I just realized that this story has already surpassed 50k words
Welp anyways New chapter.
Shift's mind was in a blur as they woke up. They were in restraints and tied in a chair. Ah, they were kidnapped, how long were they asleep? They looked up and down, Shift's jacket was stained red from blood, that's gonna be hard to scrub out. They had attacked that Compass guy, did he survive? Supposedly, since their now here. But Shift's pretty sure they dealt an everlasting scar on the guy that'll haunt him till the end of his sinful life.
It reeks of alcohol in the place, this is probably a tavern or a bar of some sort. Bakugo is tied up right beside Shift, but he had a gag unlike Shift. Probably because he was too noisy. Shift can easily break free right now, looks like they did not account the fact that Shift can summon knives in the air. They probably only saw knives being summoned to Shift's hand that's why there's an excessive amount of restraints in their hand. What a fool.
But from the looks of it, they probably kept some distance from Shift. Bakugo seems to have woken up multiple times already and was just knocked unconscious afterwards.
The sound of footsteps eared in. One, two, three and more people went in the room. Shift is slowly eying them, then Shift used check secretly,
Tomura Shigaraki, Quirk:decay.
Jin Bubaigawara [Villain name:Twice], Quirk:Double.
Kenji Hikiishi [Villain name:Magne], Quirk:Magnetism.
Himiko Toga, Quirk: Transform.
Shuichi Iguchi [Villain Name:Spinner], Quirk: Gecko, Bodybulk, Scalemail?
Atsuhiro Sako [Villain name:Mr. Compress] Quirk:Compress.
Shift easily saw their lv, although Dabi and Kurogiri seems to never near Shift so no check for them.
Then Shigaraki took a chair and faced it's back to Bakugo. He used the little back as a head rest mainly, as he faces Bakugo.
"It's so strange.. Why are heroes being criticized? The way they were dealing things were just a little off the mark. Is it because their job is to protect? Everyone makes a mistake or two. Are they supposed to be perfect? Modern day heroes are so up-tight." Shigaraki says in a way to persuade them to join. Moving almost mockingly.
"Once heroes receive compensation to protect people, they aren't heroes anymore. That is Stains teachings" Spinner says as he leans on the wall and puts his arms in a cross
They talked on and on. It was boring and just plain out nonsensical. They obviously went through something to be like this. A villain isn't born but made. But for someone who doesn't seem all that troubled in life, would thier ideals really affect Bakugo. For Shift well, it definitely won't, they have their values set straight. Although these people have chosen the wrong path and that's not something that will stop Shift from judging. With this long chatter and attempts in persuasion, a certain someone snapped and decided to talk back.
"Enough with that useless blabber. You just want to wage war on heroes right?" Bakugo says furiously while still being shackled, yet his fists were clenched. For some odd reason he resembles a pomeranian on a leash
"Your ideology and beliefs are twisted, a war is a battle of beliefs, your just fighting to prove your beliefs is right." Shift says in a low voice as they still seem calm probably because they weren't in the mood for this kind of bullshit.
"So what? This is the distopian reality we have! All those corrupt heroes, don't even care." Shigaraki says raising his voice laced with anger. His expression was obviously saying that he firmly believes it.
"What do you mean corrupt? There are still others who does their best to help!" Bakugo says as he is reminded of a certain memory he has long ago.
"They do those for money and glory. We are here to take down their supposed justice and what they think is fair. We plan to win. Don't you like winning too?" Shigaraki asks as he sits down on the chair facing Bakugo.
The atmosphere suddenly went icy cold, a feeling of dread and fear washed over. Then Shift says in a low menacing tone "What a fool."
Then the sound of the chains being destroyed is heard as Shift immediately dashed upfront. Summoning knives and pinning each and every single person in front. Some bleed, some only got their clothes stuck, obviously not targeting anything critical but they definitely taken aback by Shift's sudden change of mood. Bakugo still being encased but having a full first class seat to watch this all go down, a smile mixed with fear was displayed.
Shift's face was shadowed as the hood covered it but it was definitely a frightening sight. The atmosphere was suffocating, this dreary air being shown with blood from those pinned to the wall. As this person; Shift moved about as if they had ended people thousands of times.
"You, you have the air of a villain. You don't seem all that nice." Shigaraki says while raising his guard and dodging the knives ever so closely
"Being raised from the streets, would probably be the root of that. I don't like being high and mighty." Shift says as they connected the words from a lie Sans made about the quote to quote past. Shift then sprints towards Shigaraki with a knife in hand.
"Looks like I made the wrong assumption of you. You seem more of a valuable asset, than Katsuki Bakugo. We probably should've tried our luck with you. You clearly know much more than what meets the eye." Shigaraki says while he is fighting Shift.
"Pfft, you're making me gag. I don't think you're using your head wisely, perhaps its decayed?" Shift says whilst dashing towards Shigaraki as they aim for the neck. This was dangerously getting closer and closer to Shift's target, Shigaraki. The thing that's making this difficult for Shigaraki is that Shift seems to get faster and faster.
Then suddenly a villain managed to escape from the hold of the knives but as Dabi was about to set his foot on the ground, it was met with a knife, as such he fell over leaving him in vulnerable state. "You play dirty don't you? You know that ain't right." Dabi says as he rolled to the left and closely dodges the knives aimed at him
"There is no right or wrong in a real fight, only winning matters" Shift says coldly. They then eyed Bakugo eho was still chained and tied up. A knife is then summoned to Bakugo's back, then it sliced the restraints placed upon him. Now Bakugo has joined the fight.
"Finally I can fucking move. You idiots blabber so much. Whatever you say Villains, I will never ever join your cause. I want to win like All might does." Bakugo says as small sparks erupts from his hand. He's clearly thinking well since he's slightly looking at the back door, most likely a way to escape. Since this fight was too hard for him to win.
"What a foolish inspiration, you have." Shigaraki says as he fends of another attack of Shift who's energy doesn't seem to waver.
Bakugo sent a flurry of tiny explosions, since he doesn't want this establishment to collapse on them. That will only make things much more difficult and may danger the civilians or passerby. He headed and attacked Dabi, who in turn made a wall of fire as a defence. Both having a crazed grin plastered on each other's face. They fought neck and neck, Dabi of course had the upper hand, he was way more experienced than Bakugo.
"You're a stubborn one aren't you?" Dabi says as he burned a part of Bakugo's cloth to defend himself from yet another explosion
"tch" Bakugo says as he fought onward.
Bakugo himself had adopted a bit of Shift's fighting style since he was pretty observant. So certain off putting movements were copied and he learnt to direct the opponent's direction elsewhere when he attacked. Since his explosions were flashy that's what he used as a center of attention, which Shift also seems to do with their knives. Dabi was well ahead of him in every category, only strategies can save him now. But this difficultly was exactly what makes it exciting for Bakugo.
This battle doesn't even seem like a fight between Heroes and Villains, with both sides having the same exact air.
One by one the enemies managed to break the knives which binded them into the wall. Bakugo and Shift seems at a disadvantage considering them being outnumbered. Bakugo has small burns all over his body because of Dabi. Yet the person beside him; Shift, has not a single scratch on their body only some tattered and ripped clothing, yet there was no damage to jacket itself.They we're surrounded by opponents, if this drags out they'll lose.
For this entire time the attacks Shift had inflicted on Shigaraki we're mainly too shallow, Shift never had a problem gauging the distance to their enemies. It's just that there's too much presence outside of this bulding. If those were heroes and they saw Shift basically gravely wounding the Villains, Shift definitely would be up for a ton of questioning. This isn't something Shift wants them to see, so they simply just wounded Shigaraki bit by bit. Shift struck a knife at Bakugo's back, just in case.
A thought lingered in Shigaraki's head, just who was this kid? Even U.A lacks information about this, even with this kid's gender. They have not to much info on this person or even the Dreemurr's. Is U.A specifically hiding their information? No, that wouldn't make any sense, the others were also hidden but bundled up. It only contained a tiny amount of info about them. Knives were their quirk obviously, but something is off. Compass was only attacked once by this kid but yet it did a damage that could've easily killed him. Now the same exact kid was just doing light wounds, with their speed they could've done much more life ending attacks.
Compress kept trying to subdue the both of them, he was still injured and isn't supposed to move a lot despite that, he still tries his best to keep the two under control. Magne of course is helping him which he seems to try and attract the both of them nearer and nearer to Mr. Compress, but Shift's position remained undeterred, their foothold was immaculate. Meanwhile with Bakugo it definitely works, yet Shift seems to just use the knife at his back to move him further away. It was definitely hard to fight against this many villains.
Then a sudden noise took their attention 'knock knock' "Hello, this is Pizza-La, Kamino store."
"Who ordered pizza?" Someone says as he went to the door.
"Pizza..? There's pizza?" Shift says whilst dodging Shigaraki's attack and looking at the door. Shift is craving for some pizza right now, obviously they haven't ate in a long while.
"SMASH!" All Might says out loud while smashing through the wall. Definitely a flashy entrance one may say. Shift just looks down knowing full well that there ain't any pizza, they should've known there were too much presence outside for it to be a simple pizza delivery.
"What the-" Spinner says taken aback by the sudden collapsing of the wall which had him covered in some couple of bricks
"Kurogiri, gate!" Shigaraki shouts as he immediately faces towards him.
"Pre-emptive binding. Laquered chain prison." Kamui woods shouts while roots immediately binds the Villains.
"What? A tree, what the hell" Dabi says as he activates his quirk to escape its grasp
Suddenly Gran Torino was dashing through the entire place and immediately attacked Dabi who was in the verge of burning the roots which had binded him, with the use of his right leg, it was spot on his head so it knocked Dabi unconscious. This in turn subdued him. He says "Don't be impatient. It'll be in your best interests, so stay put."
"You can't run anymore, Legue of Villains. Why? Because we are here?" All Might shouts aloud confidently
This attack was due in realization that this was already pre-arranged, being just right after the little conference. Just how long were they planning this?
"Tree man stop pulling me! -push!" Twice says as Toga was doing their best to escape by wriggling in the grasp of these roots.
Then another hero shows up, Edgeshot, who literally just slides right into the little gap between the door and wall with the use of his quirk, in an almost comedic manner although the guy was pretty up-tight and serious. He then starts to explain the entire situation and every single preparation that they, the heroes and police have done as he states that there will be no escaping this predicament that they are in. In addition he also jokingly says Pizza-La Kamino store people. In addition also stated that this exact building is covered head to toe with skillful heroes and police with Endeavor being just outside to catch anyone who dares to escape their grasp.
During this entire time Shift was just using their phone which was surprisingly not taken by the League of Villains, probably because they didn't want to wake Shift up, that was stupid. Well they were just simply chatting and sharing their location to the other two, and saying that they'll be fine and all. Shift also used this as a chance to do what they didn't get to do earlier. Additionally they peaked out through the shattered wall that All Might destroyed for his little entrance to see just how much people were there, noting to themself that thier intuition was right on the money. There was a heck ton of people.
"I'm sure you two were scared. You guys did good bearing it. I'm sorry. It's safe now" All Might says probably to spite a certain pomeranian.
"eh, I ain't scared. I literally just woke up. Maybe Bakugo was, i mean he's the main target." Shift says as they jokingly passes it off entirely to Bakugo
"I.. i wasn't scared! Not even close! Dang it!" Bakugo says with an expression that's seemingly unreadable. All Might just gave a little thumbs up, probably was done to liven up the mood a bit since the both of them were students.
Following the intention of All Might Shift continues and adds in a teasing tone "Look at you, you don't really need to hide it"
"I was not! God dammit!" Bakugo shouts angrily at Shift
"Oh well, you do you buddy. I won't judge" Shift responds as they looks away and shoves their hand into their blood-stained jacket. Bakugo just simply retorts to looking away in anger.
Then the seriousness of the situation gradually returned, as the atmosphere returned back to normal, well normal for this situation. The heroes looked at Shigaraki.
The situation that they're currently in made Shigaraki furious and irritated he kept mumbling and mumbling to himself his expression says that he's enraged, then he shouts "Kurogiri! Bring as many as you can over!"
"Nomus, I presume?" All might shouts back almost instantly, most likely already had a plan in place with the Nomus
When Shigaraki noticed that none is coming and even happening he asks in an annoyed tone "What's the mater Kurogiri?"
"I'm sorry, Tomura Shigaraki. The Nomus that were supposed to be in a fixed location... are not there!" Kurogiri responds with surprise and a bit of horror to the tone knowing that the heroes might have already wrecked the place in question.
"You are still green, Shigaraki! League of Villains, you've underestimated everything too much. The soul of these students. The diligent investigations of the police... And... Our anger! Enough with the childish games, Shigaraki Tomura! This is the end!" All Might says valiantly, a lot was poured into this entire operation apparently.
"End, you say? You're kidding. I've only just begun. Justice...Peace... I'll destroy this garbage heap that you put a lid on with such vague ideas." Shigaraki says as he went on with his rambling he the shouts at the end "Kurogiri!"
But to his futile attempt Edgeshot attacks Kurogiri and knocks him unconscious. Magne was in fear of what they might do to them. One by one their names were said by Gran Torio to show just how much they know and how much the police had investigated into this matter. This shows that they have nowhere to run, their identity is already known and revealed. Gran torino asks where is their boss and All Might chimes in with the same question. They both were placing tremendous pressure to Shigaraki, he had a mixed expression of negativity, purely negativity.
"I... I HATE YOU!" Shigaraki shouted at the top of his throat. This were the only words that managed to brew in his mind. In this moment of frustration something odd occurs, out of nowhere a metallic like substance was floating around Shigaraki, all of the sudden Nomus started popping out of this strange substance. This was probably similar to the warp Kurogiri uses, but not exactly it since it doesn't look anything alike.
"Nomus! They popped up out of nowhere." Kamui Woods shouts being taken aback by the sudden events unfolding in his very eyes
"Edgeshot! What about Kurogiri?!" Gran Torino shouts thinking that he might be the cause of all this. Panic was evident in his voice but despite that he still manages to act fast and think straight, definitely a true veteran.
"Still unconscious, he didn't do it!" Edgeshot replies while he checks to confirm
"Kamui Woods! Do not let them go under any circumstances!" All might shouts giving an order to Kamui
"Yes sir!" he replies while tightening the grip of the wood around the villains
"More Nomus are popping up!" Edgeshot shouts as now they're surrounded by the things. They tried to contact Endeavor for backup but when there wasn't any response. They looked, and to thier horror they we're having the same exact ordeal. Nomus were also present and attacking there.
Suddenly the strange metallic like substance engulfs both Bakugo and Shift, inevitably teleporting them away. During the warping there was one thing on Shift's mind, this shit is stinky as hell.
The metallic thing ended up warping them near an abandoned area the place seemed hollow if not empty. There was a guy in front of them. Soon the members start appearing one by one through the same weird metalloid-like substance.
The League of Villains talked amongst themselves. The boss struck something inside Kurogiri and it made a portal. They left the two alone stating its too dangerous to drag the both of them in their current state. Compress isn't really in any condition of chasing after the both of them. And Shigaraki seems wary of Shift in addition to that. It's unwise to let the tired out and injured to keep Shift and Bakugo in check. Both having an pretty deceiving look to them. Bakugo looks as if his head isn't really used that wisely, but yet he does a lot of reasonable thinking plus it doesn't look like it but he's smart. Shift meanwhile looks weak with their lanky physique and their deceiving personality.
So in the end they decided its best for the boss to fight them himself and weaken the two, then bring them back for capture. The League Of Villains left via the warp that was caused be a forced usage of quirk done by the boss himself.
"So, who are you supposed to be?" Shift asks the guy in front, although they already definitely knew who exactly is this questionable guy in front of them.
They were replied with silence as the man in question attacks them. Shift just says as they materializes two knives in both hands "I'm pretty sure you're their boss or master aren't cha?"
"Well you're interesting..." He says considering Shift's odd abilities given the fact that their on a school attire.
The guy attacks Shift yet again this time with much greater speed, nevertheless Shift dodges which took the guy by surprise considering this is coming from a student. Shift then signaled Bakugo to make an explosion via the use of the little hand gestures that Shift does whenever they mock him with the nickname boom-boom guy. Surprisingly Bakugo actually managed to get that and comply although with a scowl on his face knowing thats the hand gesture Shift uses whenever they teases.
It manages to make an smoke screen to which Shift took to their advantage although the guy just blew it away with a wind like quirk. Nevertheless Shift managed to mask Bakugo's movements which was making him basically stationary up in the sky. Shift knew that their classmates were there so the smokescreen from earlier were for them although there are still smoke in that building exactly since the wind wasn't that strong to blow away that specific area. Shift then went all out with the speed, it was hard for the eye to actually see through Shift's movements and knife attacks. Any solid attacks were quickly sliced by Shift there were dozens of knives floating all around just simply attacking the enemy. Knives of different sizes were summoned instead of having them all sized like normal kitchen knifes. Some were long and some were small, though the ones Shift uses are a bit longer than normal.
"You don't seem like a student in U.A at all" He says seemingly intrigued as they sent off another attack although Shift had dodged closely
"Nah, I'm a student. You got that wrong" Shift replies in a low voice while just summoning 15 knives and attacking the mystery guy all at once, although he had blocked it.
This guy basically had an arsenal of quirks to be used at his disposal. By the way he had worded it these quirks aren't all natural and probably is taken from multiple sources, considering what he had said earlier and he used the word obtained, when he was conversing with the League of Villains who had escaped earlier through the use of his help and Kurogiri. This guy is difficult to fight, quirks after quirks it was hard to predict the attack that the enemy will use, Shift knows that they definitely have enough energy for backup to arrive, they were just doing their best to drain the enemy's stamina for whoever the back up will be.
Shift then receives a blow since they really weren't expecting the guy to go physical after all that quirk usage, shift just winced in pain he hit their right rib thus resulting to some being broken, thankfully they did react to it quickly which had lessened the blow that they had received. Shift parried some attacks, they kept they guy moving with knives and slashes from the ones they were wielding. If the guy was getting distance, ranged attacks were opt to be used and melee for whenever he's near.
When Shift was directing the enemy's direction elsewhere, they signals to Bakugo to 'boom-boom' and shifts them down to the enemy in question. Shift immediately rushes up to the guy with knives and says in a cold dangerous tone "What do you really plan?".
The man answers with a scoff, but then he got hit with an explosion to his back. "Bet ya didn't expect that." Shift says as Bakugo shouts with a massive grin "Hell to you!"
The guy immediately uses a quirk behind him trying to get Bakugo, luckily Shift reacted quick and dragged him away just in time, therefore, he only received a bruise. Unfortunately the guy also made an attack to Shift which hit their left arm, thankfully not tearing it off or critically injuring it, but this made Shift unable to dual-wield their weapons. Shift backs up quickly and did another 'boom-boom' sign to Bakugo, which he compiles to. This made another smokescreen making a new one which replaced the dispersing fog that covered the other students. Shift immediately took this opportunity to heal their hand a bit, to make it at least bearable and movable, they didn't have enough time to heal the arm fully since a wind attack homed in. Shift sliced the aire which trifled the air bullet making the flow of the wind go to both sides. The attack was almost basically invisible but still the abnormal movement of the air made it visible to Shift.
Bakugo was keeping it safe he knows of the dangers of this fight and how it was most practical to buy time. He thought that this is probably what Shift is trying to do since they don't seem eager to end the fight.
With yet another parry and explosive, but then all of sudden bones pops up ou the ground. "Heya!" Sans says as he and Stretch were hovering above riding gaster blasters.
"Speak of the devil" Shift says. Suddenly orange blasters surrounds the enemy and shot off almost instantly, Shift summons multiple knives and attacks. Sans the follows with more bone attacks Bakugo blasted off the quirk attack aimed at him. Then runs up to they guys sending off multiple explosions he was being extremely wary about the environment whilst at it.
Bakugo questioned just how exactly did these two know their location? Even heroes haven't arrived here yet. So just how exactly did they find this place, it's just close to a warehouse of some sort. Can that even be considered a clue? Who knows...
"You look like your in a trifle" Stretch says whilst he attacks with a couple more blasters. Shift decided to heal the arm to be able to use it again but they didn't focus on healing fully to not use up too much energy. This healing thing was seen by Bakugo which questioned himself about just when was Shift capable of healing?
Sans yeets the guy onto a wall via telekinesis while Stretch uses a couple of bones to attack and Shift uses slashes to deal damage. Unsurprisingly the guy used a barrier-like quirk which shielded him from the artillery of attaks.
The guy lashes out and attacks with a destructive attack that almost made the bulding collapse but thankful Sans reinforced it with some telekinesis..
Stretch then made a huge bone sprout out of the ground, not as huge as the one used in the Sports festival though. Bakugo just kept exploding shit way like some bones which made it fly even faster towards the guy. Shift made a huge knife not as big as the bone just half yet it still sliced through the bone and ended up injuring the big boss man himself but he healed so yeah... Sans used yet another telekinesis which dragged the guy to the ground and slammed him, Bakugo then used a huge explosion when the guy fell.
"how was the fall?" Sans jokes with a sheepish smile
"Terrible" The guy answered whilst grunting. He then used another powerful attack but they managed to defend themselves from it. Thankfully the surrounding terrain was affected too much by the attack itself, which was great since there are still buildings around and they want to keep damages to a minimum since well of course they're still students not pro heroes, ain't no way they'll be able to pay that. Plus some nasty rumors may circulate.
More and more attacks start to rain in. With the enemy obviously tryna end this fight fairly quickly but they had the opposite intention from that.
The fight went on for about two more minutes and finally someone had arrived in a certainly flashy way. A crack was made on the ground because of the punch All Might sent and shouts valiantly saying "Do not fret, for I am here!"
"All Might! Bakugo says
"Go on take a rest, I'm going to take it from here on!" All Might says as Shift responds with a sheepish nod noticing that the smoke has just disappeared which blocked the other students view.
They trusted that All Might will win the fight, since well that guy and him seems to know one another. So he must know more about how the guy's abilities work, thus he definitely have a higher chance in winning than compared to them. Additionally the guy must be a bit weared down already from the fight they put up. Stretch and Sans then summoned a gaster blaster to go to the other students.
"Hey let me ride will ya?" Shift says as they suspended Bakugo in the sky
"You can't fly? Why don't you try and ride on your knife like a surfboard?" Bakugo asks as an idea sparks on Shift's head
"Oh! Thanks thanks for the idea. I'll go ahead and try that" Shift says as a huge knife materializes being the same size as a motorcycle. Shift jumped in it making it float.
"Asshole! Put me down at least, you stabby asshole" Bakugo says angrily as they were still draped in the knife that was in the collar of his cloth.
Shift just immediately rides the knife like a surfboard, ignoring what Bakugo jus says and says "Don't worry your clothes it won't rip"
"I'll kill you myself if it does" Bakugo shouts as he moved in high speeds alongside Shift riding the knife.
Sans just shrugs seeing their shenanigans and just flies in the blaster with Stretch.
Upon arrival the other students seems shocked to see them suddenly appear, well Sans and Stretch, Shift and Bakugo took longer to arrive since Shift was still getting used to it plus Bakugo needed it to be slow because it would probably rip his clothes. It was obvious that they easily can tell that they already recognize them despite the disguise as Stretch questions "Well, what are you guys doing here?
"uh, we were- h-here spying on the Nomu's. And-" Midoriya says as he was cut off by someone shouting
"Shift you fucking asshole!" Bakugo says a since when he was just about to land the knife twirls twice making him spin in high speeds.
"Thank you." Shift says teasingly as Bakugo became more infruriated as he took the knife off and threw it at Shift but it de-materialized before even hitting Shift
"Shift that wasn't a compliment" Stretch says sounding literally used to this scenario
"Bakugo!" Kirishima says
"So why the hell are you all here" Bakugo says with anger being laced in the tone
"K-kacchan well." Midoriya says nervously
"We wanted to see your situation if you were fine although we ended up in this warehouse with nomus" Ida says as he steps up for Midoriya seeming as if he wants to take responsibility for all of this
"The situation is dangerous, why did you guys not flee?" Stretch asks the others
"We were attempting to flee without attracting attention" Momo says
"Fair enough" Shift says placing their hands inside the pockets of their jacket
"Well you guys must be tired, why not take a rest?"
"You should say that to Bakugo, I literally just woke up a little over an hour ago" Shift says as they eyes Bakugo who jus face them with an angry fave knowing Shift is just trying to pass it to him again
"One question where is Sans? Kirishima asks noticing Sans just disappears suddenly
"Dunno, he probably just slipped away." Shift says
"He's over there in the hotdog stand. It's pretty far away from here." Stretch says as they leans in the edge of the building and pointing to Sans
"Why the hell, would there be a hotdog stand here of all places?" Bakugo questions in surprise
"Who knows..?" Shift responds while shrugging
"Anyways we should probably leave this place, just to be safe. I already contacted Heroes so that they'll be able to back All Might, he says that he got the situation handled. All Might says that he'll be able to handle him. Plus they already took off and went in a different direction, more open space." Stretch says in a casual tone
"We should leave, this place isn't stable." Ida says as they saw some stuff falling
"Yeah, let's hurry up" Momo continues
They all left one by one, headed off to each other's path although some of them took the bus. They have a strong conviction that All Might will win but a certain person is all the more worried about his safety and well being.
Time Skip:
The next day
As soon as the morning stuck Stretch just watch tv. Shift was well cooking food and Sans, well he was still asleep. There wasn't any classes well since it's the weekends. Stretch landed on a news channel and every news channel were literally announcing All Might's win. It also stated that Bakugo was also retrieved and he was apparently in the hospital. Didn't he go home? Did his parents bring him to the hospital? Eh, who cares anyways. Shift wasn't mentioned at all despite being also kidnapped, only Bakugo was announced as kidnapped. Aizawa probably chose not to announce Shift's disappearance, well he definitely have the right to do so considering he adopted them. They don't mind honestly, they actually are pretty grateful for that. But it can cause suspicions to arise especially for the ones that are well aware of it. Although Aizawa did message them that he'll be visiting with someone.
Stretch was cleaning the house and Shift was following a cooking recipe. They're almost out of supplies so they're bound to buy groceries after this. Meanwhile the stray cat that loves breaking in the house now named Tem by Aizawa is patiently waiting beside Shift for some food
Meanwhile with
Aizawa & Toshinori(All Might)
"We have only one house left to visit." Toshinori says while being deflated since the fight yesterday took a huge toll on him
"Hm? Oh yeah." Aizawa says as he got distracted by a stray cat to which he starts petting
"I wonder who are the parents of those crazy kids" Toshinori questions curiously
Aizawa just simply looks a way and says "Them? They don't have parents they're dead, plus grew up in the streets."
"Wait really? Oh, poor lads it probably was hard for them" Toshinori says with pity
"Well we're still gonna visit them. Also I forgot to mention, yes I did adopt them." Aizawa says
"So you were their parent all along. Why didn't you say so." Toshinori says while looking at Aizawa
"Not biologically. And to answer your question I don't think saying that is important." Aizawa says as he stood uo and headed to the car
"What have you been feeding them?" Toshinori asks
"What do you mean?" Aizawa says confused
"I mean they're that strong" Toshinori replies clarifying himself and making it much understandable
"They eat and cook their own food. Although they have an addiction with certain foods. For example Shift goes absolutely feral for chocolate. Sans like to chug an entire ketchup bottle. Lastly Stretch chugs honey, although that guy sometimes smokes." Aizawa says with a sigh knowing another of his ketchup bottle has gone missing and a box of chocolate as well
"Well that definitely doesn't seem healthy or normal at all." Toshinori says looking towards the cat
"I'm pretty sure it isn't" Aizawa says with a look that says he's used to this
"Are going to your house?" Toshinori asks as he sat inside the car
"No, we're going to their's, they have their own house" Aizawa says as he drives off to the location in question. It wasn't that far from their current location just a 30 minute drive, although there are traffic present still. Heroes can be seen patrolling the streets as they did a right turn and finally arriving. Upon arrival they knocked on the door and Stretch just opened it saying "Oh, hello pops and... your All Might right?"
"Yes.." Toshinori responds, people almost never recognize this form of his so probably Shift had told them.
"Well we're here since U.A is going to implement dorms and we still need your consent" Aizawa says in a low tone
"yawn.. Implementing what now..." Sans says as sleepiness is still very much present in his voice
"Good morning sleephead" Shift says
"Its already almost noon" Stretch says to Sans who just rubbed his eye
"We're implementing dorms, Sans" Aizawa says as Sans took out a Ketchup bottle to which confused Toshinori a bit
"Oh.. M'kay then" Sans says
"Im pretty you just stole yet another of my ketchup botte. " Aizawa says in a voice that basically says he's used to this
"Well we're going to buy some groceries after this" Stretch says..
"Well that's good." Aizawa says as Tem the cat jumps on his lap
"So how are you all? Are any of you hurt? None of you went to the hospital" Toshinori asks
"Were fine, no serious injuries or anything honestly..." Stretch asks and then adds "If you guys are implementing dorms, my main concern is the house since no one will take care of it."
"Dadzawa can you move in the house for the meantime instead? Since you live in a shabby apartment." Sans says
Aizawa sighed at the nickname and says "Yes that's what I plan to do. Since my apartment is pretty small. Plus there is an extra room here. Additionally pets aren't allowed in my apartment so I will gladly stay here and take care of Tem."
"Well that seems like everything is already solved. We should get going" Toshinori says
"Yeah.. Well bye." Aizawa says as Tem jumps off of his lap seeing as Shift just finished cooking
"m'kay bye" Sans says as he does a sheepish wave.
The two then left heading to the direction of where UA is. Looks like they're going back already. They always have a pretty tight schedule anyways. Honestly their schedules being full as hell, definitely is something to be expected as a hero with too much responsibilities
"Yo! The food is done" Shift says as Tem meows
Welp the chapter is done.
6400 Words
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