1; THEN.
・بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ・
Assalamu Alaikum.
Hello everyone!
It's me, that writer that doesn't get tired of publishing books up and down (this is the last book I'll publish this year, hopefully😂🤞)
So, yeah...without further ado, let's dive in! Hope you brought your Pepsi? Because this will be another roller-coaster ride😂😎🎉
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“Oh you who believe! Persevere in patience and constancy. Vie in such perseverance, strengthen each other, and be pious, that you may prosper” (Quran, 3:200)
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February, 1996.
Sokoto, Nigeria.
"I'm sorry"
Hadiza Bawa's lips stretched into a small smile. Releasing a small sigh, she blinked, her eyes fixated on her husband who had a solemn look masking his features. "Why are you apologizing, Mai Gida?" She asked, her voice and demeanor exude calmness.
Her husband, Yusuf Bawa's lips tugged into a deep frown. "I'm sorry this has to happen to us"
Her smile stretched into that of comfort. She didn't understand why her husband kept apologizing and beating himself over a decision that she made. "Mai Gida, I made this decision. You don't have to apologize for it. This is what I want. It's for us, both of us" It wasn't his fault, not in the slightest. And she does not want him to blame himself for it.
"What kind of wife would I be if I do not make a decision that will benefit us both?" She rose a brow slightly. When he stared at her with eyes filled with remorse, her smile widened, the corners of her eyes crinkling because of it.
Her smile wasn't a full blown grin, it was a comforting one to prove to her husband that she is fine with the decision she made; and that she is sure of it.
Yusuf Bawa sighed, looking down as he shook his head. Her smile and words are supposed to be comforting, but they aren't. It only made him doubt if he's making the right choice by fulfilling her wishes. He wasn't okay with it; how could he be? He's sure that the decision was hard for her to make. And although she tries to hide it by the smile masking her features, he could tell that it still does.
They had been married long enough for him to tell what she's feeling without her parting her lips to utter the words.
"Mai Gida" Her voice snapped him out if his guilt-ridden trance.
He looked up, his eyes meeting her hazel orbs that he had always been mesmerized by. It was the first features of hers that captivated him right form the day he laid his eyes on her. They were always bright, and held this certain gleam whenever she smiles.
At the moment, though her lips were stretched into a smile, the gleam wasn't there. That was all he needed to know that just like him, the decision is hurting her too. However, unlike him, there is this determination in her eyes that made him know that no matter what he'll say, she'll not back down from her decision.
"Do this for me, for us" She said, her voice came out strong as ever. She wasn't backing down from her decision, not when they have reached this far. Even though she knows that he can cancel everything at the dire minute if she wants, she didn't want to do it.
She had made her decision, and nothing or no one would change it.
Knowing that, he nodded. "Okay" He said.
"You asked your husband to get married again?" Qudrah, Hadiza's friend and sister-in-law, asked. Her voice held disbelief which showed on her face too. She had her eyebrows furrowed and lips parted in surprise.
Hadiza nodded.
"Tab!" Qudrah exclaimed, "Mata irinki are one of a kind. I'm surprised Yaya agreed to this" She shook her head. Everyone in their family knew of Yusuf's love for his wife, Hadiza. They are all aware that he would move the mountains for her, if only he could.
He's the man that doesn't spare women a second glance because his heart solely belongs to his wife. Another marriage sounds bizarre to everyone's ears. It was hard to believe had the words not come from Hadiza's lips.
Hadiza sighed, and offered her sister-in-law, and close friend a small smile. "Qudrah he needs a child, and so do I. Since we've been married for over eight years with no hope, it's better for him to marry another wife and have a child"
Qudrah shook her head. She could never understand her friend's logic when it comes to such cases. "Amma Hadiza it's not like anyone in our family is pressuring you to give birth. Nor is anyone pressuring Yaya to marry another wife" She wasn't joking. She was being honest. No one in her family is pressuring the two to do anything. They all love Hadiza for her kind heart and the things she had done for her husband.
Albeit, there are people that talk about their lack of having a child, some labelling her as barren, but that was small inevitable talks. No one dared to say it to her face. Hadiza is extremely nice, but she does not take nonsense from anyone. That's why no one tries anything funny with her.
Yet again, it wasn't just her. Her husband wouldn't tolerate anyone treating his wife in such way.
So, talking to Hadiza or her husband about their lack of having children is a no-go area. Everyone knows that.
Hadiza's lips stretched into a small smile. She looked at her sister-in-law, with the calmness that a person in her situation isn't expected to have. "Qudrah, like I told your brother, I'm doing this for the both of us. We're not getting any younger" She joked, but Qudrah did not find it funny in the slightest.
Qudrah shook her head. She knows that she will never understand her friend's logic and good heart. There are only about 2 out of the 100 percent of the female population that would act the way she is acting at the moment. Not a lot of women have that kind of patience and understanding. And Qudrah, does not belong to that group. She huffed lowly, "Hadiza, you do realize that if he gets married to this woman, and does have a child with her, the child will bear most of his fortune, right? Most of your fortune?"
She didn't need to explain further. They both knew what she meant. Unlike Yusuf, Hadiza actually grew up in a well off, high class family while he was below middle class. Yet, that didn't stop them from having a relationship. She loved and supported him despite the fact that they do not belong in the same social class.
She does not see the reason as to why the background they have should stop them from being in a relationship. They love each other, that's all that matters. To her, she believes they are all equal since they're all servants of Allah. Worldly materials shouldn't differentiate them when at the end of the day they will all end up in the grave with nothing but their deeds.
So, when her father died, she used her inheritance money to start up a small hospital of theirs alongside her husband since they are both doctors. It's not much, but they believe with time and Allah's barakah in it, the business with prosper and the hospital will grow. As long as they work hard for it.
Hence, why Qudrah is worried. If perhaps Yusuf happens to pass away after the hospital prospers, then the new wife and her child are bound to get more than Hadiza when it is her money that started it.
Hadiza resisted the urge to roll her eyes at her friend's words. She's well aware of that when she made the decision, and she didn't care one bit. "So? It's just money Qudrah. What's the use of it when we'll all die and leave it here in the dunyah?"
Qudrah sealed her lips shut; deciding against saying anything about money again. She knows her friend. She speaking about wealth again is her ticket to earning a string of lectures about why one should never be swayed by worldly materials. She had heard of that enough in her lifetime, she didn't want another lecture. Especially not at the moment. "But Hadiza, you are a doctor too. We both know you aren't barren. You just don't have a child because that's what Allah wills to happen" She decided to use the language that Haidiza would understand.
Hadiza nodded in agreement. "Exactly. That's what Allah plans. But I cannot be selfish because of that"
Qudrah shook her head. "You could get pregnant any time, you never know. I don't want you to make a decision that you'll regret in the future" Qudrah, just like her brother and sister in law, is a doctor too. The only difference is that while her brother is a neurosurgeon, she and Hadiza are both gynecologists.
And as gynecologists, they had seen cases where women get pregnant after losing hope for years. Qudrah believe that it could happen to Hadiza too, if only they pray to Allah and have sabr.
Hadiza blew out a low breath. She knew she has to put an end to Qudrah's conversation before she takes it too far. "Qudrah enough. I've already made my decision and that's final" Her tone left no place for arguments.
If what Qudrah is hoping for does happen eventually, then she'll thank Allah. If it doesn't, she'll still thank Allah because her husband would marry again and have a child that he had always yearned for.
And as long as there is a child, whether it comes from her or not, she's happy. She wants a progeny just as much as her husband does. And this is the only solution she could think of.
Time flew fast, and before one could realize it, the day that Yusuf is getting married again finally arrived. He decided to marry a cousin of his from his mother's side of the family. Hadiza had only met her new co-wife, Maimunatu, once, but she had a feeling that they would get along well.
The only fear she had when she asked her husband to remarry again is to have a co-wife that she couldn't handle. She didn't want a co-wife that would constantly give her headaches. If she does, she would tolerate it to a certain point before she puts her in her place.
Lucky for her, she got a nice co-wife, or so she seemed. So far, Hadiza loved her co-wife and she could tell that Maimunatu adores her too. She'd have no problem sharing her husband with the woman.
When the wedding time came, Hadiza oversaw everything. She made sure her husband was dressed up pulchritudinous and resplendently. She didn't want him to look bad on his wedding day. No, she wants him to look good for her and his new wife. Hence, why she put in so much effort to make him really look like a groom he is.
Yusuf still wasn't happy with the decision one bit. But, it is her decision, and since it's what she wants, he's willing to do it, for her.
As the time for the nikah neared, he left for it leaving her at home.
The guests had piled up the house, most of whom were there to see her reaction to getting a co-wife. They have no idea that she is the one who asked her husband to remarry, and those that do know, they do not care. They didn't utter anything to her though, and neither did she.
She made sure all the guests were comfortable in the house. Though they decided to not have much event, Maimunatu and Yusuf that is, they agreed to having a small walimah after the nikah and that would be all. Yusuf wasn't a fan of gatherings, simply because it always ended up with gossips and all.
Qudrah helped her, along with Yusuf's other sisters. They are all fond of Hadiza, and so had no problem with helping her on such occasion. Albeit, they weren't happy with the decision too, they still supported the two. Who are they to oppose a decision that the couple had made already?
"Hadiza, just rest, kinji? You've been working over this for days, you might just get sick" Qudrah said, placing her hand over her friend's shoulder. Her brows drew in, as her lips tugged into a frown.
Hadiza shook her head. She didn't see why Qudrah is worrying over nothing. She's perfectly okay, it's nothing she can't handle. "I'm fine Qudrah. Stop worrying"
Qudrah resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "Toh naji. At least sit down and eat. You haven't eaten anything since subh" She wasn't exaggerating. The woman really hadn't eaten anything since the time she woke up around subh time. And even then, she didn't eat much.
Hadiza parted her lips to protest, but the look on Qudrah's face made her shut her lips as soon as she opened them. She knew that look. It meant that they could go back and forth on the matter for hours, and Qudrah wouldn't budge until she eats something. So, she sighed and nodded.
"Yawwa. Just go back to your room and wait. I'll bring the food for you"
"What if--"
"I'll take care of everything here, don't worry" Qudrah cut her off before she could start her string of 'what ifs'. Before Hadiza could protest more, she turned around and headed to the kitchen to get the woman some food to put in her system.
Hadiza let out a sigh, then made her way over to the room. She knows that Qudrah only cares about her, and its times like this that she's thankful to have her in her life. She couldn't ask for a better friend, and sister-in-law.
Pushing the door open, she closed it behind her and walked over to the small couch in the room. Once seated, she let her aching muscles relax. If she was being honest with herself, then she really does need the break. She had been working nonstop since the date was set. She was even the one that prepared the bridal gifts since Yusuf could only trust her with it. And truth be told, she prepared it beautifully.
Her phone that she had left on the bedside cabinet vibrated. She had forgotten all about the phone since she had left it in the room since morning. She's sure she has missed calls already lined up.
Sighing, she stood up and headed towards the cabinet, then picked up the phone. Pressing on the answer button on the keypad, she brought the phone to her ear after seeing who the caller is. She gulped, her hands suddenly becoming sweaty. "Assalamu alaiki" She said, the minute she pressed the phone to her ear.
The person on the other end responded. Their call went on for about five minutes, and by the end of it, Hadiza was blowing out shaky breaths. Her body felt heavy on her feet, and cold sweats were forming on her forehead.
She swallowed thickly, then parted her lips to end he call. "Okay. Nagode" Without waiting for the person's response, she ended the call and sat on the bed. She couldn't stay standing for long. She feared her legs would give out on her.
The phone fell somewhere on the bed, or on the floor? She honestly didn't care. It was the least of her concerns at the moment. Her eyes moved over to where the wall clock is. The time for the nikah is near, but she's sure the knots hadn't been tied yet. If she calls him now, she could stop it from happening.
But could she really do that? After everything?
Her chain of thoughts was cut short when the door swung open, and Qudrah walked in with the food she promised to bring over for Hadiza. The smile on her face fell when she saw how pale Hadiza's face looked. Her brows suddenly drew in, as she hurriedly walked over to her friend, dropping the plate of food on the bedside cabinet. "Hadiza, lafiya kuwa?" She asked, placing her hand on Hadiza's forehead.
Hadiza blew out another shaky breath, then swallowed thickly. "Yes" She nodded, offering Qudrah the biggest smile she could muster at the moment.
Qudrah pulled her hand back, lips still set into a deep frown, "Are you sure? You have a fever"
"It's just the stress and hunger. Don't worry about it"
Qudrah blinked, still unconvinced. "Do you need me to call Yaya? I'm sure the nikah hasn't been done yet, if you're really sick I can--"
"Qudrah, don't" Hadiza cut her off, shaking her head. "I'm fine really. Don't worry about it" She smiled, though it didn't reach her eyes.
Qudrah didn't notice that though, and because she didn't, she nodded warily. "Okay then. If you say so"
Yusuf married Maimunatu, and since he wasn't rich enough to afford another house, they all stayed in the same house along with Hadiza. None of them had a problem with it though. In fact, they were all adjusting to the new changes pretty well—including Hadiza who now shares her husband of eight years with her new co-wife.
A lot of people spoke on how Maimunatu is faking the nice woman attitude, yet, Hadiza never paid heed to them. She knows what she sees in the woman, and from what she could tell, the woman has a good heart. Sure enough, it has only been a week since the wedding, but she still trusted her gut feeling.
She didn't have much problems with sharing her husband, and even if she does, she did pretty well to hide it. It's not like she's immune to pain and jealousy. She feels it too, but she hides it pretty well since she didn't want to be that kind of co-wife.
She asked her husband to remarry and she would treat her co-wife well. Despite what she found out. She allowed the wedding to push through. So, she wouldn't cause any problems for any of them.
Hence, why she hasn't told Yusuf about what she found out yet. She wanted to wait for the right time.
Since the wedding, Yusuf had been staying with Maimunatu as they had all agreed. And now, a week later, it was finally Hadiza's turn. She considered that as the right time for her to break the news to him.
When Yusuf came back from Isha prayer from the nearest mosque, he met Hadiza sitting on the bed, fiddling with her fingers. Something she does when she's restless. His brows furrowed, he hasn't seen her act that way in a while now. He couldn't help but wonder what's bothering her to act such way.
So, he made his way over to her after uttering his salaam. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't hear him say it, so she didn't respond. "Uwar gida" He called out, sitting beside her. He usually uses the name to tease her because the day he married Maimunatu, she told him that her name from then henceforth would be Uwar gida.
She snapped out of her trance, her lips immediately stretching into a small smile. "Mai gida, when did you return?" She blinked, "I didn't hear you come in"
His lips curled into a smile of his, "You were lost in thought that's why"
She nodded, then looked down.
"What is disturbing you, Uwar gida? Tell me?" His tone was low, and even though she wasn't looking at his face, she could tell worry is written all over it. She really couldn't hide anything from him, he knows her too well.
She sucked in a deep breath, then swallowed thickly; bracing herself.
"Uwar gida--"
"I'm pregnant"
Ladies and gentlemen, meet the Yusuf Bawas.
Let's be honest, women like Hadiza are few and I do not belong there with them😂🤷 most of us don't cuz we can't do what she did. Just saying...
But sha, she let her husband get married again even after knowing she's pregnant😬 she really is a patient now.
The way I have been so excited to publish this book ba😭 I'm glad it's finally here.
I am publishing this while I write it so updates don't have any schedule. Kawai you'll see update lokacin da Allah yayi🤣 But sha as always, I try to update as frequently as I can.
Buckle up for next chapter, we'll start the story then😎 do bring your Pepsi! Tam, I've said my own.
Is this the first book of mine you're reading? If not, which book of mine did you read first? I'm curious.
Guess the name of the main male character😏
What can't you wait for? The drama? The romance? The thrilling parts? The secrets?
Trust me, I brought all of it here. We'll have a dose of everything with additional spices in this book😏😎
With Love, Zayn readers, where are you? I don't know if you follow me on Instagram or not but I did a poll regarding it a couple weeks back on whether to publish it now while I'm writing it, or to wait till I finish before I publish it. Long story story, the majority picked to finish it first before publishing hence why I haven't published the book yet.
So, to be fair to everyone, let's have another poll here. Do you want to wait till next year to read the complete book or should I start publishing it now along with this book?
The choice is yours, do comment on which you prefer.
Anyways, back to this book.
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Do me mutunci now.
Love, Jannah.
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