Chapter 6: True warrior

Y/n was at his home back to Magia after the Eisenwald guild and the Lullaby and all the memories of Eisenwald members were surrounded including Kageyama he promised Y/n that once he was out, he be a better man and that was that.

Now we see Y/n in the kitchen making some cooking after he got up and once he finishes his coffee he walk into the living room where Woz was there and turn to him.

Woz: Good more my lord.

Y/n: Hey Woz how is things?

Woz: Good the guild is getting word about your actions against the Eisenwald guild and Another Kuuga.

Y/n: That sounds good.

Woz: I know and soon all of Earthland will know you and you will be king in no time.

Y/n: Still Geiz is still put there and he may mistaken me as Ohma Zi-o and try yo take me out.

Woz: Never worry about him, as long you have more forms, you'll be able to face him once more.

Y/n: (smile) Guess your right.

Woz: Oh I almost forgot about today.

Y/n: What about today?

Woz: A fight between Natsu and Erza?

Y/n:....Oh that, well let's see what's going on.

Woz: Good idea.



Y/n and Woz arrived at the guild were they see all the guild around Natsu ans Erza as they were about to fight. Y/n and woz see Lucy, Gray, Elfman, Mirajane and Emma there so they walk up to them and Emma said while crossing her arms.

Emma: This is just stupid, why is Natsu is fighting an S-Class wizard?

Gray: That's Natsu he always challenge any new wizard to fight him to test his strength.

Emma: That's just stupid.

Elfman: But mainly at the same time.

Gray: He maybe challenge you to a fight one day Y/n.

Y/n: Really you sure?

Gray: Yeah.

Lucy: (whisper) I hope not.

Y/n: Still do you think Erza and Natsu would be a great team?

Woz: I positive that one day they would work together and help there mighty king.

Y/n: I hope your right Woz.

Then the fight begins as Natsu fired his fire breath at Erza but she dodge and requip into her red flaming armor and they continue the fight while everyone else cheerd them on.

While Happy was placing bets on who will win the fight. Y/n watch them go in amazement and Erza and Natsu were about to land a hit on each other one someone said.

???: Stop this fighting!

Everyone stop and turn and a few step aside as a frog face woman walk through the crowd and said.

Magic Council woman: I have come here by the magic Council for an important mission.

Levy: (shocked) A memory of the magic Council?

Cana: Why would they come here?

Y/n: (thought) I'm i not theory one that she is a frog?!

Magic Council member: We have a reports of what happened to both towns cost by the Eisenwald guild and we are here to bring someone to the magic Council. Erza Scarlet your here by under arrest.

Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe the magic Council are gonna to arrest Erza.


Everyone was sat by the guild and still shocked to wait just happened. It was silence for a while and Y/n can't stand it and slam his hand onto the table and storm off.

Makarov: Where are you going?

Y/n: I'm gonna help Erza, that's what I'm gonna do.

Elfman: Are you crazy kid.

Alzack: The magic Council are the most powerful government in this land. Try to do something stupid would anger them.

Y/n: But they would have no right just to arrest Erza after what happened to the Eisenwald guild. Me, Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Woz and Gray were there so how come they didn't arrest all of us?

Everyone was silenced and Y/n turn  to Makarov.

Y/n: Makarov you can't just sit there and just let them take away one of your guild members without any reasons why.

Makarov was also silence and Natsu who was turned in a small lizard and trap in a cup said.

Natsu: He's right, we have to go and help her.

Y/n: Look Erza is our friends but more importantly a part of our family so if she's in troubles one of us will go and help her out so who's with me.

Everyone just stay there in silence and Y/n just sigh and turn and run out of the guild.

Elfman: Do want me to...

Makarov: No leave him. He maybe a child but he has a good heart and truly cares others like a real king.

Everyone was silence but also kinda ashamed they couldn't have go with him to help Erza.

Lucy: (thought) Please be safe Y/n and come back.


Y/n rode his bike to the magic Council HQ to help Erza and he could see it ahead of him.

Y/n: (thought) Don't worry Erza, I'm almost there.

Then a huge time mazine fly over Y/n and transform into its bot form right in front of him.

Y/n: (shocked) Wow!

The bot punch down to the ground and Y/n move quickly to the right and he fell off of his bike and rolled on the ground. Y/n looks up and see Alex exit outbof the bot ans Y/n stood up.

Alex: I see your gonna destroy the magic Council but it won't happen.

Y/n: I'm not gonna destroy them, I'm gonna help Erza now get out of my way!

Alex: Yeah right this time thee will be no distractions.


Y/n: I don't want to fight you but if your gonna be my way then so be it.


Alex: Henshin!

Y/n: Henshin!

Ziku driver: RIDER TIME! (Electronic beat) KAMEN RIDER ZI-O!

Ziku driver: RIDER TIME! (Electronic riff) KAMEN RID~ER GEIZ!

Geiz charge at Zi-o and so as Zi-o and they began to fight. Geiz give blows yo Zi-o but Zi-o grab his fist and punch Geiz with his other fist and Geiz stumbled back but runs up and kicks Zi-o and Zi-o fly back a bit but landed on his feet and took out his Zikan Girade.



The two riders clash there blades at each other and managed to give slashes to each other. Zi-o kicks Geiz and he stumbled back and Geiz turn his Zikan Zac to bow mode and fired a few shots at Zi-o but Ziku dodge them and jumo to the life and and change his into blaster and fired at Geiz and he gets hit couple of times.

Geiz: I must say your getting stronger but it will not last very long.

Zi-o: Listen Geiz I don't know why you think I'm Ohma Zi-o but I'm not. I'm gonna help someone in there court.

Geiz: What a made up story from a demon king like you.


Ziku driver: RIDER TIME! (Electronic riff) KAMEN RID~ER GEIZ! ARMOR TIME! (Mach standby music) MACH! MACH!

Geiz went fast and slash Zi-o with quick speed and one slash sent Zi-o onto the grass but Zi-o took out the drive ride watch and slide it in and spone it.

Ziku driver: RIDER TIME! (Electronic beat) KAMEN RIDER ZI-O! ARMOR TIME! ( Electronic pop mixed with brass riff similar to type Speed's) DRIVE! DRIVE!

Zi-o also gose fast as Geiz and Zi-o ram each other around the feild for a while until Zi-o managed to ram Geiz hard enough to landed him onto the ground. Geiz stood up amd took out his Zikan Zax in bow mode and place a beast ride watch in it.


Geiz pulled the trigger and animals appeared and try to hit Zi-o but he dodge them all until Geiz change his Zikan zac into axe mode and slash Zi-o when he comes towards Geiz.

Zi-o was sent flying and land onto the ground and Geiz walks up to him and said.

Geiz: I won't let you ruin the future of Earthland. Its over.

Zi-o slowly stood up and took out his Kuuga ride watch.


Geiz stop as Zi-o slide it onto his ziku driver and spon it.

Ziku driver: ARMOR TIME! (Epic string music, followed by mighty form transformation noise) KUUGA! (arcle post transformation noise)

Zi-o charge up at Geiz and blow powerful punches to Geiz which surprised Geiz as he stumbled back and try to rush in and strike him with his Zikan zax but Zi-o grabs Geiz arm and punch Geiz twice in the stomach and punch Geiz upwards in the face.

Geiz landed onto the ground and he slowly stood up as Zi-o press two ride watch and spone it.


Zi-o jump into the air and rider kicks Geiz and that cost Geiz to sent flying into the forest and onto the ground where he dehenshin and fell unconscious as Zi-o land on his feet and said to Geiz.

Zi-o: I'm sorry for this Geiz, but I have no choice.

Zi-o dehenshin and run up yo his bike and drive off towards the magic Council to help Erza.


We see Erza in court as the magic Council were at the front and they talk to Erza about what happened to at Oshibana Station and Clover town.

Gran: Erza Scarlet there have been many reports of what happened at Oshibana Station and Clover town. Witnesses told us about a female armor warrior face off against a datk guild and want more face off against a huge monster and cost choas. The Witnesses say that she has long red hair and had a fairy tail logo on the chest of her armor.

Then suddenly the door swing open behind Erza and Erza hear.

Y/n: Erza!

Erza quickly turn and was shocked to see Y/n there and he walk up next to her.

Erza: (shocked) Y/n what are you doing here?

Y/n: I came to help you and try to convince the magic Council of what happened when we face off against the Eisenwald guild. I won't let you do yhis on your own.

Erza was surprised and blushed as Y/n said that and Y/n turn to the magic Council.

Org: How did you enter the magic Council HQ?!

Y/n: I'm sorry if I interrupted this but let me tell what happened and this may convince yous that Erza us innocent.

Gran: We can't allow you to...

Seigrain: Hold on Gran, I want to hear what he saids.

Belno: Are you serious Seigrain?

Seigrain: Just let the young man speak after all he was with Erza when Eisenwald guild attack the station.

They whispee to each other for a while until they turn to Y/n and said.

Gran: Alright you may speak your reason as why Erza Scarlet is innocent.

Y/n nods and steps forward and saids to them.

Y/n: Erza Scarlet was the one who lead us into battle because Eisenwald guild has this cures item known as Lullaby and there plan is yo use it to kill the guild masters. I and some of my friends go with Erza and help her defeat the Eisenwald guild. If wasn't for her all guilds would have lost there masters including ours, Erza is strong and honorable warrior who will save the once that she cares and risk her own life to save others. If that isn't a true warriors honour to yous then I don't know what is.

The magic Council were surprised of Y/n speech including Erza who never her someone said kind things to her for a while ans Y/n continues on saying.

Y/n: I see Erza fight and her determined to not just save her own guild but others and thats makes Erza innocent because she'll a warrior with a heart to keep on going until the very end!

After Y/n speech and Magic Council were silenced as they whisper to each other and for about a minute Gran stood up and turn to Erza.

Gran: We apologise of your arrest and we here by your free to go by the magic Council without any charges.

Erza: (surprised) Um Th-Thank I will be in my best behaviour.

Gran nods and then Erza and Y/n left and court and tehy talk about Y/n.

Yajima: That boy has some heart to care about his guild members.

Michello: Yes we never been shocked of his speach and words.

Siegrain: I think there is more to Y/n then we thought.

Gran: Why did you allow that boy to talk Seigrain?

Siegrain: (smirk) Because I think he is special to this world as we thought.


Erza was now back at the guild and everyone was shocked of how Y/n told the magic Council off and how they apologise and left.

Natsu: That was soo cool!

Happy: Yeah lucky you didn't go to jail with Erza.

Gray: It was a close call.

Y/n: Yeah I was kinda worried I'm gonna be in trouble after that speech.

Lucy: (smile) Lucky your safe and sound.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah I know.

Nastu: Well since she's back.

Nastu walk up to Erza whike she was eating her cake and Natsu said.

Nastu: (smirk) Alright Erza time to continue what we start off.

Erza: I'm in a mood to fight no more.

Nastu: Come on let's do this!

Erza: Jeez.

Natsu rush up to Erza and Erza stood up and punch Natsu in at stomach and Y/n and the rest was shocked as we could hear Para-Dx knock out finisher.


Natsu fell onto the ground as Erza sit back down and eat and Y/n sat on a chair across her.

Y/n: That was a nice punch.

Erza: Thanks and....Thank you for coming to me.

Y/n: (smile) Sure if you have any problems you come to me and I'll help.

Erza: (blush) Th-Thank you Y/n.

Y/n smiles and Erza was about to eat one bit of eat when she stopped and drop the fork onto the ground and she felt sleepy.

Y/n: Erza you ok?

Erza: Don't tell me...he's.....

Then Erza fell onto the grand Y/n gotten out and aid her.

Y/n: Erza? What's wrong, Erza?!

Y/n was about to turn to ask for help but he was surprised to see everyone has suddenly falling asleep as Maken was barely awake and see Y/n still awake.

Makarov: Your not infection by mystogans sleep spell.

Y/n: Who?

Then Y/n hears foot steps behind him and quickly turn and see a cloaked figure enter the guild and walk passed Y/n not phased how Y/n is still awake and walk up to the job board and took out a job paper.

Y/n: Hey! What did you do to my friends!

Mystogan turns to Y/n and Y/n was kinda scared by how he looks and he stares at him for a while and then he walk away the job board ane to Makarov.

Mystogan: I will return.

Makarov: Before you go remove your sleeping spell.

Y/n: (thought) I don't understand what's going on here?

Mystogan turn to walk away but he said something to Y/n while walking pass him.

Mystogan: Its nice knowing you...Zi-o.

Y/n was shocked and turn around and Mystogan start to count backwards as he walks out of the guild hall. After that everyone suddenly woke up escape for Natsu.

Emma: Who the bloody happened to us?

Elfman: It must be Mystogan.

Lucy: Wait who is Mystogan?

Woz: If I remember he is a mysterious member to the guild and used a sleep spell to put all of us asleep.

Lucy: That's creepy.

Y/n: But I wasn't infected by his spell. So how come he didn't put me to sleep?

Makarov: Because he may see you something in you and thats why.

Y/n turn to Makarov and asked.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Makarov: Mystogan doesn't like people to see his face but for some reason he must of not put you to sleep because he wants you to see him again so one day...he may assist you in a mission or something.

Y/n: You think so?

???: What you don't believe him kid?

Everyone looks up and see a guy with short blonde hair with a scare on his right eye.

Macao: (surprised) Laxus!

Wakaba: And here's another guy that doesn't show up.

Laxus: Maybe he needs someone strong enough to be his friend and thats why he looks at you kid.

Natsu suddenly woke up and stood up.

Nastu: Ok Laxus time to fight, you and me!

Emma: Haven't you gonna your ass beaten by Erza?

Laxus: (smirk) Really what makes you think you can beat me, you couldn't even beat the red hair chick there her stupid requip powers.

Erza: (anger) What was that Laxus.

Gray: (scared) Please calm down Erza.

Laxus: This guild has nothing but weak and foolish guild members. If I were guild master I would be making this guild stronger ever then before.

Nastu: (anger) What about you come down and I'll show you.

Laxus: (smirk) You come up to me and let's see.

Nastu: (anger) Fine!

Nastu jump over and bar and was about to head up to the second floor and Makarov size his huge arm and slam Natsu onto the ground and stop him from going to the second floor.

Makarov: Your not allowed to go on the second floor Natsu, not yet anyways.

Laxus: (smirk) Woah you are weak.

Natsu: (anger) Why you!

Makarov: That's enough Laxus.

Laxus: Listen here everyone there is only one strong member in this guild hall, and you know who that is (points at himself) Your looking at him.

Everyone were pissed by Laxus rudeness and additive.

Y/n: (thought) I can guess why they are surprised Laxus doesn't show up here.


It was the afternoon and we see Y/n and Erza at one of Erza's favourite restaurants to have something to eat and Y/n said.

Y/n: You don't really have to do this Erza.

Erza: (smile) No you help me in that court so its my treat, besides your actually the only one that show no fear towards me.

Y/n: Well how come everyone fears you?

Erza: Its not for bad reason they just get scared when I get mad if they do something stupid.

Y/n: So your like Makarov's second in command or something like that?

Erza: You could say that.

Y/n: So how many S-Class wizard's are they in our guild?

Erza: Well as you know there is me, Mystogan, Laxus and Mirajane.

Y/n: Huh thats interesting and how come Laxus acts like a jerk?

Erza: He always been like that and sometimes I don't understand how he even is an S-Class wizard.

Y/n: Yeah I'm thinking the same thing as well. I also heard from Mirajane that you, Gray and Natsu know each other?

Erza: Yeah when I first came to the guild I see arguing so a beat them several times everyday until they stop. Sometimes I caught them fighting so I hav etc stop them.

Y/n: So you don't like friends fighting friends?

Erza: No we are in a guild and we should get along each other better instead of fighting.

Y/n: Well its not always like that Erza. Sometimes we get along while sometimes we fight, its what being in a family is about.

Erza: Yeah I guess your righy.

The waiter brought one cake for Erza and the other for Y/n and they start to eat. Y/n look over to Erza and see she was enjoying hers.

Y/n: (smile) You like cakes?

Erza: Yeah but my favourite one is a strawberry short cake one.

Y/n: Huh mine as well.

Erza: (surprised) Really I never knew you like that.

Y/n: I usually have one on Fridays after a long day of work and enjoy eating it while watching sports on TV.

Erza: I see....hey Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

Erza: (smile) Want one of mine?

Y/n was surprised and nods and he took a bit on Erza's cake and swallow it.

Y/n: (smile) Mmmm that's good.

Erza: (smile) I haven't have been this happy for a while.

Y/n: When was the last time you have this moment?

Erza was silent for a bit and looks down and Y/n said.

Y/n: Oh I'm sorry if I....

Erza: No its ok, it has been a while since I was happy.

Y/n: (smile) Alright let's enjoy ourselves.

Erza: (smile) Sure.

They continue eating there cake and after that it was night time and they arrive back at Y/n's house and Erza said.

Erza: Afternoon was great, maybe we could do this another day.

Y/n: (smile) Sure I'll see you at the guild hall Erza.

Erza: (smile) Of course, oh one more thing.

Y/n turn and was about to ask when Erza lend in and kiss Y/n on the cheek. Y/n blush bright red and Erza smile and said.

Erza: (smile) That's for saying all these kind things to me at the Magic Council. Well I see you tomorrow Y/n.

Then Erza walk up with a smile in her face and Y/n watch her go and also smile and he walks into his home and gose to sleep.

(Next day)

Y/n enter the guild hall and see everyone was panicking and worrying and Y/n thought whats going on and Emma and Woz walk up to Y/n.

Woz: My lord you have came just in time.

Y/n: So what's going on, why is everyone in a panic mode again?

Emma: Happy stole an S-Class request board off the wall.

Y/n: (shocked) What?!

Elfman: If that's true then Natsu and Lucy is going there.

Y/n: Where's Gray?

Laki: He want out to go after them and take them back but he hasn't come back with Natsu, Lucy or Happy.

Cana: They are stupid for going on a dangerous job.

Y/n: Not Lucy, she would never do this.

Laxus: Hey its possible, I bet she's going with them to be strong as well.

Wakaba: Shut up Laxus!

Macao: Yeah you didn't do anything when Happy stole it.

Y/n: (shocked) What?! How could you let them go on a dangerous job!

Laxus: (smirk) Oh relax kid they would be fine.

Laxus jump off the second floor and landed on his feet and walks over to Y/n while saying.

Laxus: The blue kitty was trying to be sneaky so I let him do on his business. Besides if do succeed the mission they would be able to return to the guild after that stunt.


Laxus: Oh your not saying anything huh? You supposed to be this future king so what about you say something before I......

Y/n: How can you even call yourself a S-Class wizard.

Laxus: Huh?

Y/n: (anger) Your reckless actions has cost four members to go on a dangerous mission without no S-Class wizard and they are gonna get hurt or worse die because of you! Its your own damn fault that you couldn't have stop Happy from taking that job and your fault that they are going on a dangerous mission. How can you call yourself a true S-Class wizard if you not alone show respect to your guild members but LETTING ONE GOING ON A DANGEROUS JOB THAT WILL KILL THEM!

Everyone in the guild hall were shocked of Y/n scalding Laxus off and Laxus wasn't happy and sparks of electricity appears on his hand and he was about yo said something when Makarov said.

Makarov: He is right.

Laxus turn to Makarov and Makarov looks up at him and said.

Makarov: You in danger four of our members become your reckless action. I'm sorry I have to say this but your no longer an S-Class wizard no more.

Laxus: (shocked) What! You can't do that gramps!

Makarov: I'm sorry Laxus.

Laxus shake his fist in anger and turn to glare at Y/n and Y/n glares at him back and Laxus walks away not only saying to Y/n.

Laxus: Watch your back kid.

Then Laxus storms out of the guild hall and Y/n ask Makarov.

Y/n: Where are Natsu and teh rest are going?

Makarov: There taking a job at a cure island.

Y/n: I'm going after them.


Makarov: You'll not an S-Class wizard Y/n.

Y/n: I know.

Y/n hops on his bike and puts on his helmet and said.

Y/n: But as a king, I has to risk things to save my friends.

Then Y/n ride out of the guild and rides off as everyone watch him on.

Makarov: (thought) You maybe not an S-Class wizard Y/n....but good luck and be safe.

To be continue......

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