.
Uzu: Forgive me, milady. I underestimated her. She wasn't the right opponent to face Matoi.
Satsuki: Demote her to a no-star, and set up an interleague match with the Sumo Club for Hokkaido.
Satsuki then sheaths her blade.
Satsuki: You have may attention... Ryuko Matoi.
Y/n: She has mine as well, been a while since I've had to break out that technique.
Satsuki then turns to him.
Satsuki: N/n, how fare you willing to go for m-
Y/n: To the ends of the earth, you already know that. You saved me when I was at my darkest and brought me back to the light. You are one of the two most important people in my life.
Satsuki: The other being Jakuzure correct?
Y/n: Yes.
Satsuki then smiled.
Satsuki: Then arrange a transport chopper to take us to the Kiryuin manner. It's time you see my Wedding Dress.
Y/n: Right aw-
Y/n paused for a second.
Y/n: What was that last pa-
She then glared at him.
Satsuki: You heard me Y/n.
Y/n quickly froze and responded.
Y/n: R-Right away! What does she mean by wedding dress?
All Y/n could hear was the sound of the Helicopter that was taking him, Satsuki, and Mr. Soroi, to Satsuki's childhood home. The Kiryuin Manor. This wasn't Y/n's first time at the manor as he had been there several times, but every time he arrived he felt uneasy. And that feeling came back as he saw the manor, the bright lights caused him to cover his eyes. The helicopter then landed as Y/n exited first offering a hand to Satsuki who gladly took it. Y/n watches as many butlers, maids, security guards and several other staff bowed to Satsuki as she walked past.
The silence throughout the Manor made Y/n feel uneasy, every time Y/n walked with Satsuki they would talk, but seeing her this silent concerned him. Eventually they made their way to a giant metal door.
Satsuki: Move.
The tone of voice she used expressed power, Y/n could easily see the guards trembling.
Guard 1: Please Lady Satsuki, w-we can't let anyone through here. Not even you.
Satsuki: Stand, ASIDE!
Guard 2: We can't, milady-
The two guards were quickly knocked out by Y/n who punched them each hard in the gut.
Satsuki: Thank you Y/n, we don't have time to argue with idiots like them.
Satsuki approaches the door.
Satsuki: Mr. Soroi, I wish for you to stay here. You'll be out of harm's way if something goes wrong.
Soroi: Yes, milady.
Soroi stands aside as the door is opened as Satsuki finishes entering a passkey, the door opened as it ascended into the ceiling.
Lights flicker on in a wide open warehouse area, revealing rows upon rows of boxed up items. In the center of the room was a glass case holding what liked like a folded dress wrapped up in caution tape. The dress was white and blue much like your outfit and shared many other features similar to yours. It was a sailor uniform with shoulder Epaulettes and two red pieces of cloth resembling eyes covering the left and right collarbone. Y/n could feel it staring at him.
Y/n: So this is what always gave me that uneasy feeling every time I entered this manor. This is Satsuki's Wedding Dress.
Satsuki: Y/n, once you walk past this threshold, your vows to me will become life and death. After this you are no-longer my right-hand-man. From this point we will be equals. My eternal partner in both life and in this conquest of control. I will dawn my wedding dress, and you shall be married to my cause and myself. Do you accept?
(Italic Underlined means mumbling under their breath)
Y/n looks at her and smiles. He could have sworn he heard mumble something but he ignored it.
Y/n: Of course.
Satsuki: Then let's get to work.
The two enter the room. Satsuki walks up and puts her hand on a scanner. The case then opens and the outfit stares at Satsuki.
Satsuki: I've come for you... Junketsu.
Y/n: Purity... An interesting name.
Y/n could then hear rapid footsteps.
Soroi: Well, well, if it isn't Master Kuroido.
Y/n turns around and sees a short man wearing a tuxedo.
Kuroido: Lady Satsuki! You know your mother has forbidden anyone from removing that outfit! Even you! P-Please return it to the containment case!
Y/n: She will not!
Kuroido: The care of this manor has been bestowed to me by your mother in her absence! So my word is absolute! Even if you are the Lady of the house! I cannot allow such willful behavior-
Satsuki: Cannot allow it? Who do you think you're talking to?
Satuski reaches up to her clothes and begins to take them off.
Satsuki: There is a lady getting changed in here.... SO GET OUT PESANT!
She then removes her undergarments to expose herself to the uniform which shakes in anticipation. Kuroido and Soro cover their eyes, but Y/n refuses to look away. He then feels something trickling down his lip. He wipes his lip to see blood.
Y/n: Huh, why is my nose bleeding?
Satsuki then removes Junketsu from its confines.
Kuroide You-You're not really going to try it on are you?!
Y/n: She's not "trying it on", she's going to fulfil her ambition!
Kuroide: Please, Milady! if you put it in now, you might not survive it! Y/n stop her!
Y/n: I will do no such thing. I trust her, she will survive this. After all, it's only clothing.
Satsuki: N/n is right! Clothing is meant to be worn!
Satsuki then uses Bakuzan to slice her finger open which drips onto Junketsu's pure white cloth.
Satsuki: Take my blood Junketsu. It is the eternal vow between you and I. The crimson thread of our covenant.
The cloth eyes of Junkektsu then look at Satsuki with hunger, it leaps from her arms and wraps it sleeves around her chest. She struggles against it's grip on her body. Y/n looks on in a bit of worry internally, but keeps a solid look on his face.
Soroi/Kuroido: LADY SATSUKI!
She slams her body against the case as she contorts her body around the outfit, resisting it's movements
Her legs pull the resisting fibers of Junketsu into their proper place. Its sleeves settle around her arms and tightly constrict her forearms but Satsuki forces them to move out of place. A bright blue light and powerful energy flows all around Satsuki.
The outfit finally settles on her body as Satsuki falls to her knees with her breathing heavy and her body steaming. Junketsu looked perfect on her to Y/n, almost too perfect. He then looked at his own uniform, which seemed to mirror Junketsu in some places.
Satsuki: This... is... the power... of my will...
Y/n quickly helps Satsuki to her feet. He noticed that Junketsu's eyes were... normal. No longer needing Satsuki's blood to sate it's hunger.
Satsuki: Mr. Soroi. N/n. We're leaving I got what I came here for.
Y/n walks past a stunned Kuroide and leaves him in the room.
Satsuki: This is the start of our Revolution N/n.
Y/n: So it would seem.
Satsuki: Now there is just one last thing to do to finish this mission.
Y/n: Oh and what's that-mmph!
Satsuki had grabbed Y/n by the collar and pulled him into a kiss. He was stunned for a second.
His thoughts were soon replaced as he melted into the kiss. After a minute the two separated, a trail of saliva between them. Y/n and Satsuki were both blushing.
Y/n: S-Sats?
Satsuki: I've waited a long time to do that. This seemed like the perfect time to do it, you might not have heard but you pledged something else to me during the vows earlier.
Y/n: I-I did?
Satsuki: You agreed to become my eternal partner in both our conquest and my life and agreed to marry both my cause and myself.
Y/n: Eh?
Satsuki: N/n, we are now husband and wife. I love you N/n.
Y/n then proceeded to pass out but Satsuki caught him.
Soroi: I think you broke him Lady Satsuki.
Satsuki: It's quite alright, he looks cuter this way. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to call Nonon and tell her the first part of our plan has been complete.
Soroi: Of course Lady Satsuki.
Y/n unlocked the door to his and Nonon's apartment. He stepped inside to see all the lights were off.
Y/n: That's weird... usually Nonnie is up watching TV right about now.
Y/n sighs as he runs his hands through his hair.
Y/n: What the hell happened today. It started off somewhat normal and then turned into me getting married. I mean... I've had those feelings for Satsuki for a long time... but I also have those feelings for Nonnie too. But now I'm married to Satsuki and I'm happy. How am I going to explain this to Nonnie...
???: You don't have to N/n.
The lights to the apartment turn on and Y/n sees Nonon sitting in her favorite chair.
Y/n: N-Nonnie? Listen I can expl-
Nonon: None of that N/n, I already know.
Y/n: Crud! Quick Y/n! Play Dumb!
Y/n then smiles.
Y/n: Who's Y/n?
Y/n internally screamed at himself.
Nonon: N/n, you and I both know that you can't play dumb at all.
Y/n: I know... but listen I can explained Satsuki kissed ME!
Nonon: I know. I'm not mad.
Y/n: H-Huh, you aren't.
Nonon: Nope, it was part of her plan after all.
Y/n: P-Plan?
Nonon then stands up and walks over to Y/n and grabs him by the shirt and pulls him down to her level.
Y/n: N-Nonnie?
Nonon: Shhh, just watch.
Nonon then proceeds to kiss him.
Y/n then melts into the kiss by picking up Nonon and holding her in his arms. After a minute the two separate.
Y/n: W-Wow... wait I'm a married man! AH CRUD SATS IS GONNA KILL ME!
Nonon then gently slaps Y/n on the cheek.
Nonon: Calm down N/n, me and Satsuki talked and we both agreed to share you. I love you N/n.
Y/n then proceeded to pass out again, this time taking Nonon with him. She giggled as she laid on top of him.
Nonon: I broke him, that's adorable. Now to call Satsuki and tell her Phase 2 is complete.
Nonon then looked at Y/n.
Nonon: Or I can cuddle Y/n and tell her later. Yeah, I think I'll do that.
Nonon then proceeds to fall asleep on top of Y/n.
Today's Winners in Love are Both Satsuki Kiryuin and Nonon Jakuzure.
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