Chapter 20: Rock the waves

Within the halls of the tower of Heaven we see Zi-o and Natsu battle against Mirror Zi-o as we see Natsu using iron dragon roar at Mirror Zi-o but he dodges Natsu's attack and land safely on his feet and then Zi-o leaps up and lands a kick at Mirroo Zi-o, sending him flying and crashing onto the wall while Zi-o lands on his feet and stood up while Mirror Zi-o slowly gets up while Natsu and Happy rush up to Zi-o as the trio look down at Mirror Zi-o as he slowly gets up.

Natsu: (smirk) Good thing we found you man. We've been looking around you everywhere.

Happy: Yeah and also I never know you have a evil counterpart.

Zi-o: It's a long and kinda confusing story but right now we need to head back to the rest. We've managed to rescue Erza and she is at the dinner room right now.

Natsu: (smile) Nice!

Happy: Is she okay?

Zi-o: Yeah but should head back before-

Mirror Zi-o: Your too late.

They turn back to Mirror Zi-o as he slowly gets up while he lend out a chuckle as he look up at them and tells them.

Mirror Zi-o: If I'm right, Sho must have found them and must have captured Erza right now.

Natsu: How do you know?

Mirror Zi-o: Knowing how Sho maybe when it comes to Erza being a big sister towards, I believe he'll do what ever he can to protect his big sister. Gonna say, it is cute.

Zi-o: But we'll find her again and we'll stop Jellal's plans for sure!

Mirror Zi-o: (chuckle) I like to see you try.


Mirror Zi-o leaps up in the air and rider kicks booth Natsu and Happy away while he grabs Zi-o and tossed him back through the reflection of the window and into the mirror world as Natsu stood up and sees this happen.

Natsu: Oh no you don't!

Natsu races towards Mirror Zi-o but he just turn to Natsu and laughs while he step through the window and enter the Mirror world as Natsu punches the window that shattered into pieces.

Natsu: Y/N!!!



After Erza was suddenly kidnapped by Sho and taking somewhere in the tower of Heaven, they decided to split up to find her, Natsu, Happy and Y/n. Simon takes Alex, Woz, Gray and Emma while Tsukasa is with Juvia and Lucy as we see the trio walk down the halls of the tower or Heaven as Tsukasa take some pictures through his old camera while he looks back to the two girls and ask one of them.

Tsukasa: (smirk) So you two love Y/n?

Lucy blushed a bit but Juvia other hand calls out.

Juvia: I do! He's such a kind and respectful person! He's also the only person that show care towards me.

Tsukasa: (smile) Seems like a nice kid. I can also tell you also love him as well Lucy. Including Erza as well. Man he must have many girls in your guild that fall in love for him.

Juvia: (angry) How many!?

Lucy: Let's chance the subject and tell us about you? Where did you exactly come from?

Tsukasa: I'm from another A.R world.

Lucy: A.R world?

Tsukasa: "Alternative reality." You think you world has it's own kamen rider? There's a multiverse of riders with different personality and different forms of riders. You can find a world where there is a police car like rider in a world of super Hero's with super powers or a world where there is fruit samurai like rider in a world where there is animals that can have powers and only say there names.

Juvia and Lucy:.......Huh?

Tsukasa: (sigh) What I'm trying to say is that here is a lot of riders in the universe and in these universes there is different riders that have different goals or different personality. Heck there is even some world's that has your guilf but has a different rider.

Lucy: So your like a dimension traveller or something?

Tsukasa: You can say that but in truth I'm just a kamen rider passing through, better remember that.

Lucy: Um okay?

Soon they reach a large circular room with many paths around them as they stand in the middle while looking at many paths to choose from.

Juvia: Which way should we go?

Tsukasa: Damn this place has many rooms that can easily confuse us.

Lucy: Yeah no kidding.

Suddenly there was a loud guitar that made Lucy to cover her ears while the turn to the path where the loud guitar music is coking from.

Lucy: It's soo loud!

Juvia: I find it to be cool.

Tsukasa: Yeah I agree.

Lucy: You both have some problems!

Then they see a punk like gear appear from the path they are looking at as he walks out from the path ans sood in front of him. His face was cover and his long hair but he swings his head back, allow his hair to be swing back to reveal his punk like face to them as he lend out a laughter.

Lucy: (shocked) Jesus look at that hair!

Tsukasa: Hey Joker dude! Hate to break it to you but batman isn't in this world.

Vidaldus: Hahahahahaha! The names Vidaldus Taka, a member of the Trinity Raven and I'm here to blow your minds with my sick guitar!

He struck his guitar once that makes a loud sound to made Lucy cover he ears once more while he looks at the two girls and said while he lick his lips.

Vidaldus: (smirk) Look what we got here. Two sexxy women. I can't wait to play both of you.

Lucy: (thought) What a creep!

Tsukasa: (smirk) So your a mercenary that was hired by Jellal. Well hate to break it to you but your show is probably going to be cancelled.

He place his Neo Decade driver onto his waist and pulls out his decade ride card.

Tsukasa: Henshin!

Neo Decade driver: KAMEN RIDE: DECADE!

Decade: Let's see what you can do. I'll go first.

Vidaldus: (smirk) Whatever you say pink dude.

Decade: (sigh) Damn it's Magenta! Not pink!

Lucy: (whisper) I thought his rider form was pink?

Juvia: (whisper) Agree. I thought so as well.

Decade: I heard that!

Vidaldus: (smirk) Whatever you are, let the show begin! Oh yeah!

He swing his long hairs towards them which Lucy dodges while Decade also dodges it as well while the hair just gose through Juvia which surprised Vidaldus while Decade pulls out his ride book and turns it into a sword and chop off his hair.

Vidaldus: My hair! What do you think your doing to my hair!

Decade: Giving you a nice and clean haircut!

He chop off more or Vidaldus hair while he dodges his hair attacks which gives Juvia a chance to try him in a water bubble as Vidaldus is trapped inside as Decade stood up and turns to Juvia.

Decade: Nice one.

Juvia: Thanks.

Then suddenly her water bubble is being drained by Vidaldus's long hair and some of his hair even growl back fast which surprised the trio as Vidaldus breaks free and land on his feet.

Vidaldus: (smirk) Your tough water lady. Truly you are pretty tough, maybe I've already picked out my slave.

He then use his guitar as he plays it out loud when dark stream of magic came out towards Juvia as she try to avoid it but it was too late.

Juvia: What is this?!

Lucy: Juvia!

Decade rushes over to help but then something came up behind him and kicked him, sending him flying and landing next to Lucy. He turn to see Another Double as he stood up and pointed at Decade.

Another double: Count up your sins.

Decade: Damn it Another rider.

Lucy: Juvia!

Then there was an explosion and there was only smoke as Decade stood up and slowly the smoke cleared up to reveal Juvia but she was wearing all punk outfit and acts like Vidaldus while she stood next to Another double.

Punk Juvia: (smirk) Time to rock your world!

Lucy: Juvia!

Decade: Must be Vidaldus's spell. He must be controlling her.

Vidaldus: (smirk) HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! That's right, now teach them a lesson, I want to hear their screams!

Punk Juvia: (smirk) With pleasure.

Lucy: This is bad.

Punk Juvia and Another Double charge towards them but Decade blast Another Double back while he pushes Lucy out of the way as Juvia tackles him and pinned him to the wall.

Punk Juvia: (smirk) I can't wait to hear their pathetic scream!

Decade managed to break of Punk Juvia hands and rolls away and stood up as he pulls out a wizard rude card out of his ride book and turns to her.

Decade: It's not much but it can do for now.

Neo Decade driver: KAMEN RIDE: WIZARD! HI-HI, HI-HI-HI!

Punk Juvia tries to splash Decade with her water but Decade lifted both hands and summons a fire like magic shield to block the water but it was buring out the flames. Juvia charges at Decade but he leaps back and dodges her strikes while Lucy watch this happen. Then she immediately turn and Another Double launches to attack her but he just turn off her clothes by accident which made her scream in embarrassing.

Another Double: Whoops.

Then Lucy punches Another Double high in tne sky while trying to cover her chest while Decade leaps back and was about to strike when Another Double crashes onto Decade.

Decade: The hell!

Lucy: Sorry!

Vidaldus: (smirk) How's about we see a girl vs girl fight! Oh yeah!

Punk Juvia turns to Lucy and charges towards her as Punk Juvia strike at her while Decade pushes Another Double off and turns to see Lucy in trouble.

Decade: Lucy!

Suddenly Another Double blasted Decade away and he crash onto the wall but he land on his feet when he hit the ground and both he and Another Double strike blows while Lucy was thrown by Punk Juvia and crash onto the floor.

Lucy: Juvia! I know your not doing this on purpose! I know you can fight it! I know you can!

Then Punk Juvia blasted Lucy with water which she gets hit by while inside Punk Juvia water she can't breath and soon she will pass out soon but then she heard something while within the water.

Juvia: Lucy? Can you hear me?!

Lucy: (thought) Is that Juvia? I can hear her in my heard some how.

Juvia: Lucy I'm sorry but I can't control myself. Whatever Vidaldus did I can't stop myself.

Lucy: (thought) It's okay Juvia! It's not your fault!

Juvia: Lucy....I know you love Y/n because how much he cares for you, Erza and the other girls. I know he also help you deal with the troubles of your past just like I have.

Lucy: (thought) Y-Yeah. He really did.

Juvia: I wish to be apart of it. Not just apart of your girls love towards Y/n but your guild as well. Your guild has caring a nice people and a family and friends that I never have. I wish to be apart of Fairy Tail just like you and the rest.

Lucy: (thought) Of course Juvia. It doesn't matter you were apart of Phantom, if you wanna join Fairy Tail then your welcome to join us.

Juvia: Thank you Lucy. Thank you.

Suddenly Lucy was ejected out of Punk Juvia's water and land hard on the ground. Decade dodges Another doubles attacks while he looked over to see Lucy in trouble while Punk Juvia turns completely into water and charge towards her.

Decade: Lucy!

Lucy slowly gets up and pulls something into her dress and once Punk Juvia gets close she stabs the key into her water like body and there was a golden bright light as Lucy summons Aquarius.

Vidaldus: (shocked) Wow is that a sexxy mermaid!

Lucy: (smirk) Yep and she's going to teach you a lesson.

Aquarius: (anger) God damn it Lucy! WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT SUMMONING ME!!!!!

She the created a large wave of water around them that hits them all and sent them all spinning around. Another Double and Vidaldus clash into each other as they get hit by the waves but then Decade leaps out from the water and slide in a wizard final attack ride card into his driver.


Decade summons a fire like magic circle on his feet and gose down towards Another Double and Vidaldus as he land a rider kick at the two just as the water burst follow by an explosion as Decade lands on the ground safely as he dose a singal spine and pose just like Wizard.

We see Vidaldus laying on the ground while his hair was burned and next to him was another Double ride watch which Decade change to his base form and picks it up from the ground.

Decade looks at it and then looks over to see Aquarius yelling at Lucy for using Juvia to summon her and once that she disappeared. Once that was done Lucy and Juvia land on the ground while Decade dehenshin and sat on the ground with the two girls.

Juvia: Lucy?

Lucy: Yeah?

Juvia: Do you mean it when you said you allow me to join Fairy Tail? Even though I did terrible things while i was apart of Phantom?

Before Lucy can answer Tsukasa tells while while he suspected his camera.

Tsukasa: People can deserve a second chance. If you do something wrong then you can make things right by helping those that was your enemy. That's how most villains became great heroes. They see the error of their ways and try to make things right. Even Kamen riders that were once evil can join the side of good.

Juvia: Have you witnessed someone redeeming themselves and making things right?

Tsukasa sat there for a bit and then sighs as he tells the two.

Tsukasa: I was once sent to nine A.R worlds to destroy the riders there. Instead, I help them settle with their problems and managed to gain their form without destroying them. But in the end, I was betrayed and this cost me to turn evil and I was set out to do what I was ment to do. I did so much terrible things as a rider and even before I start destroying other riders, I was terrible until I make things right an din the end.....I was a better right thanks to the people that I've helped

Lucy: Whoa that is....some journey.

Tsukasa: (smirk) You can say that again.

The trio lend out a chuckle as Lucy sighs and said.

Lucy: Let's take a break here.

Juvia: Agree.

Tsukasa: Same here.

Sooner or later the two girls fall asleep while Tsukasa finish looking at his camera and snap a picture of Vidaldus laying on the ground as he lend out a chuckle and then looks over and then two figures appear as Tsukasa stood up and smirks while he said.

Tsukasa: (smirk) two here to fight me or what?


In the mirror world we see both Zi-o and Mirror Zi-o continue their battle as they strike blows at each other. This gose on for a long while and they soon to get tired right now as they only land soft punches at each other and then they cannot take it and land on the ground as the two dehenshin and catch their breaths.

They look up at the mirrors around them while Mirror Y/n lend out a chuckle and said.

Mirror Y/n: (smirk) You must be tough.

Y/n: Dude your like my evil counterpart so it make sense we're both stronge.

Mirror Y/n: (chuckle) Fair point.

The two sat up once that catch their breaths and once that sat up Y/n asked Mirror Y/n.

Y/n: So why are you doing this? What is your goal?

Mirror Y/n just looks away from him for a bit and then tells him.

Mirror Y/n: Look I wish to be out of this world okay. I'm just sick of being in the mirror world throughout mylife and I just wanna get out.

Then Y/n reach into his pocket the pulls out the other Zi-o ride watch he managed to pull out from Mirror Y/n and ask him.

Y/n: What about this one? Is this like your other half or something?

Mirror Y/n: I guess. I don't really know. All I do know is that you have some power within you which I must say impressive.

Y/n looks at the watch and to mirror Y/n and ask him.

Y/n: Did you made a deal to Jellal to free you from this world?

Mirror Y/n looks at Y/n for a bit and then sighs and tells him.

Mirror Y/n: Yeah. I came to him and told him I can handle you and your friends if they come here if he will free me. He told me after the ritual he will set me free from this mirror world.

Y/n: You do realise he'll might double cross you once he is done right?

Mirror Y/n: (sigh) Maybe so. Either so, guess I'm trapped here forever.

Y/n looks at Mirror Y/n and he looks down and then looks up at him and tells him.

Y/n: Maybe you can help us?

Mirror Y/n: Huh?

Y/n: I know you don't really care about my friends but Erza needs our help and I think she's going through something because of this tower. I know she can't do this on her own so will you help me?

He reach out his hand towards Mirror Y/n as he look at him for a bit and with no choice he takes Y/n's hand and he helps himself up.

Mirror Y/n: Fine I'll help bit ground rules, I can only be the human world for 10 minutes. After that I need to head back to the Mirror world.

Y/n: (smile) Deal.

Then a Mirror opens up next to them as the two look at each other as Y/n ask his Mirror self.

Y/n: (smirk) Ready?

Mirror Y/n: (node) Ready.

The two turn to the Mirror and leaps through the mirror to return back to reality to help Y/n's friends and Erza before Jellal's plans will succeed.

To be continued....................................

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