Chapter 11: Last Day of Light
~One Week Later, Karma's POV~
My bloodlust episodes have gotten worse. I had forgotten to take my knife out of my bag and eventually I had to kill someone almost every night. It was getting harder to hide it at the Agency. I was snapping easier and easier. And I closed myself in my office obsessing over Joker's Journal. But the others all just kind of ignored it. Everyone looked the other way. They were assuming it was just the stress getting to me. Or fear of Joker. But while that held some truth too it, it wasn't the full truth. Joker was directly responsible. But that wasn't the whole of it. And even so I couldn't help but think, how to take down her Palace. How was I going to manage this? The others thought I was working on the Joker case, but the truth was I was trying to brainstorm ways to better fight in the Palace. There was a knock on my door as I was stareing at the cover of the journal. I put it away before shouting 'come in'. L walked in, looking just as tired as always. "Ah, L. What can I do for you?" I questioned. "Hm. A few things actually." The senior detective said lazily. I hid the slight annoyance I felt and smirked. "Okay then, what's going on?" I questioned. "Well first thing you can do is turn on a few lights in here." The raven deadpanned. "Oops. Sorry about that." I said. I only had one lamp on so I could see the journal but other than that the lights were off. I got up and flicked on the light switch. "That's better." L said. I sat back down before leaning my head on my hand. "So what are you here for?" I questioned. L placed a file on my desk. I opened it and my eyes widened. It was a case file about all my victims this past week. I faked a shocked expression. "What the hell is this?" I questioned in a shocked and slightly shaky tone. "Karasuma believes that there is a new murderer in town. We've confirmed that none of these people have any relation to eachother or to any of Joker's cases. It's believed that this person is an experienced killer, that is simply doing this for their own twisted enjoyment. The last thing we need is Joker and this killer teaming up. Karasuma wants your opinion on the situation. Since you'd be familiar with this kind of thing." The raven explained. I couldn't help the small growl but shook my head, reading over the file over and over. I nodded slightly, pretending to be thinking. "I do believe that this is an experienced killer. You can tell because they leave no tracks. If I had to guess maybe they have someone or someones working with them. It'd be hard, even for an experienced killer to destroy evidence by themselves. Also considering that the victims all have lots of major wounds and seem to be ripped to shreds in some cases, I'd say we're dealing with someone with major mental issues. Possibly someone or someones just as crazy as Joker." I said. I looked at L. "Are you sure no evidence to point to someone has been found?" I questioned. He shook his head, causing me to mentally sigh with relief. "We've tried, but the only reason we can group all these killings together is because they have a few things in common. It looks like they were stabbed multiple times, even after death. Each killing happens in an alleyway. And the knife wounds are all the same length and diameter. So we can confirm it's the same knife being used." L said. Now I was slightly worried. "Have you been able to confirm what kind of knife is being used?" I questioned. S*it! If they can recognize it as the Crimson Dragon's knife I'm screwed! I thought in a panic. Luckily L shook his head. "Nope. It's not like any knife I've ever seen before. But Karasuma and a few of the others say that on closer inspection it seems familiar to them. We can tell that the blade itself is a custom made knife. It isn't any old kitchen knife or switch blade. We can't confirm much more at this point." L explained. "Custom knife huh? Well I do know a few things about those." I said. S*it did I say that outloud? I thought. L raised an eyebrow. "Do you now? Care to elaborate?" He questioned. "Well I used to own a custom blade, before I decided to get rid of it." I lied. "How do you go about obtaining one?" L questioned. "Well it's a whole process. First you need to find someone who is skilled enough and makes custom blades for a living. Typically you'll only find them in black markets and other kinds of underground things. Then you need to convince the person to make one, whether it be offering to trade something for it or pay bunches of yen for it. Other times you can do a task to get one. If the person who makes the knife warms up to you then they might make it for you if you do tasks for them. Options A and C are preferable then paying actual cash because those things can get really expensive. Then comes the actual making of the knife. Typically people who makes custom blades want the knife to not feel like a weapon, but an extension of your arm. So they take measurements and find out what kind of blade would work best for you and then of course incorporating what you want in the knife. If you don't have any design choices yourself the person who makes the knife will make it considering your personality and what you plan on using the knife for. All of this is all real shady business. And lots of risks are involved. They ask you to pay up front and no refunds if you don't like the blade. And the process of making a custom blade can take weeks, sometimes even months. It's long and surprisingly complicated. There are a few things I didn't mention but I can rant about this subject for hours if I'm allowed so I'm going to cut this short." I explained.
"Where can you find these kinds of places? The ones that sell custom knives. Does any names pop up in your head?" L questioned. "I'm assuming you're wondering if I know a shop by name in this city, somewhere easily accessible to normal citizens. That way you can see if said shop has had any recent customers that may have a knife that matches the measurements of the stab wounds correct?" I questioned. L nodded. "You catch on fast." He pointed out. "It's kinda my job." I said. "Let me see..." I trailed off, thinking. "Untouchable's." I said. "Hm?" L hummed. "Untouchable is a toy gun shop that sells model weapons, very realistic model weapons. Not just guns on some occasions. I don't know much about it, I've only heard rumors. But I've heard that they make custom weapons. Not just fake ones. Not sure of that last part is true though. But it could be worth looking into." I explained. "Do you have the full location?" L questioned. I quickly got out a piece of paper, and a pen. I scribbled down the location and a little information that I heard or knew. "Not sure if you'll find anything. Like I said, it's all just rumors I've heard. I know that they sell toy weapons that are very realistic, but I can't be too sure if real weapons are sold too." I reminded, handing it over to him along with the case file. "Either way, this is sure to be a big help. Apologies for wasting your time." L said. I nodded to him before he exited. I smirked thinking of my knife in my bag. The challenge it was to obtain it, all worth it in the end. It brought back memories, that's for sure. "I can still remember my first kill with it. Such a rush. And the knife really did feel like an extension of my arm." I said, thinking outloud, albeit quietly. I had taken down security cameras in my office a long time ago. So I wasn't that worried. But I had learned to keep it down incase someone was outside the door. I sighed slightly, feeling a pang of bloodlust. "Not again." I mumbled laying my head on my desk. It's only going to get worse. I thought. They're going to find out. Karasuma recognizes the stab wounds. It's only a matter of time until he finds out. Especially if he looks back on Crimson Dragon cases in order to confirm his suspicions. I tried shaking these thoughts out of my head. But no success followed my efforts. I need help. I thought running a hand through my scarlet red hair. But who can help me? Nagisa? No, if he finds out he'll go right to Karasuma about it. He'll panic. Asano? No, no. I can't trust him. He'll report it to someone, most likely to Joker. Okada? Hell no. She doesn't have the stomach for it and will go to Karasuma as well. Terasaka? Why even think that? That dumba*s wouldn't understand. Kayano? No. I don't even know where she is right now. Rio? Out of the question, she'd insist I finally get a lover to help me. Itona? He's gone off the map for a while now, only popping up randomly from time to time. I can't got to Karasuma for obvious reasons. Arggggg, if only Koro-sensei was here! I thought, now pulling at my hair slightly. What about Joker? I slapped myself for even thinking that. NO! That's precisely what she wants! She wants to get inside my head! I can't give her any more ground or I'll lose! I thought angrily. Well, that's the last person who could be of any help. No one else would understand or would panic. No one else....I'm alone.....Alone.... My thoughts trailed off as my bloodlust started to grow, now that I was feeling upset and angry. I curled up in my chair, trying to think of something, anything I could do to stop this. I guess I just have to continue being careful. So long as they keep running the case by me I can lead them off slightly. They won't find out. They'll never find out. I thought. My smirk returned, more sinister this time. I'm too good. I'm an experienced killer. I can cover my tracks. They won't be able to find out. After all, why look at one of their most trusted detectives? I chuckled slightly lowering my hand from my hair as I spun around in the swivel chair with a laugh. "They'll never catch me. I have the perfect cover." I said, still quietly. I shook my head, going back to normal as I got back to reading the journal and trying to decode more Ciphers, as well as doing paper work in between so I wasn't tempted to just throw the book out the window, because geez! Joker why are these Ciphers so d*mn complex!?
~Time Skip~
I leaned back in my chair was a relieved sigh before looking at the clock. "Time to go." I said. I packed up my stuff for the day before heading out of my office. I locked the door behind me before going to the elevator. Once I got down to the lobby I signed off for the day, avoiding eye contact with everyone. Once I got outside I drove to my apartment and quickly set everything down. Mona hadn't come back for a while, so I knew he was either lost or stayed with (Y/-Joker. My bloodlust was getting worse so I quickly changed out of my detective's uniform and changed into something I wouldn't mind getting dirty. I also got on a pair of gloves that I always used for my murders. I hid my knife in my pocket before doing final preparations. After that I left and staked out an alleyway. Some people are so stupid. I thought, eyeing a drunken man enter the alley. 24 or 25, give or take, doesn't look that strong either, also drunk so senses are dulled. I eyed the man's hands, no wedding or engagement rings. Single. Maybe has a girlfriend but then why would he be drinking? Oh well. Not like I actually care. I thought taking out my knife. Washed up, doesn't look like a fighter, easy prey. I concluded, jumping out and taking the man by surprise. I quickly slashed him across the neck with my knife before stabbing him in the chest. He gurgled out a muffled scream that I knew no one heard. Blood poured from the wounds. As the life drained from his eyes. I started stabbing him in the chest over and over and over until my bloodlust was satisfied. An insane smile spread across my face. I pulled the knife out, now covered in blood. I sighed slightly before checking for anything I might have done that would point to me. Nothing. Just like always. "Karma. I f*cking knew it you psychopath." I turned around on a dime to see none other than Terasaka. Fear quickly consumed my very soul. But it didn't appear on my face. I just smirked slightly. "Eh? What are you doing here?" I questioned calmly. "Following you. I knew something was up!" He spat stomping in my direction. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." I said slowly. He froze on the spot. "I only do this because I have too much pent up bloodlust. Don't make me have to hurt you. I can't let anyone find out about this. But I don't want to hurt anyone that I know." I said. "So it's just okay to hurt people that you don't know!?" Terasaka spat. I was silent, still eyeing him like a wolf would it's prey. "S*it. You're way too far gone. I need to call Karasuma and get you help." He growled pulling out his phone, before a silver switch blade pinned the now shattered phone to the ground. Terasaka's eyes followed his phone and the knife, he should've known better. I was on him in a second taking a slash at his face. He managed to dodge by the skin of his teeth before grabbing my wrist and twisting it, causing me to drop my red knife. "I knew those d*mn knife wounds were familiar. The same one's from the Crimson Dragon cases. Pair that with your odd behavior lately, and the fact that you don't have a proper outlet for bloodlust. It all points to one thing..." Terasaka growled pinning my wrist to my back before slamming my face onto the wall of the alley. "Karma Akabane, Crimson Dragon, you're under arrest." He spat. S*it. I thought. I still smirked however. "Surprising. How is it that the most dense person in the agency found out when not even Karasuma has suspected me yet? It's really shocking that you were able to notice when everyone else chooses to ignore it." I said. Terasaka scoffed. "Where's your phone? Since you went and destroyed mine I'm gonna have to use your's." He growled. "I don't have my phone on me. Left it at home~." I purred. "I can be patient. It may take a while, but someone will notice what's going on and contact the police." Terasaka said. "And will that really help? You know me. The moment I get a chance you'll all have hell on your hands. You're forgetting who's one of the strongest in all of 3-E, and even now I still maintain that title. And you know it. You'll get bored or tired eventually. Your grip will become loose. And when it does I'll pounce. It's just a matter of time." I said, still smirking. "Something that I have. You however, aren't in that position currently Akabane." Terasaka pointed out. "Also quit trying to get in my head you d*mn devil. I'm not falling for it. I've learned all of your tricks by this point." He added. I mumbled something under my breath, a shadow covering my eyes. "What was that?" Terasaka growled, tightening his grip causing me to wince in pain. I smirked before glaring at him out of the corner of my eye. "Not all of them." I said. "What do you mean-." His words were cut off by his own gasp. Eyes widening slightly as a look of extreme pain crossed his face. He stumbled back. Releasing me. I pointed my red knife at him, now covered in fresh blood. He covered the stab wound in his stomach with his hands. "H-how...?" He questioned. "A little trick I learned from Joker." I responded simply, untying the string around my knife and my wrist as I tossed it into a nearby trash can. "While I kept you talking I slowly pulled my knife to me without you noticing. You left one of my arms free dumba*s. But then again when someone has their head pinned and one of their arms they do tend to forget about the other arm. Unless they're experienced with it. Which I am. You do realize I used to be a hired gun right? I guess hired knife technically." I said. Terasaka began coughing up blood. "D*mnit. I got careless." He growled. "Yeah. You kinda did. Shame really. I honestly hate to do this. But you'll go blabbing to Karasuma the moment I give you a chance. No witnesses remember?" I questioned. I slowly walked over as Terasaka took a few steps back, still clutching his wound. "Sorry...Terasaka." I said before pulling out my gun. His eyes widened in fear. "Karma, dude. Think this through. Don't do it. You still have a chance. Pull that trigger and it all goes away. You know that no one will forgive you if you kill me. I may not be the most popular in 3-E but-." He started coughing violently. "I-I'm still a member of the class." He choked out. I took a silencer out and equipped it. I still had to get rid of evidence so I couldn't have people running here to check things out because they heard gunfire. "You're going to bleed out before anyone can help you. I could just stand here and watch you die slowly. You could try to shout for help but since I'm here I can stop you on a moments notice. But right now, I don't feel like watching one of my classmates and friends die. Because believe it or not I really never wanted to hurt any of you. Not even those that annoy me like you." I said. I shook my head with a sigh, aiming the gun. "You shouldn't have followed me." I said, hardening my heart. "Why Karma, why?" Terasaka choked out. I pulled the trigger, knowing that the longer I stalled the harder it would become. Terasaka fell with a thud. Eyes wide in a death stare and blood pouring from the bullet wound from his forehead.
I stared, before sighing shakily and lowering the gun with trembling hands. I backed up slowly, my back hitting the wall. My breathing became heavy and uneven as panic rose in my mind. "This is it." I said. "There's no way that they won't find out after this." I mumbled. I shook my head. "Snap out of it." I told myself. I took the silencer off and put it, and the gun away. I wrapped my bloody knife in it's red cloth before sticking it into my pocket. "This type of gun is common, and any criminal will have one, they'll probably just add possession of firearms to the illegal things committed by this 'new killer'. Anyone can get a gun if they have the right connections. So nothing about it should point to me." I said, calming my mind through rational thinking. But I still couldn't help but be paranoid. They'll find out. I thought. "No they won't." I said aloud. Of course they will, anyone could figure it out! They'll start by searching you at work, then they'll search your home, they'll find something, anything. They will. I shook my head gripping it with both hands. "I need help. I need help." I said to myself. But no one will help me. No one would understand. I need to run. I need to hide somewhere until this blows over. Until the rest of the class calms down. I just have to pretend, and find somewhere to stay for a while that isn't my apartment. But that'll make it look more suspicious that I suddenly decided to move out. No wait. I've been talking about moving out of my apartment for a while, it wouldn't be that surprising that I finally did so. But still right after a murder of another E-class member? That'll still look suspicious. I can't stay somewhere that the others know about. I need somewhere that no one in the agency knows about. So even if I am suspicious, even if they do find out, they can't find me. And I seriously don't think I can live alone right now. I need someone to talk too, someone who understands. Otherwise it might not even be Joker who finally drives me insane. I thought pulling at my own hair, the already scarlet color become slightly darker from the blood on my gloves. That's when it hit me. Joker! I thought.
~ Time Skip, Joker's POV~
I was sitting in the living room reading a new book I had recently acquired. Night had fallen by this point, and it was perfectly still and quiet until someone started banging on my door loudly, causing me to jump. Who the f*ck? I thought. The knocking continued, sounding more frantic by the second. Geez, they sound like they have a search warrant! I jumped up, placing my book on the table and grabbing a knife. I slowly stalked towards the door with the knife in hand, keeping myself low to the ground. "(Y/N) open the door it's me!" I straightened up instantly. "What the hell is the detective doing here?" I said quietly, thinking aloud. I opened the door to see my red headed detective. He wasn't in his detective uniform. Just a red T-shirt and black sweat-pants with matching combat boots and a golden scarf. But he still wore his black detective gloves. "What are you doing here? Also don't knock on my door like that! I was coming at this door with a knife for crying outloud." I said. "S-sorry." He said, fiddling with the ends of his gloves and avoiding eye-contact. Now this shocked me for three reasons. Reason number one: For as long as I've known this detective, and from what I've heard about him, he doesn't apologize for little things that annoy someone. He doesn't apologize after being scolded either. He rarely apologizes. Ever. And when he does it's sarcastic like 95% of the time. Reason number two: Karma doesn't avoid eye contact when it comes to little things. Fiddling with his gloves is also a sign that he's nervous or upset about something. I've noticed this during our meetings. Reason number three: His entire demeanor has changed drastically. He seems more nervous under my gaze, and his mind is obviously on something else. Not only that, but I smelled blood. Detective Akabane himself was clean. But I noticed the reek of blood almost instantly. "What's going on?" I asked, my voice turning dark. I peered around him. "No one followed you right?" I questioned. He shook his head. "I wasn't followed." He said quietly. I leaned on the door frame. Looking him up and down. "What's going on?" I repeated. " do I explain?" He questioned scratching the back of his neck. That's when I located the source of the blood smell. A red cloth sticking out of his pocket. I grabbed it and whatever was wrapped in it before Karma could catch me. He flinched slightly. I shot him a look, but he just avoided eye contact. I unwrapped the cloth, and stared at what was wrapped inside it. A knife. A red knife, covered in slightly dried blood, but you could tell that it was fresh. I grabbed it by the handle holding the knife in front of my eyes, getting a good look at it. The knife itself oozed an overwhelming power and presence. And it didn't sit quite right in my hand. It felt heavy. At least to me. It's slightly curved tip and jagged edges gave off a dangerous vibe, causing me to shiver slightly as I touched my gloved finger to it's tip. I could sense that this knife alone has caused the death of many. I looked from the knife, to the red head, and back again. It didn't take an idiot to figure out what was going on and who this knife belonged too. "Come in. Sit down in the living room. Tea or coffee?" I questioned, stepping aside so he could come in. "Tea, if you don't mind." Karma responded, still not meeting my eyes as he walked in.
(Let's commit the perfect crime.)
I walked into the kitchen and brewed some tea. I returned to the living room to find Karma sitting in the chair, eyes distant and slightly glossed over. I set the tea in front of him, holding my own cup as I set the knife in the center of the coffee table. I sat down on the couch as he thanked me for the tea. Picking up his cup I noticed his hands were slightly shaky. He did a quick smell check on the tea. "What? I didn't poison it. Relax geez." I said, rolling my eyes, sipping from my own cup. "Precautions." He said simply, taking a sip of his own. His posture didn't relax in the slightest. I shot a glace at the knife. "That knife is yours....isn't it?" I questioned. He nodded slowly. "Yeah. It is." Karma responded. "It's a beautiful blade." I complimented, sipping my tea with my eyes closed. "Not like any knife I've ever seen. Is it custom made?" I asked. "Yes. Took a lot of work to get it too." He responded. I set my tea cup down, now glaring at the red headed detective sitting across from me. "So...why is it covered in blood...And why are you here?" I questioned. He looked down at his lap, still holding the tea. "" He trailed off. "I...need your help." He said quietly. I raised an eye brow, reading the air and knowing that this isn't a time to pull a joke. "What do you need my help for?" I questioned. "You see...I need to....hide out for a little. Not that long, just until something blows over." He said. "Let me did something bad or illegal and now you need to go somewhere the agency doesn't know about incase they suspect you. Am I wrong?" I questioned. "No, you're right." He confirmed. "In that case, what did you do?" I questioned. "Well I...I....killed....Terasaka." He said, slowly. My eyes widened slightly. "I knew that you two didn't get along that much but isn't that a little extreme!?" I questioned, faking shock. Mentally I was smirking, all according to plan. "IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!" Karma snapped, glaring at me with rage and bloodlust in his eyes, finally making eye contact with me. I smirked slightly. "Oh?" I said in a questioning tone. He dropped eye contact immediately. "I....have bloodlust rages. Moments when I get really upset or angry about something and my bloodlust starts raging and needs to be satisfied. During these episodes, it can only be resolved one of two ways. Either getting into a heated knife or fist fight with someone of equal or greater strength, or killing someone. Option A is preferable, but I have no one to fight these days. Everyone is either too busy, or too scared of me. So...every now and then I stake out an alleyway and kill someone who's dumb enough to go into said alley." He explained. I made note of that. I hadn't been aware of the detective's little problem until now. This makes things easier. Geez it was like Karma was just trying to make this easy for me at this point. "And....recently my bloodlust episodes have been more frequent. They've gotten worse too. And if I try to just ignore it then I might attack someone if they so much as look at me wrong. So, today just about an hour ago actually, I was doing it again. I had just finished clearing out evidence that would point to me when....Terasaka showed up." He continued. His grip on his cup tightened as he lowered his head further. Eyes now hidden under his bangs as he grit his teeth. "As an ex-assassin, I knew now that he had seen me, I had to silence him. I couldn't just let him go otherwise he would go straight to Karasuma and the police. I couldn't kidnap him either considering he'd be hard to move, even for me, and my apartment doesn't have the ability to hold a kidnapped human being. So the only effective method....was to kill him." Karma continued. "I....I didn't want too. I know that we've never really gotten along but he was still a member of my class." He said. Karma trembled slightly and I noticed his breathing get uneven. He's panicking. I thought. Not only is this guilt tripping him beyond compare it's also causing him to panic because he doesn't want to get caught. I reasoned. I stood up quietly and slowly, he didn't even notice me as I walked over. He had placed his cup back on the table, now empty. I stood on the side of the chair that Karma was sitting in. He still hadn't noticed me yet. I placed a hand on his shoulder causing him to flinch slightly and his gaze snapped to me. I was able to get a good look at his face now. He looked alone. He looked scared. But most of all...he looked tired. I couldn't help the small pang of pity that must have flashed in my eyes. He looked like how I used to be. Scared. Afraid of being alone. And just tired. Tired of people looking down on me. Tired of the world hating me. Just....tired. Tired of everything. Was that how he was feeling right now? Did he feel just as alone as I did? Was Karma just as scared as I was? I shook my head slightly. Clearing it of these thoughts, before I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and neck and hugged him.
(I'll steal your heart.)
He tensed up at the gesture but eventually relaxed. Laying his head on my shoulder and placing a hand on my arm. Seeming to be confused, but calming down. "It's okay. I get it." I said slowly, choosing my words with care. "I understand that it must be hard, to have killed someone you've known for a long time. And I know it must have been hard to actually come to me about this, even if you didn't have much of a choice in the matter. Just know...I understand." I said as calmly as I could. "Things happen. And we can never truly predict the outcome of fate. Nor will we be able to see into the future. No matter how many Tarot Card readings you do." I said, chuckling slightly. "But you aren't alone. Not anymore. Not while I'm still in this world." I stated firmly. Karma chuckled slightly. "That sounded a little cliche." He said. I released him and smiled slightly. "Well as cliche as it sounds, the truth is the truth." I said. I rested my hands behind my head still smirking. "You're lucky I'm feeling nice tonight. Probably because I didn't have to do paperwork today, thank God for that. But fine. I'll let you stay here for as long as you need so long as you don't interfere with my work outside of the clues I give you. Our deals are still in place, so no trying to catch me here either." I said. " I have no idea what to call you at this point." He said, sweat-dropping. I snickered slightly. "You can call me (Y/N). Just, try not to do it too often. I still don't like that name much. But every once in a while is fine." I said. Karma laughed slightly. "Alright then. Also can you start calling me Karma? 'Detective' is getting annoying." He said. I smirked at him with a mischievous glint in my eyes. "Oh? Does it bother you detective?~" I purred. He shot me a glare. "Don't." He growled. "Aw, something the matter detective?" I questioned. "Yes. Quit calling me that." He said. "My house my rules." I responded sticking my tongue out at him. He returned the gesture, in a surprisingly cute manor. I froze on the spot. "Surprised? I invented that gesture don't even try it." Karma said with a laugh. I couldn't help but stare as he was laughing. He had brightened up drastically. And his expression was more...alive now. I had already started to see the detective in a new light since our first few meetings. I was able to learn that he wasn't just a pawn for the Agency. He was worthy of his position. Probably deserving of much more. But I based that on his skills and not much else. I had never quite understood what Rio meant when she said that Karma had been ranked as the most good looking boy in their class. That's when Kayano pipped in saying that if only he was better behaved. I was starting to understand Rio's statement a little better now, seeing him like this. He was down right hot. And his bright red hair and gold eyes only added to that. But I couldn't understand the meaning behind Kayano's statement. If you asked me, Karma was at his best when at his worst. That sadistic, psychopathic, devilish personality of his was part of his charms. Yeah, that's the word for Karma. Charming. "Um...What are you stareing at?" Karma asked snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked away quickly to hide the slight dusting of pink on my cheeks. "Oh nothing. Just got lost in thought, that's all." I said. "Anyways, I'll let you collect yourself and get something to eat before showing you to where you'll be staying. Doesn't look like you have any bags right now so I'll find something for you to sleep in. Pretty sure I have some oversized clothes stored somewhere." I said, mostly to myself. "Why do you have oversized clothes?" Karma questioned. I shrugged. "I find them more comfortable for when I'm sleeping in summer or just lounging around the house." I responded, starting up the stairs. I stopped for a minute, eyes covered by a shadow as my cheeks flushed pink again. "Oh, and Karma...You should smile like that more often. It....suits you better than the fake ones." I said. And with that I quickly rushed back upstairs. I ran into my room closing the door behind me.
(And you'll steal mine.)
I breathed in and out, calming myself before smirking. All according to plan. Phase four is complete. I thought. I chuckled to myself. All that's left now, is phase five. I thought. I checked the time. I should sleep. I thought. I quickly found Karma some oversized clothes and led him to the guest room. "Here's where you'll be staying." I said, opening the door. The room was blank and all it had was a bed with silky red blankets and golden pillows, a white dresser, and small desk sitting in the corner. "You can do what you want with it while your here and the closet is over there." I said pointing to a small door on the wall left of the bed. "The door next to the closet is the guest bathroom." I explained. I turned to him holding my hands behind my back. "You're free to explore around and use the kitchen but don't come into my room without my permission. Oh. Stay away from the basement too. That's off limits by any means." I said. "What's in the basement?" Karma questioned, eyeing me with a suspicious glare. "Hey, don't give me that look. It's my house. Just stay out of the basement." I said, still smiling. He sighed. "Whatever." He said with a shrug. I handed him the clothes. "Get some rest. You've had a long day I can tell." I said. He nodded. "Thanks again for all this." He said. "No problem. Just so long as you don't forget my ground rules or our deals." I said. "Of course." He agreed, nodding. "Well. If you need me I'll be in my room working. See ya' in the morning." I said walking out and leaving Karma to his rest. I sat at my desk in my room after changing into my night clothes, spinning in my swivel chair slightly bored. Spin, spin, spin, spin, spi-*ding*. "D*mnit." I said, stopping my spinning as I leaned over my computer on my desk. I sorted through all my messages before stretching once I was done. I was about to get to work on some other things when I heard a knock on my door. I titled my head slightly. "Come in." I said. Karma poked his head in. "Hey do you have any kind of sleeping pills? Like anything at all?" He questioned. "Can't sleep?" I questioned. He nodded slightly. I got up before I sat down on my bed and pat the spot next to me. He hesitated slightly before walking in and sitting next to me. "Unfortunately I don't have any sleeping pills. Mostly because for me, getting to sleep isn't the issue. It's what happens when I sleep. Hence why I look so tired half the time." I said. "Nightmares?" Karma questioned. "Yep. Bad ones too." I said chuckling a little bit. "But I've learned that typically when you can't sleep it's because something is on your mind. Either that, or your just an insomniac. However I've found it's easier to fall asleep when you know someone else is in the room. Especially if you have issues with being alone." I said. "What are you going on about-HEY!" He shouted as I pushed him down. "You rest. I still have work to do so I'll be here for a little while." I said to him since he was now laying down. He glared at me slightly before sighing and rolling over, his back now facing me. "I'll...take your word for it." He said. I smirked slightly before getting up and returning to my computer shutting off the main lights and turning on my lamp. "Now let's see...." I trailed off quietly to not disturb the red head. I was exploring the Dark Knights website trying to find more targets. I then noticed a small icon in the corner of my screen. I clicked it and opened up my chat room with Flame, Breeze, and the rest of the leaders.
Dragonheart: Hey Joker, you still awake?
Joker: Of course.
Demon: Look at this.
A small link to a picture was along with her message. I clicked it and my eyes widened upon seeing what it was. A bloody scene in an alleyway. Where some random man was dead with multiple wounds, and the dead Terasaka with a gun shot wound to the forehead and a stab wound to the stomach.
Kitsune: Is that Terasaka!?
Silver: No, it's a f*cking unicorn.
Kira: Who did this?
I couldn't help shooting a look at the red headed detective on my bed. I couldn't tell if he was asleep but he did appear to be calm.
Joker: No clue.
Midnight: Do you think that whoever is doing this is on our side?
Shadow: Who knows? What do you think Dragon?
Dragonheart: I can't say for sure. But either way, pretty gruesome don't you think?
Demon: Absolutely.
Kitsune: This is going to cause a stir down at the Agency.
Silver: We all know how E-class gets when someone messes with their classmates.
Kira: Going to start a feeding frenzy in the Organization too.
Shadow: He's right.
Midnight: Definitely. If they aren't in the Detective Agency, E-class is in the Organization.
Joker: What is everyone doing up this late?
I looked at the time.
Joker: It's like one in the morning. Aren't I usually the only one who'd dare by up at this hour.
Dragonheart: B*tch get on my level I rarely sleep.
Demon: Sleep is for the weak.
Shadow: Screw sleeping.
Midnight: I'm always more active at night.
Kitsune: Speaking of sleep, I'm going to go do that.
Silver: Yeah me too.
Kira: I have a busy day tomorrow.
~Kitsune Has Left The Chat~
~Silver Has Left The Chat~
~Kira Has Left The Chat~
Demon: Weaklings...
Midnight: Well I enjoy sleep so I'm going to head out now.
~Midnight Has Left The Chat~
Shadow: I have an assassination tomorrow.
~Shadow Has Left The Chat~
Demon: Well geez. No one for me to mess with anymore. Oh Well.
Demon: I'm gonna go watch videos or troll people online.
Demon: Later.
~Demon Has Left The Chat~
Joker: Dragon, what's your take on the situation?
Joker: For real this time.
Dragonheart: So you could tell huh?
Joker: You always have a sixth sense for things like this.
Joker: You aren't on the council just because you're the head of the War Division.
Joker: And you aren't the head of the War Division for nothing.
Dragonheart: Point taken.
Dragonheart: As for what I think about it...
Flame opened up the private chat. So I knew she was getting serious.
Dragonheart: I know what's going on Joker.
Dragonheart: I saw the entire thing go down.
My eyes widened when I saw that.
Dragonheart: Don't think I haven't caught on to what your plan is.
Dragonheart: And let me tell you, it's working flawlessly.
Dragonheart: I know secrets of the universe you couldn't even begin to fathom.
Dragonheart: You know this.
Joker: Yeah, I'm aware.
Joker: So, what all happened?
Dragonheart: First, answer me this.
Dragonheart: Is he with you right now?
I looked back over at the detective before returning to my computer.
Joker: Yeah. He is. Seems to be asleep though.
Dragonheart: So everything is going according to plan?
Joker: You know that when I have a plan everything goes along perfectly.
Dragonheart: Lol.
Dragonheart: True.
Joker: So...what happened?
Dragonheart: I'm sure he already told you what happened.
Joker: He did.
Joker: But what was he like?
Joker: I've never seen him kill someone before. And I want details.
Joker: Was he insane?
Joker: Did he smirk while doing it?
Dragonheart: He looked like he enjoyed it.
I couldn't help but smirk at that. I chuckled to myself, still quietly.
Joker: Excellent.
Dragonheart: Don't drown him just yet Joker.
Dragonheart: Control yourself.
Joker: Yeah, I know.
Joker: Everything needs to be slow.
Joker: It'll work out fine in the end.
Dragonheart: I'll take your word for it.
Dragonheart: You are the leader after all.
Dragonheart: I have to go now. Later.
Joker: Thanks for telling me.
Dragonheart: Of course.
Flame undid the private chat room.
Dragonheart: Well nice talking to ya!
Dragonheart: Later!
~Dragonheart Has Left The Chat~
I closed my computer and sighed. I should've known she'd catch on. I thought. I shook my head slightly. Sometimes I wonder if I'm truly safe with her around. I question where her loyalties lie. I thought. Flame Draco. One of the most dangerous assassins in the world, and my deadly right hand. I trust her. That I can't deny. But that women could scare even the most deadly warriors when she wants to. Not someone you openly want to cross. I thought. I hadn't noticed that I'd gotten up and flopped down on my bed. She really does scare me at times. And that's saying something since I feel no fear. I chuckled a little bit at the irony of that statement before pulling my blankets over me. Well, at least she can follow orders when their given. She's clever. More so than most in my Organization. I thought. I eventually passed out after that thought, completely forgetting about the red headed detective sleeping next to me.
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