Late Birthday gift to @aishatu.xx ❤️🥺 Love you loads twin!
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"Whoever relieves a believer's distress of the distressful aspects of this world, Allah will rescue him from a difficulty of the difficulties of the Hereafter. Whoever alleviates [the situation of] one in dire straits who cannot repay his debt, Allah will alleviate his lot in both this world and in the Hereafter. Whoever conceals [the faults of] a Muslim, Allah will conceal [his faults] in this life and the Hereafter. (Muslim)
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February, 1996.
Sokoto, Nigeria.
"Tirqashi!" A man in his mid-forties exclaimed, mouth hung open and eyes dilated. He then pointed his index finger at his friend who sat beside him, leaning on his palm supported by his arm hoisted on his thigh-deep in thoughts and remorse. "You mean to say your wife, Hadiza, is pregnant?"
Yusuf Bawa sighed deeply and loudly. He buried his face between his palm and inhaled deeply before he nodded; trying to gather his thoughts before he faces his friend.
"But...you just got remarried last week!" His friend exclaimed. He then shook his head, still baffled. "Allah mai iko! If only you had known..."
'If only' Yusuf Bawa thought in his head. That's the same thing he had been repeating to himself over and over. But he didn't want to dwell on that thought, it would take him nowhere. A bigger part of him feels guilty that he had just remarried only for him to find out that his first wife is pregnant, and another part of him feels guilty because he knows how his second wife would feel regarding the matter.
From what he or anyone could tell, Maimunatu is elated to hear the news. She's happy for her co-wife, she really is. After all, Hadiza has been nothing but kind to her. How could she treat her otherwise when she only received kindness from such woman. Never had she expected that kind of treatment from Hadiza. Her family members-aunts especially did nothing but try to taint Hadiza's name in her eyes. They spoke of how the woman is only feigning her kindess and that she would show her true colors in the later years.
Albeit, they had only been together for a week, it was enough for her to tell the kind of woman Hadiza is. Anyone, if being honest, can testify to her admirable character.
Then again, everyone could tell Maimunatu is worried about what would happen to her now. She knows that Yusuf only married her because he and his wife do not have a child. What would happen to her now that they're expecting one? Would she be divorced a week after she got married? What would happen to her name and that of her family's? Sure enough, people would only spread rumors about how she's the reason why her marriage fails because frankly speaking, in the kind of society we live in, it's always the women that are at fault in the eyes of everyone.
Hardly anyone bothers to know our side of the story. It's the same circle that continues for decades. "It's her fault the husband left her"
"She's the reason the marriage failed"
"It's her fault for not being able to take care of him"
"She wasn't being submissive"
"She's barren, that's why he left her"
"She bewitched him to marry her to begin with. Now that her charms have failed, the marriage did too"
It's the same nonsense over and over again. Some of which made little sense yet the society believes it blindly. How unfortunate.
What she's unaware of though; is the fact that Yusuf wouldn't do that to her. Sure enough, he doesn't have feeling for her, but he wouldn't divorce her and let her go like that. No, it wasn't the promise he made to her parents when he married her. She wasn't some baby machine to him. No, she's a woman that deserves love and respect like any other woman.
So, why would he treat her in a way that he wouldn't want his own daughter to be treated?
He didn't marry another wife without the intention of being fair to both of them. He can't be the perfect husband, but he can try to be fair at the very least. It's better than nothing, right?
He doesn't want to divorce Maimunatu. Then again, he didn't want to upset Hadiza either.
"What did Hadiza ask you to do now?" His friend asked again, noting the silence coming from his friend. He has known Yusuf for more than thirty years, he could tell what Yusuf is thinking or feeling. He would dare say he knows the man more than any of his wives. They basically grew up together.
And at the very moment, he could tell that Yusuf is in a dilemma. A part of him has made up his mind about how to handle the situation but another part is doubting that decision he made.
Yusuf rose his head up, his eyes meeting that of his friend's. "She doesn't want me to even think of divorcing Maimunatu" He said, his voice low.
He wasn't lying, that was what she told him after announcing to him out of the blue that she's expecting. He had never been so conflicted in his life like at the time.
He was elated that he's going to be a father, that is a given. But anyone in his position would know that it's also a tight spot to be in.
His friend smiled, "Yusuf kenan! Believe me when I say your wife is really one of a kind. If she asked that of you, then do that. We both know you don't want to separate with Maimunatu too, right?"
Yusuf sighed again, but made no move to speak.
"Truth be told..." His friend spoke again, "...this is a joyful occasion. You never know, what if your two wives give birth about the same time or maybe with only a couple of months between? Then you'll have two kids"
Yusuf stared at his friend for a while, before he chuckled, shaking his head. "Baban Haidar kenan! That won't happen"
"Don't underestimate the things Allah can do fa Yusuf. There's a reward to having patience, and this is the part that He rewards you for the patience you and Hadiza had all these years"
Yusuf smiled. That is one of the reasons he enjoyed his friend's company. While he and his colleagues were busy gaining the Western education to become doctors and such, this man went and gained more knowledge on Islam. According to him, he can't spend his entire life studying something that will not benefit him in the akhira.
As he always says, never underestimate the things Allah can do and Yusuf had never once doubted it because his friend is a living proof of that. Baban Haidar didn't spend years studying to become a doctor or anything Western education related like his peers, but when Allah blessed him, he became the richest amongst them all.
He's simply a businessman, and a big one for that matter.
But, his riches didn't stop him from being kind to his peers as always. Hence, why he and Yusuf are still friends.
"How is Haidar and his mother?" Yusuf asked, deciding to move the conversation from him.
The man grinned. "They are both fine, Ahamdullilah. I forgot to tell you ma, ai Haidar will soon have a sibling"
"Ah!" Yusuf's mouth hung open, before it stretched into a grin, "Kace our children will be friends Kenan since they will be about the same age" He chuckled.
Baban Haidar grinned, "Sosai ma! Ai I'm sure they would be the best of friends just like us, that I'm sure"
"Do you want an ultrasound to find out the gender? Or is it too soon for that?" Yusuf asked, already making a mental note to tell Hadiza the good news. She and Haidar's mother are good friends. Then again, Hadiza is in a good term with mostly everyone-with the exception of people that test her patience's limit.
Baban Haidar shook his head, "No. We would rather have it be a surprise just like the old times"
Yusuf nodded in understanding, "Nagane. This is surely good news. I'm immensely happy!"
"Me too Yusuf" Baban Haidar grinned, "Me too"
July, 2021.
Venice, Italy.
The minute the ambulance arrived at the hospital, Kamilah was quick to jump off along with the paramedics. She followed them into the hospital as they quickly rushed her mother over to the emergency section.
Aman got off the ambulance too, then remain rooted in his spot as he gazed at the hospital. He gulped, his hand clenching into a tight fist. Briefly closing his eyes, he willed himself to walk in but his legs couldn't cooperate.
So many scenarios ran through his head. But, they weren't just scenarios, they were horrible memories. Memories that haunts him every single day.
The one place he hates the most are hospitals. He detested him which is why he hasn't stepped a foot in one for years. He couldn't even bring himself to step a foot in a hospital the last time he lost the person that meant the world to him.
And now...he had faced enough shock for the day. Truth be told, he has no idea how he managed to move throughout and make it to the hospital without passing out.
If not that he loathes hospitals, he would've went in and got himself admitted within the blink of an eye. He's sure there's something wrong with him, maybe an unknown disease yet to be discovered by WHO? Or maybe he had worked himself to the point that he's imagining stuff. Perhaps he had worn himself out which is why he's seeing dead people. Or, maybe he's dreaming about everything.
That would've been a much more plausible explanation for the situation.
Then again, no matter how much he tries to deny it, he couldn't change the fact that everything he had witnessed that day is real, everything. It wasn't a trick of the light or a flicker of his imagination like before. It wasn't some dream he would wake up to only to horribly face the much detested reality of his.
This time around, it is real. Everything is real.
He tried to peel his feet off the floor and move, but he couldn't. He tried again, yet just like before, he could not move a single inch.
Blowing out a shaky breath, he slipped his hand into his pocket and brought out his phone. Turning it on, he dialed the number of the only person he could think of. The same person who always has his back no matter what.
He needed that person's presence more than ever.
"It's meningioma grade III"
Kamilah gulped, blowing a shaky breath as her legs wobbled-threatening to give out on her. She didn't need a doctor's diagnosis to let her know that the situation is bad. She could tell from the look on the female neurosurgeon fellow's face.
"The tumor has been left untreated and is now about the size of a grapefruit" The doctor added, pointing to an area on her computer which displayed the CT scan of Hasmerh's brain. "It is what causes her persistent headaches, loss of neurological function, loss of hearing and vision and the seizure. There are other symptoms which she does not have. The reason why is because the symptoms usually depends on the size and the location of the tumor" She paused letting the information sink in.
Kamilah could only nod; eyes glued to the CT scan.
The doctor pointed to another spot on the scan, "Her tumor is located in the convexity which is probably why you couldn't detect the symptoms early. Now that it's big though, it presses the optic nerve hence why she lost her visual while having the seizure"
For the first time since the explanation started, Kamilah turned around to face the doctor. "Is there any treatment, maybe surgery or..." She shrugged, unable to form coherent words beyond that. She didn't trust herself to be able to utter anything that makes sense beyond that.
The doctor nodded, offering her a small smile. "The first treatment for malignant meningioma like the one she has is, surgery and advisably, it would be better if she gets it as soon as possible"
Kamilah could feel her eyes welling up with unshed tears. She had expected this, and the next words she wants to utter scared her to no ends. "How...how much would it cost?"
With the situation she and her mother are in, she doubts she'd be able to pay for the surgery. Surgeries like that are normally expensive. She can barely afford their living expenses, and considering the fact that she just quit the only job she has, there's absolutely no way she can afford it.
That doesn't mean she won't try though. She's try every possible thing she can do to earn that money.
The question is, how?
After her meetup with the doctor, Kamilah checked on her mother who was still unconscious. She then headed to the small masjid in the hospital and prayed. She prayed for her mother's health and for her to be able to pay the bills so that her mother can get surgery. She couldn't tell exactly how long she stayed there, but by the time she was done praying, it seemed to be long enough.
Stepping out of the masjid, she strolled back into the main building. Shoulders sagged and lips set into a frown, she forced her heavy legs to move forward. She had so many
thoughts running in her head, mostly, thinking of ways to afford the surgery. There's only one way she could think of to get that money, but it's very risky. The risk is worth it though as long as her mother would live but is she ready to face the consequence that would follow?
Releasing another long sigh, she gulped as she took the lane that would take her to her mother's room. As she reached it and rose her hand to twist the doorknob, it opened revealing a short nurse.
"Ah...Miss Kamilah!" The nurse, who had become acquaintances with Kamilah earlier said, offering her a wide smile.
Kamilah tried to offer the nurse a smile but all she could muster was a small one. "Nurse..." Her voice came out low. The activities that happened that day has totally drained her out.
Things did not go as she expected because she definitely was not expecting the sudden turns that took place.
"I was just looking for you"
"Why? Is there anything wrong with my mother? Did she have another seizure or something?" Kamilah's words came out a bit jumbled since she rushed them out. Her eyes glanced at her mother through the gap of the door left opened by the nurse, eyes falling on her mother's limp form.
"No..." The nurse was quick to shake her head, "It's not like that, I just need you to sign the permission papers for her surgery" She picked up the papers she held, and then handed them over to Kamilah who eyed the papers skeptically.
"Surgery?" Kamilah's brows rose, eyes briefly going over the words written at the heading of the paper, "But I haven't paid yet"
The nurse grinned, "Oh don't worry about it" She waved it off, "It has already been taken care of"
Kamilah's eyes widened, lips parted, "What? Paid? By who?"
The nurse shrugged, "I don't know either"
"Man, what's up with you?" A guy asked, making his way over to sit on a Wicker swivel chair with his soda in one hand. He then crossed his legs and leaned back, eyes focused on his friend.
If not that he has questions running through his head, he would've chose to enjoy the beautiful sight the balcony gave off. Not to mention, the lavish penthouse his freind stays in. Surely, being a diplomat has its perks.
Then again, the posh penthouse didn't sway his freind considering he's well off too.
Aman breathed out, fingers reaching over to massage his temples to soothe the aching muscles there. "What are you talking about?" He asked, his voice low. Breathing out, he leaned both arms on his thighs and shook his head, as if that would miraculously soothe the headache he has at the moment.
"I mean; why do you look like..." His friend paused, gesturing to Aman's posture with his finger, "Like you've been beaten up by thousands of people"
"Let's not forget you made me pay tons of money for a mening---whatever your medical term for that disease is-- surgery. Look, I'm not complaining because it is your money so you can use it however you like but how are you related to that patient because as far as I know, you aren't related to anyone here" Fuad cut Aman, and stated the thoughts that had been plaguing his mind since Aman asked him to do that.
It wasn't a surprise that Aman paid for someone's surgery, he's kind like that, Fuad knows that better than anyone. But it doesn't mean Aman goes around paying for surgeries, especially not at the moment. Aman hates everything hospital related. That is a well-known fact.
Aman shook his head again. How can he explain the situation to Fuad when even he is finding it hard to believe? Just as he was thinking of what to say as a reply, his phone pinged. This made his eyes move towards his phone. One glance at the caller ID made him shake his head, already making his mind up to ignore the call like he had always done since he arrived.
"So?" Fuad spoke up again, "Aren't you going to pick up the call"
Aman simply shook his head.
"Well then do I get an explanation for what's going on with you?" Fuad decided to skip asking Aman why he won't answer the call. That is a relationship he didn't want to get in between.
Aman blew out another long breath, making up his mind to tell Fuad, his best friend, what's troubling him. "I came across the patient while I was walking around earlier"
Fuad nodded, giving Aman the silent encouragement he needed to continue.
Aman pinched the bridge of his slender nose, before his finger settled on his beard covered chin, stroking it. "And well, she was having a seizure so I helped"
Fuad's brows drew in close as his lips tugged down. Aman helped? Did he call the ambulance or did he really help? "You called the ambulance?"
Aman shook his head, "No, I checked her condition and asked someone else to call the ambulance. She was having a seizure Fuad. I...I had to do something, quickly"
Fuad flattened his lips to hide the smile forming on it. Allah knows he had been waiting for this day, and it's finally here. However, the look that took over Aman's face made the ghost smile disappear.
Aman looks pale, and that wasn't a good sign.
"But that wasn't all Fuad" Aman continued, his eyes flickering over to look at his friend for the first time.
Fuad blinked, "What do you mean? What else happened?"
Aman swallowed hard, "I saw her Fuad" He whispered.
Fuad felt his heart sink. Not this again, he thought in his eyes as a soft look over his features. "Who did you see?" He asked, dreading the answer he would get from his friend. He didn't like it when Aman talks like this.
Aman's eyes welled up, as a smile took her his features. "I saw Kamilah"
Fuad breathed out low, a wave of sadness crashing over him as he took in his friend's happy expression. "Not this again. We've been through this before, she's gone" He tried to speak to his friend as softly as he can. He didn't want to break his friend's heart more than it already is.
But they had been through this before, and it was never real.
Aman's eyes hardened at Fuad's words. "No! I really did see Kamilah"
"Fuad I am sure this time around; I saw Kamilah. She's alive! My Kamilah, she's alive"
Malan Amanu baizo dawasa ba😅😅 ko lemme say Malan Haidar.
Ladies, leave Aman to Kamilah, I don't want hearts to break o😂🤷I've said my own.
What's going to happen next?
Aman has paid for the surgery, that was expected to be honest, I don't know about yall 🤷
My other favorite is coming in the next chapter! I'm excited!
Jumuat Mubarak people❤️ Maybe I should make Fridays my updating days?
Who's still awake? It's not that late.
Anyways, see yall next time! Hope you like the chapter 🤗❤️
Love, Jannah.
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