Dedicated to SagnikRoy3
Dwapara yug
One of the villages in Hastinapur
'The boy was calm , way too calm'
Paraha thought.
He didn't cried , or made any noise , what was wrong with the child?!
Paraha was seated on the steps of a temple, the sky was awaiting dusk. The sage has found a shelter near the temple for the child and himself .
Now the boy has regained some colour, he was pale and looked unhealthy when the sage got him from the river. But now after the boy was fed with some milk by a woman who immediately obliged to help upon seeing a sick little child; Karna has now gained a sweet smile on his lips while he sucked on his thumb occasionally,as he stared at Paraha who was holding him close. With the bright doe eyes , which had several galaxies hidden inside them, he invited Paraha's curiosity.
His eyes are very unique, Paraha noticed, as he observed the child after he was awake from his long nap. One was tawny and the other was lite yellow . Rare , he thought.
'But the boy was disturbingly quite.'
The news of the death of Final King of Krivya Dynasty - King Shathasravaha, reached Sage Paraha.
It reached him by an owl , during early morning, even before dawn . Owls were fast and could travel all night , unlike most birds.
The letter said two things ,
1. The King has attained moksha
2. The esteemed King have left behind a final order in the form of a royal scroll which was said to be given to the Kulguru , as it contained the King Shathasravaha's last wish and the now Heavenly King's final Royal decree.
Rishi Paraha sighed - almost a defeated one. He cannot return to the Kingdom yet , he has an 'Abandoned light' to find.
Dwapara yug
A year later
In span of an year, Several attacks were unleashed on Kingdom Tritheya upon the demise of the King Shathasravaha, everyone had an eye on the rich kingdom , which was well known for its geographical richness as well as spiritual knowledge. The abundance of natural resources also was something that made all struggles so worth it.
Queen Malini - the third wife of Shathasravaha, led the kingdom skillfully. She managed political clashes with her wits and the few dedicated ministers and Commander in chief- Vaagdatha, stood by her side , protecting the Kingdom from all types of demons. Many courtiers turned out to be spies of other territories, who took the opportunity to express their true loyalty. They ended up meeting their end either at the tip of Vaagdatha's sword or by some wild animals in the thick forest.
Rishi Paraha's well trained warriors guarded the borders and villages, each army that marched to the land of Harihareshwara faced a massacre , which left an impression on others to not mess with the Kingdom until Paraha and Vaagdatha was in charge.
Dwapara yug
During the same year
Hastinapura was going through a vigorous time. The eldest prince , queen Ambika's son, Dritharashtr, was to be married with the only Princess of Kingdom Gandhar .
The blind prince's proposal was rejected by the royal family of Gandhar at first . After a war , Gangaputr Bhishma conquered Gandhar and the King Saubala was obliged to follow orders.
But the only Princess of Gandhar- the beautiful Gandhari has a brother , Shakuni , who would trick the moon to descend on earth, if his sister asked him to. He strongly disagreed to let anything happen against his dear sister's will. But Gandhari convinced him of the consequences of going against the stubborn Kurus.
Gandhari obliged to marry prince Dritharashtr. After seeing her beloved land's pathetic state.
Right after the marriage, Gandhari tied a cloth over her eyes , weaving darkness around her , in her life . To know what her husband felt like . But the elders of the Kuru clan took it as an insult. But for Shakuni, this incident became the last straw that broke the camels back ; the decision of Gandhari to be blind for the rest of her life alike her husband, and the bitter behaviour of the Kuru's towards his sister's sacrifice, created a villain; who sworn to destroy the Kurus, for the son of Ganga to watch, who has wreaked distruction on his land and people , in their peaceful lives.
Dwapar Yug
Kingdom Panchala
Karna was an year old now. Sage Paraha hasn't decided yet, if to keep the child or give it to someone, who would be more apt for the task of raising a child; after all Karna needed a home to grow up.
But he just couldn't bring his heart to trust anyone with Karna's life.
Why?! He didn't knew.
The boy's smile had the brilliance of a thousand suns. And he didn't made any noises, not even cry - at all. Whenever he felt uncomfortable or overwhelmed with emotions, his pale white skin turned red and tears flowed down his cheeks. And that's it, no cries tore out of his throat, why? Why was he so silent??
Paraha mused.
Karna often tugged at the ends of sage Paraha's saffron robe to get his attention. This little gesture was too cute to ignore , and thus Paraha's wish to be immersed in a deep meditation has been a wish for a year now.
They travelled from one land to other , meeting several sages and revered people who were cherished for their wisdom and intelligence.
They were in Panchala at the time,
Paraha and Karna had met Rishi Vedvyas during the journey from Hastinapur to Panchala. Rishi Paraha has offered his respect to the revered sage , and got a careless greetings in return, because the Maharishi was completely smitten by the divinity of the boy who was secured in a little cloth wrap in the extension of Paraha's saffron robe.
Rishi Vyas has told Paraha that day, 'diamonds are derived out of coal and they are hidden in the depths , but no matter what, when sunlight touches them, they will illuminate, making even the sunlight look more colourful and will make the ones around them illuminate as well.'
And had left them, after blessing the boy and suggesting Paraha to keep the boy safe with him.
Dwapar yuga
Kingdom Panchala
Another year later.
The panchal Kingdom , extends from the Himalayas in the north to Charmanvati river, with the Kuru Dynasty, Surasena and Matsya kingdoms to the west and the Naimisha forest to the East. At the time, King Prishatha has been succeeded by King Drupada.
Karna was a two year old now. He was a toddler who has wheels on his feet. He ran everywhere , and grabbed everything in his reach. Little karna was curious about everything and was interested in the world around him.
The only thing that confused the sage was that, karna stared at the sun god like there was no tomorrow. He made little hand gestures while looking at the sun straight without even narrowing his eyes a bit , even when the sun was at the Zenith.
'How in the world?! Don't know.'
Paraha came to the same conclusion everytime.
If he wanted to find out something about the boy he wanted to sit and think , he wanted his thoughts to be organised, more clear , not as messy as Vaagdatha's speeches. He wanted to meditate. But the boy needed to be looked after, he can't be irresponsible.
And about Vaagdatha's speeches, that's a long story, the man was good with almost all weapons, except the tongue, which most people excelled in. Nevermind ...
Another fine day was sprouting , Rishi Paraha got to know about the birth of Shivansh . Bharadwaj putr Drona has become a father to the essence of Mahadev , the boy had a rare gem embedded on his forehead.
That's what the priest told him during his daily morning temple visit.
And for some reason Karna clapped his hands in joy while he heard it beside him. Well no matter what , Karna was still silent , he has learned to walk and run even flip at times, but not to talk.
'What was wrong with the boy?!'
Dwapara yug
Kingdom Panchala
Fragrance of Saptaparni blossom filled his nose and mind as Paraha opened his eyes to see the two year old tugging at his robe. He was trying to meditate while karna was being fed by the women at the ashram, where they have been staying for a week now. But seems like little Karna is in no mood to leave the old sage alone.
Paraha picked him up and placed him on his lap comfortably.
Aa.. aa..
Karna made a slightest noise while he indicated to Paraha's mouth.
No I haven't. Thought I would have my meals a bit later , after my meditation.
Paraha answered as he understood what Karna was indicating to.
Karna was an intelligent boy. He expressed all his thoughts on gestures and little noises , and choose not to utter words. That's what Paraha has derived during the time period.
Karna wasn't deaf but was mute.
'That is sad.. but no matter what , the boy was adorable and smart . And could steal anyone's heart just by a brilliant smile of his.' Paraha mused.
Did you have a fulfilling meal?!
Paraha further asked.
Karna nodded a 'yes' dramatically.
The sage gently caressed his head with adoration as a pleasant smile spread across his rough features.
Karna was bored to the core. Nobody really understood him the way the old sage had. He sadly realised as he walked across the ashram's courtyard searching for Paraha.
He has been disappeared for 2 days now. Where was he? Did the sage abandoned him?! Will he never return to meet karna atleast to say a bye?!
Karna felt his eyes moistening at the thought of being abandoned by his favourite human. He didn't had any family other than Paraha , and little Karna was used to the sage's presence and care. Where was he off to, without even bothering to tell him?! A little annoyance creeped in right after the sorrow.
He somehow asked one of the sages in the Ashram of Paraha's whereabouts.
And he signalled him towards the east .
He started running that direction without thinking of anything else.
Ashram in Panchal
2 days ago
Paraha was getting really restless recently. His mind didn't had the previous calmness to it. It was on a rampage. He had a dream last night , a weirdly pleasant one.
A bright light emerged from the sun , as it materialised into a baby , the baby had enormous brilliance and divinity in him. Suddenly the brightness shifted into the raging waves of a river. The boy was afloat in it , as white water Lilies surrounded him; a divine aura held him up in the water. And the next moment the baby was staring at him , like he was seeing through his soul.
Then Paraha was awakened from the dream as sage Durvasa's voice echoed in his ears.
"Leave this place in search of an abandoned light , he will illuminate your's and people's life like the sun and will nurture it to a brighter future."
As the first rays of sunlight reached down to warm the earth , Paraha left the Ashram, aiming the river bank for his morning routines and prayers , also to find answers for his queries.
Karna will be awake after a while. By the time of forenoon he must return.
Paraha thought as he left their hut after muttering a blessing to Karna as he gently caressed the boy's hair.
Banks of Ganga
Kingdom Panchala
Present day
Paraha hasn't realised that he was in a meditation for last 2 days. And a worried Karna reached the banks of Ganga, he paused to gulp puffs of air into his lungs after a long-non-stop run, as he spotted Paraha meditatinh in the banks , peacefully. He wiped his eyes roughly to erase any evidence of tears in them.
He made no sound as he sat beside Sage Paraha who was in a deep meditation. He stared at the sage , his doe eyes were still welled up. The 2 year old couldn't accept the state of being abandoned by his favourite person; he didn't had mother , or any other family . He had met several happy little families in the journey, the little humans that looked like him had father and mother to take care of them and to love them. Then he had tried asking the sage about all that , seemed like the sage didn't understood his gestures back then. But as soon as the sage will be awake from his 'sleep' now, karna will ask him about his little family as well.
He wondered if the sage was his father?!
As he didn't know how to talk, it was easier to decide on what to address the sage as. A tug on the sage's saffron robe was the way he addressed him ; and the old man didn't complained, rather smiled at him adoringly. He was content , he could travel around the world with the sage and meet new people, make some friends in the future may be.. and he will take care of the sage if he grew older or weaker in this journey, he resolved. Karna sat there musing over everything and anything , as time passed away with the sun and wind.
Banks of Ganga
Kingdom Panchala
Three days passed.
It's been 3 days since Karna has been waiting for the sage to open his eyes.
A few other sages meditated at the banks of Ganga now.
He hasn't had anything properly for last 5 days; for last 3 days - nothing other than water.
He was famished, he didn't wanted to go back to the ashram yet, he would return with the sage; like the sage always walked, with one hand holding Karna's wrist firmly but gently and the other one holding a little bundle of their mere belongings.
But the sage seemed in no mood to be awake. He sat straight and steady in a lotus position with his eyes closed; Karna noticed some calm energy emitting from the sage. He watched in awe. But it wasn't enough distraction from the hunger he felt.
Then his eyes went to the mud in the river bank. The sage has once told him "respect everyone as much as they deserve, respective of nothing else, but their actions and intentions. But always respect earth and women , they give life and nurture you; they are the one who fed you for proper growth. They shall be respected at all cost."
Earth nurtures , she feeds everyone , why not him?! 'may be the mud could satisfy the little of his hunger ' little Karna thought.
He simply grabbed a hand full of mud , and bowed his head to it in reverence, as he brought it close to his mouth, a bite went in his mouth .
'It is good , it's a bit cold and tastes very different from anything he had ever eaten before . How does so many different delicacies come out of this single , almost tasteless mud?!.. that's fascinating ' karna amusingly mused as he chewed on the mud with his few little tooth that came a few good months ago. Curiosity and cuteness reeked from his face.
But the sun god couldn't take it anymore. His son was hungry and was eating mud . He didn't had anything else to satisfy his hunger.
In the moment of grief and guilt , sun god decided to descend on earth.
Wahoo.. oohh..
Karna made some surprised gibberish noises as he saw a silhouette of a person materialising infront of him out of light. It was a man , karna confirmed.
His dark red robe of an attire alone looked too simple for the elegance and grace he carried. Who is he?! Karna thought .
He was bright and regal. Much beautiful than anyone he have ever met . Or may be not... Nevermind.
Karna brushed of the thought of a woman he had often seen in his dream. And tried to focus on the overwhelming reality he was having at the moment.
His eyes watered at the sight of his two year old son. He was adorable. Cute little bundle of brightness.
The Sun god sat on his knees infront of Karna , karna stepped back at that action , but curiosity got the best of him as he walked a bit closer and gently brought his tiny chubby hands to the Sun god's face to inspect. He touched his nose.
Hahaa.. what are doing my son!
Vivasvan laughed with amusement, his laughter - a mixture of sorrow of an impotent father and the joy of the world's happiest father.
He embraced Karna gently as he placed his son on his lap. Karna looked up to see his unknown father's face. He liked the man , he seems friendly, and beautiful .. Karna decided .
Are you hungry?!
Sun god asked gently, his voice soft like it would break with the slightest wind.
Karna nodded a 'yes' with a blinding smile. Sun god had a sad smile , and his eyes welled up.
Karna got concerned seeing the 'bright-man' slightly tearing up.
He gestured his hands in a question - are you okay?! This time the father nodded.
Karna smiled as he wiped the mitra's(another name of Sun god) tears.
The Aditya hoisted his son on his forearms as he got up . They together headed towards the river bank . The father washed his son's hands clean and his mouth which still had mud over it , and placed a affectionate kiss on his temples.
Karna smiled sheepishly. It was overwhelming for him to recieve so much affection all of a sudden.
Vivasvan smiled along.
They aimed the forest , as they walked away from the banks. The sun god hummed some tune , and karna giggled, and his father laughed along leaving the tune in mid-way.
They reached the tall trees and bushes , the trees bent down to them , and the sun god reached for a fruit that looked ripen and delicious. He opened the fruit in half and cut them into small pieces with his hands for Karna to eat.
They collected more fruits as the Sun God told him the story of a celestial nymph. And karna liked it very much. He clapped and giggled in excitement.
Wind sang in joy and trees swayed as Vaikarthana felt jubilant when his tummy got some much needed food.
Sun god couldn't be more happy as he sat on a rock with Karna in his lap as he munched on the fruits they collected; occasionally feeding some to the sun god as well , if the boy found the fruit delicious.
They chatted for a while , merry filling the forest as their laughter echoed all over , and with very less time, sun god learned his son's language with gestures and the Vivasvan felt like he conquered new heights.
Even though the earth and nature blissed at their presence so near , the Sun God being on earth for a long time wasn't something adaptable ; as the forest started heating up by the sun god's presence, the trees had to unwillingly bow down a bit , the ends of their leaves getting a different shade. 'Now that was a symbol to leave' sun god thought.
So Karna , hopefully we will meet another day..
I will have to leave now ,my son.
Sun god said as he lifted the comparatively tiny figure of karna up in his forearms. Karna huffed sadly. But smiled at his unknown father.
Vivasvan reciprocated.
They stood by the river bank waiting for Paraha to open his eyes. In the mean time they started messing around , running behind eachother. As the father caught his son securely in his embrace , Vivasvan threw Karna into the air and caught him back safely , as Karna giggled in excitement and pure joy. He felt safe and secured with the unknown man.
He continued to giggle carelessly like the child he is.
Feeling an eminent presence and aura near him, the sage opened his eyes to a beautiful sight.
A Glorious celestial , his ginormous godly physic wrapped in simple red robes , the accessories missing only a crown, adding onto his regality ; shoulders that looked as strong as that of a bull's and divinity that cascaded down his features. With an equally divine Karna in his arms.
The sight was something to behold. And Paraha will never forget this day in his life , when he understood the divinity in the Child , not because he was beside a divine being , but Paraha's meditation has definitely helped him to see further down the surface.
Paraha bowed down in reverence and said grabbing the attention of the giggling father-son duo. It was a melody to ears - Paraha thought.
Accept my humble greetings divine being , may I know your purpose of visit .
He wasn't still so sure of the divine one's identity but he had his guesses.
Greetings Sage Paraha, I was here because of Karna . And I shall return to my abode soon.( He gestured to look around. ) As now I have done what I can, till the limitations of a celestial being allowed me to . I am indebted to you , as you took care of Karna, and as a helpless father who also happened to have the responsibilities of a deity, I am obliged to leave him behind. I am grateful to you for your kindness.
Sun god said as his hands joined in gratitude.
Sage Paraha gasped.
No! My lord , I am a mere human trying to do my part in the game of destiny. I am now aware of my responsibility. And please don't join your hands infront of this mere mortal , oh dear God!. I shall take care of Karna as he chose me for the responsibility .I will consider it as the destiny's wish and will do accordingly, you shall not worry a bit, divine one. But I am ignorant of your identity yet my lord , please enlighten me with the knowledge of your greatness.
Paraha concluded .
I am an impotent father and nothing else at this point Paraha. And I am glad to leave my son in the presence of your wisdom. Teach him to be a good human and to be kind , else everything shall be not as important as that, consider it as a humble request from a worried father.I will take my leave now.
Saying so Sun god placed Karna on the ground , as he kneeled next to him.
I shall take my leave little one . Take care of yourself and everyone around you. I will be always looking after you and is always there for you , my blessings will be always with you my son. And I will be looking forward to meet you another day , just like today - with my little child .
Sun god concluded as his eyes welled up again.
Tears flowed out of Karna's eyes as well . Karna gently wiped the tears out of the Sun god's face that was about to roll down his milky white cheeks. Vivasvan smiled at the soft gesture.
Paraha smiled at them .
I may not be a good father figure for him , but I can try and teach him to walk on good paths of life.
Paraha resolved.
The sun god disappeared in the engulf of a light.
And the sun above their head started shining brighter.
That's when the dots connected for Paraha..
He tried to look up , at the sun , but couldn't as it was blinding as always , but remembered that Karna always could.. the divine kavach and kundals..
It was the sun god .. !!!
Oh ... Mahadeva...
Karna is the son of the SUN GOD!!..
Paraha processed the fact , as he stared at the little boy who sat at the river bank staring at the forenoon sun.
-"Nothing will have to go through a second guess if society wasn't our foremost priority over our heart"-
*This chapter has been heavily edited *
Word count: 4000 ( ╹▽╹ )
This chapter is dedicated to SagnikRoy3 , who was the third one one to join our family 😁
Thank you for all the support...❤️
Pictures used in this chapter is not mine credit to the owners , got it from Pinterest 😊
See you soon friends, stay healthy and happy...❤️
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