Chapter 2: Joining a guild and secondary riders appearances

(Months ago)

At a dirt road we see one person travelling along heading to the next town when he encounter a cloaking figure that's stop and block the persons way.

???: Are you Alex Simon's?

Alex: Yeah how did you know my name?

???: I have come here from a far, to search for the one that may save the future against the demon king.

Alex: Demon king? Look I'm just an adventure who is just helping people. So I wather be on my way.

Alex try to walk passed him but the cloaked figure grab his shoulder and stop Alex in his tracks.

Alex: Hey! What the hell are you doing?

???: If you won't believe me, then I have to show you the future.

Before Alex could asked his eyes start to glow and he fell to his knees and get flashes of the future. Seeing city's burning, people dieing, piles of sketching's and a huge golden rider standing over him and stare at him.

Alex breaks out of his trance and panting of this horror and he look back up to the cloaked figure and asked.

Alex: Who....who are you?

The cloaked figure removes its hood and his face was revealed to him.

White woz: I am White Woz and you Alex are chosen to become the saviour of Earthland and will destroy Ohma Zi-o to save the future.

White Woz pulls out a Ziku driver and a geiz watch and he gives it to Alex. He stare at the two device's at his hand and look back up at White Woz and asked.

Alex: When do I begin?


(At the present day)

Natsu: And here we are!

We see Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Y/n and Woz standing in front of the entrance of the fairy tail guild hall.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow its huge.

Woz: Are you investing to have a castle like this my lord?

Y/n: No it's just its amazing.

Lucy: I think so as well when I first joined the guild and trust me, everyone is nice.

Y/n: (smile) Well I can't wait.

Nastu open the door and Y/n was about to head inside but then suddenly a chair was coming straight for Natsu and it hits him. Y/n was surprised that a chair just came out of nowhere like that. Natsu stood up and he asked din a angry tone.

Natsu: (anger) Hey who the hell throw a chair like that!

???: (anger) That what you get for run off like that before we start a fight.

Then a short black hair guy step in and Natsu stomp towards him and the two start to fight while Y/n, Woz, Happy and Lucy watch.

Y/n: Dose that happen a lot?

Lucy: Yeah there maybe sometimes fights in the guild and they be the first to start it.

Woz: They are acting like children.

Happy: That what they are.

Y/n: Well anyways who was that guy that thrown a chair at Natsu?

Lucy: That's Gray he's has a habit of taking off his clothes.


???: You two should be taken this outside like a real man would.

Then a large hulk like man was walking towards Natsu and Gray fighting but they both punched the guy far back into the guild and slam into a table breaking it.

Y/n: (surprised) That's a powerful punch!?

Woz: That's Elfman, he is the brute force of this guild and the sort things like a man.

Y/n: Ok noted.

???: Hey Lucy.

They turn and see a long white girl wearing a beautiful dress.

Lucy: (smile) Hey Mira how is you?

Mirajane: (smile) Good and I see we have two new people in our guild.

Lucy: Yep this is Y/n L/n and his friend named Woz.

Mirajane: (smile) Its nice meeting yous both. I'm Mirajane the older sister to Elfman.

Y/n: (smile) Nice to meet you Mira.

Mirajane: So do you have some type of magic you have?

Y/n: Magic?

Woz: (wisper) Your rider watch and driver my lord.

Y/n: Oh right. I'll transform into a form with these two device's.

Y/n pull them out and show them to Mirajane.

Mirajane: That's interesting so your can changed into forms?

Y/n: Yeah something like that.

Mirajane: So you use requip magic like Erza.

Y/n: Who?

Lucy: She's an S-Class wizard what I heard. What Natsu, Happy and Gray tolled me is that she is a monster.

Y/n: Really?

Mirajane: Well she's the strongest female warrior we ever have in this guild.

Then Y/n see Natsu gonna flying towards Mirajane so he move her out of the way and Natsu slam into a wall instead of Mirajane.

Lucy: (surprised) Wow that was close!

Y/n: You ok Mira?

Mirajane look up at Y/n a blush a little and Y/n let's go.

Mirajane: (blush) Thanks for the save Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) No problem Mira. So is someone gonna stop this fighting or what?

Happy: Don't worry our master will deal with it.

Y/n: Your master?

Then there was a large stomp and they see a large, huge beast standing over at Natsu and Gray and said in a deep voice.

???: Stop this foolish fight right now!

Natsu and Gray stop fighting and back off a bit. Y/n was surprised to see a huge giant in front of him and it turn to Y/n and Woz.

???: I see we have two new members.

Woz: Yes I am Woz and this is Y/n L/n, the new king of Earthland.

Everyone stop what they doing and stare at the two of them and think about what Woz said about Y/n being king.

Loke: Did his friend said the kid will be king?

Macao: Is that a joke or is this for real?

Wakaba: I don't know, I mean I see that kid hold on something and showing it to Mira.

Droy: So what just because it's a device that doesn't mean that kid would be king?

Max: I don't know, I've sense a lot of power in that boy.

The there master could sense Y/n's magic as well and he slowly turn to his normal form. Y/n was confused as the huge beast like person just turns into a old and small man.

Y/n: (thought) Wait so he's not a huge monster?!

???: Are making a joke or is this for real?

Woz: This is for real. Lord Y/n will become the future king of Earthland and destroy the evil demon king once and for all.

The guild doesn't believe it so Woz lend into Y/n's ear and wisper.

Woz: (wisper) Show them your power.

Y/n: (wisper) What how?!

Woz: (wisper) Just focus on something and make it happen.

Y/n: Ok.

Y/n look around and see a empty plate and he reach out his hand and focus on something to put on a plate. Then suddenly a tv fell out of a portal and landed onto the table and breaking the table.

Everyone turn and they were shocked to see a TV that they never seen. Y/n see this and he was surprised of this power.

Elfman: What is that thing?

Vijeeter: That looks like a box?

Y/n: Actually that's a TV.

Y/n walks over to it and he fired a bit a magic on it and it turn onto and even was shocked.

Y/n: (thought) It seems I have a ability to teleport things out from my time linens into here.

Woz: As you can see, he can use his time magic ability to summon a item from teh future and bring it to here and that is why Y/n will be the king of Earthland.

Everyone was shocked about Y/n's ability so the same old guy walk up to Y/n and said.

???: I may not believe that you will the next king but that magic of yours will be useful. Not to manage your requip ability as well. What ever the case you and Woz are Welcome to join us.

Y/n: (smile) Thank you master.

Makarov: (smile) Please call me Makarov or gramps.

Y/n: Yes Master Makarov.

Makarov shake Y/n's hand and everyone cheers of there new members awhile a cloaked figure see Y/n from outside of the entrance and he turns and walks away.


Woz and Y/n were at the bar as Mirajane stamp a Fairy tail symbol on both Y/n and Woz hand.

Mirajane: (smile) Thers you two are here by members of fairy tail.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks Mira.

Mirajane: (smile) No problem Y/n.

She winks at Y/n and walks away as a girl with long brown hair turn to Y/n and asked.

???: So is it true you'll be king in the future?

Y/n turn to her and said.

Y/n: Well that's what Woz said.

Cana: (smirk) That's cool, I'm Cana also known as a heavy drinker in the guild.

Y/n: Why called that?

Cana: Because I drink a lot of beer.

Y/n: (surprised) Really?

Cana: Yeah impressed?

Y/n: Yeah a little.

Cana: (smirk) Your a cute kid you know that right?

Y/n blush a little and Cana smirk once more and then Lucy walk up to Y/n with her friend and tap him on the shoulder and Y/n turn to her.

Lucy: Hey this is Levy my best friend in this guild.

Levy: (smile) Hey Y/n it's nice meeting you here.

Y/n: (smile) Its  nice to meet you as well Levy.

Levy: So about this "Tv" you summon. What dose it do?

Y/n: Well you can change channels to any system and watch them.

Levy: Is it magic?

Y/n: No its powered by electricity not magic.

Levy: That's interesting.

Lucy: Hey you want me to show you around town for a bit?

Y/n: Yeah sure let's go.

Y/n and Lucy head out of the guild and turn into a street. Little did they know they are being followed by that same cloaked figure following them through out town.


Lucy and Y/n walk next to a lake as two men on the board see them in the distance and one said.

Man 1: (distance) You better whach were you stepping on Lucy.

Lucy: Don't worry I will.

Man 2: (distance) Hey is that guy your boyfriend?

Lucy blush when the other guy asked and Y/n also asked.

Y/n: Do you know these men?

Lucy: (blush) Y-Yeah there just nice people that's all.

Y/n: Ok?

They soon stop in front of a apartment building as Lucy said.

Lucy: This is were I've been staying. It's not much but it is cute.

Y/n: It sure is beautiful.

Lucy: Yeah wanna see?

Y/n nods and they enter in and Lucy open her door and Y/n enter Lucy's apartment rooms. It was short but it was nice place. Lucy went passed Y/n and enter the kitchen.

Lucy: Do you want tea Y/n?

Y/n: Yes please.

Y/n look around at Lucy's apartment home and this reminds him of his apartment building before he was sucked into this world. After a while Lucy came back with tea and they sat down and drank there tea.

Y/n: Hey Lucy.

Lucy: Yeah?

Y/n: What is a celestial spirits you have and what do they do?

Lucy: Well celestial spirits are spirits that can be summed by these celestial keys.

The Lucy place them on the table and show them to Y/n.

Lucy: The gold once are the strongest spirits I have and the silver once are not that strong but they are useful in any needs.

Y/n: That's cool can you summon one?

Lucy: Sure I just got the perfect one to summon.

Lucy pick up one key and point it into the wall and then there was a flash of bright light and once it was gone Y/n look down and see a small snow man like creature shaking and staring at Lucy.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow!

Lucy: This is a Nikora but I name this one Plue.

Y/n: That's a cute name.

Y/n bend down and pat Plue on the head and he seems to like it.

Lucy: (smile) Aww he likes you, how adorable.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah I gest he dose.

Lucy: So do you believe that you would be king?

Y/n: (stood up) I don't know but this world need someone to protect it and what ever the case I will do it and fight to protect you and everyone.

Lucy: (smile) Yeah and we be with you no matter what happens.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks Lucy.


They exit out of Lucy's apartment and they were about to walk away when they heard someone said.

???: I wather not get near him if I were you miss.

They turn and see the same cloaking figure and he took off his cloak and we see its Alex.

Y/n: Who are you?

Alex: Your worst nightmare Ohma Zi-o.

Y/n: (thought) Wait what?

Alex pull out a Ziku driver and place it on his waist and then pull out a geiz watch and press it.


Lucy: (surprised) Wait he also have that device as well?!

Y/n: (surprised) Yeah.

Alex slam his geiz watch into his belt and shouted.

Alex: Henshin!

Ziku driver: RIDER TIME! (electronic riff) KAMEN RID~ER GEIZ!

Geiz: Your time has come to the end Ohma zi-o.

Y/n: Wait I'm not.....

The Geiz charge at Y/n and Y/n move Lucy put of the way as Geiz punch Y/n in the stomach and sent him far back and Y/n landed on the ground.

Lucy: Y/n!

Y/n stood up and see geiz walking towards him he place the Ziku driver onto his waist and pull out his zi-o watch and slide it into his driver.

Y/n: Henshin!

Ziku driver: RIDER TIME! (electronic beat) KAMEN RIDER ZI-O!

Geiz rush up to Zi-o and the two start to fight while Lucy watch from behind. Zi-o was holding back as he try to explain to Geiz that he's not Ohma zi-o.

Zi-o: Listen I'm not Ohma zi-o, you gotten the wrong guy.

Then Geiz punch Zi-o and Zi-o stumbled back as Geiz said.

Geiz: Don't lie to me, I've seen the future and I must destroy you before it would ever come!

Geiz charge at Zi-o once more and the continue on fighting and soon they stumbled into the middle of the street with no people around and Geiz punch Zi-o far back and Zi-o landing on his feet and he took out his build ride watch and said yo Geiz.

Zi-o: Listen I don't know what you'll talking above. But you'll leave me with no choice.


Ziku driver: RIDER TIME! (Electronic beat) KAMEN RIDER ZI-O! ARMOR TIME! (electronic beat mixed with Rabbittank esque music) BEST MATCH! BUILD!

Zi-o was amazed about it's new form and Woz suddenly appeared beside him and he do his speech.

Woz: Iwae! The one to inherit all rider powers, the time king who will rule over the past and the future! His name is Kamen rider zi-o Build armor. This is the moment that he inherits his first rider power!

Zi-o: (thought) Ok where did Woz come from?

Geiz: Huh that's nothing to mine.

Then Geiz pull out his rider watch and press it.


Zi-o: (surprised) He has his own rider watch?

Woz: Yes they are his secondary rider watch.

Geiz slide it in teh spone his Ziku driver around.


Zi-o was shocked as Geiz charge at Zi-o and give him blows after blows at Zi-o. Lucy arrived nex to Woz as they watch them fight.

Lucy: I don't understand? Why did that rider said Ohma Zi-o?

Woz: I believe he thinks that Y/n will become the evil king to bring death to this world.

Lucy: (shocked) What? Y/n would never do that!

Woz: But it appears Geiz believes that he will and he do anything to destroy Zi-o.

Lucy: I dont like it this, don't like this at all.

Geiz continues giving blows to Zi-o until Zi-o slash him with his drill that cost geiz to stumbled back and Geiz spone blow fire out of his hand and fired it at Zi-o but he dodge by rolling to the right side.


Then Geiz charge up at Zi-o with his weapon and slash at him and Zi-o stumbled back and he clashes Geiz weapon with his drill. Soon Zi-o slash Geiz back and press both watches on his driver and spone it around.

Geiz see this and do the same as well



Both riders charge at each other and they punch each other and there was a huge shocke wave that stumbled Lucy and Woz back asn Geiz stumbled back asn so as Zi-o.

Geiz: You seem strong as I thought Ohma Zi-o.

Zi-o: Listen why do you think I'm Ohma zi-o?

Geiz: Someone tolled me that one day in the future. A rider will destroy the world and rule with a Iron fist.

Zi-o: Listen I'm not Ohma zi-o and I'm actually here to stop him so I can be the next king.

Geiz: Stop lying, I know your Ohma zi-o and it ends here.

Geiz slide out his Cross-Z watch and pull out another one.


Ziku driver: ARMOR TIME! (Specter ghost driver standby loop) KAIGAN! SPECTER!

Geiz summon Nobunaga, Tutankhamun and Houdini Damashii and they attack Zi-o while Geiz walk towards Zi-o and once close he grab him and throw him away as Zi-o rolled on the ground and slowly stood up but Geiz run over and kick him far back

Zi-o rolled on the ground and stood up as he summon his weapon and blast him in gun mode.

The three Damashii's block the shots as Geiz and Geiz turn his weapon into a bow and blast Zi-o with it and Zi-o gets hit.

Geiz slide out his specter ride watch and slide it into his Zikan Zax and aim it at Zi-o.


Just as Geiz was about to fire Lucy step in between Zi-o and Geiz and said.

Lucy: Wait don't shoot!

Geiz questions move his weapon into the air and fired his shot into the sky and it exploded. Geiz stare at Lucy and Lucy said.

Lucy: I dont believe Zi-o is not gonna destroythis world. I won't believe he won't turn evil so please believe us.

Geiz stare at Lucy and to Zi-o and then he said.

Geiz: I don't care what you have said. Zi-o must be destroyed so the future would be safe.

Lucy: But who tolled you this?

Geiz: Someone that I would not say. He said its better I won't speak out his name.

Lucy: But you must understand that Zi-o is not a evil king.

Geiz: Enough! I don't care what you said he must be destroyed.

Geiz was about to walk towards them but suddenly geiz disappeared I front of them.

Lucy: (surprised) Wow?

???: Are you Ok?

They turn and they see a women running up at Zi-o and helping him up.

Zi-o: Thanks and you are?

Emma: I'm Emma and I've came here to help you in your quest to become king.

Woz: Why is that?

Emma: Because......I'm from the future. You see, one of Ohma servant has travelled to the past in order to kill you, he tricked the saviour to try to destroy you in order to for Ohma zi-o to rise into power. I followed him and now I'm here as your servant.

Zi-o: Well thanks for the save Emma.

Zi-o dehenshin and he turn to Lucy.

Y/n: And thanks for saving me when I'm not Lucy.

Lucy: (smile) Sure no problem.

Woz: I know that power from some where. Your a member of the time jackers are you?

Emma: Yes but in the future all the time jackers were gone that leaves me as the soul survival. But when I join the time jackers in the future I see the horrible things they did to other people in order to kill Ohma zi-o so I left.

Y/n: Well I dont care your one of them, I'm just glad you've change sides.

Emma: (smile) Yeah your right. Thank you my lord.

Y/n: Um what about call me Y/n ok?

Emma: (smile) Sure it's nice meeting yous.

They smiled and they walk away but Y/n still wonder about what Geiz said and who tolled him.


We see Alex standing at a feild and looks around and see that he has been teleported.

White woz: It appears you have lost him?

Alex turn and see White Woz walking up to him and Alex said.

Alex: Yeah but I will get stronger to save the future.

White Woz: You have much to long Alex. Soon you'll be the saviour of Earthland and bring peace to all the lands.

Alex: Of course but what about his guild?

White woz: I afraid they will also join Ohma zi-o's rain and cost chaos as well so if you ever encounter one of them. Don't hesitate of destroying them.

Alex: Understood.

Alex walks away to start his training while White Woz have a grinn on his face as his plan was going as planned.

To be continue.......

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