❤️Wolf attack and Echo's transformation♠️

It has been about 2 weeks since echo was sick and Kanato kept an extra close eye on her . During the 2 weeks echo was getting the hang of flying . once on a while one of the brothers or yui would babysit echo while the others are at school .
The first two to baby site echo was shu & raiji . But while they where babysitting echo shu was asleep on the sofa and raiji tied echo's foot to the leg of the sofa where shu was sleeping on and took notes to find out what kind of species echo was . I bet you can guess what happens next .

Echo tried to bite the rope but failed and ended up yelling so loud it made shu jump of the sofa and land on the floor and it made raiji fall backwards from his set . " EEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " and the both had to cover their ears and wait for echo to get sleepy . But echo just kept on screaming so raiji walked to his lab and gave echo a sleeping drug so the echo would fall asleep . when he got back he found echo sitting on shu's lap sleeping

" how did you get it to be quiet dead beat ? " shu opened his eyes and looked down at echo " It didn't like being tied up....." " so you untied it and it stopped screaming ." Raiji looked at echo sleeping and began to take notes again .

The week after was Ayato and laito's turn to watch echo but Ayato was keeping his distance from echo because last time he let his guard down around echo she bit him . And laito wanted to just keep on hugging echo " ~ fufu ~ echo-chan's so cute I can't get enough of echo ~ " " laito be carful don't you remember what happened last time . She bit yours truly on the behind when we looked in kanato's room remember . " " I know but just look at it . It's so cute . " he hugged echo tightly then echo bit laito's jacket so he would let go of echo . Once he did echo ran outside and claimed a tree .

Ayato and laito ran outside in the dark but couldn't find echo " ahh ~ Ayato- kun this is not good Kanato-kun will kill us if we don't find echo ~ " " don't you think I don't know that . HAY BATTY COME OUT OF YOURS TRULY WILL MAKE YOU !!!! " Ayato yelled but there still was no sine of echo . " echo-chan were are you please come out Kanato-kun will be very mad if you don't come out please ~ " echo just sat there and watched how silly they where being . " oi laito up there in the tree look . It's rig-! " echo jumped out of the tree and made a very out screech sound .

" KKKKKKKKOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Ayato and laito both covered there ears " GAH! WHAT THE HELL !!!!!! " soon after echo stopped and flew down and landed in ayato's arms . " geez your mor trouble than your worth . " echo hugged Ayato and nuzzled her head in his chest .  And Ayato petted echo's ears gently " aww ~ Ayato-kun it seems echo-chan likes you . " " SHUT UP!!! "

The next ones to watch echo where yui and Subaru . Subaru didn't like to babysit kanato's pet but had no choice because if he didn't raiji will scold him . " ne Subaru-kun can you watch echo I need to get something to eat for echo . So please watch echo please ." " tisk ! Fine " Subaru sat in the sofa and echo stared at him . " what ? What do you want ? " echo didn't say anything and just continued looking at him with curiosity in her eyes . But Subaru on the other hand got irritated from echo just staring at him " will you cut that out . And stop staring at me ! " but echo just continued to stare at him . " I SAID CUT IT OUT!!!!!! " and he smashed the wall " SNASH!!!!! " the loud sound made echo start to tear up " ah ! I'm sorry ! I'm sorry please don't cry ! " but echo couldn't help it and started to cry .

" EEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!! " echo cried so loud that it shook the hole mansion . And Subaru had to hold his ears . " WILL YOU SHUT THE HELL UP ! YOUR CRYING IS TOO LOUD !!!!! " soon after he said that the brothers and yui walked into the living room to fine echo crying and Subaru covering his ears and they did the same . " OI ! KANATO GET OVER HEAR AND SHUT UP YOUR DAM PET ALREADY ! " Kanato ran to echo to try and calm it down " there there echo I'm hear so you don't need to cry anymore ne ? " echo settled down and Kanato glared at Subaru " what ? " Kanato placed echo down on the sofa near the window and walked over to Subaru .

( echo's pov )

I watched my daddy yelling at the man that scared me . But I didn't understand what they where yelling about . So I got up and looked out side the window and I used my bat like hearing and my night vision .

When I looked outside i could hear movement in the garden and it was heading right for us . I jumped down and ran to my daddy  . " hmm what's wrong echo ? " " EEEEKKK!!!! " I tugged on his pants and tried to move him away from the window . But then there was a loud crash sound .

" SMASH!!!! " the Saskamakis turned around and wolves came in surrounding them . Three of them surrounded Subaru and yui by the wall . Two of them surrounded shu and raiji by the sofa . And four of them surrounded the triplets and echo in the middle of the room . And to make matters worse there was an eclipse out tonight . Echo hid behind Kanato and Ayato and laito .

One of the wolfs was looking right at echo and waiting for an opening to strike . One of the wolfs jumped at Kanato and scratched his left arm making Kanato move away . And the wolf jumped in the air and was about to have echo in its jaws . Just then Ayato moved in fount of echo and ended up getting bite on his side . Echo charged at the wolf and head butted it under its jaw making it fly to the wall .

( play video )

Then one of the wolfs was heading for Kanato echo jumped in the air and charged at the wolf with brake neck speed with a white shiny light surrounding echo's body

And smashed the wolf into the pillar . Echo landed on the ground with the light still surrounding echo's body and began to get bigger and taller .

Echo's wings started getting longer and began growing claws on the top and bottom .

Echo's small feet began to grow and two claws started forming on echo's feet .

Echo's head began to Chang its shape to echo's ears grew bigger .

Soon the light vanished and where the small echo once stood was a bigger version of echo but bigger and a little scary too . " RRRRROOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! " echo let out a very loud roar and the wolves got away from the Saskamakis and turned their attention to echo and ran start at echo all at once . Echo stood in front of Kanato and echo ears began to glow

And a very loud boom came from it and pushed back the wolves with one blow into the wall . The wolves got up and ran out the window echo turned around to face Kanato and the others . But when echo turned around Kanato looked scared and backed away from echo . " eek ? " echo looked at everyone else and they had shocked expressions on there faces . Echo didn't know why they where afraid of her . Echo turned around and on the shiny floor and saw her reflection . Echo looked up at Kanato with a sad expression then jumped out the window and flew away into the woods . Echo heard kanato's voice before she jumped out the window but didn't look back echo just kept on flying until echo found a cave . Echo examined it before crying herself to sleep .

( to be continued )

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