Chapter 2: Aftermath and Failed Rebellion

After getting Y/n's wings cleaned of all the blood, the President and Vice-President were now in Satsuki's office. Y/n was sitting in Satsuki's chair while.....

Y/n: Um Sats?

Satsuki: Yes?

Y/n: You gonna explain why you are sitting in my lap?

Satsuki: You told me that Jakuzure does this to all the time, so I thought I could as well.

Y/n just sighs and embraces the lap sitting and listens to the quietness, there was something peaceful about it.

Y/n: So... that's a Kamui isn't it?

Satsuki: Yes, that was a Kamui. Just like I've explained to you before it's a powerful piece of clothing that can amplify someone's power. It's made entirely of Life Fibers.

Y/n: Interesting, didn't your mother try and get me to wear one when she first met me?

Satsuki: She did, but your DNA can only let you wear about 50% life fibers, I believe we both know what prevents life fibers from being in more then half of your body.

Y/n: The Devil Gene...

Satsuki: Yes, the devil gene prevents you from ever wearing a Kamui.

Y/n: But how did Matoi get one?

Satsuki: Her father most likely, Isshin Matoi. He worked with my mother to create the Goku Uniforms.

Y/n: And now his daughter has come to our doorstep with Kamui and she wants answers.

Satsuki: We must be cautious however, we do not the full extent of the girl's power.

Satsuki then stood up from Y/n's lap.

Y/n: Okay so I understand what a Kamui is, but the hell does it look like that?

Satsuki: When a Kamui is activated, it draws blood from the user and circulates it throughout the Life Fibers, giving them power. The more Life Fibers a Kamui has, the more blood it needs. So the bare minimum coverage is used to keep the user alive long enough to utilize the Kamui, hence the extremly skimpy outfit. That and the embarrassment a user feels while wearing the Kamui is a filter of sorts. If a person is embarrassed by the way it looks, then the filter will stop them from utilizing the full power of the Kamui.

Y/n: So that's why it didn't last long for her, her tomboyish nature is clashing with the Kamui, thus she is embarassed to wear it and can't access it's full power. She's refusing to wear it.

Satsuki: Exactly, now my next plan involves throwing another club at her.

Y/n: To fully gauge her?

Satsuki: Exactly.

Y/n: And what do you want me to do?

Satsuki: Nothing, this is the Elite Four's problem. I have a matter that only you can solve.

Y/n: Oh?

Satsuki then pulls out a document and hands it to Y/n. He opens the document and inside is a picture of a hooded man on the CCTV. Y/n's eyes widen.

Despite not being able to see the man's face, he had a gut feeling he knew exactly who it was.

Y/n: Satsuki... what is this?

Satsuki: We've caught a hooded man on the CCTV cameras. Now normally we would have our Security Team deal with it, but they've all been dispatched. 

She then noticed the shocked look on Y/n's face, she also saw a few tears on his face.

Satsuki: N/n? Are you alright?

Y/n quickly composes himself.

Y/n: I'm alright Satsuki, nothing you need to worry about.

Y/n then began to think to himself.

Y/n: Jin... you've finally come to look for me, about damn time. I have a feeling on why you are here, but I can't join your  fight just yet.

He then looks at Satsuki.

Y/n: I have someone who needs me a bit more right now.

Y/n then stands up and cracks his knuckles.

Satsuki: So... are you sure your fighting style will work against a Kamui, we already know that you can dispatch a three-star uniform without the need for a Goku Uniform.

Y/n: I don't know Satsuki, but if I ever need to fight Matoi I'll be ready. I have to be, your guardian angel cannot lose a single fight, otherwise I can't protect you.

Y/n then looksk at Satsuki.

Y/n: Without your guardian angel... I feel as if I would lose all my purpose in life. For the last six of my life I've dedicated myself to you. Everything I do is for you, if I can't beat whatever comes at us then I can how allow my wings to bear us to paradise...

Satsuki looks at Y/n and smiles.

Satsuki: I never do thank you enough do I.

Y/n: You have no reason to thank me, but whenever you do I feel the utmost happiness.

Satsuki then sits in her chair and crosses her legs as she relaxes. Y/n just looks at her and smiles with a bit of a blush.

Y/n: Even when she relaxes, the aura of elegance and beauty remains. It just... so intoxicating to me.

Satsuki: N/n?

Y/n: Yes Sats?

Satsuki: Please ask Mr. Soroi to make a fresh brew of tea please? Tell him to also hold the honey..

Y/n: Yes ma'am.

Satsuki: And if it's not too much trouble. Could you make me a sandwich?

Y/n: I would be honored.

Y/n then goes over to a small phone and makes a call, after the call he quickly but efficiently makes Satsuki a sandwich.

Y/n then places the Sandwich in front of Satsuki who just smiles, he then leaves the room.


Y/n was meditating in his dojo. His meditation was interrupted when he felt someone enter the room, suddenly he caught a Kendo Stick. He opened his eyes to see Uzu in front of him.

Y/n: Nice try Uzu, you should have known that wouldn't have worked.

Uzu: Damn, almost had you though.

Y/n: No you really didn't. Now why are you in my dojo, you almost never come here.

Uzu then tosses a bag to Y/n's feet.

Y/n: The heck is this?

Uzu: Just look inside.

Y/n opens the bag and sees a stack of paper.

Y/n: "A Secret Meeting! Meet us in classroom 95-T at 5:30 PM, if you wish to take a stand against the tyranny of Satsuki Kiryuin and Y/n Kazama."

Y/n sighs.

Y/n: Oh come on! I'm not a tyrant! I'm just following orders! Anyway, why did you bring this to me.

Uzu: What if you and I go crash it?

Y/n: Uzu, no offense but you and I never work together unless Satsuki forces us to.

Uzu: Yeah I know, we don't like each other that much but can you imagine the looks on their faces when we show up, especially the so called "tyrant".

Y/n: I swear if you start calling me that I will-

Uzu: Calm down Y/n, what if I let you do the talking?

Y/n: You just wanna do all the beating don't you?

Uzu: And you say you don't know me.

Y/n: Let's just go already Uzu.

The two walk out of the Dojo, the Kendo Master and the Kazama Style Master working as a Duo? This meeting was screwed.


Y/n was walking through the hallway as he tightened his gloves.

Y/n: These idiots have the balls to host a meeting inside of the school where they want to take down the "tyrants". Foolishness, such foolishness... oh god my personality is starting to become like Satsuki's....

The two stop infront of the classroom.

Uzu: You wanna do the honors?

Y/n: Sure why not.

Y/n then rears back his leg before sending it forward to the door which blasts open upon contact.

Y/n: Knock, Knock, am I late for the meeting?

Inside the room were several students sitting infront of a podium where a kid with purple hair was manning the whole meeting. Y/n could see the fear in their eyes, sometimes he hated that look but he knew he had to keep up appearances.

Male Student 1: Ah shit! The Vice-President!

Male Student 2: Why did I agree to this?


This shuts them up.

Y/n throws the stack of papers in front of him.

Y/n: This better be the world's funniest joke or else all of your skulls are going to need bone graph surgery. You have fifteen seconds to explain, STARTING NOOW!

Leader: T-This is a meeting to gather students in an effort to end your and Satsuki's tyranny. 

Y/n could easily tell the leader was both nervous and brave just by how he spoke. He then cracked his knuckles.

Y/n: You are the first person to speak to me like that, you are either brave or foolish, but I know the true answer. You are just high on adrenaline and in a few moments it will be gone and you will cower in fear.

The leader then began to shake more and more as Y/n sighed.

Y/n: How unfortunate.

Before the leader could even react, he was grabbed around the waist as Y/n delivered a perfect kick sending the leader up into the air where he hits the ceiling.

The leader falls to the ground.

Leader: B-Bast-

Y/n then proceeds to kick him in the head thus knocking him out.

Uzu: Damn Y/n, that was a bit violent even for you.

Y/n: You haven't seen me go violent Uzu.

Y/n then turns to the others.

Y/n: I'm only going to say this once so listen up. This boy here is what Satsuki would consider a "Wolf Amongst Sheep". He showed potential by standing up to me in the face of danger. He is exactly the type of person that Satsuki is looking for. Unfortunately, he got caught by my kicks.

Y/n then sighs.

Y/n: While I respect the valiant effort, your leader was a moron for leaving around a bundle of these papers. Uzu, have fun I guess.

Uzu: Sure will. You gonna take the leader to Satsuki.

Y/n tosses the guy over his shoulder.

Y/n: Sure will.

Uzu: Alright have fun, the shot put club needs some new target dummies and these look like the perfect ones.

Y/n sighs.

Y/n: Just don't kill them or else.

Uzu: Yeah, yeah whatever.

Y/n walked out of the room and sighed.


 Y/n walked through the halls of the academy, he was kind of glad he used his fists and legs as weapons, he did not want to imagine what it would be like to carry both the leader of the failed rebellion and a weapon. After a while he entered the elevator and once he got to the top of Satsuki's office he saw someone else sitting in Satsuki's chair, it was Nonon.

Y/n: Nonnie?

The girl then smiles.

Nonon: N/n!

Y/n: Why are you in Satsuki's chair?

Nonon: It's the second best chair in the school.

Y/n: What's the fir- it's my lap isn't it?

Nonon: Yep!

Y/n just sighs.

Y/n: Where's Satsuki anyway.

Nonon: Lady Satsuki is down in the sewing lab giving the chairwoman of the Tennis Club a two-star uniform.

Y/n: Most likely to try and deal with Matoi.

Nonon finally noticed the boy on Y/n's shoulder.

Nonon: What's with him?

Y/n: Someone who tried holding an anti-me and Satsuki meeting on school grounds. He also called me a tyrant.

Nonon: Aww, poor N/n. I know how much you hate being called that.

Nonon proceeded to stand up and get on her tippie toes to plant a kiss on Y/n's cheek causing him to blush and accidentally drop the student on the floor.

Y/n: W-What was that for?

Nonon: No reason, except to make you feel better. Did it work?~

Y/n: Y-Yes.

Nonon: Good~ Now, can I please take him off your hands, I know you don't like punishing people that much.

Y/n: I don't know Nonnie, the last time you-

Nonon: I'll make my famous ramen for you again.

Y/n then froze, if he had any other weakness besides Nonon's teasing it was her ramen. It was his favorite food and he would do anything for it.

Y/n: Y-You promise?

Nonon: I swear.

Y/n: V-Very well.

Nonon: Thank you N/n! So what's his name?

Y/n: Ah shoot... I didn't get it.

Nonon: Oh well, can you carry him for me.

Y/n: But I just-

Nonon: I'll give you an extra serving.

Y/n: Deal.

Nonon giggles knowing that there was no way that Y/n could ever resist her ramen or her in general.


Y/n and Nonon were sitting at the kitchen table at their shared apartment just having good quality bonding time. Little did the two know they were being watched by a hooded figure.

???: So this is where you've been all this time Y/n. I'm glad you've lived a happier life compared to me, I just hope when we reunited you'll forgive me for all the sins I've commited in order to purge the devil gene. But I'm going to need your help if I want to stop the true evil of this world... our so called "father"... Kazuya Mishima....

The hooded figure then proceeded to retreat into the shadows.

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