Chapter 19: The past of Erza

It was a nice day as we see Natsu, Lucy, Juvia, Gray, Woz, Alex, Emma and Tsukasa as Tsukasa is taking pictures of the sea while the rest just watch him minding his own business.

Alex: So he is a rider from another world?

Woz: Indeed. He has an ability to travel through many worlds and hold the powers of each kamen rider he met.

Gray: So like the ride watch that Y/n ans Alex used in battle?

Woz: Something like that yes.

Lucy: So why do you want to help us?

Tsukasa: Figured I meet this demon King in this world. He sounded interesting to me and wanna see how tough he might be in battle.

Juvia: (anger) If you thinm about hurting him I swear-

Tsukasa: Don't worry I'm not gonna battle him or anything. Still you sure your sick friend might know where he might went?

They turn to see Natsu laying on the boat sick like usual when it comes sto moving vehicles. Thne Emma looks over to see dead birds including sinked ships that were from the magic council.

Alex: We must be close.

Woz: Agree. Let's be careful, we might know what we are facing.

Tsukasa: Well let's get this over and done with.

They continue their way to find Y/n, Erza and Happy and rescue them before it's too late.



Y/n: much for a nice vacation.

We see Y/n tied up within the storage in the ship as he looks around to find a way to get out. He try to find something sharp to cut the rope but there was no use.

Y/n: (thought) Damn it there's nothing. Well I joke the rest are okay back at the resort. Hope they are not made for me gone for some reason.

Erza: Y/n? Is that you?

Y/n looks over and see Erza alos tied up with him as well across of him as he calls out to her.

Y/n: Yeah I'm here! You okay Erza, did they hurt you?

Erza: No and I can tell they capture you as well. No wonder you wouldn't answering your door.

Y/n:....Um well it's a long story but any idea where they are taking us?

Erza: I do but I'm sorry for dragging you here.

Y/n: Dragging me here? What are you-

???: I see you two are awake.

Then a young man with blinde hair step into the room as he looks at the two while Y/n just glare at him. He bend down to him and said.

???: So your the demon king of Fairy Tail huh? Your not much as a demon but I can leave it aside.

Y/n: (anger) Who are you people? Why did you kidnapped us?

???: "us" You must be mistaking. Our goal was not to capture you, you just appear out of normal in our ship.

Y/n: (surprised) Really? Well that's a first. Then what is your real goal?

???: (smirk) I'm surprised you haven't told him big sis, how disappointing.

Y/n: (thought) Big sis? Is he talking about Erza?

Erza: Y/n this is Sho....he is....a old friend of mine.

Y/n: (shocked) Say what?!

Erza: But sho, Y/n has nothing to do with anything just please let him go!

Sho: (smirk) sorry Erza but anyone who knows about this location must be executed no matter what. Enjoy tbe boart ride you two, it won't be long.

Then he left the room leaving the two aline as Y/n looks over to Erza while she looks down in shame and tells Y/n.

Erza: I'm sorry for bringing you into this mess. I didn't know they would find me and I'm very sorry for it.

Erza was suspected for Y/n to be disappointed with her but instead Y/n smiles and tells Erza.

Y/n: (smile) Erza everything is gonna be alright. No matter what we get out of this together. I promise you that.

Erza looks up at him in surprised which she smiles a bit and nods back. Soon they arrive and they were dragged out of the boat and into shore. Y/n looks up to be shocked of a massive tower which he asked Erza in front of him.

Y/n: (shocked) What is this place?

Erza: This is the tower or heaven. were I was raised when I was young.

Y/n can hear the sense of fear in her voice like this place give her nightmares. Still they were taking inside the towe and Happy being taking by Millianna to play with while Erza and Y/n were taking to their cells.

Not so long after we see Tsukasa and the rest arrive to the island as Tsukasa looks over to see guards patrolling the area.

Alex: You think we can beat them and get through?

Tsukasa: There is too many of them. My suggestion we go stealth and find another way in.

Lucy: Yeah but how.

Tsukasa: Hey water girl, can you make a air bubble so we can break under water.

Juvia: Yes I can.

Tsukasa: Good. We're going swimming everyone, let's go.

While they swam underground to get inside we cut to Y/n and Erza in their cell as Y/n try to open the bars but it wasn't working. He sees his driver and ride watches across of him so he to reach out his arm to grab them but they were too far.

Y/n: Damn. Erza can you change to your armor to break open the cell?

Erza: I can't. These ropes that Millianna used must be blocking our magic.

Y/n: No wonder I can't feel magic with this rope on my arm. So since we're gonna be stuck here for a while can you tell me about this place and why your old friends are here?

Erza was silent for a bit until she knew she had to tell him so she sat on the ground and tell him.

Erza: Many years ago before I join Fairy Tail, I was raised in a church in a small town. My real parents were unknown to me but I love the town I was in. That is until it was attacked by a group of dark wizards and took me and the rest to here, the tower of Heaven.

Y/n: The tower of heaven?

Erza: It's used to bring back anyone to life but in order to do that they needed someone who is brave and honorable to be sacrifice. However the tower was not yet finished so they kidnapped a lot of people including me to build it. Many people including children died either by working or trying to escape. Millianna, Wally Simon, Sho and Jellal were close to be family to me.

Y/n: Jellal?

Erza: Jellal is a twin brother of Seigrain who was  a close friend to me. He saved me when I was taking to be tormented which cost the lost of my right eye. I can still see but it may not work. But he too was captured but I start to rebel and soon all prisoners rebel and i lose many close friends during that battle. After one massive lost of someone I gone close to, I've unlock my magic and lead to save Jellal but....he changed and betrayed me. He nearly killed by but decided to teleport me out of the tower of heaven and now...I felt nothing but ashame to myself how I lost eveyone I knew and I still have nightmares about it till this day.

Y/n stood there in shock and can't believe Erza been through all that as a child. There was silence for a moment until Y/n turns to Erza and tells her.

Y/n: Erza I'm very sorry for what you have to go through. I completely understand why you never tell anyone about this and I won't let this place be within your nightmares anymore.

He walks over and grabs the cell door snd try to pull it open as he struggled to pull it while Erza see how determined he is now as he try his best to open. Then his hands glow all of sudden and then Y/n yell out and ripes open the cell and throws it away while the rope on him burns away which shocks Erza.

Erza: (thought) His magic. It's far more stronger the before.

He rush over to grab his driver snd ride watches while Erza step out as well as Y/n rush up to her and ripes the rope off of her arm.

Guard 1: Hey the prisoners have escape!

Then Guards rushes towards them which Y/n sees this and slams his driver into his waist snd pulls out his Zi-o ride watch and decade Ride watch.



Y/n: Henshin!

Ziku driver: RIDER TIME! ARMOR TIME! KAMEN RIDER WOW! DEACDE! DECADE! DECA~DE! (Decade's transformation sounds)

Zi-o pulls out his RideHeisaber and charge at the guards and swing his blade at them and blocking their attacks while Erza stand there and watched as Zi-o takes out all the guards and pushing on through.

Erza: (thought) Y/n you've always wanted to help us from the very beginning. You've always our light, and a light ti me as well.

She decided to join in as she summon her sword and slice up a few guards as Zi-o kicks one away while he slice a few up.


Then he throws his sword down and Dragrender came down and fire flames and wiping it's tail and sent them flying.

After a while battling the guard another Blade came down and slash Zi-o which made him stumble back and stood up straight to see Another Blade as he ready his blade qhile Erza calls out to him.

Erza: Y/n!

Zi-o: I'll take care of this one Erza!

Erza nods while Zi-o takes out a Build ride watch and insert it into his decade ride watch.


Another blade roars and charge at Zi-o while Zi-o charge at Another balde and the two clash blades and dodging their blows while Erza takes down the remaining guards and turn to see Zi-o battling Another Blade.

Sho: Looks like you escaped big sis.

She turns to see Sho which the two look at each other for a while until Erza can't bring herself to hurt him so she try reason with him.

Erza: Sho this isn't you. I know your kind and I know you would never do such a thing. Please Sho don't do this.

Sho: Sorry big sis but I can't.

Erza: Have you goy any idea what this tower will do! Who you are gonna bring back?!

Sho: Indeed but Jellal knows what he is doing. Soon we will have our own freedom and soon we will live in peace together! Forever!

He laughs which Erza feels more anger of Jellal for controlling her old friends against her. Then Sho gets hit the back of the head by Decade as he appear around the corner and hit Sho at the back of the head.

Erza was surprised to see a rider so she asked.

Erza: Who are you?

Decade: Just a rider passing through, remember that.

Erza: Well you didn't have to hurt him.

Decade: Isn't he a villain?

Before she could answer Decade looks Iver to see Zi-o which he leaps over and before Another Blade strike at him, Decade came down amd strike Another Blade which made him stumble back while Decade turns to Zi-o and loom at his form.

Decade: Nice form. Kinda similar to a rider like me.

Zi-o: Um thanks but who are you?

Another Blade roared in anger while Decade pulls out his blade rider card and just simply said.

Decade: A rider who has been waiting to see you, demon king

Neo DecadeDriver: KAMEN RIDE: BLADE! TURN UP! (Blade buckle transformation sound)

Zi-o is shocked to see Decade in his blade form as Decade charge at Another Blade while Another Blade charge at him and the two have a sword battle as they clash blades. Zi-o joins in and helps Decade as the two battle another Blade and after a while the two double kick Another Blade back.

Decade pulls out a blade final attack card and insert it while Zi-o installed a build ride watch inro his saver and spone the clock hand.



The two riders slam down they two blades and slice at Another Blade together and Another Blade blows up sky high while Zi-o grabs Another Blade ride watch snd turns it pure once more.

Zi-o breaths a sigh as he turned to decade while the two dehenshin and meet up with Erza while we see a cloaked figure watching this through his lacrima ball as he smirks seeing Y/n.

Jellal: (smirk) Well this is unsuspected. I guess you managed to bring Y/n into the tower of heaven.

Then a mirror Y/n walls next to Jellal as he shrugged and tells him.

Mirror Y/n: (smirk) Guess he must have picked out the wrong mirror.

Jellal: (smirk) Still this will be interesting for us. Hear down here and deal with his friends and get them separated.

Mirror Y/n: (sigh) Please don't tell me I have to go with your so called "old friends" because they didn't even stand a chance.

Jellal: (smirk) What about them?

Then three figures approved Mirror Y/n which he turn and this impressed Mirror Y/n as he smirk and said.

Mirror Y/n: (smirk) They will do.


They all regroup at the dinner hall with Juvia hugging Y/n to see him alright while Erza tells everyone tbe truth about the tower and her past.

Lucy: (shocked) That's horrible!

Alex: And Jellal and your old friends betray you just so they can use this tower. They will pay.

Erza: No. Millianna, Sho, Simon and Wally may have been tricked by Jellal.

Woz: Still why did the previous owners build this tower and who are they trying to bring back?

Erza: I believe they were trying to bring by Zeref from the dead and Jellal might be follow through the plan as well.

Emma: (shocked) That's insane! Why on earth are they trying to bring back one of most powerful and dangerous wizards ever?!

Erza: I don't know but one thing for sure I have to stop him. I bring you all into this mess so it's best you all must leave.

Lucy: No way Erza! We're your friends and we're not gonna abandoned you.

Gray: That's right. If your going, we're going as well.

Y/n: (smile) That's right and as king I refuse to let you dive into the nightmares you've been through. We doing this together.

Erza: (smile) Right....thank you all.

They nod while Tsukasa smile before suddenly said.

Tsukasa: You can come out now, no reason to hide yourself.

They were confused until Simon appear which they were shocked by this and ready to fight him to Tsukasa tells them.

Tsukasa: No need to fight him. He's pur allie.

Alex: Yeah right! He attacked us along with his friends. Why should we trust him?

Tsukasa: Because he was the one that told me about this plan and the location of the tower.

Y/n: (surprised) Wait what? Is this true?

Simon: Indeed. I never really betray Erza i was playing along until the time is right.

Erza: (surprised) I'm thankful Simon. I'm sorry for abandoned you years back.

Simon: (smile) No need to apologise Erza. I know you really didn't abandon us and I'm still on your side Erza.

Erza smiles and hugs Simon whole everyone else smiles as well. Then suddenly Y/n hears that some sound and he looks over to see a mirror next to him moving which he realised and said.

Y/n: Oh cra-

Then he was grabbed by the qrm which everyone turn in shock as Y/n was pulled into the mirror while everyone rushes over and were shocked that just happened.

Gray: (shocked) What the heck was that!?

Simon: I believe it must be himself taking him to the mirror world.

Lucy: Himself?

Simon: Apparently his mirror shelf appear to Jellal and wants to work with him. It's unknown where this mirror self comes from but what i do know is he can travel to both our world and mirror world within seconds.

Lucy: That's scary.

Erza: Any idea where he has taking him?

Simon: No idea but hope it's somewhere in this tower. Let's just hope he is doing alright.


We see Natsu and Happy rushing through the halls to find Erza and Y/n which then Natsu stop snd sniff the air while Happy stop and asked.

Happy: what is it? What do you smell?

Natsu: Sonthing weird. I smell something weird but no idea where it's coming from?

Happy: Hey is it me or is that window moving on its own?

They turn to see it moving and they gain close to it and then two figures came out of mirror and they roll on the ground throwing punches and blows and Natsu and Happy were shocked to see two Zi-o's.

The two Zi-o's stand up and get into a battle stand which Natsu calls out.

Natsu: (shocked) What the heck is going on here?!

The two turn to see Natsu and Happy so the first one pointed at the second and said.

First Zi-o: Natsu, Happy this guy is imposter! Get him!

Second Zi-o: No you got it wrong! I'm the real Zi-o! He's the impostor!

First Zi-o: Really. He knows your the fake Zi-o.

Second Zi-o: I think to dipper, your the fake Zi-o!

First Zi-o: No you!

Second Zi-o: No you!

First Zi-o: No you!

Happy: (shocked) I CAN'T TELL THEM APART!?

Two Zi-o's: I'M THE REAL ZI-O!

Natsu looks at the two Zi-o's trying to think of a way to tell them apart and then he got an idea.

Natsu: Whichever of you know my favourite food.

The two Zi-o's stare at each other and back to Natsu and the first one calls out.

First Zi-o: It's fire!

Second Zi-o: It's every food!

Natsu stand there in silence and then punches the one that answered his favourite food is every which he go him right as the mirror Zi-o rolls on the ground while Zi-o walks up next to him and said.

Zi-o: Nice one man.

Natsu: (smile) No problem man. Now can you tell me who is this guy?

Zi-o: Long story but he is my mirror self.

Natsu: Really? That's pretty cool.

Zi-o: It's not....Well kinda but not.

Mirror Zi-o: Well then time to show you both what I made of. I'm gonna rule this world once and for all and none of you can't stop me!

Natsu: (smirk) Ready man?

Zi-o: Yeah let's go!

The two charge at Mirror Zi-o to battle him whike Jellal watch this on his throne room through the lacrima ball as he smirks and says.

Jellal: (smirk) Not long now. Not long now. (Evil chuckle)

To be continued.................

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