Chapter 18: Vacation gone wrong
We over look at a throne room where we see a mysterious hooded man sat on his throne chair and smirks to himself and knows the time is right.
Then he snap his fingers and two unknown monsters walks up at the steps and walk up to the mysterious hooded man, he looks at them and told them.
???: The time has come. It is time to complete what this place is build for. But first, a sacrifice must be needed in order to complete it.
He then stood up and wave his arm to the two monsters and says.
???: You will go with them to retrieve her and bring her back to this place and we will complete the ritual.
The two monsters nod and they walk out of the throne room while he sat back down and smirk to himself while he can hear the mirror noise near his window.
???: (smirk) Soon you will return to us, Erza Scarlet.
We see Y/n, Natsu, Gray, Erza, Emma, Woz, Alex, Lucy and Happy standing at the still rebuilding guild Hall and Y/n told them what happened between him and his search on Loke and they were shocked after he told them.
Lucy: (shocked) So you talked to the Celestial King?!
Y/n: Yeah and they accepted Loke or Leo back to the Celestial world.
Gray: So all this time he was a Celestial Sport.
Natsu: I knew something was wrong when we swap bodies.
Alex: That explains a lot.
Woz: Indeed the demon Lord successful defeated the Celestial King and he allow Leo to return to his world.
Y/n: It's wasn't like I was battling him.
Woz: True but it would be the greatest history to face the King of the Celestial world.
Y/n: Yeah I rather not.
Erza: So what else happened?
Y/n: Well Leo hand us these and told me this is the way to say thanks.
He then pull out some tickets and Emma takes one and read it.
Emma: Looks like this ticket is for that Akane beach.
Lucy: (surprised) You mean that theme park that everyone has been talking about! I always wanted to go there!
Emma: It seems like a nice place, maybe we should head there.
Natsu: (smirk) Sounds like fun to me.
Happy: (smile) Yeah and can't wait!
Alex: Hold up. We went to that Balsam village for our break, besides I think Erza wants us to stay and-
Erza: We should hurry before night will come.
Then Alex turn to see Erza already packed up and he facepalmed to realised Erza is on board.
Y/n: (smile) Come on it will be fun.
Woz: Indeed and maybe it can help you have a sense of humour.
Alex: Huh? What do you mean by that?
Happy: Your shown to be "cold" then Gray.
Gray and Alex: Why do you guys think I'm him?!
Gray and Alex look at each other and look away with a sigh while Y/n smiles a little and said.
Y/n: (smile) Well it settled then, let's go to Akane beach!
They cheered and head off while leaning against the wall was Tsukasa who was checking that his camera was working but in reality he was over hearing their conversation and decided to follow them to Akane beach.
(A long while later)
They arrive at Akane beach and it was one of the beautiful beaches that they have ever been. There was many rides outside and inside the resort building and a beautiful beach where we see Y/n standing wearing his pink swimming trunks as he feels the nice warm sun touching his skin.
Y/n: (smile) Man this weather is great today.
Woz: Indeed, it's such a nice day.
He turn to see Woz always wearing his green swimming trunks with his book I hand and Y/n asked.
Y/n: Aren't you worry that you book might get wet?
Woz: Never fear my lord, this book can stand against anything that comes. Water, fire, ice, bullets, explosions and an asteroid.
Y/n: (shocked) Holy cow! Where did you get that book?!
Woz: (smirk) I may serve to you but a story teller can't reveal his secrets.
Y/n: To be honest, Lucy might want something like that so Natsu or Happy won't accidentally rip them or destroy them.
Woz: Did it happen before?
Y/n: No but Lucy told me she is preparing when it comes.
Woz: I see.
Then Alex came out with his red swimming trunks which Y/n and Woz turn to see.
Y/n: (smile) Hey Alex.
Alex: Hey, is everyone else out yet?
Y/n: The girls might be ready but what about Natsu, Gray and Happy?
Alex: Let's just say its gonna be a while until they get chance.
Y/n: Why?
Alex looks at Woz and Y/n in a way to tell them and they realise what he ment.
Woz and Y/n: Oh!
Alex: Yeah.
Lucy: (smile) Hey guys.
They turn to see the girls in their bikini tops and underwear like they were ready to dive in.
Lucy: (smile) I see your trunks are similar to your rider forms.
Y/n: Really?
Woz: Guess Lucy has a point, we have runs that are similar to our rider forms.
Alex: Yeah and speaking of which, why pink?
Y/n: It's not pink, it's more light red.
Alex: What ever.
Then Gray, Happy and Natsu came out and judging by Gray ans Natsu's face, it looked like they were fighting but they managed to get changed.
Emma: What took you three so long?
Happy: It actually took us a while to get change.
Natsu: (anger) Yeah all because of Gray.
Gray: (anger) Shut up!
Erza: That's enough. We're here to have fun so let's have some fun.
Woz: she's right. Enough of this rivalry and let's come together and have some fun.
Natsu: Fine.
Gray: Sure, what ever.
Once that was sorted they have some fun at the beach. At first Alex rather stay at the shore but Natsu start to mock him saying he can't swim ane let's just say, he proof him wrong. Still they splash around at the ocean while Emma stay at the shore making sand castles that were impressive to everyone who see her large sand castle.
Soon Y/n helps Erza put some sun scream on her back while the rest play at the ocean and Erza can't help but feel relaxed to have Y/n's arms rub her back which made her smile with relax.
Y/n: (smile) How is it?
Erza: (smile) Feels wonderful.
While we see Juvia peeking out behind a tree also wearing her bikini and underwear and was jealous to see Y/n rubbing Erza's back.
Juvia: (thought) I wish Y/n was rubbing onto my back. It would felt wonderful and warm to feel his soft skin as he touches my back. It would be a dream come true.
They have some fun but within the mirror we see a monster with the number taht said "2002" on it as it growls before vanishing when a child run pass the mirror.
(A while later)
We see Y/n within his room within the resort and stands at the balcony and look at the sunset and it looks beautiful as he looks at it.
Y/n: (thought) A few weeks has gone by since I came this world and I feel like I'm getting used to this new world. It's like I never gone anywhere and I just live here all my life. Still there will be challenges alone the way and one day, I'll be King and help people no matter what.
He turn to the clock and see it's time to head down to the casino so he walks back in and get himself change to his suit and tie. While he dose this he suddenly felt a sharp noise that heard his eyes.
(Mirror noise sound)
Y/n step back and cover his ears while this noise continues over and over again and it felt like it's stronger.
Y/n: Where is that coming from?
He step near a mirror and before he figured out what it is, a hand came out or the mirror and grab Y/n from behind ane pulled him through the mirror and the mirror noise stop once his whole body was within the mirror.
A knock is heard and we cut to Lucy wearing his dress and with her was Erza as Lucy calls out to him.
Lucy: Y/n? Y/n you ready in there?
There was no answer which was weird to them.
Erza: Maybe he is already done there.
Lucy: Yeah maybe, let's catch up with the rest.
The two girls walk off not knowing that Y/n was taking by something or someone within the mirror. After a while they arrive at the casino and the place was full but they can see Alex having some fun and getting some cash ane with him was Emma.
Lucy: (smile) Hey you two.
Alex: Hey, what's happening?
Lucy: (smile) Nothing much but have you two seen Y/n anywhere?
Emma: No. I thought he was up at his room?
Lucy: We thought so as well. Wonder where he is.
Alex: He's possibly exploring around but he'll be fine.
Erza: Alright. Come on Lucy, let's have some fun at the next floor.
Lucy nods and the two walk off to gamble while Alex wings a ton of money and he cracks a smirk.
Emma: (smirk) Well that's the first.
Alex: What is?!
Emma: (smirk) Oh nothing.
Alex was confused on what he mend while Woz was at the second floor building and look down at this and wonders where is Y/n at.
Juvia: Um excuse me?
Woz turns yo see Juvia wearing a beautiful blue dress with a fairy tail logo on her necklace as she asked.
Juvia: (smile) I'm not to fight if you remember me?
Woz: I believe your a member of the phantom Lords?
Juvia: Was unril it was shut down. I wanted to know where Y/n is so I could talk to him?
Woz: Hmm I question that as well but I can't seem to find him.
Juvia: Do you think he is alright?
Woz: Maybe but I'm not too sure.
Y/n was laying on the floor unconscious until he open his eyes ane stood up. He looks around and was amazed to be surrounded with mirrors everywhere.
This shocked him to see many mirrors floating around him and he look down and see he was standing on a mirror which he thinks it might break and he will be dropped to the ground but he sees it's strong.
Y/n: Where I'm I? What is this place?
???: It's called the Mirror world. Nice to meet you or should I say.....
He turn and he can't believe what he is seeing. Stepping out of the darkness was himself but he looked to be evil as he have a Laxus like smirk on his face and look as he stare at him.
Mirror Y/n: (smirk) Myself.
Y/n: (shocked) Wow! Your me?! But no? Wait, I'M SO CONFUSED!!!!
Mirror Y/n: (smirk) let me explain to you. This is the mirror world, a world that is opposite it the real world. But in this room, i like to call it "Mirror portal world."
Y/n: Mirror portal world?
Mirror Y/n: (smirk) Yep. So, it is so glad to finally meet myself and and see your still hanging out with those loser in the real world.
Y/n: Don't call them at!
Mirror Y/n: (smirk) Tch, I don't care. They are just pulling you back from becoming king and you need to forget about them ane just care for yourself.
Y/n: I won't. They are my friends and I'll do anything to protect them.
Mirror Y/n: (sigh) Your really are such an idiot you know. Well, time to teach you a lesson.
He pull out his Ziku Driver and placeit on his waist and pull out his mirror Zi-O ride watch.
He slide it inro his Ziku driver and shouts.
Mirror Y/n: Henshin!
Ziku Driver: RIDER TIME! (Distorted electronic beat) KAMEN RIDER ZI-O!
Y/n was shocked to see him transforming into Mirror Zi-o and Mirror Zi-o charge at him and try to swing a lunch at him but he dodges it and leaps back and pull oit his Ziku Driver and his Zi-o ride watch.
Y/n: Henshin!
Ziku Driver: RIDER TIME! (Electronic beat) KAMEN RIDER ZI-O!
Zi-o and Mirror Zi-o charge at each other and they land blows to each other as they fight within the mirror portal as the two continues to fight.
(In the real world)
Alex and Emma were having and good time and still wonder Y/n is so they decided to check on him when suddenly the lights went out around them.
Emma: What's going on?
Alex: That power must be out.
Then suddenly people start to run when they hear a gunfire and Alex ane Emmma heard that as well.
Emma: (shocked) Gun fire?
Alex: Is this place under attack?!
Emma: Move!
Then Emma pushes Alex away when another rider almost slash at him. The tur turn and see it's another Ryuki as it turns to them.
Alex: Another Ryuki!
Emma: This can't be good.
Alex place his ziku Driver on his waist and pulls out his geiz ride watch before he said.
Alex: Find Lucy and Erza, they might be in trouble as well.
Emma nods and runs off while Alex slide his ride watch in ans shout.
Alex: Henshin!
Ziku Driver: RIDER TIME! (Electronic riff) KAMEN RID~ER GEIZ!
Geiz charge at Another Ryuki ans Another Ryuki try to swing at him but he dodges it and blows and kicks at Anotner Ryuki that cost Another Ryuki to stumble back.
Then he stood up and thrust his dragon arm back and thrust it forward and fire balls fired at him but Geiz dodges it and summons his Zikan Zax in bow mode and fire a few shots at Another Ryuki but he dodges it and even block it with his sword.
Then Geiz take out his knight ride watch and lide it inro his Zikan Zax.
He fire a shot that summons bats as the bats fly towards Another Ryuki but Another Ryuki see a nearby reflection and jumps through it. Geiz was shocked by this and rush over to see Another Ryuki gone.
Woz: Geiz!
Geiz turn to see Woz ans Juvia whidh he aim his bow at her and says.
Geiz: Your behind all of this are you!
Juvia: (panic) No of course not I swear!
Woz: She's telling the truth. She was with me the whole time.
Geiz wasn't sure but he lower his bow and Woz asked.
Woz: What was that?
Geiz: Another rider and it seems like it can jump through mirrors.
Woz: Mirrors? You mean it's another Ryuki?
Juvia: Another Ryuki?
Woz: It's a copy of a rider that has an ability to jump through mirrors, Kamen rider Ryuki.
Geiz: Tell her the history lessons later, let's go and check up with Lucy and Erza.
The two nod and they race to check up on Lucy and Erza and try to get together on what's going on.
Emma burst through the door and was shocked to see everyone was trapped in cards except for Lucy who is tied up.
Emma: Lucy!
She rush over to her ane bend down to try to untie her.
Emma: What happened, where is Erza?
Lucy: They took her and Happy as well.
Emma: How?!
Lucy: They surprised us and they take Erza but they- EMMA BEHIND YOU!
Emma turn onky to be hit by another rider and slamed onto a wall. She open her eyes to look up at Another Blade stood over her.
Another Blade swing his blade back and Emma thinks she was gonna die ane Another Blade pulls the sword down at her but a clash of another blade stops that ane voice said.
???: Not in my watch.
Then someone kicked Another Blade back and stepping out was a different rider that has no connection to Zi-o or Geiz.
Lucy and Emma: Who are you?
Decade: Just a Kamen rider passing through. Better remember that.
Another Blade roars ane charge at Decade but Decade blocks it's attack and kicks him but and slash him a few times before one slash cost Another Blade to stumble back.
Then Decade took out a ride card and insert I inro his neo decadedriver.9
Neo DecadeDriver: ATTACK RIDE: SLASH!
His sword lights up while Anothee Blade charge at him but Decade swings his sword at him that cost sparks out of him and he rolled forwards ane he lay on the ground. Decade slide his sword with his hand while he turns to Another blade.
Another Blade stood up and growl in anger before he escape. Decade was not gonna chase after him but instead help Emma up and after that walk up to Lucy and slice the magic robe off her and help her up.
Decade: Your alright?
Lucy: (smile) Yeah. Thanks.
Then Alex, Woz and Juvia came into the room and see Emma, Lucy and Decad and Alex asked.
Alex: Who are you?
Woz: That's Kamen rider Decade. He is the 10th rider and a man that travel through worlds.
Lucy: (surprised) Wow!
Decade pulls out his ride card and dehenshins and turns to them.
Tsukasa: (smile) That's right. My real name is Tsukasa Kadoya and I wanna know if I can see Y/n?
They have no idea where he is at and they hope he is alright.
(Mirror portal world)
Zi-o stumble back and quickly dodges Mirror Zi-o's punch and Mirror Zi-o turns ane slowly walk towards him. Zi-o has been fighting for a while and he is start to get tired and feels like he can't beat him.
Mirror Zi-o: No point of fighting me. I know your moves so i and beat you without breaking a sweat!
He try to punch at him but Zi-o dodges it but Mirror Zi-o kicks Zi-o oh the waist that cost him to fell and Mirror Zi-o to grab him by the neck and lift him up into the air.
He was chocking him in hopes to kill him and take his own place. Zi-o look a himself and he doesn't know why but he launch his hand into Mirror Zi-o and he scream out in pain before the two were thrown and Zi-o lands hard on the ground and so dose Mirror Zi-o.
Zi-o slowly stood up andhe look at what he grab and see he have gotten a different looking like Zi-o ride watch.
Zi-o: What is this?
Mirror Zi-o: (anger) You'll gonna die for that!
Mirror Zi-o charge him and at the same time a mirror next to him lights up and Zi-o thinks it's open so he turns to Mirror Zi-o and he makes a run for it and leaps through the mirror and the mirror closed just at Mirror Zi-o reach over there and see he have managed to escape.
Mirror Zi-o: (anger) AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
(Unknown location)
Zi-o leaps put or the mirror and lands hard onto the wooden floor. He turn to see that he have managed to escape and he breaths a sigh of relief.
Zi-o: Thank God. Looks like my luck is on my side for once.
???: Hey there, Meow.
Zi-o stunned a little and slowly turns around to see three people staring at him. One a female who was hugging the unconscious Happy, a guy with metal jaw and the other yellow hair.
There was a moment of silence before Zi-o says.
Zi-o: Umm i think I might be on a wrong board.
He try to walk away but a click of a gun stops him and he turn to see a block head guy with a gun as hand as he smirks at him.
Zi-o: Can we talk about this? (Nervous chuckle)
Next thing we see Y/n at the storage bay tied up and he sat on the floor and stare at the wall until he sighs and tells himself.
Y/n: (sigh) So much for our nice, relaxing and fun vacation.
To be continued...........
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