Chapter 5: The Truth?

The scene starts with Sakura at the garden area. Behind Sakura were Y/N and Akane, who were going over the plan to reveal the truth to her.

Y/N: Okay, moment of truth, everything will revealed and hopefully she won't hate my guts.

Akane: Do your best, Y/N. 

Y/N: Thanks Akane, well, better get started then.

Akane then transformed and helped Y/N transform since he couldn't do it yet.

Akane: Geez, this is so annoying. Hurry up and learn how to transform on your own. This is tedious.

Y/N: I'll do it after I get through this.

Akane placed her hand on his shoulder as Y/N's wrist band glows blue before he transomed into his Kampfer form.

Akane: Now, go for it, lover girl.

Akane then slapped her back, causing her to tip forward.

Y/N: Ow, I'll get you for that.

Sakura heard something behind her and saw Y/N in her Kampfer form, making her blush.

Y/N: Hello, sorry that I made you wait long for me.

Sakura: Don't worry, it wasn't that long anyway. I just arrived here.

Y/N: (walks toward her) That's good to hear. 

Sakura: Um, you saved me back in the library the other day, didn't you?

Y/N: Yeah. though I had some help doing so, I wouldn't say I saved you, you know?

Sakura: Even so, (bows) thank you for doing that.

Y/N: Yeah, no problem.

Sakura: I'm Kaede, Kaede Sakura. What's your name?

Y/N: My name is Y/N Kazuma.

Sakura: Y/N? 

Y/N: Yeah, that's my name.

Sakura: Huh. Wow, what a coincidence, I have a good friend who has the same name as you.

Y/N: That's the thing, Sakura... I really am Y/N, the same one from the boy section.

Sakura then froze for a few moments, then processed what she heard, not believing what she said.

Sakura: No way... But that's... it can't be...

Y/N: Come on, let's go to the roof, I don't want any witnesses in case someone comes.

Y/N and Sakura head for the roof, with Akane following behind and out of sight. She was also impressed that she managed to keep her word and tell her the truth instead of lying to her, and now she respected Y/N even more now.

Y/N and Sakura were now at the roof top at the girl section.

Sakura: isn't that a pretty sunset?

Y/N: Yeah, it is. It's even beautiful with you in looking at it like that, like a beautiful painting of a young girl staring at pretty sunset.

Sakura: (giggles) Thanks.

Meanwhile, Akane was at the door as she clenched it with an angry and jealous look so hard it cracked.

Sakura: Y/N, you said that you and my friend, the male Y/N are one and the same. You were serious?

Y/N: Very. I mean, come on. Don't I have features that are similar and familiar to you?

Sakura: Well, you both do have the same hair and eye colors. I just didn't think that would possible.  

Y/N: Well, believe me, it is. I was really shocked when I saw this happened to me, I'm still getting used to it myself. As for how this is possible, well it's like this...

Y/N then began to explain the full details of how it happened, what it means, and what she needs to do.

Sakura: I see. You've chosen to become a Kampfer which was only meant for girls, so you ended up turning into a girl when you became a Kampfer. 

Y/N: Yeah, pretty much.

Sakura: So how does it feel to be a girl for you?

Y/N: Honestly? A little weird. I mean, just look at all this hair, how do girls keep all of this maintained and clean?! Don't even get me started on the rest of the body!

Sakura: (giggles) If you would like, I can teach you a few things about being a girl.

Y/N was ecstatic to hear that, she suddenly hugged Sakura tight, much to her embarrassment and Akane's jealousy.

Y/N: Oh, thank you thank you thank you!

Sakura: (blush) Uh, it's okay. 

Akane: (thoughts) That idiot! Who does he think he is cheating on me with her?! When this is over, I'm gonna put bullets on his body!

After Y/N let her go, she decided to tell Sakura her reasons.

Y/N: Sakura, the reason I told you everything was because I didn't want to lie to you. After you said that you wanted to meet the person in the streets, was because you had apparently fallen in love with her and I knew that if I lied and made up excuses, it would lead to disaster and it would break your heart, might damage our friendship, so I decided to tell you the truth so I could spare you from that. I hope things don't change between us.

Sakura: (pause for a moment) Y/N, can I ask you something?

Y/N: Uh, yeah.

Sakura: This may seem sudden, but are you dating anyone right now?

Y/N: (blushing) Uh, no, why do you ask?

Sakura: You see, I am... I haven't been able to get out of my mine since the other morning when I first saw you as a girl. I even dreamed of you all night yesterday.

Y/N: (blushing) Really? I'm flattered.

Sakura: (blushing) I was wondering if you like too... Maybe, consider going on a date with me.

Y/N: Huh?

Y/N was shocked about what she said and took some time to process the sentence.

Akane: (thoughts, angry) She did not just say that!

Y/N: (blushing) Y-You want to go on a date with me?

Sakura: (blushing) I know it's a bit sudden, but I want to know your answer. I want your opinion and maybe I can explain why I asked.

Y/N: Ok...

Akane: (thoughts) He's not gonna say yes, is he? Please tell me he's not going to say it!

Y/N: Sure, I guess.

Akane: (thoughts, angry while tearing) That bastard! He's so dead meat!

Y/N: But, why did you ask me that?

Sakura: Well, it's embarrassing but there is a reason.

Y/N: I got plenty of time.

Sakura: Ever since we've met when you were a boy, I may have developed some feelings for you.

Y/N: (blushing) But I thought you were into girls?

Sakura: Well yes, but you somehow changed that. After all, you are or were the hottest guy in the boy section that the girls from the girl section wouldn't stop looking at you. And when you told about your past as a Yakuza, then your current life as a Kampfer, I decide that I should make you feel happy. 

Y/N: Are you sure about this? I mean, I don't have control over my transformations yet and how would we tell everyone?

Sakura: Well, to be honest, I find you cute and hot in both forms, and it would be a win in my case since you can change genders, But even then, you're still the same person and I really like you, Y/N. As for how we'll tell everyone, we'll say that I'm dating you since no one at school knows or even seen your female form, so it'll be fine.

Y/N: (smiles) Well, thank you Sakura. I truly- 

 Akane: (grabs Y/N by the shirt) Alright, that's it! We need to have a talk!

Akane starts pulling Y/N by the shirt and back to the door before she lets go of her and closes it. 

Y/N: What's wrong with you?!

Akane: What's wrong with ME?! What's wrong with YOU?! I thought the whole idea was to tell her the truth, not planning on a date!

Y/N: I'll admit, it was shocking and unbelievable at first, but her reason for it as well as her kind nature lets me see that she's genuine about it. Besides, she is cute and a delight to be around, though I have a feeling every boy is gonna be furious and extremely jealous about it while the girls are gonna be very jealous and sad about it too.

Akane: (angry, pulls out her pistol) That does it! I'm gonna give that blondie a few extra holes!

Y/N then blocked the door with her body, desperate to try and stop Akane from going on a rampage and killing Sakura.

Y/N: You can't, that's my friend you're gonna kill! Just breathe and relax, say this with me, Omaha.

Akane: (angry, confused) What?

Y/N: Omaha, you know, like serenity now or Woosa? It's a calming down word, it was my dad's calming down word, Omaha.

Akane: Tch, fine. 

Y/N was glad she managed to convince her to stand down and went back outside to finish her conversation with Sakura. Only to find, she was no longer there.

Y/N: Huh, Sakura? Hey, Sakura, where'd you go?

???: Looking for someone? 

She heard a voice and turned towards it, surprising her as the voice belonged to Shizuku Sango.

Y/N: Shizuku? Where's Sakura? 

Shizuku: I had her leave, don't worry she's fine.

Y/N: I see.

Shizuku: I think we need to talk Y/N, on who you really are.

As she said that, Y/N got a chill down her spine, realizing what's about to happen as she then glared at her.

Y/N: So, I was right. You are a Kampfer, the one who attacked us in the library.

Shizuku: (smile) Well, you figured it out. I had feeling since you were silent and serious. And you're right, (reveals her red bracelet) I'm also a Kampfer. 

Shizuku then transformed into her Kampfer form, the inside of her hair turned white and she gained two chain-blades that Y/N recognized. 

Shizuku: And your sworn enemy.

Akane: (jumps next to Y/N, points her gun at Shizuku) So it was you all along!

Y/N: So, you thought you had a good opportunity to get the jump on us with an ambush where we couldn't see you from anywhere because of those chain-blades of yours. But I'm guessing you didn't anticipate how we would avoid your blades and get a surprise visit from another blue Kampfer.

Shizuku: I admit, it did caught me off caught by the surprise of another blue Kampfer and how you avoid my blades. In any case, I pulled back since class was about to begin. A valued student such as me could never be disrespectful by their own weight. 

Akane: Quit talking your trash and say your prayers. 

Shizuku: (smile) Let's find out if your Gewehr is faster than my Schwert. I'll promise you anything that's not.

Akane: Sounds fun to me.

???: You should watch your manners around miss Shizuku if you're smart.

Y/N: Huh?

Just then, a white stuffed animal cut with fuzzy fur appeared and lined next to Shizuku on the railing.

Cat: It serves you right if she slices you with her dagger.

Y/N: Wha... is that a messenger?

Akane: What the hell? You may sound like Nana Mizuki, but you've got a nasty tongue. Die, you stuffed animal asshat!

Y/N: Why do you know these people? 

Cat: Silence, you Yukari wannabe! I'm not rotten, I'm Electrocuted Cat! 

Shizuku: I'm sorry. Kaede gave it to me as a give once, it's rather pushy.

Y/N: Hold on, that seems a bit odd. Are all of her gifts Messagers?

Shizuku: (sighs) I don't know and I don't care to them, but what I do care about is fighting my enemies.

Akane: You wanna pick a fight? There's two of us and one of you, you can't possible face us alone.

Suddenly, a knife was seen near Akane's throat from behind.

Goro: Doesn't anyone tell you it's not nice to point guns at people?

Akane: (surprised) What the- where the hell did you come from?!

Y/N was surprised that someone managed to sneak up behind them undetected.

Y/N: (thoughts) How did he get behind us? I didn't sense his presences. And how did he get over to the girls section with the security?

Before she could move, Y/N got pushed to the ground before a foot was placed on her back.

Taiga: Stay down, kid.

Y/N: (thoughts) What?! Even managed to get behind me! (speaking) Who the hell are you two?!

Shizuku: Y/N, Akane, meet my allies Goro Majima and Taiga Saejima. These two are Yakuza from the Majima and Saejima families. 


Akane: Did she just say Yakuza?!

???: Y/N! Akane!

Suddenly, Nat was seen jumping high as she unleashed fireballs at Goro and Taiga who dodged the attacks, making them release Y/N and Akane. Y/N knew that if these two guys are yakuza, they were in trouble, so she made a decision.

Y/N: We need to regroup and think of a plan, let's go!

Y/N then concentrated and made a blinding white light that stunned them until it died down, only to see that they were gone.

Goro: They got away. 

Shizuku: They can't have gotten far, spread out and find them.

Taiga: Yes ma'am. 

After they escaped the trio, they went towards a classroom to hide out.

Nat: Do you guys mind tell me what was going on back there?

Y/N: I was going to tell you after revealing the truth to Sakura, but the Student Body President is a red Kampfer and has two Yakuza allies from the Majima and Saejima families.

Nat: (surprised) The President is a red Kampfer?!

Y/N: She's the one with the chain-blades.

Akane: Shh...

Suddenly, the three heard footsteps from outside. The footsteps were getting closer and they also a chain rattle until the noise suddenly stopped.

Y/N: (whispering) Ok, I'm gonna play decoy since I don't have complete control of my powers yet, and I don't know what they are, you two will be cover fire.

Nat: (whispering) But what if she kills you?

Akane: (whispering) I'll cry and put flowers on your grave, Kaede and the rest of the students will cry too, nice right?

Y/N: (-_-) (whispering) Nice moral support, I think I prefer your shy personality than this one.

Akane: (whispering) Oh, shut up and just go.

But then Y/N saw something behind them and pulled them towards her.

Y/N: Get down!

Suddenly, with a few slashes, the door broken apart as Shizuku walks in with Goro and Taiga. 

Taiga: You do know you're breaking school property, right?

Goro: Relax, Taiga. No one's in class tonight. 

Shizuku then saw that they were running out and away from them, as the Kampfer-Yakuza trio gave chase. Unfortunately, for the Blue Kampfer trio, they ran into a dead end.

Y/N: A dead end.

Akane: Well then, I guess we better prepare ourselves for the worst.

As they preparing for a fight, they heard the sound of footsteps and rattling chains, indicating they were getting closer.

Akane: Listen to me, I'll use my body to Shizuku's Schwert, while I'm doing that, Nat will go and blow up her head with Zauber.

Y/N: Then what am I supposed to do?

Akane: You don't know your powers are or have control over them, but you still got experience with fights. So go to toe on those two that are with her and show them what a Kazuma is made of. 

 Y/N: Heh, you got it.

???: There you are.

The blue Kampfer trio turned around and saw Shizuku, Goro, and Taiga.

Taiga: You have no where to run now.

Shizuku then launched one of her blades towards them and they dodged.

Akane: Come on, Nat. I begging you to go crack open that easy president's head like a watermelon! 

Nat: Alright fine, but I want to know what happened with Sakura.

Akane: Deal, though you're not going to like it.

Akane then rushed Shizuku, firing her pistol at her to which she deflected them with her blades, a feat that amazes Y/N.

Y/N: Whoa.

Y/N then refocused and went towards the Yakuza duo as Nat and Akane were busy with Shizuku.

Goro: You think you can take on the two of us by yourself?

Taiga: You shouldn't underestimate us.

Y/N: You shouldn't underestimate your opponent, considering you probably have no idea who I am.

Goro and Taiga: Huh?

Y/N: Heh, my last name is Kazuma.

Taiga: (surprised) Kazuma? As in the Dragon of the Dojima family?

Y/N: One and the same.

Goro was also surprised but he had a smile on his face before he started laughter much to Y/N's confusion.

Goro: So you really are Shintaro's son! I've been wanting to meet you for quite so time, but I didn't expect you to turn into a girl when you're a Kampfer! Things are getting interesting!

Y/N: Maybe so, but that doesn't mean I've lost my fighting prowess or skill. So let's how you two do against me. (cracking her knuckles)

Goro: What do you say, brother? Shall we teach him or rather her a lesson?

Taiga: Normally I wouldn't hurt girls, but I'm make an acceptation with Kampfer like her.

The oath brothers got into their fighting positions as they both had a blue fiery auras surging through their bodies. 

Y/N: Well, looks like you two have made up your minds. Shall we get started? (blue fiery aura surrounds her)

Goro went charging towards Y/N with Taiga following behind as Goro stars off with a reverse cartwheel kick.

Y/N saw this and blocked it with her arms then threw him over her shoulder to the wall, then ducked under Taiga's punch and hit his face with her elbow, staggering him so Y/N could trip him off his feet and delivered a drop kick to his stomach, knocking the wind out of him.

However, she turned and saw Goro hit her a spinning right back kick across her face. As she flew back, she spun in the air to land on her feet and sprinted towards him.

Meanwhile with the others, Shizuku launched her blades towards Akane, but she managed to dodge them but her shirt was ripped, revealing her cleavage, which she covered up but then cartwheeled out of an incoming blade and Nat shot a fireball at Shizuku, who then used her blades to slash through it.

Shizuku: Oh, that was most unimpressive. 

Akane: You're useless!

Nat: Shut up, I'm still a newbie you idiot!

Shizuku: You can squabble later. I thought you would be far more entertaining than this. What a pity.

Nat and Akane were backing away from Shizuku, but they then bump into Taiga.

Taiga: I'm sorry, did I get in your way?

Before they could react, Taiga did a backhand fist swing at Akane, causing her to send flying onto a wall.

Nat: Akane!

Y/N: You did not...

Everyone saw her with arms around Goro's neck, causing him to lose oxygen and pass out, all with a blue fiery aura that seems to get bigger.

Y/N: You're gonna regret that.

Taiga looked surprised before he started running towards Y/N as he does a left shoulder bash. But Y/N, using her newfound enhanced abilities to dodge and get behind him and gave him a roundhouse kick to the back of his head with much force, he was sent flying into the wall.

Then she suddenly got in a familiar position and was somehow absorbing the darkness around them into her hands, a move that everyone was shocked about, even Shizuku widened her eyes a bit.

Y/N then thrust her hands forward, causing a beam of darkness to fire at Taiga, who was getting up after face planting on the wall, when he saw the incoming blast, he didn't have time to react and he got hit by the blast.

Akane: Holy crap!

Nat: That's insane!

Shizuku: This is new.

Shizuku may not have looked it, but that display put a little fear in her.After the blast died down, Taiga was seen in the cater of the wall slowly dropping to the ground while unconscious from the attack.

Y/N: (thoughts) I didn't know I possess such power. It was cool, but I may have overdid it a bit.

???: You shouldn't let your mind lose focus on the fight.

Before she could react, Y/N got hit in the back of her head by baseball bat wielded by Goro who had a yellow fiery aura while smirking.

Akane and Nat: Y/N!

Y/N: Alright, now that is gonna cost you, big time.

Y/N the back kicked him in the groin, which caused him to fall to his knees and she saw this as an opening to punch him to the side wall and somehow managed to make a dagger out of light and had it near his neck.

Y/N: You should give up. You can't beat me.

Goro: (smirk) You're right, a low-class Yakuza can't beat you at your correct state. But the two of us are on a different.

Goro pulls out his knife and stabbed in the leg, causing her to groan in pain. She felt a hand grabbed on her shoulder as she turned to see Taiga.

Y/N: (thoughts, surprised) How did he got back up so quickly? Especially after taking a blast like that.

He grabs to lift his opponent overhead and slam Y/N into the ground, causing her cough up blood and to rebound.

Taiga: It's like I said. You shouldn't underestimate us.

Y/N getting frustrated at how they would not go down and how this fight would continue, but then she saw something above them and got an idea, which she gave a smirk, which they noticed.

Taiga: What's with the smirk?

Goro: We have managed to take your attacks and stand back up, so what can you possibly do now?

Y/N: Don't get me wrong, I would love to kill so I can be rid of you, but I remembered that Kampfer and some Yakuza rely on secrecy.

Taiga: So?

Y/N: I wonder how you would react, if I did this.

Y/N then shot a fireball at a sprinkler, which caused alarms to go off and turn the water sprinklers, catching them off guard, so Y/N then used her speed and light daggers to stab their legs and shoulders, then kicked them towards Shizuku, causing them to fall on her, then Y/N got on top of them and made a light sword and pointed it at Taiga's throat, which would go through and hit Goro and Shizuku.

As the three recovered, they saw Y/N and the other two looking down at them, with their pistol and fireballs ready.

Akane: Time to die, hags!

As Akane pulled the trigger to kill them in one shot, a hand pushed it away causing the bullet to pass their heads as they looked shocked. They look to see it was Y/N's hand that pushed the pistol away, as Taiga, Goro, and Shizuku looked at him with confusion and shock, since for some reason, she spared them from death.

Y/N: No, that's enough for now, Akane.

Akane: (ticked) But why?

Shizuku: I recommend against showing mercy to an enemy.

Y/N: Even so, how would Sakura feel about or your family?

Shizuku looked at her shocked.

Y/N: I'm not a killer of innocent people forced to fight, I think you three have something to protect and fight for, don't you?

The three looked each other before everyone heard the sounds of clapping as they turned to see a man of above-average height with a medium, toned build and slicked-back, black hair. He has a short mustache and short goatee.

???: Bravo, kid. You have impressive skills of both Kampfer and Yakuza.

Goro: Oh look, it's Shun.

Y/N: I assume you're somewhat in the same position as these two?

Shun: That's right. Name's Shun Akiyama.

Nat: Shun Akiyama?

Shizuku: A man who's worth over 100 billion yen, he's known as "The Lifeline of Kamurocho" due to providing limitless, interest-free loans to those who pass his tests. He runs the Sky Finance company along with his secretary Hana. 

Y/N: I see. Well then, since you're here with them, let's play make a deal.

Shun: Oh, you want to make a deal with your enemy red Kampfer being involved? 

Y/N: Yes, cause I think we can help each other. Both as Yakuza and Kampfer.

Shun: Alright, name your price.

Y/N: Since I'm former Yakuza and left on bad terms, I don't anyone from your family to try and recruit me. I'm done with that life. And if they do, you'll find yourself slowly losing your people as you keep sending more after me, that's my deal for the Yakuza.

Shun: And the other for the Kampfer half?

Y/N: (looks towards Shizuku) Don't bring innocent people into this fight, this strictly between Kampfer. That means no Yakuza helping you and a truce between us. I can see that look in your eyes, you want to know the true purpose for all of this, don't you?

Shizuku: (pause for a moment) Very well, I'll accept your deal.

Shun: Well, there you go. You've got yourself a deal, Kazuma.

Y/N: Alright, we're done here. (gets off of Taiga, Goro, and Shizuku)

Akane: You got to be kidding me.

Y/N: Knock it off, we accomplished a small victory, that's good enough. Besides, despite being a Yakuza, he's someone I can respect since he knows a good opportunity when he sees one and recognizes a person's skills.

Shizuku, Goro, and Taiga stood up.

Shizuku: You will regret this decision one day. I'll keep our promise, but this doesn't change the fact that you three still my enemies and I will not spare you.

Y/N: Why not? You want answers to this as much as I do, and if you think that continuing to fight enemy Kampfer will get you those answers, then you're wrong.

Shizuku: Is that so? Shun, Goro, Taiga, let's get going.

Taiga: Yes ma'am.

Goro: Alright then. (turns his head at Y/N) See you soon, Y/N-Chan.

Shun: Also, word of advice. Some Yakuza families, including the Dojima family are hunting down Kampfer for their own amusement. You three better watch yourselves and get stronger.

The blue Kampfer trio watched Shizuku, Goro, Taiga, and Shun leaving. 

Akane: Ugh, acted goody goody and let them walk away, you should've just crushed that hoe. 

Y/N smacks the back of her head.

Akane: Ow, what was that for, huh?!

Y/N: I let them walk cause the fight would've carried on for hours and I didn't want to waste that time. And also, I think that if I didn't stop you, you would've lost something as a human. I didn't want you to have blood on your hands since in your normal form. (smiles) You're cute and innocent, I couldn't let that happen to you.

Akane: (blushing) Drop the cool act. If it's so important to you, go lock it in a safe. But you know, that idea about the sprinklers, (smile) that didn't suck newbie.

Nat: Very impressive, Y/N.

Y/N smiles at the praise.


The next morning, Y/N was walking to school at the boys section.

Y/N: I guess I resolved some things, but not all of them. The president is an enemy Kampfer, but now my biggest problem will be explaining my new relationship to Nat and Natsuru. No doubt he'll be very crushed and depressed, and who knows how Nat will react.

He walks to the entrance, when he gets confused by what he saw. It was Akane standing near the front gate of the boys section.

Y/N: Akane? What's wrong?

Akane: Um... she wants to you, Y/N.

Y/N: (confused) Hmm, who does?

Y/N and Akane were now seen at the president's room with Shizuku.

Shizuku: Kazuma, you look suspicious.

Y/N: Tch, look who's talking. You're up to something, I can read you like an open book.

Shizuku: Kaede doesn't remember what happened yesterday. Isn't that great?

Akane and Y/N looked surprised.

Y/N: You erased her thoughts, didn't you?

Shizuku: Well, smart young man. You're better than I expected.

Y/N: You better tell me that you just erased her memories of our fight, cause I swear if you erased her question and the truth I will- 

Shizuku: Calm down, I just erased the fight, no need to get mad.

Y/N: (sighs in relief) So she still remembers about me being a Kampfer then. 

Shizuku: And the other thing she asked you as well. To be honest, I never thought she had it in her, left me speechless.

Y/N: You mean the part when she asked me out on a date?

Shizuku: Yep, that's the one.

Y/N didn't see Akane's depressed face on the verge of tears.

Akane: (thoughts) This isn't fair! I wanted to be the one who asked him on a date, and she beat me!

Y/N sat back down on the chair and took a breath.

Y/N: Okay, so what did you need me for anyway?

Shizuku: That aside, I have a bit of a problem.

Y/N: What problem?

Shizuku: The newspaper club has somehow gotten word of girl in our uniform that no has seen before. care to take a guess who it is? They also say it's a mysterious beauty.

Y/N: Mysterious beauty? (realized) What, you don't mean...

Shizuku: Rumors are spreading amongst the normal students as well, my problem is I don't want Kampfer to become common knowledge. As you've clearly demonstrated the same idea with the deal you made and the fact that we rely on secrecy.

Y/N: So what can I do?

Shizuku: It's simple, just kill what's flaming the rumors. We just have to prove that girl truely exists. Kazuma, transfer to the girl's section.

Y/N: Wait what?

Shizuku's bracelet then glowed red, which also seemed to make Y/N's bracelet to glow blue, which caused his transformation to his Kampfer.

Y/N: What?! Hold on!

Akane: It won't be easy trying to transfer him over right now, we need the school's permission!

Shizuku: That's not a problem, I've already finished the required paperwork.

Y/N: (thoughts) Our president's got some influence around here. (speaking) But still... the girls section is just-

Shizuku then glared at Y/N, making her flinch.

Shizuku: You will do it.

Y/N knew it was a losing battle and she knows that she's got the skill to back it up, so she gave up.

Y/N: Right...

Shizuku: (smiles) Don't let me down, Y/N Kazuma.

Chapter 5 ended.

The was a good and long start. This story is getting better so by the chapter. The next chapter or two, I'll be planning for Y/N Kazuma to learn the Rush Style, and if possible, a lemon scene with a girl of your choice. 

If you have some ideas of the next chapter, let me know at the comments below. Peace out and enjoy the story! 

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