Chapter 1: Stolen Uniforms and Transfer Student
(Short timeskip after the end of the prologue)
Y/n and Nonon had finished their cuddle session and Y/n was now walking down the halls of the school towards Class 2K. Normally Y/n never patrolled the halls as that was usually left up to Ira Gamagori and the Disciplinary Committee.
Y/n's relationship with Gamagori was fairly good, nowhere near as good as with Nonon and Satsuki but still it was a fairly good friendship the two had. The two used to argue on who was Satsuki's main defender, that argument eventually lead to a fight between the two which Y/n won. After the fight the two eventually agreed that Gamagori would defend Satsuki from the Front while Y/n would defend her from the Rear, a double sided shield.
Ira: Ah Vice President Y/n, I suppose you are here to take me up on my offer to join me in exposing this threat to the academy?
Y/n looked up and saw Ira looking down at him.
Y/n: Sure am big guy, someone has to make sure you don't kill them like the last one.
Ira sweat dropped.
Ira: I suppose I went a bit crazy with the last student.
Y/n: You whipped him so bad you broke his spine....
Ira: Okay... Anyway, are you ready to deal with this traitor?
Y/n: Sure am.
Inside Class 2-K, a brown-haired girl is currently passed out at her desk, meanwhile the lesson is being taught by the homeroom teacher Aikuro Mikisugi.
Aikuro: In 1933, the National Socialist German Workers party came to power. This was the birth of Chancellor Hitler. Eventually, Germany's postwar democracy gave rise to Fascism.
As the teacher continued to teach, a sudden bang is heard at the door, several more bangs follow, and finally the door flys off its hinges and are sent flying straight out the window and back at the desks, and everyone else is sent flying besides, the sleeping girl.
Aikuro: Excuse me, we're in the middle of a lesson.
As the teacher said this, Ira by means not even can be explained by scientists, squeezed his way through the door and towered over the teacher. Y/n follows him.
A massive amount of students suddenly appear behind him and Aikuro backs up and then bows.
Aikuro: Y-Yes, sir!
Ira then looked towards the students who had now gotten up and glared at all of them.
Ira: I am Ira Gamagori, The Discipline Committee Chair! And next to me is the Student Council Vice President Y/n Kazama.
Ira then started to pace back and forth in front of the entire class while Y/n stood off to the side.
Y/n: Students of Class K! Listen up!
Ira: We have determined that there is someone who intends harm against Honnouji among you! An explanation will fall on deaf ears! This person will be punished immediately!
A boy then suddenly stood up holding something in his arms and begun to glare at Ira and Y/n, he then suddenly threw a smoke bomb and ran out of the room. Y/n looks around to see the boy gone.
Y/n: The coward has ran.
Ira: Such a cowardly trick!
Y/n: Ira take the eastern stairs, best way is out the window actually. I'll inform Satsuki of what you had to do.
Ira: Excellent idea Vice President, now if you will excuse me. I'M OFF TO CATCH A WEASEL!
Ira then jumps out the nearby window and laughs. Y/n sighs.
Y/n: Gonna have to file that paperwork...
Y/n then turns to the rest of the class.
Y/n: Carry on with your lesson, sorry for the interruption.
Y/n then walks out of the classroom and makes his way to the tower where his and Satsuki's offices are. He opens the door to her office.
Y/n: Hey Sats, Gamagori-
Satsuki turned around in her chair, after these last six years to Y/n she had gotten even more beautiful to him. Everytime he saw her he was captivated, it was the same feeling he also got around Nonon for time to time.
Satsuki: He jumped through a window again dealing with the Uniform Stealing Traitor?
Y/n: Let me guess, he's in the courtyard.
Satsuki: Observant as always Y/n.
Y/n: I wouldn't say that, just that sometimes the others are... predictable.
Y/n then proceeds to walk over to the window and look down into the main courtyard where he saw Ira talking to the Uniform Thief.
Satsuki: You do know I knew who stole the Uniform the whole time correct?
Y/n: Of course you did. I suppose you were waiting to see if they would stand up directly to you?
Satsuki: Of course, but it seems Gamagori got to him first.
Y/n: How unfortunate.
Satsuki then takes a calm sip from the tea cup she was holding.
The two watched as Gamagori gave the uniform stealer permission to attack him.
Y/n: And here we go, this attack will do nothing against Ira's three star uniform..
And right Y/n was as the uniform stealers attacks did absolutely nothing.
Y/n: Poor soul never stood a chance.
Ira then proceeded to bring out the vine-like whips he enjoyed using and beat the crap out of the thief.
Y/n: Are you ready for your speech?
Satsuki: Of course I am.
Satsuki then put down her tea cup and grabbed her katana. The two then set off to the top of the tower with Satsuki leading and Y/n following. As they arrived at the top Satsuki used her sword as a cane as Y/n's wings popped out as he stood behind her, the two looking down at the beating. Even from up so high the two could easily hear Ira's voice.
Ira then threw him into a wall.
Ira then rips the Goku Uniform off of the boy and it lands in his hands, he dusts off the uniform and hands it to a student next to him.
Satsuki: Come N/n, it's time.
Y/n nods and clears his throats.
Satsuki's heel klacks down onto the marble and at the exact same time Y/n's white wings pop out giving her an angelic/god-like appearance.
The two then turn around and close out the speech.
Every student then ran back to their classrooms.
Y/n: You alright Sats?
Satsuki: I'm quite alright, although my throat is a bit sore from it.
Y/n smiles at her and stretches out his hand at her throat and gently places it on her throat as it glows golden, after a few seconds he lets go.
Satsuki: That healing power of yours is quite helpful Y/n.
Y/n: Shall I deal with the uniform thief?
Satsuki: Leave it to Gamagori. Did you finish the new transfer students papers?
Y/n: Took care of it already before Nonon came in for the daily cuddle session.
Y/n barely noticed a look of jealousy take possession of Satsuki's face.
Satsuki: Jakuzure seems to really be attached to you.
Y/n: You are telling me. Her cuddles are nice don't get me wrong, but sometimes it feels like-
Satsuki: Very well then, I want my own cuddle session.
Satsuki: You heard me N/n, if Nonon can have a cuddle session then it should be seen that the Student Council President should get one as well.
Y/n: A-Are you jealous?
Satsuki then glared at Y/n who began to sweat drop.
Y/n: Nope, no jealousy, you don't know the meaning of the word. Cuddle session coming right up.
Satsuki gave a smile as she grabbed his hand and escorted him back to her office.
Y/n: Why do I have a feeling I'm going to have two women fighting over me...
It was the next day and Y/n looked out on the courtyard from his office. He was listening to some music on the radio.
Growing up Y/n didn't know much about music except for the lullabies that Jun would sing to him and Jin when they were little kids. When Nonon found out about this she made it her top priority to introduce him to the wonderful world of music. While Y/n did enjoy the feeling's that Nonon's Classical Music gave him, he eventually found his own taste in music. He also started to learn English so he could understand English Music. Y/n was singing along with the music when he heard a knock at his office door. He quickly turned off the radio.
Y/n: It's open.
The door to the office opened and much like yesterday Ira squeezed through it.
Y/n: Ah Ira, what brings you here big guy?
Ira: I thought I would inform you I dealt with the traitor who stole the Goku Uniform.
Y/n: And how did you "deal" with him, because if you killed them I swear to go-
Ira: Nothing like that Vice President. After I gave him his beating I proceeded to string him up with barbed wire at the opening of the academy with a sign saying "This is a naked pig who dared to defy Honnouji Academy. Justice is served."
Y/n proceeded to pull up some CCTV footage of the Academy entrance where he saw exactly what Gamagori described, the vice-president sighed.
Y/n: Welp, at least you didn't kill him. But I suppose that was bound to happen when they pissed you off.
Ira: Yes, but do not fret the boy will be let down at the end of the day and expelled.
Y/n: And I assume you've brought the Expulsion form with you?
Ira: Of course.
Ira then proceeded to hand Y/n a document, compared to Ira the document was tiny in his massive hands but was a normal sized piece of paper in Y/n's.
Y/n: Thank you, I'm so happy you guys actually took my advice on filling out your own forms. Saves me a massive headache.
Ira: You are most welcome Vice President.
Y/n: Now if you'll excuse me. I am needed in my spot.
Ira: Of course, have a good day Vice President.
Y/n: You as well big guy.
Ira then squeezed himself through the door and left Y/n's office as he sighed.
Y/n: Jeez... welp, time to get to work.
Y/n made his way to the hidden elevator in his office and it took him up to the top of the tower where stood with Satsuki as the two watched as the students entered the academy.
It was the final bell of the day and students were flooding out of every classroom like a raging waterfall. Y/n exited the front doors into the courtyard with Satsuki and Ira. As they walked every student bowed in both respect and fear..
Seeing both Satsuki and Y/n among the other students was one of the rarest events at the academy. The no-stars would line up in two separate rows to clear a path for the two most important people at the academy. The one-stars and two-stars would use their bodies to protect the two. Y/n always got annoyed by them. It was also a cloudy day. Y/n saw this and stuck one of his wings over Satsuki to protect her from the rain.
Satsuki: You don't have to do that N/n, a little rain won't hurt me.
Y/n: I know but I want to do this.
Satsuki: Very well then.
As the two continued walking they were interrupted by a loud female voice.
???: Sorry to interrupt, but I hear you two are the King and Queen Bee at this school-
Y/n saw her, she wasn't in the school uniform. She had a red streak in her hair and she had a large steel case on her back.
???: -if you two are, I got a question for ya both!
Y/n could tell that she was the transfer student he filed the paper for the other day. He remembers the name on the file as Ryuko Matoi. Y/n could vaguely remember hearing the last name of Matoi before.
No-star: How dare you?! Get her!
Y/n watched as a group of no-stars tried to jump her but they were dispatched quickly. Y/n watched as she whipped out a crimson red blade, it kind of reminded him of half a pair of scissors, she used the weapon to point it at Y/n and Satsuki.
Ryuko: This is one half of a set pair of scissor blades. I've been looking all over for the person who has the other half. You seem to be surprised to see this thing prez and vice-prez... as if you've two seen it before!
Satsuki/Y/n: And what if we have?
Ryuko gained a furious look across her face.
She rushed towards Y/n and Satsuki as Y/n got in front of Satsuki and got into a fighting stance ready to defend her..
Ryuko jumped into the air, but before she could reach the two a large fist punched her at full force and sent her to the ground. Y/n then began to feel raindrops so he quickly returned to Satsuki's side as he placed his wing over her.
Satsuki: Fukuroda...
Y/n: Well done Takaharu, a good display from the boxing club's president.
Fukuroda: Thank you vice-president. I'll finish this dumb wench with Lady Satsuki's permission. Just give me the world.
Satsuki: She's all yours.
Ryuko: You bastard! Move out of my way!
Ryuko attempted to hit Fukuroda's glove but all it did was bounce right off.
Ryuko: Is that glove made out off iron or somethin'?!
Fukuroda: Ha! Don't you know a Goku uniform when you see one?
???: The hell's that? You're not even wearing a uniform.
Fukuroda: What are you talking about?! A boxer's uniform is gloves and trunks and... the other stuff!
Y/n just sighs at Fukuroda's stupidity.
Fukuroda: Plus, Lady Satsuki gave me this Athleticism-augmenting Two-Star Goku Uniform! It's infused with life fibers to increase their power and making them harder than steel!
Rain began to hit Y/n's wing at an increased pace.
???: I don't get nor care about what you're sayin'... but if they're that hard then I can STOP PULLING MY PUNCHES
Fukuroda: You think I can't handle them?! Well let me show you how hard I CAN HIT!
Fukuroda then proceeded to move at a blinding speed and punched Ryuko hard in the gut and then jabbed her in the face once more. She couldn't even get a single hit on him. After a while she hit the ground bruised and beaten.
Y/n: How unfortunate, I was expecting a bit more.
Satsuki: I was hoping she would be more amusing but she doesn't even know how to properly wield her weapon. She's a fool.
Satsuki then turned back towards the school with her heels clacking on the now wet ground.
Ryuko: Hold it... you better tell me what you two know or else.
Y/n proceeded to turn back as well.
Fukuroda: Shut your mouth.
Y/n could hear the sound of a massive wet punch behind him.
Satsuki: Confiscate her scissor blade.
Y/n: And then bring it to us..
Fukuroda: Right away ma'am and sir.
Ryukko: No way... I'll NEVER GIVE THIS TO YOU!
Y/n and Satsuki then proceeded to walk away hearing the sounds of Fukuroda failing.
Satsuki: N/n, can you gather the elite four. I wish to speak with all of you about this little incident.
Y/n: I'll let them know.
Satsuki: But first allow me to help you dry off your wings.
Y/n turned to see his wings were now soaked.
Y/n: Oh... thank you.
Satsuki: Of course, my wings are not at full power if they are soaked.
Y/n: I suppose you are right.
Satsuki was sitting in her chair inside the Elite Four Meeting Room, Y/n was sitting next to her and she was blow drying his wings.
(If you couldn't tell, Satsuki is a lil softie to Y/n.)
Also in the room was Ira Gamagori, chairman of the Disciplinary Committee
Hoka Inumuta, chair of the Information and Strategy Committee.
Y/n and Hoka got along fairly well. The two would rarely interact with each other outside of Elite Four meetings. The two never really had much in common except being loyal to Satsuki. However whenever had Y/n a tech issue it would be up to Hoka to fix it.
Nonon Jakuzure, chairwoman and conductor of the Honnouji Academy Marching band.
And finally was Uzu Sanageyama, chairman of the Athletics Committee.
Y/n and Uzu had a fairly neutral but sometime hostile relationship. There were many times were the two would butt heads on certain issues, especially one involving the disbandment of the Karate Club which Y/n wanted to keep but Uzu thought it was pointless. The two would then fight with Y/n winning, sadly the Karate club ended up disbanding anyway due to reasons that Y/n still doesn't know.
Y/n watched as Uzu was beating Fukuroda with a wooden staff as a punishment for failing to get Ryuko's scissor blade.
Uzu: YOU!
Uzu hits him again.
The staff then broke.
Fukuroda: I'm... sorry sir.
Satsuki's butler, who was a kind old man who had been serving has family for decades, poured tea into a cup that Satsuki has just emptied after blow-drying Y/n's wings. Y/n saw him as the grandfather he wanted since his real grandfather was... a piece of shit.
Ira: You let her MOCK Lady Satsuki and Y/n! You let her escape! And you failed to confiscate her weapon as ordered! A mistake made by a club you run is your mistake Sanageyama!
Uzu throws down the broken staff and slumps back on his cushioned chair.
Uzu: Yeah I know! You think I've been punishing him for kicks here?! And by the way, both the disciplinary committee and her vice-president should have stepped in the moment she began to mock Satsuki.
Y/n: I was doing my job. I was protecting Sats from the rain with my wings.
Hoka was typing on his computer
Hoka: I've dug up some information on the new girl. She's been starting fights all over schools in the Eastern Kanto region, all schools ruled by Honnouji Academy.
Y/n: I would have heard about those fights, unless they were personal spats.
Hoka: Correct.
Satsuki: Hmmm, I didn't expect this level of negligence from you Inumuta. Don't let it happen again. Inform all the branch high schools to keep an eye out for her.
Hoka: At once m'lady
Nonon: How shocking, the toad, the monkey,, and the dog all screwed up big time. At least the precious Angel didn't screw up.
Y/n blushed at this statement.
Y/n: Thanks for compliment Nonnie.
Nonon: Anytime N/n. Also didn't you two want to have that blade confiscated. Should we be worried about it.
Y/n: I'm afraid we should be.
Satsuki: It's a weapon designed to combat Goku Uniforms.
Everyone turned to the two in surprise.
Y/n: The real question is how she came into possession of the weapon.
Satsuki: What's her name?
Y/n: It's Ryuko Matoi, Sats.
Satsuki: Matoi, eh? Interesting.
Satsuki proceeds to stand up and hands her tea cup to Y/n.
Satsuki: Fukuroda. Stand if you will.
Fukuroda slowly stands up.
Satsuki: I am going to give you a chance to redeem yourself. In one hour we will call across Honnou city and draw our new friend out of hiding. You will challenge her, win, and take her weapon. If you fail, I'll confiscate your uniform.
Fukuroda: Y-Yes ma'am! Thank you for this opportunity.
Y/n was now standing atop the tower as he watched a girl called Mako Mankanshoku being held hostage for fraternizing with Ryuko Matoi and to call her out.
Nonon was sitting on Y/n's shoulders while Hoka and Ira stood next to them. Fukuroda then spoke into a mic.
Fukuroda: Transfer student! You listening?! An hour from now, we will execute your friend here! She is an accessory to your crime of treason against Honnouji Academy! If you wish to save her, come on out and show yourself here in the courtyard!
Y/n: This is a bit....
Satsuki: Barbaric? Yes I figured you would think that. Do not worry she won't be executed, the worst is a proper lashing.
Y/n was about to speak up when his senses picked up something. He closed his eyes and then they quickly reopened.
Y/n: Satsuki, she's here.
Satsuki: Right on time.
A figure then jumps up to the arena and cuts down Mako before throwing her to saftey. Y/n could tell she was Ryuko even with the brown cloak because of red scissor peeping through. Sadly, Y/n couldn't pick up on their conversation. A bell then rung as the boxing captain rushed her.
The boxing captain lands several hundred punches but she doesn't move.
Y/n: Interesting, she wasn't able to take a single punch without going down, but now she's taking them like I would. Just what is-
A corkscrew punch then tears apar the cloak what she was revealing underneath.
Y/n: WHAT-
Nonon:- THE FUCK-
Ira: -IS THAT?!
Down below in the boxing ring, Ryuko Matoi was skimpily cladded in a black and red "uniform". It resembled a bikini with metal collar bone armor made to look like eyes. Her body was barely covered.
Y/n: Okay so either I'm going crazy or that is one tough ass Bikini...
Satsuki: Watch. You're all about to be taught a very important lesson.
Ryuko then began to take more blows
Ryuko takes more blows from a shocked Fukuroda. She still didn't budge.
Fukuroda gets fed up with not dealing any damage and activates his Goku Uniform's ability. His large boxing gloves transform into blocks covered in sharp spikes perfect for pummeling. He makes one last dash at Ryuko but this time, she retaliates. A simple strike from her sword against Fukuroda's glove causes it to explode into thousands of pieces. She then beats him down with the hilt of her scissor blade. The Goku Uniform shreds from a few slashes by Ryuko.
Ira: Impossible! A Goku Uniform was defeated?!
Y/n: A weapon to surpass the Goku Uniforms...
Nonon: But how...
Inumuta: That scissor blade is powerful...
Satsuki: No, it isn't her blade, it's similar to Y/n's ability-
Ryuko throws her sword to the side and with a powerful burst of adrenaline, punches Fukuroda so hard that he flings through the air straight towards Satsuki. Y/n and the elite four swiftly jump infront of her to take the blow but when his body makes impact with the wall, he spews a small amount of blood. Y/n's wings managed to catch most of it but some of it got through his wings and spilled onto Satsuki's cheek.
Y/n: Sats?
She calmy wipes her cheek. Uzu becomes furious and attempts to go after Ryuko.
Satsuki: STAND DOWN!
This stops Uzu in his tracks and everyone moves out of Satsuki's way.
Satsuki: New girl! Where did you get your hands on that outfit?!
Ryuko pics up a microphone.
Ryuko: I got it! FROM MY FATHER!
Y/n then makes his way down.
Y/n: Really now?!
Ryuko: Yeah really! And this scissor blade was left behind by the bastard that murdered him! So you're gonna tell me who this belongs to SATSUKI KIRYUIN! Y/N KAZAMA!
The two tilt their heads in interest.
Satsuki: Ryuko Matoi is your name, correct?
Y/n: That's why your name is so familar to me. You must be Isshin Matoi's daughter.
Ryuko then drops to the ground in pain as her skin turns red and she sweats.
Ryuko: We'll have to to pick this back up later Satsuki Kiryuin... Y/n Kazama.... COUNT ON IT!
Ryuko exits the boxing ring and darts away!
Satsuki slams the end of her katana sheate on the ground as Y/n stomps his boot.
Satsuki: DON'T BOTHER! She'll be back eventually.
Y/n: Until then, leave her alone!
The two then walk away.
Y/n: So... she has a Kamui, how interesting.
Satsuki: Indeed. You and I will discuss more later. Jakuzure, Inumuta, Gamagori, you're not to attack or harm Matoi until I give the say so.
Nonon, Hota, Ira: Yes ma'am.
Y/n follows Satsuki back inside. Satsuki then gently grabs one of Y/n's wings.
Y/n: Sats?
Satsuki: Your poor wings, they are dirty with her blood...
Y/n: Yeah it sucks... this is gonna be such a pain to clean.
Satsuki: Allow me to help you-
Y/n sighs.
Y/n: You don't have to do that Satsuki, I can clean my own wings.
Satsuki: Yes I know you can, but they got dirty because you were protecting me.
Y/n: That doesn't matter, I did it because It's my job.
Satsuki: I know but at least let me do this.
Y/n sighs again.
Y/n: Alright... you can help clean my wings.
Satsuki: Very well, let us be off.
The two then walk off in the direction of Y/n's office. As they walk Y/n thinks to himself.
Y/n: Ryuko Matoi... I understand your pain of losing a parent, but if you want to know the truth you'll need to prove yourself. I hope you're up to the task.
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