Chapter 17: Demon King meets the Celestial king
We over look an abandoned castle where Zi-o and his team are at as they are there to take out a group of dark wizards taking shelter within the castle.
We cut to inside the castle to see Zi-o in his base form leap back and land onto the ground as a few dark wizards charge at him. Zi-o ready his Zidane Girade and charge at them and slice them up without any problems.
The dark wizards were quickly taking out as Zi-o turn to see them down before he rest his Zikan Girade onto his shoulder for a job done.
Zi-o: Looks like this room is clear.
Then one of the dark wizards try to attack Zi-o from before but then he suddenly froze in place and Zi-o turn to see Emma with her hand out and turn to him.
Zi-o: Thanks for that. This job is a lot more easier with you with us.
Emma: Just want some action instead of sitting around the guild all day.
Zi-o: Don't blame you.
Woz: My lord.
Then Geiz and Woz appear out of the door as Emma and Zi-o turn to them and they said.
Geiz: This castle is all clear. Erza and the rest are waiting for us outside.
Woz: This has been a successful victory once again by the demon King and his friends.
Zi-o: (chuckle) Yeah it sure has. Let's meet them up outside and see what's up.
They node and they exit out of the room to meet them. Emma was the last one out and suddenly felt that someone is watching us. She look around but only see a mirror that is facing her. She brush a shrugged and left the room.
However there was a mysterious person within the mirror while there is a mysterious noise as the mysterious person within the mirror smirks to himself.
Y/n, Alex, Woz and Emma made there way out of the castle and met up with Erza, Natsu, Happy, Lucy and Gray as they walk up to them while not noticing Juvia at the background watching Y/n and wishing he can notice him someday.
Y/n: (smile) The castle is all clear from dark wizards Erza. Looks like they need a new place that isn't near a town of people.
Erza: (smile) That's good.
Alex: At least this time we didn't cost too much damage.
Woz: I agree. In the end, the job was an success.
Natsu: So what should we do now?
Gray: I guess we head back to the guild.
Lucy: I don't know. We've been working hard so how's about we take a break and relax.
Emma: I heard there is a village called Balsam that isn't far from here.
Y/n: What's that?
Woz: It is one of the most relaxing and fun place to be. It's basically a tourist attraction to all those who have come and enjoy themselves with some fun games and activity. Not to mention a spar place to relax and a hotel to stay in after your existing and fun time in that village. It is truly is a wonderful place to be!
A light shine on Woz while the rest just stare at him as Alex fold his arms and said.
Alex: He really like being the spotlight of it all.
Happy: (smile) That's Woz for ya.
Erza: (smile) I think that's an excellent idea. We should head there right now before night time comes.
Lucy: (smile) Awesome!
Y/n: (smile) Let's get going!
And so they head to Balsam village to relax and have a fun time. Not so long later they were walking near a forest next to them when they see someone in the distance.
Y/n: Hey is that Loke?
The person walks up close and it was indeed Loke. They walk up to them and Loke wave to them before he said.
Loke: Oh hey guys, what's happening with yous?
Y/n: Nothing much, heading to Balsam for some fun time.
Natsu: What are you doing here?
Loke: Oh just taking a walk, that's all.
Lucy: (smile) Hey Loke.
Loke: (scared) Wow Lucy hey!
Lucy: Um...hi, is everything alright?
Loke: (scared) Y-Y-Yeah I'm good. Sorry gonna go!
Then he rushes off and dissappear into the woods leaving them confused.
Lucy: What was that all about?
Natsu: No clue but you sure scare him.
Happy: What did you do Lucy?
Lucy: Nothing! I didn't do anything!
Woz sense something odd about him and Y/n notice this and asked.
Y/n: You alright Woz?
Woz:.....I'm alright my Lord. Shall we continue on our journey to Balsam?
Y/n: Sure.
They continue on while we cut to Loke taking a breather after that run. He looks at his hands and think to himself.
Loke: (thought) I can't keep this going any longer.
Then behind him was a mysterious ghost like women behind him and he can feel her just for a few seconds before she was gone.
Loke: (thought) Please.....not yet......I just need more time.
(A while later)
They arrive at Balsam Village at night and they head to the hotel to be booked and head to the spar baths to take a dip. There was a wall that separated the boys and the girls so they can have their own private time.
The guys were enjoying their side of the spar bath while the girls were enjoying their side of the spar bath.
Lucy: (smile) This feels wonderful.
Erza: (smile) Indeed. This is such relaxing.
Erza stood up and Emma and Lucy see Erza was still wearing her armor which Emma asked.
Emma: Why are you wearing your armor in a spar bath?
Erza: To keep my armor clear.
Lucy: Well there is no boys around and I don't think it's necessary to have that on.
Erza: Hmm you may have a point.
Then her armor disappear and she was completely naked.
Lucy: (surprised) Wow you look awesome without your armor.
Erza: (smile) Is that so. I guess I'll walk around with the guild without my armor.
Lucy: !?
Erza: (giggle) Just kidding.
Emma was looking at the stars just thinking about something while Lucy turn to her and asked.
Lucy: Hey you alright. You seem quiet.
Emma: I'm good but I have a feeling that something just happened.
Lucy: Just happened?
Erza: Like what?
Emma: No clue but I feel like something or someone has enter this world and have been spying on us after we dealt with Phantom Lords.
Lucy: Is this person here right now spying on us?
Emma: No he's not. Besides, I think he is focused on Y/n but I don't know.
Lucy and Erza were a bit concerned while Emma thinks about it and needs to speak to Y/n in private after their spar bath.
(Short while later)
We see Alex and Gray wearing their Japanese like clothes and in their hotel room. Gray was trying to sleep while Alex is just reading a book when Natsu and Happy burst into the room with pillows in hand as they step into the room.
Natsu: (smirk) It's time for a pillow fight!
Happy: (smile) Aye!
Alex: Pillow fight? Isn't that for kids to play?
Gray: Yeah that's dumb.
Natsu: It's not dumb it's awesome and fun!
Happy: Hey, where's Y/n?
Gray: Emma came by and ask for Y/n to come with her to town and now they must be in town.
Natsu: Well looks like he's gonna miss this.
Woz: I'll vouch for Lord's pillow fight challenge.
Natsu and Happy jump a bit when Woz spoke behind them and enter the room.
Natsu: Man you have some teleport abilities because you appear everywhere.
Woz: (smile) Indeed. Now, shall we start this match.
Then Erza and Lucy step into the room to join in on the pillow fight.
Erza: (smirk) I was a champion on the last pillow fight so no way you can't beat me.
Natsu: (smirk) Oh yeah!
Natsu throws one at Erza but she grabs it and throws it back at him. But Natsu dodge it and the pillow hits Gray instead on the face. Then he stood up and calls out.
Gray: Alright then, you ask for it!
Then Gray join in as everyone throw pillows at each other while Alex just sighs and believe this is just childish.
Lucy: (smile) Well if everyone is gonna join in i guess I will.
Alex: (thought) I rather not say that if I were you.
Then a pile or pillows fly over to Lucy and hits her and she was sent crashing through the back door and fell onto he garden while Alex rolled his eyes and flip a page of his book to continue reading.
Alex: (thought) Bet Emma and Y/n have more fun then what's happening in here.
We see Y/n and Emma walking through town and exploring around the place while try out some fun activities. Emma was not a fan of carnival like activity but Y/n convince her to try some and she did.
She and Y/n play a fre carnival games and at first it wasn't that fun to Emma but more games and activities she play, she actually find it a bit fun and soon fun.
The two laugh as the play a few more games before we see them sat down at the park bench eating some cotton candy while looking at the stars above.
Emma: (smile) I gonna say. Those games were fun.
Y/n: (smile) See I told you their fun.
Emma: (smile) Alright I give you that king of the carnival games.
The two laughed before Emma remember the reason why they are out here and turn to him.
Emma: Y/n.
Y/n: Yeah?
Emma: You know that Kamen riders have abilities to combat against any monsters or evil riders right?
Y/n: Yeah, never forget about that, why?
Emma: Well I think one rider might have came to this world and possibly watching you.
Y/n: Who?
Emma: A tenth rider. A destroyer of worlds. More stronger then possibly all riders. Kamen rider Decade.
Y/n: Decade. Just like the Decade ride watch I've gotten right?
Emma: That's him. This rider has an ability to travel to nine different worlds and his job is to destroy these A.R worlds so his world will be saved.
Y/n: So is he supposed to be a dark rider then?
Emma: Not exactly. He doesn't destroy the nine worlds and gosw on to save more till this day and now I believe he is here.
Y/n: This world is a huge place, he might be anywhere.
Emma: Yeah which is why we need to look out for him. He maybe a good rider but just keep an eye on him at all times.
Y/n: Will do.
Emma and Y/n continue looking at the stars while Emma rest her head onto Y/n's shoulder that made Y/n blush a little but allows her as they stare up at the stars.
Behind them on standing on the balcony we see Tsukasa taking pictures of Y/n and Emma looking at the stars together before he senses someone behind him and said.
Tsukasa: Your also spying on them too?
He turn to see Mystogan standing behind him as Tsukasa lend back on the metal railings while Mystogan asked.
Mystogan: I know you have come here for a purpose. Why have you come here destroyer of worlds.
Tsukasa: Like I said before. I'm just passing on through.
Mystogan: Your lying. I know you have came here for Y/n and I want to know why?
Tsukasa:....OK....but first...why are you here?
Tsukasa: You came all this way just to ask me why I am here and why I'm I so interested with Y/n. Even when you first met him you didn't put him to sleep like the rest of your guild members. In let him see you so he can one day meet you again and this time you needed help. But the question is.......
He then turn away and check his camera before he look up at the view and said.
Tsukasa: What help do you want for Y/n?
Then there was silence as Tsukasa turn to see Mystogan gone. He smirks and said to himself.
Tsukasa: (smirk) He always like to dodge questions.
Then Tsukasa walks away from the metal railing and a portal appears in front of him and he walks through it and the portal vanishes.
(Next day)
We see Y/n and the rest return to Magnolia and back in the still repaired guild Hall as Y/n sees Natsu and Gray were head to head and angry as they share glares at each other.
Y/n: So the two gotten too far of the pillow fight and they start to argue?
Woz: Indeed but the good news is that you have won the pillow fight for you my lord.
Y/n: Um thanks?
Alex: I told them it was a childish game.
Emma: You didn't take part is so you won't end up like them huh?
Alex: No!
Mirajane: (smile) But besides that, I see yous have a great time there.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah it was amazing. Bet Lucy enjoy it right Lucy!
Y/n: alri-
Gray and Natsu: (anger) LUCY, I WON THE PILLOW FIGHT RIGHT?!
Lucy: Shut up.
Natsu and Gray were scared how Lucy looked while Y/n and the rest were surprised by her reaction.
Emma: (smirk) Got yo attention. Its funny how she acts like Erza would.
Woz: I guess Lucy did learn this trick from Erza after all.
Alex: At least that shut them up a bit.
Y/n see that Lucy is bothered by something so he walks up to her and sat down next to her.
Y/n: You alright Lucy?
Lucy: Yeah I'm great. Why you asking?
Y/n: Because you look upset and I wanna see what's wrong.
Y/n gently garbe Lucy's hand to comfort her which works. She sighs and calms down a bit.
Lucy: I'm sorry. I was....thinking on what Loke said back at Balsam village.
Y/n: (surprised) He was there?
Lucy: Yeah. We heard to a bar to take a drink but before he left he make this horrible joke that he is gonna die.
Alex: That's not like him to say.
Emma: And creepy as well.
Woz: I don't know.
They turn to Woz and Woz looks at them and said.
Woz: This might sound crazy but I believe something is really wrong with him.
Mirajane: Well now I think about it, a group of girls came here and asked about Loke and it turns out, loke broke up with them and wanna know where he is.
Lucy: (surprised) Seriously?!
Emma: Guess something is wrong with him then. Either that or he found a either more sexxy girl to fall to.
Alex: (thought) Wait a second.
Alex: Hey Natsu!
Then Natsu walks up to them and asked.
Natsu: Yeah, what's up?
Alex: When ever you and Loke swap bodies, did you feel any magic in him or what was he thinking?
Natsu: Well his magic was weird but I can tell something was on his mind. Like.....he was worried about something.
Y/n: Weird.
Alex: I suggest we go to his place and find out.
Woz: Agree.
Y/n: Let's go.
(Short while later)
They arrive at Loke's home and Loke wasn't answering so they let themselves in and look around. They were surprised to see everything was cleaned out like this place is empty to top to bottom.
They look around but there was no sign of Loke anywhere. They check his bedroom, the kitchen, the loving room, the bathroom but nothing. Alex check the living room once more and found something within the drawers and picks it up and it was a celestial key.
Alex: Guys I've found something.
They walk over to the living room and Alex show them the key which confused them because they know that Loke isn't a celestial wizard like Lucy and it doesn't make sense.
Emma: Why would Loke not like Celestial wizards even though there is a celestial key in his home?
Woz: I think he might be hiding something from us.
Emma: But what?
Y/n looks around and noticed something on the floor. He picks it up and looks at a picture of Loke with a woman next to him and he calls out.
Y/n: Guys look at this.
They turn to see the picture and Emma instantly know her and said.
Emma: That's Karen Lilica, she used to be a member of Blue pegasus guild and a model in the social weekly magazine until she was killed on a job.
Y/n: It seems Loke know her until her death. Do you think that's the cost of his fear of celestial wizards?
Woz: It's hard to say but we must find Loke so he can tell us.
Alex: Right. Let's head back to the guild and find-
Natsu: Loke you here!
Then Natsu and Happy burst into the room and see Y/n and the rest there.
Y/n: Natsu, Happy, what are yous doing here?
Happy: It's loke! He's walk out of Fairy Tail and never gonna come back!
Emma: (shocked) What?!
Alex: (shockoed) Have yous found him yet?
Natsu: No that's why we came here. Come on, let's go find him.
They nod and Woz, Emma and Alex head out to join in on the search. Y/n was about to go with them but then he gave a feeling of turing the picture and so he did and in it was an address to something and he decided that's one place that Loke might be.
(Sometime later)
Y/n arrive at the location which was near a waterfall and see Loke standing at the edge of the cliff looking at a gravestone of Karen and ready for his time to happen.
Y/n: Loke!
Loke turn to see Y/n which surprised him a bit and asked.
Loke: (surprised) Y/n? What are you doing here?
Y/n: Everyone is looking for you. They wanna know why you left the guild?
Loke: I didn't have time to explain. time has come anyways.
Loke turn away and then Y/n figured it out. Why Loke was scared of Lucy and all Celestial Wizards, why he said to Lucy he is gonna die and why he has that Celestial key and a picture of Karen at his house. He figured it all out and looks at Loke and said.
Y/n: Your a celestial spirit....aren't you?
Loke turn back at Y/n in surprised that Y/n figured it out.
Loke: (surprised) H-How did you know?
Y/n: Well I hang out with Lucy so she told me a lot about Celestial spirit keys and how they work. A spirit needs to sign a contract to it's owner so there won't be arguments between the owner and his or her spirit. However....if a owner was either killed or retired the contract is broken and the spirit is free to go back to the celestial world. However, if they stay at Earthland for too long then they will slowly die.
Loke: (chuckle) That's right. Whoa no wonder Lucy's falls for you. Your a lucky guy.
Y/n blushes a little and then Loke sigh to himself while Y/n looks at him and asked.
Y/n: Still I have two questions. Why aren't you back at the celestial world and what's your connection with Karen?
Loke looks up at Y/n and he knew he have to tell him. So he sighs and explains.
Loke: You see....the truth is......I've been kicked out of the celestial world because I killed my owner who is Karen herself.
Y/n's eyes widen in shock and doesn't believe it. Loke would never kill someone so he hears him out of it and he gose on to explain.
Loke: I was not the only celestial spirit. There was another named Aries and she was scared of Karen because she used her as a shield in battle and she put her anger on her and abuse her. One day, I have enough and block her from Aries or any of her keys. A celestial Spirit allow to block the owners connection to their spirits if a spirit is strong enough. So I give her a few days to get her act to together and treat me and Aries better. A waited at the church for many days and she come back and try to tell her that she changed but I know she was lying and refused. Then one day....she took on a job and.....she was killed.
Y/n was even more shocked by what Loke told him and believes it wasn't his fault for Karen's death to happen.
Loke: The celestial king banished me to Earthland and now I am close to my death and I will accept the punishment I've been giving.
Y/n: no. No! That isn't far for him to do! It wasn't your fault for Karen's death it was herself for pushing herself to do it and treated you and Aries hardly!
Then Loke suddenly felt pain and fell onto his knees which Y/n rushes up to him and bend down to him. Looe lift up his hand and they see its fateing away. Soon his body is starting to fate away.
Loke: It looks like it's time.
Y/n: No! It's not your time! I'm refusing this to happen to you!
???: His fate has been sealed.
Then everything around them froze in time and they look up at the sky to see a large portal and a giant celestial spiral float out of the portal and float on the hole or the water fall and stare down at them.
Loke: That's him. The king of the Celestial spirit and the world.
Y/n: (thought) I never suspected some spirits can be big?!
Celestial king: Leo has done a terrible crime within the celestial World. He have broken the contract to his own and as a result....he must be punished for his actions.
Y/n stood up while looking at the celestial king and calls out.
Y/n: But it wasn't Loke or Leo's fault for his master's death! His master was a cruel person and he was just protecting his friend!
Celestial king: Cruel or not, Leo must accept his fate and accept on the actions on what he did.
Y/n: You can't just let Loke to die like that! What about Aries, did she explain the situation to you?
Celestial king: Indeed.
Y/n: And you just allow him to be kicked out of the celestial world and didn't listen to one or YOUR Celestial people?!
Celestial King: Correct.
Y/n: Your such an awful king! I would never ignore anyone if I were king! I would listen to them and sort things out! But you and your stupid moustache face ignore her and cast Loke out for a crime he didn't do!
Celestial King: Moustache face?
Loke: (nervous) Um I rather not call him that ir I were you.
Y/n: You need to learn that what Loke did was brave and you should see that not all celestial spirits aren't just creatures so their owners use as their shield or as an distraction! They are living people with heart, feelings and goals that they wanna do!
He then point at Loke and said.
Y/n: And Loke did just that! He shown to be more of a human then just a spirit! He flirt with girls, help the guild about, cries with them, smiles at them and all what other humans are! HE'S MORE THEN YOU EVER THOUGHT HE WAS!
Then his ride watch in his pocket start to glow and holding orbs appears out of them and surrounded Y/n until they appear around Y/n as Riders which shocked Loke and the celestial king to see Kuuga, Agito, Ex-aid, Drive, OOO, Fourze, Ghost, Hibiki, Faiz, Wizard and Decade as they stare up at the celestial king.
Loke: (thought) No way! Are those the spirits of the kamen riders?!
Y/n: He's more then just a celestial spirit. He is a friend and apart of our family, sure he might try to flirt with female girls in the guild and get beaten up time to time but that's what he is! His goal is to try to find love within his heart and no matter what happens he still continues it! Now look at him hard Celestial King and ask yourself this.....are you really a good king or not!
The celestial king looks at Y/n in silence while Loke was waiting to see what happens next.
Celestial King: Your words young boy has.......convince me to realise my actions. You are right, I shouldn't have see what Leo and see his actions was not fully his fault. Now I have seen the error of my ways.
Then he turn to Loke and said.
Celestial King: Leo the Lion, you are here by welcome back to the celestial world and your crimes will be forgotten.
Loke was shocked by this and Y/n pulls up a thumps up while the spirit of the Kamen riders vanished into thin air.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks for that Moustache guy.
The celestial king smiles before he float up through the portal and return back to the celestial world while time turn back to normal.
Y/n turn to Loke and walk up to him and reach out a hand to him and then said with a smile.
Y/n: Come on, let's go home.
Loke smiles and grab Y/n's hand and they head back to the guild with now Loke or Leo is no longer banned from the Celestial World and he can return back to see his friends including Aries once more.
Y/n step on a puddle as he walk pass and within the reflection we see that some mystogan person as he smirks once more and spoke.
???: Time to meet your own self Y/n.
In his hand was a Zi-o ride watch but it looked to be different like it was the opposite to Y/n's own rider watch.
The mystery person disappeared from the reflection of the puddle while that same noise is heard their time even loud then before.
(Mirror noise)
To be continued..............
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