Chapter 8: Cursed Island (part 2)
We see Y/n, Erza, Lucy, Happy, Gray and Woz run through the forest heading to the temple to stop Lyon before Deliora would be freed to cost chaos. Then they were suddenly ambushed by Lyon's guards and Erza and Woz take them out and they fell on the ground.
Woz removed one of the guards hoods to reveal there face as he looks at Woz.
Woz: Just as I thought.
Lucy: What is it?
Woz: These were the victims from Deliore's attack, if I remember correctly they were the village people who saved Deliore's attack.
Lucy: (shocked) Are you serious?
Male guard: Its true, we wanted to kill Deliore so we can have our revenge. Lyon told us there is a way to free him by using a cursed moon to break the ice.
Gray: (anger) You can't break Deliore out! My master sacrifice her life to seal him, are you really gonna free Deliore after what she did!?
Y/n: Gray take it easy, we will stop him before it's too late.
Gray: (sigh) I hope so.
Male guard: Your just waisting your time, the ice is almost cracked and once it breaks, Deliore will be free and Lyon will destroy it...for our village.
Y/n: Then we have to get there before its too late.
They nod and they rush pass the guards and head to the temple to stop all this once and for all.
We see Natsu been thrown into a jail cell by another Fourze and the cell door shut as Natsu runs up to the bars and Anthrr Fourze see him try to struggle but isn't working so he walks away while Natsu calls out to him.
Natsu: Hey get back here coward! I'm talking to you!
Another Fourze walk through the halls heading to see Lyon when Heure step out behind him and said.
Heure: You did a nice job dealing a dragon slayer.
Another Fourze turns to Heure and Heure said to him.
Heure: But it seem you will have company along with there demon king. Head out there and destroy them.
Another Fourze nods and walks away. Heure smirks to himself and he walks over to Natsu cell and Natsu looks up to see him.
Natsu: Who the hell are you?
Heure: My name is Heure, I am a time jacker.
Natsu: So your one of those people that used anther ride watches to destroy my friends including Y/n.
Heure: Oh Natsu you must be mistaken, Y/n is a threat to this world and our true goal is to find someone who will be able to kill him and be the next king.
Natsu: (anger) But why, Y/n hasn't done anything to this world?
Heure: (smirk) You are truly blind by him do you? In the future he will get stronger ans stronger until he will become the new demon king to this world and make this world a better place.
Natsu: (anger) I don't believe you!
Heure: (smirk) Fine be like that, but soon you will see his true power and once he used his true power, it will be too late.
Then Heure start to walk away whike Natsu calls out to Heure and Heure dissappear into the darkness.
Y/n and the rest arrived at the temple and see there was no guards there so they enter the temple with no problem. They walk through the halls and Y/n noticed marks on the walls and Y/n asked Lucy.
Y/n: What are these markings?
Lucy: I believe it tells a story how this Island is cursed.
Happy: But we believe Lyon could have put a spell on this island so anyone will stay away from the island.
Erza: Let's forces on finding Natsu and stopping Lyon before its too late.
Gray: It's best if we split up to teams so it could be faster.
Y/n: I agree with Gray, it's best we split up. Me and Woz go with Gray to stop Lyon before its too late.
Erza: Ok and me, Lucy and Happy will find Natsu and regroup.
Y/n: Alright you three take care.
Lucy: You too guys and be careful.
Y/n: We will.
Then they split up into teams. Erza's group heads off to find Natsu while Grays group head to stop Lyon before its too late.
Soon Y/n, Woz and Gray see a light ahead and they rush inside the throne room were Another Fourze and Lyon is there as they turn to face them.
Lyon: Gray I didn't suspect you have friends with you?
Gray: (anger) Stop this now Lyon! You gonna kill us all!
Lyon: I afraid I can't do that Gray. Soon Deliore will be free and I will be the one who will slay it.
Y/n: But what about your master!?, Gray told me how your twos master sacrifice her life to stop Deliore so it won't hurt anyone anymore. Are you really gonna ruin her sacrifice!?
Lyon:......She failed to destroy Deliore when she have a chance. I thought she can defeat Deliore easily but I see now she was nothing but weak.
Gray: (anger) HOW DARE YOU!!!
Gray fired ice at Lyon but Another Fourze summon a huge shield and blocks that attack. Another Fourze growls at them as Lyon said.
Lyon: Another Fourze, would you be soo kindly to teach them to not be rude to there host.
Another Fourze nods and walks up to them while Lyon turns to leave but Gray summon a ice wall to block Lyon and then fired his Ice sharps at Another Fourze out of the way and runs pass him and him and Lyon turn to face each other.
Y/n: Gray wait!
Y/n and Woz run up to him but Gray summon another Ice wall around him and Lyon and block Y/n and Woz outside.
Y/n: Gray!
Woz: My lord look out!
Then Y/n turn and dodge the incoming rockets fired by another Fourze as he walks over to them.
Ziku driver: ZIKU DRIVER!
Y/n: Henshin!
Ziku driver: RIDER TIME! KAMEN RIDER ZI-O! ARMOR TIME! (Electronic pop mixed with rider gashat-esque music) LEVEL UP! EX-AI~D!
Zi-o charge at Another Fourze and punches him and then punches him once more and he was sent flying back and land's hard on the wall and fell on the ground.
But Another Fourze stands up and summons a chain saw on his left foot and charges at Zi-o and swinging it at Zi-o while Zi-o trys to dodges it.
Woz: It appears another Fourze used the power of cosmic switches to attack its enemies. You most be careful of his attacks my lord, they seem to be very dangerous.
Zi-o: That's what I'm trying to do!
The Zi-o gets hit by the chain saw ans he stumbled backwards as Another Fourze summons a large orange rocket on his right arm and he blast it towards Zi-o.
Zi-o quickly dodges it and then Another Fourze turns around and trys to hit Zi-o but Zi-o dodge again and pulls out his Zikan Girade in blaster mode and he fires a few blast at Another Fourze but he missed and Another Friday dives down town Zi-o and Zi-o gets hit and was sent far back and land's on the floor.
Another Fourze lands on his feet and Zi-o slowly stands up and he start to charge up his blaster.
TIME CHARGE: 5....4...3....2...1...ZERO! SURE SURE UCH!
Zi-o fired a massive blast that hits another Fourze and sent him flying back and onto the ground. Zi-o pulls out the Ex-aid ride watch and place it into his Zikan Girade in blade mode.
Zi-o charges up towards Another Fourze and he slash him many times with game hits and then once slash cost Another Fourze to stumbled backwards and then he fell backwards and then exploded behind Zi-o.
Zi-o: Alright!
Anothrr Fourze ride watch flys to the air and fall down and Zi-o catches it and Another Fourze ride watch turn into a normal Fourze ride watch.
Woz: (smile) Great work my lord.
Zi-o: Thanks but we're not out of the woods let, time to help Gray.
We see Natsu still stuck at his cell until he hears footsteps and stands up ans surprised to see Happy and Lucy there.
Natsu: (smile) Happy, Lucy good to see yo-
Then he see Erza which made him scared as Erza just glare at him and after Natsu was freed Erza pulled Natsu by the ear.
Erza: (anger) So your the one that plan this S-Class job quest?
Natsu: (scared) W-Wait I-I can explain!
Erza: (anger) As soon we head back to the guild, the master will punish you, is that understood?
Natsu: (scared) Y-Yes ma'am.
Happy: Guys look!
They look out of the window and see its dark meaning the full moon will be out.
Lucy: Oh no!
Erza: Quick, we must meet up with Y/n, Woz and Gray before it's too late.
Natsu: (surprised) Wait Woz ans Y/n are here as well!?
Happy: Not much time to explain Natsu, let's go!
Natsu: Right.
Inside the ice wall we see Lyon and Gray fighting by using there ice magic at each other but Lyon was stronger and Gray try everything he could but nothing ans soon he fell to his knees and catching his breath as he looks up at Lyon as Lyon smirks and saids.
Lyon: There is no point of stopping me Gray. I've gone stronger over rather years after our masters death and soon Deliore will be free and I will be the one who will slay the creature once and for all!
Gray: (anger) You can't do this Lyon, I thought we were friends years ago.
Lyon: Friends? You were not even a part of our family. You were just a boy who foolish try yo challenge Deliore but in the end our master tooking the ultimate sacrifice and you gotten yourself to blame. If you haven't changed Deliore to a fight, our master would have still be alive today.
Gray knew it was his fault and if he hadn't face Deliore years ago, his master would have lived on. Gray shake his fist in anger and then stands up and said to Lyon.
Gray: Your right this was my fault. If I hadn't face off with Deliore our master would have still lived. I can't change the past but there is one thing I could do.
Then Gray cross his arms and then a huge wind along with ice surrounded them as Lyon see Gray is gonna used a forbidden ice spell that will cell Deliore for ever but Gray will die.
Lyon: Are you gonna used that same spell like years ago? I bet you won't do it.
Gray: Try me!
Gray forces hard on his magic and once it was charge he close his hands together and then shout.
Gray: ICE MAKE!!!!!!!!
Then suddenly the ice behind Gray breaks and the Gray gotten punched on the back of the head that ruin his concentration and fell on the ground.
Gray: Natsu what the hell are you-!
Gray looks up and was surprised to see Zi-o and not Natsu as Lyon was also surprised that Zi-o managed to break the ice with his hand but then Zi-o start to jump while holding his broken knuckles.
Zi-o: Owowowowowowo! Ice is sooo hard to punch! Ow!
Lyon: What a child.
Gray: Y/n what are you doing? This is my fight!
Zi-o: I know but I can't let you do this alone.
Gray: But this is my problem and-
Zi-o: Gray I'm not gonna do this alone, you hear!
Gray stays silent as Zi-o turns to Gray and then saids.
Zi-o: I understand why you want to do this on your own. Deliore murdered your whole village along with your family and I'm truly I'm sorry for your lost. But I cannot let to sacrifice yourself just like your master!
Gray: But......I.
Zi-o: Your master wanted you to live on and that's why she sacrifice herself so you can have a better life. You join a guild, made a many friends and have the happiness life you ever have. Are you gonna throw all that and do the same thing just as your master?
Gray realised that Zi-o was right. His master not just sacrifice herself so she would save many lives but so Gray could have a better life instead of driving of revenge as Gray start to tear up and remember his master face.
Gray: (tears) Ur.....Thank you.
Lyon: How pathetic, soon the ritual will be complete and Deliore will be free.
Then there was a massive roar and the room start to shake and Gray knew Deliore will be free but Zi-o pulls out a OOO Ride watch and saids.
Zi-o: I won't let that happen, I'll make sure Gray will have a life that his master have given him. No matter what!
Ziku driver: RIDER TIME! KAMEN RIDER ZI-O! ARMOR TIME! (Drum beat mixed with Tatoba combo's ending song) TAKA! TORA! BATTA! OOO!
Woz: Iwae! The one to inherit all rider powers, then time king who will rule over the past and the future! His name is Kamen rider Zi-o OOOArmor!
Lyon: I'll make sure you will fall.
Zi-o: Bring it!
Zi-o charges at Lyon with his claws ans Lyon fires ice sharps at Zi-o but he slice them with his claws and try to slice Lyon.
But he jumps back and he summons a large hammer above Zi-o and pulls it down but Zi-o dodges it and Lyon rushes towards Zi-o and kicks him and Zi-o lands on the ice walk and he lands on his feet.
Then Zi-o charges at Lyon and slashes him with his claws and Lyon stumbled backwards Lyon fires his ice sharps at Zi-o but Zi-o jumps high and jumps around as the ice walls a bit before he jumps quickly towards Lyon and slashes him and Lyon stumbled backwards as Zi-o lands on his feet and turn to him.
Lyon: This is impossible, how can you be able to defeat me?
Zi-o: Because I fight for peoples wishes to live on in peace. I won't let you hurt my friends or Gray because Gray deserves to be happy and Deserves to have a normal life like everyone!
Lyon: How dare you!
Lyon swing Zi-o with his ice sword but Zi-o dodges it and when Lyon try to swing it at Zi-o again he slice it with his claws and he kicks Lyon back.
Zi-o jumps to the air and three rings colours of red, Yellow ans Green appeared and Zi-o dive through them and towards Lyon and the Zi-o strikes on Lyon ans the floor below them breaks and Gray, Woz, Zi-o and Lyon fell down the hole while Zi-o still lands a rider kick on Lyon while saying.
Zi-o: Seiya!!!!!
Then they all landed on a large cave were Deliore would be at and there was a explosion when Zi-o and Luon lands as Zi-o jumps back and see Lyon on a ground defeated as Zi-o breath a sigh of relief while Gray and Woz looks at Zi-o while Gray couldn't believe he defeated Lyon.
Gray: (thought) I never thought he would actually defeat Lyon. He must be stronger as I thought.
Then there was a massive roar near them and Zi-o, Woz and Gray all turn and Gray was horrified to see Deliore free from its ice prison.
Gray: (shocked) Oh no!
Lyon: (laughter) Yes! YES! Now I can defeat Deliore and fulfill my destiny once and for all!
Zi-o looks at Lyon and back to Deliore and he knew what to do and he walks over to Deliore and Deliore turn to face him.
Gray: Y/n run away! You can't face Deliore by yourself!
Zi-o: I will and I will do this so you can have a better life then shaking in fear of Deliore's return. I won't let Deliore kill everyone in this village, not in my watch!
Deliore swing its massive claws at Zi-o but Zi-o dodge Deliore's strike and he lands on his feet and took out a fourze ride watch and press it.
Zi-o: Ok Deliore, time for you to taste the power of friendship!
Ziku driver: RIDER TIME! KAMEN RIDER ZI-O! ARMOR TIME! (Fast-paced triumphant music mixed with Fourze driver's stanby) 3,2,1! FOURZE!
Zi-o: Blast ooooooooooffffffffffff!!!!!!
Woz: Iwae! The one to inherit all rider powers, the time king who will rule over the past and the future! His name is Kamen rider Zi-o Fourze armor!
Zi-o: Alright Deliore time to fight man Monster!
Deliore roared to the air and fired his beam out of its mouth but Zi-o transform into a rocket and dodge the shot and flys around and hist Deliore many times with his rocket mode.
He then returns to his normal form and he fired rockets out of his fist and they land hits on Deliore and he roared out and stumbled backwards. Zi-o flys up in the air and punches Deliore in the face and this made Deliore mad and try to swing at Zi-o. But he dodge and he flys around and attacked Deliore many times while Gray, Woz and Lyon watch.
Lyon: There is no way this fool would be able to kill Deliore, he has no chance!
Zi-o flys around and then he hovers as Deliore roared at Zi-o and charge up his beam.
Zi-o: Alright Deliore time to end this!
Then Zi-o transform into a rocket and spone around ans he charges at Deliore while spinning and Deliore fire its powerful beam ans it hits Zi-o but he continues to spinning and try to break through the beam while Lyon and Gray watch in shock.
Zi-o struggled to break through and soon he managed to break through and lands a critical hit on Deliore's chest and Zi-o drill through Deliore and comes out of the other side. Deliore scream out on pain as Zi-o turn but to his normal form as Deliore start to explod around of his body and then he fell on the ground and there was a huge explosion as Zi-o stood up as Deliore was destroyed.
Gray and Lyon where shocked that Deliore was not only defeated but killed by Zi-o as Zi-o turn back and nods at Gray. Gray burst into tears and fell to his knees as he couldn't believe its all over.
Gray: (thought) Y/n.....thank you....thank you soo much.
Zi-o looks over and see the spirit of Ur there as she smiled at Zi-o ans Zi-o nods and after that he vanished. Then Lyon stumbled towards Zi-o ans Zi-o turns and Lyon was shocked by all this and asked.
Lyon: (shocked) How? How are you able to defeat Deliore so easily.
Then Zi-o punches Lyon in the face and he fell backwards on the ground and Lyon looks up at Zi-o and Zi-o saids.
Zi-o: I defeated Deliore because I have a reason to fight and that is making Gray and everyone's life a better place. You try to free Deliore, the same monster that your master sacrifice her life! You should be a shame for what you try to do and forgotten the times that your master not just take care of Gray but you. She was like your mother and you stab her in the back when you try to reveal Deliore!
Lyon was silent by Zi-o's words and he couldn't believe what he has done as he looks at the ground and can't believe what he has done.
Lyon: I am sorry, I wasn't thinking straight. I thought if I defeat Deliore myself then......I can make things better to the world.
Zi-o: But trying to free Deliore and trying to kill many villagers on this island isn't right and you know that.
Lyon: I know......I'm sorry.
Zi-o bend down and grab Lyon by the shoulder and Lyon looks up at Zi-o and Zi-o saids.
Zi-o: You can make things right, you can tell us how we turn everyone in the village back to there human forms.
Lyon stands up and so as Zi-o and Lyon saids.
Lyon: I don't know.
Zi-o: What do you mean?
Lyon: We didn't cost the village to be turned into monsters. We saw them when we got to the island and settled our base here, we didn't cost the cursed moon or the village transformation into monsters.
Zi-o was suspended that Lyon didn't cost the village to be monsters and Lyon turn and walks away but he turn back to Zi-o and said.
Lyon: Zi-o.....we will meet again some day andI promise, I will make things right.
Zi-o nods and then Lyon walks away and the disappeared just as Woz ans Gray run up to Zi-o and Gray asked.
Gray: Where is Luon?!
Zi-o: He left after I defeat Deliore.
Gray: Damn.
Zi-o: But he said he didn't cost the Moons cures or the villages monster forms.
Gray: So what now?
Woz: Lucy said that Moka told them to destroy the moon and that would break the curse.
Gray: But that's crazy, there is no way we can't destroy the moon.
Zi-o: Unless......
They turn to Zi-o as Zi-o thinks about something and he look up to see the purple light go through the wall that is powerd by the moon and he snap his fingers and have a idea.
Zi-o: Guys let's head back to village and do Moka a favour.
Gray: Huh?
Everyone returns back to village and Natsu and the rest were shocked to hear about Zi-o and Deliore's fight.
Natsu: That was awesome! I wish I was there to see it!
Happy: Yeah Deliore was large, I can't believe Y/n could have defeat him.
Woz: (smile) Of course he is the king after all.
Zi-o still in his fourze armor looks at the glowing purple moon and Moka walks up to Zi-o and asked.
Moka: Can you destroy the moon with your form?
Zi-o: You have my word Moka.
Lucy: But isn't that impossible?
Zi-o: True but I was wondering about something and I want to see if this is true. Well wish me luck.
Zi-o transform into a rocket and flys towards the moon which made Natsu and the rest surprised as Zi-o is gonna do it. Then suddenly Zi-o managed to land a hit on the moon and it starts to crack.
Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Gray and Erza: (thought) He actually crack the moon!
Then Zi-o breaks the moon but the sky also start to break ans then shatter as the real moon and sky was revealed to everyone which made Natsu and the rest confused as Zi-o lands on back down and Zi-o dehenshin and said.
Y/n: (smirk) Yep I was right.
Natsu: (shocked) What the hell is going on?!
Happy: (shocked) Yeah and why was there a huge glass dorm around the island.
Y/n: Because the cures moon above us was actually fake this whole time.
Erza: But we enter the island and there wasn't any dorm that block our way?
Y/n: That's because it was close in day time. It only activated when it is night time and thats why. This island isn't actually cursed unless someone put a large magic dorm around it and then made everyone believe this island was actually cursed.
Happy: That makes sense but why isn't the villagers return back yo there human forms yet?
Y/n: Actually I believe this is there true forms and there human forms are their disguised so people who come to this island won't warn people of actual monsters. This magic dorm must of block out there memories so they think they were actually cursed.
Natsu: (surprised) Wow seriously!?
???: It's true.
They turn and Natsu, Lucy, Happy and Gray were shocked to see Bobo and Moka was shocked as well.
Moka: (shocked) Bobo!?
Lucy: (surprised) It's you?
Gray: (surprised) But we thought you fell of boat and drowned.
Then Bobo spread his demon wings and fly up in the air which made everyone surprised.
Bobo: Sorry I couldn't tell you about my demon powers. Many years ago I knew about this magic dorm and try to tell everyone so it was too late so I fake my death and ran far away as I could.
Woz: That would explain why Gray said about thought but there was grave of you at the village.
Moka: (tears) Bobo, is that you?
Bobo: (smile) Sorry I couldn't tell you, hope you forgive me.
Then Moka spread his demon wings and fly over to Bobo and hugs him. All the village people start to remember and they start to fly as well as they cheer and glad everything was back to normal as Natsu and the rest smiled and Woz close his book and said.
Woz: Iwae! The village has been saved by the might king and his allies who have faced the greatest battle in their lives. But the mighty king and his allies succeed and free this island from this curse, free cheers for Zi-o and his allies!
All the villagers cheered for Y/n and everyone else as they smiled and they were glad that everything was over and tehy can head home tomorrow.
It was a new day at the town of Magnolia and we see Alex sat on a hospital bed just looking out of the window when someone said.
???: So you must be Geiz, I'm I right?
Alex turn to see Makarov as he walks over to Alex and Alex saids.
Alex: Yes, I am.
Makarov: My name is Master Makarov, Fairy Tails guild master and I hear that you try to kill one of my members.
Alex: Yes, Y/n is a threat that must be destroyed.
Makarov: I see and have you seen Y/n did any bad things?
Alex: but he told me.
Makarov: Who told you?
Alex: I cannot say.
Makarov looks at Alex and he picks up the Geiz ride watch and looks at it.
Makarov: Hmm I see you have strong power within this watch haven't you?
Alex: What do you want from me?
Makarov: Well I came so we can make a deal.
Alex: What deal?
Makarov: If you still believe that Y/n is a threat then join my guild and go on several jobs with Y/n and you will see that he isn't a bad person, infact he's actually proving to be very loyal to the guild even though he is the king.
Alex: Do you believe that Zi-o is still a good guy?
Makarov: Of course, so what do you say?
Makarov pulls out us hand towards Alex and he looks at Makarov's hand and then he shakes on it and said.
Alex: Fine, I join your guild only to proof to you all that Zi-o is the greatest threat that Earthland has ever have.
To be continued......
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