Chapter 3: The red hair warrior

In the town of magnolia we hear large foot steps and a large shadow on the floor and people turn and see in shock as they see one person holding a large horn through the streets as everyone watched.

This person his a female with battle armor on her and a fairy tail logo on he chest of it. She also has long red hair and she walk through the streets to Magnolia and heading to the fairy tail guild.

(At Y/n's house)

We see Y/n brushing his teeth in the bathroom and after he did that look at himself in the mirror and think to himself about yesterday when he fights Geiz.

Y/n: (thought) Me as Ohma zi-o? That's impossible I would never do something evil. Though in my dreams that Ohma guy kinda looks like me but it has to be something that may explain.

Woz: Good morning my lord.

Y/n just back and see Woz at his living room.

Y/n: How did you get in here?

Woz: I teleport myself here.

Y/n: You can do that?

Woz: Well yes, its part of my magic.

Y/n: Alright but used the door next time and knock.

Woz: I will do that my lord.

Y/n: Well let's head to the guild and see whats happening.

Woz: Right my lord.


(At the fairy tail guild)

Woz and Y/n head inside and see everyone having a good time. Y/n walk up to the bar and was met by Lucy walking up to him.

Lucy: (smile) Hey Y/n and Woz, mind if i be on your team.

Y/n: Whata wrong being with Natsu ans Happys team?

Lucy: Its not working out, the last time I go out on a job they used me to get in this rich guys mansion by dressing up as a maid.

Woz: Some guys never understand how to treat a women right.

Y/n: So what happened after your jobs?

Lucy: Let just say it didn't end up nicely.

Y/n: Oh right.

Woz: The magic Council's will be upset if another town has been damaged.

Y/n: Magic Council's?

Woz: They are these powerful wizard's that control over the kingdom ans other guilds. They make sure the other guilds is in line other wise.....

Then Natsu came up behind Y/n and Lucy and said in a creppy voice.

Natsu: People in black come and burns yous alive.

Lucy and Y/n got scared and Natsu laughed before getting hit on the head by Emma who came up to them.

Emma: Don't be an idiot.

Y/n: People in black?

Woz: He ment by the dark wizard's. They are Criminals and outlaws who take dangerous and deadlines jobs. They even sometimes take on assassination quest.

Y/n: Would the time Jackers join one of them?

Emma: They do but only to give life to there another riders and after they were taking out they left.

Lucy: Scary.

Natsu: (smile) Hey Y/n you wanna join us?

Happy: Yeah you be the best with your abilities.

Y/n: Um sure OK.

Then Gray from another call out to Y/n and said.

Gray: (smirk) I'll watger not be those brain heads. You be better off with nother team like me.

Cana and Emma: Your clothes Gray.

Gray panicked and Natsu said.

Natsu: Shut up Ice brains.

Gray head that and he got into Natsu's face and they argued while Y/n, Emma and Woz watched.

Emma: (sigh) I never understand why guys act like that.

Woz: Yeah and that as well.

They look over and see Loki trying to hit on Lucy but it wasn't working.

Y/n: Yeah I agree.

Y/n walk up to the bar and sat down and Mirajane walk up and asked.

Mirajane: You need anything Y/n?

Y/n: No thanks Mirajane.

Mirajane: (smile) Ok.

Y/n: Wait actually I want to ask you something.

Mirajane: About what?

Y/n: About this Erza girl? Where is she and how come I never seen her?

Mirajane: Thats because she's an S-Class wizard.

Y/n: What's that?

Mirajane: S-Class wizard's are granted by the master in different guilds so other wizard's can go out and take on dangerous ans challenging jobs. The request boards from down her are like children jobs while above us in the second floor is all the jobs that may ended your life or take years to complete.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow so that's why I never seen people on the second floor.

Mirajane: Its only for the S-Class wizard's but I think you be up there one day. In fact I was an S-Class until I stop doing that and work here.

Y/n: Do you think I'll be up there?

Mirajane: (smile) Yep and when you do I give you a free drink to celebrate.

Y/n: (smile) You don't to do that Mira......

Then Loki came inside the guild slaming the door open and shouted.

Loki: We have a problem!

Everyone stare at Loki for a while until he said.

Loki: Its erza, she's coming here.

Everyone freak out as Y/n watched. Then they heard heavy foot steps heading towards the guild. Everyone was whispering to each other as the steps were getting closer and closer.

Emma: Is this Erza girl supposed to be scary?

Woz: or very strong what Natsu told me and lord Y/n.

Lucy: (scared) She must be a monster after all.

Emma: What is up with your imagination?

Then she came inside the guikd her carrying a large horn which shocked Y/n as she sat the massage horn down and asked.

Erza: I have returned, where is the master?

Y/n: (thought) Wow she's actually pretty.

Mirajane: (smile) Welcome back Erza the master is away right but he'll be back soon.

Erza: I see.

1 guild member: So whats with the horn?

Erza: This was the horn of the master, after I defeated it the village decorated it with jewels. Do you have a problem with it?

1 guild member: (scared) N-No nothing at all!

Y/n: (thought) Wow she strike fear to everyone but she's not that bad.

Erza: Listen up! While I was away ive heard some things. Fairy tail has been costing nothing but trouble. The master doesn't matter but I do. But there is also many would of a new member that is gonna to be king, so who ever this person is speak out now.

Everyone was silent until Y/n reach out and said.

Y/n: I-I did?

Erza stare at Y/n and Y/n walk up to Erza and he introduce himself.

Y/n: I'm Y/n L/n also known as Kamen rider Zi-o.

Erza: I see so why do you want to become king?

Y/n: Because I just want to make the world happy and stop a time jackers from hurting anyone ever again.

Erza: I see.

Then Woz step up and said to Erza.

Woz: This man has been given the powers to summon things from different time ans transport them to this time line.

Erza: Really? Can you show me?

Y/n: Um show.

Y/n focus his mind and then there was a flash and everyone cover there eyes and once the it was gone Y/n open his eyes and on his hand was red flowers and Erza stare at the flowers and Y/n so he give the flowers to Erza and said.

Y/n: Flowers?

The guild thinks that he is screwed because she beats anyone who try to flirt with her or hit on her however Erza suddenly blush and take the and said.

Erza: (blush) Th-Thank you Y/n. I gess your alright here in our guild.

Everyone was surprised that she thanked him for the flowers and Erza stare at Y/n still blushing until Y/n asked.

Y/n: Are you ok Erza?

Erza: Huh? Oh yes I'm ok (clear throat) Where is Natsu and Gray.

They look over and see Natsu and Gray side by side arms are there necks like there good friends but they were scared.

Gray: (scared) Oh hi Erza, we are just hanging out like good old friends.

Natsu: (scared) Aye.

Lucy: (surprised) Why is Natsu saying like happy?!

Erza: Good, I'm glad you two are getting along well.

Emma: Why is Natsu and Gray are acting like friends all of a sudden?

Mirajane: Many years ago Natsu challenge Erza to a fight but that didn't ended well.

Lucy: That was dumb.

Mirajane: Gray was also beating up becoming he wasn't wearing any clothes.

Emma: I won't blame her.

Erza: Still I think your skills will be useful for this job.

Y/n: What do you mean by that?

Erza: There is a talking going around while I was making my way here and I need some help. I'm asking Natsu and Gray to assist me in this battle.

Everyone was surprised that Erza needs help from two guild members. Then Y/n asked.

Y/n: Can I help yous?

This surprised everyone and even Erza as she asked.

Erza: Why is that, this job will be dangerous.

Y/n: I know but if I'm gonna to be king I must help everyone and protect those that can't protect there self's and thats what a nice king would do.

Erza was surprised about Y/n determination to help others and she smiled which surprised everyone and said.

Erza: (smile) Alright you may join us. Meet us at Magnolia Station tomorrow morning.

Y/n: I will thank you.

Erza turn to walk away but she can't help blushing as she thinks about Y/n.

Erza: (thought) This boy is actually different to the rest. He's nice and.....actually cute as well.

Erza heads out as Woz said.

Woz: Looks like this is the being of Y/n's team.

Lucy: huh?

Woz: He and his team will form a unstoppable team in fairy tail and maybe....the world.

(Next day)

We see Y/n and Woz walking up to the station were they see Gray and Natsu arguing again. Y/n see Lucy and Happy and they walk over to her.

Woz: It seems they are still arguing again.

Lucy: Yeah they are hopeless.

Y/n: Why are you here Lucy?

Lucy: Well Mirajane told me to go with them so they won't cost any trouble.

Happy: But it looks your doing a terrible job.

Lucy: Just like i said, they are hopeless.

Y/n: So when do you think Erza will be here?

Erza: Sorry I am late, its a while to pack my stuff up.

They turn and Lucy and Y/n were shocked to see Erza has a small cart that holds lots of her suit case's and other stuff. While Natsu and Gray gone back to bing good friends when Erza came up.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow that's a lot.

Lucy: (surprised) Yeah no kidding.

Erza: (smile) I'm glad you are here Y/n and who are your other friends?

Lucy: I'm Lucy and I'm here to learn to help yous hope you don't mind.

Woz: And I'm Woz, Y/n's assist to become king.

Erza: (smile) Its nice to have a few more people to help us. Especially you Lucy, ive heard you've taking out a huge man with your pinky finger.

Lucy: (scared) Oh yeah that sure happened.

Y/n and Woz look at each other with confused faces until Natsu walk up to Erza and asked.

Natsu: Hey Erza after we finish this job I want to ask you something.

Erza: Oh yeah whats that?

Gray: No don't be a fool!

Natsu: When we return badk I want a rematch. I was weak in the past but now I'm stronger and now I'm ready for a rematch.

Erza: I've seen you have been training so alright. As soon we return back we can have a rematch.

Natsu: Hell yeah!

Erza: Now lets go before the train goes without us.

They nod and they head inside the train and the train take part.


We see Nastu, Lucy, Gray and Erza at the other side of the seats with Happy on Lucy's lap while Y/n and Woz were at the other. Nastu was laying on the ground sick because of his weakness to movable transport.

Woz: Poor dragon slayer, it seems he has been falling once again by his greatest enemy.

Erza: Its alright I'll take care of it. Lucy may you please move next to Gray?

Lucy: Um yeah sure.

Lucy sat next to Gray while Natsu rest back his head on the seat as Erza said.

Erza: Just rest easy.

Natsu: (sick) Ok.

Then Erza punch Natsu in the stomach and Natsi fell on Erza's lap and passed out.

Erza: There now we can relax.

Y/n: (thought) She is strong with that punch.

Gray: Ok Erza what is this mission that you need us for?

Erza: I've gotten word of a dark guild named the Eisenwald guild has a curst item that my threat the kingdom. This item is the flute named Lullaby.

Y/n: Lullaby?

Woz: Its a dangerous flute that kills people if one person plays it.

Erza: Thats right, I over heard one conversation by a few Eisenwald guild members and they managed there leader named Erigor who is running this situation.

Woz: If I'm right he is also called the grimm Reaper become he only takes assassination jobs.

Y/n: (shocked) Seriously?

Erza: Correct he his deadly and can used air magic as his magic.

Gray: So whats there plan?

Erza: I think there gonna used Lullaby to kill people for there sick game but I really don't know their true plan. I shouldn't have known there plans even more.

Y/n: Don't beat yourself Erza, What ever their plans is we can stop them.

Erza: (blush) Th-thats right.

The train soon stop at a small rest stop with a station to get some food and tehy get off to get some things and they back into the train and the train start up again. They were eating their food when Y/n asked.

Y/n: Hey Erza, what is your magic?

Happy: Erza's magic is pretty. So pretty that made her enemies bleed.

Lucy: (scared) Jeez that's dark.

Erza: I don't know, Gray's magic is more pretty then mine.

Gray: What this?

Gray place his first into his hand there was white smoke and Gray open his fist to see a ice statue of the fairy tail logo.

Gray: I used ice magic.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow thats awesome.

Woz: No wonder you and Natsu always argue. You are ice and natsu is fire.

Lucy: Yeah talking about not a best match.

Erza: Huh, never though as that. But anyways Y/n I've also heard that you can changing into forms.

Y/n: Yeah with these.

Y/n show Erza the Ziku driver and zi-o watch and Erza was interesting with it.

Erza: Huh that is interesting. Are they powered by magic?

Y/n: Well kinda.

Woz: Each Rider watch has a power inside that is based on past riders.

Erza: (smile) Hm interesting I hope I see them in battle.

Y/n: (smile) Well i won't fail you.

Erza's felt a bit happy when Y/n smiles at her and kinda blush because of it.

(At onibas Station)

The train stop and everyone hop off and they were about to head out of the station until Happy asked.

Happy: Wait wheres Natsu?

Lucy: Wait he should be here right?

Y/n: Do you think that he's.....?

Then they all soon realise as the train start up and we see Natsu still in the train alone as the train sped off.

Happy: Here is gose again.

Woz: Agreed.

Erza: Damn I forgotten about him. We were so busy talking that I completely forgotten about him. This was my fault, I want one of yous to slam me for my failures.

Lucy: Yeah no thanks

Y/n: We all forget about Natsu, don't beat yourself up for a mistake.

Erza blush once again as Y/n pulls out a ridewatch and press it.


Then watch transform into a bike and Y/n hop on.

Y/n: I'll get Natsu back and meet yous back here.

Y/n start up his bike and rides off to go after Natsu.


We see a man walking up to a sick Natsu and see the fairy tail logo.

???: Hey you must be one of those Fairy tail guild's are you?

Natsu slowly open his eyes and the man step on Natsu's face with his foot.

???: You pathetic like this. You know I could have just finish you off but I have a friend that would love to level up.

Then another Ex-aid enter the cart and walk towards the man and Natsu.

???: Hey he's all your.

Another Ex-aid turn to Natsu and walk towards him and he was about to do something until Natsu kick Another Ex-aid in the face ans push the guy back. Another Ex-aid stumbled back and Natsu slowly sat up ans turn to Another ex-aid and the man.

???: (smirk) You think you can beat us?

Then suddenly the train stop and they all fell down and then a strange flute with a skull came out of the man's pocket and Natsu see the flute.

Natsu: What the?

???: Oh no, he seen it. Get him!

Another Ex-aid attack Natsu ans tehy struggle for a bit until they crash through the window and they fight outside. Ex-aid was about to strike at Natsu until a bike came ans hits Ex-aid.

Y/n stop his bike and run up to Natsu and Nastu asked.

Natsu: (anger) Hey why did you left me in the train jerk!

Y/n: Sorry about that Natsu but lets take this guy out.

Ziku driver: ZIKU DRIVER!

Natsu: Alright, Alright let's do this.

Another Ex-aid stood up and Y/n took out his Zi-o watch and press it.


Y/n: Henshin!

Ziku driver: RIDER TIME! ( Electronic beat) KAMEN RIDER ZI-O!


Zi-o and Natsu charge at another Ex-aid and they fight him while in the distance Erza, Lucy, Woz, Happy and Gray came riding a magic car and they stop and Zi-o and Natsu fighting Another Ex-aid.

Erza: What is that monster?

Woz: That is another rider. Monster that used riders powers from the past to destroy the king in order to rule.

Erza: And thats Y/n rider form?

Woz: Indeed.

Erza watch as Natsu and Zi-o fight together to face Another Ex-aid and she was surprised about Zi-o's fighting skills and team work.

Back to the fight, Natsu land a punch on Another ex-aid and then the train start up and was moving away. Another Ex-aid see this and try to jump into the train to escape but Zi-o change his sword into gun mod and fired at Anothrr Ex-aid that sent him back onor the ground.

Natsu: Hey let's take this thing out together.

Zi-o: Right.


Zi-o and Natsu jump into the air Natsu bust his flames onto his feet and the two rider kicked another Ex-aid and it exploded.

Lucy: (smile) Way a go you two!

Erza: (smile) Woah that is excellent team work.

Erza: (thought) And Y/n wasn't that bad as well.

Zi-o walk up and pick up another Ex-aid watch and with a flash of light the watch turn into a pure version of Ex-aid rider watch.

Zi-o: Sweet new form.

Zi-o dehenshin and the rest walk up to them and Erza asked Natsu.

Erza: Are you alright Natsu? I'm sorry we abandoning you like that.

Natsu: Yeah im fine.

Erza: Good (turn to Y/n) and thank you for saving Natsu.

Y/n: (smile) No problem Erza, just helping out a friend.

Woz: So mind telling me why that monster was on a train with you?

Natsu: Yeah he wasn't alone. There was this other guy that drop this weird flute on the ground.

Y/n: What dose it look like?

Natsu: It has this weird skull thing and I can sense its dark power.

Woz: That must be the Lullaby flute.

Lucy: And it maybe still on that train.

Erza: Then we have no time. Let's go after that train and stop there them.

They nod and Y/n hops onto his bike while everyone else onto the magic car and they ride off to go after the train and stopping Eisenwald from using the Lullaby flute on innocent people.

To be continue......

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