Chapter 16: Woz is a kamen rider?!
It was the middle of the night at the town of Magnoila and no one is around anywhere as we see three bandits walking through the steers of Magnoila and step in front of the fairy Tail guild Hall which is still in repairs but these bandits are here to smash it.
Male bandit 1: (smirk) Everyone said Fairy Tail is doing some repairs. But let's see how long it will take for them to do it all over again.
They walk into the guild and see no one around which would be great but one of them asked.
Male bandit 2: Wh-What their riders? Will they try to stop us?
Male bandit 3: Their only two riders so I think we can handle two riders if we stick together.
Male bandit 4: Yeah but for now, let's smash some stuff.
Male bandit 1: (smirk) Agree. Let's do this.
One bandit walks over to a table and rise his sword to cut it in have but a voice calls out to them.
???: I will not allow you to damage this guild anymore.
The four bandits were surprised that someone is here and they group up and look around for this person.
Male Bandit 2: Fuck it's them isn't it? We're done for!
Male bandit 1: Shut up, that voice is only one guy so we can handle it.
???: I doubt that.
They turn around and see a new mysterious Kamen rider and his suit is light up green as the four bandits see this in shock.
Male bandit 1: Who the heck are you supposed to be?
???: Me? The name doesn't matter, but I will not allow you to ruin my lords and my friends guild hall.
Male bandit 1: (smirk) Ha! And you gonna stop us? Get him!
All four charges at this mysterious Kamen rider while the kamen rider shrugged and said.
???: If you assist.
Then he charge at them and swing his fist back and push it forward for a punch and battles against the bandits. Next thing we see is this mysterious green rider walking awawhile four bandits were beaten up and strapped under a lamppost so the police can handle them while he disappeared into the shadows.
(Next day)
We see everyone at Fairy Tail at the still repairing guild hall drinking and talking while we see Y/n sitting eating his breakfast with Emma, Alex and Woz sat there as well talking when they hear Mirajane call out.
Mirajane: (smile) Alright everyone, the job board is now open to everyone while the guild gets repaired but at least now yous can get back to your jobs.
Eveyeone cheered and there was a piles of guild members gathered at the job board picking out jobs while Y/n and the rest see this and Y/n said.
Y/n: Seems like everyone is desperate to get back to work.
Emma: Don't blame them. We all need to get some money in order to at rent.
Alex: Agree, I need to get some of my rent payed.
Woz: Well at least now everyone can go back to their normal lifestyle after the guild war is over.
Y/n: (smile) Agree.
Lucy: (smile) Yeah guys.
They turn to see Lucy walking over to them and Y/n asked.
Y/n: (smile) Hey Lucy, how is things?
Lucy: (smile) Good just need to apologise to my celestial for dropping them. Some forgive me.
Alex: Some?
Lucy: Yeah there is one that didn't take it too kindly about it.
Y/n: Ooooh I think I know who.
Lucy: I still feel my butt hurting.
Emma: That must of suck.
Then Gray came over and asked.
Gray: I can cool it off you ya.
Lucy: That sounded a bit weird so no thanks.
Then Happy and Natural appear and Happy asked with a smirk.
Happy: (smirk) Dose it really hurt Lucy?
Lucy: Yeah and what's with the smirk!
Natsu: (smirk) I wonder if I heat up her butt more.
Happy: Aye.
Lucy: What are you the devil!
Emma: Can you boys just leave her alone for once.
Natsu: Fine we were just joking after all.
Gray: Yeah still, nice to see everyone is going back to their normal lives.
Emma: Yeah but we need to keep our guard up for the tike jackers if they show up. Who knows when they will strike.
Natsu: (smirk) Don't worry I'm sure they won't mess with us anytime soon.
Emma: You may not know that.
Suddenly a barrel was thrown across the guild and hits Natsu in the head and he fell onto the ground while they hear Erza said in anger.
Erza: (anger) What about you say that again!
They look over to see her having an argument with Laxus while he smirks.
Lucy: Wonder what's going on?
Y/n: No idea but I don't like this one bit.
Laxus: (smirk) I'll tell you about this guild. This guild is nothing but weak and pathetic guild members. I'm surprised yous managed to win, I thought yous will lose.
He then looks her at Jet and Droy and said.
Laxus: (smirk) You two were one of the weakest fools around. I'm glad I never get to know your names.
Jet and Droy look down in shame while Laxus looks iver at Lucy and said.
Laxus: (smirk) Which leaves to the blonde one. The little princess that started this whole mess. This was all your fault.
Y/n: What about you shut it Laxus.
Y/n stood up and glare at Laxus and then said.
Y/n: How dare you call everyone weak even though your a coward for not helping us! We ask for your help but you just refuse and left us defend for ourselves!
Laxus stood up and walks over to Y/n and glares back at him and then said.
Laxus: (anger) You call me a coward kid? Not only you made gramps kick me out of being an S-Class rank but you dare to call me a coward!
Y/n: (anger) Yeah because you show no care to anyone other then yourself. Not only you disappointed your guild members but you also disappointed master Makarov himself because your just a selfish coward.
Laxus makes a fist and then pushes Y/n that sent him flying and he crashes into a table. Lucy, Emma and Woz runs over to help him up while Alex, Natsu and Gray stood in front of Laxus in rage on what he did.
Natsu: (anger) How dare you!
Alex: (anger) You should be a shamed.
Gray: (anger) You may have abandoned us but at least Y/n stood with us and help us won.
Laxus: (smirk) Yeah right. As soon while be guild master not only I'm gonna kick Y/n out but I'll use his rider and his ride watches to show everyone to not mess with me. I'll can be even the king if I wanted to, how dose that sounds kid.
Y/n just glares at Laxus just as Laxus turns and walks out of the guild and dissappear. Y/n stood up while Lucy asked.
Lucy: You alright Y/n?
Y/n: I'm fine but why would anyone wanna make him guild master.
Mirajane: Makarov may have not have a choice.
They look over to Mirajane and then she said.
Mirajane: You see, Laxus is actually the grandson of Makarov.
Y/n: (shocked) What?!
Lucy: (shocked) That can't be true!
Mirajane: It is. If Makarov reaches to his retirement then Laxus will take over as the new guild master.
Emma: But that's probably why he keeps on going as Guild master. So he won't be guild leader.
Mirajane: That's correct.
Y/n was considered on this. If Laxus ever became guild master then everyone in fairy tail will be kicked out and will have no where else to go to take on jobs.
(Short time later)
Natsu, Happy, Erza, Lucy, Emma and Gray went out to do a job while Y/n decided to stay at the guild and find his own job with Alex and Woz.
We see the trio looking at the jobs at the job boards and see some jobs were either taking or not have good pay. Y/n pull out on one job and asked.
Y/n: What about a slime slaying job?
Alex: Those things are disgusting, no thanks.
Woz: What about a delivery job?
Y/n: It sounds good but kinda boring as well.
Alex: Man there isn't enough jobs isn't there.
Woz: I afraid so.
Y/n: Man this sucks.
Levy: (smile) Hey guys.
They turn to see Levy, Jet and Droy walk over to them and Levy asked.
Levy: (smile) How is your job hunt been doing?
Y/n: Not good. We can't find a job for us to do.
Levy: Bomber.
Jet: (smile) Hey, what about yous come with us.
Droy: (smile) Yeah we have a interesting job that yous wanna be interested.
Woz: What is it?
Levy: There is reports of a monster hunting the shores of the beach called daylight beach.
Y/n: Monster?
Jet: Yeah this monster reported to appear in dark and attack anyone who comes at night. This monster is unknown but some say it lights up red.
Woz: lights up Red?
Alex: Sounds like a monster for me.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah and a great job to take so let's go.
Levy: (smile) Awesome, let's go.
They go with Levy and her group as they exit out of the guild and head to the location. While we see a mysterious figure watching them leave within the alleyway before disappearing into the dark alleyway.
(A while later)
They arrive at Daylight beach were they spoke to the client and he told them as much information as he can and they get started. We see Y/n, Woz, Alex, Jet and Droy standing at the sands of the beach looking around to see no one around.
Y/n: Jeez this place is really abandoned.
Jet: Yeah, probably for their safety.
Alex: Agree. So where should we start?
Woz: The wise choice to to split up into twos and find it's hang out spot.
Alex: You sure it's a good idea to split up?
Y/n: (smile) Hey if we split up, we can find it easier.
Alex: You got a point there. So where's Levy?
Jet: I think she told us to wait.
Y/n: Weird, why?
Levy: Sorry about the wait Boys.
They turn and they were surprised to see Levy wearing her beach clothes while she runs over to them.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow I never knew you have that.
Jet and Droy: It looks great Levy!
Alex: Jeez do yous have to yell like that?
Levy: (smile) Thanks, I figured I wear this since it's a nice and sunny day at the beach.
Y/n: (smile) Well looks good on you.
Levy: (little blush) Th-thanks. So what were yous talking about?
Woz: We were thinking we should split up into twos and look for this monster.
Levy: (smile) Sounds like a good idea. Y/n can I go with you.
Y/n: (smile) Sure, I don't mind.
Levy: (smile) Yay.
Jet and Droy were a bit jealous how Levy chose Y/n to go with him but they didn't wanna argue so Jet gone with Alex while Droy gone with Woz and they split up to search for this monster.
Y/n and Levy were walking along the beach looking for any signs of a nest until Y/n discovered some tracks on the sand. He bend down to take a closer look.
Levy: Are those monster tracks?
Y/n: Looks like it and I think it goes along the beach.
Levy: Wonder what is it up to?
Y/n: No idea. Come on, let's follow it.
Levy nods and they follow the tracks. While they walk along the beach Y/n asked Levy.
Y/n: so how is your wound?
Levy: Still there but getting better. Yours?
Y/n: Same.
Levy: I see. I'm sorry I didn't help yous and fight. If I was a bit strong enough then I would have stand my ground again Another Decade.
Y/n: Don't beat yourself up Levy. It wasn't you or Jet and Droy's fault. He surprised you and strong.
Levy: Guess so, but I'm glad we won all thanks to you.
Y/n: It's not just me, everyone did well and they deserve more then me.
Levy: (smile) Yeah guess your right. Still it was cool for you to get a new upgraded form and defeated both Gajeel and Jose.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah and it was so cool that I defeated two of them. I feel like I can take on the whole dark guilds!
Levy: (giggle) Yeah but let's not try to cost anther war to happen.
Y/n: (chuckle) Yeah guess your right.
Levy smiles and she feels like they are on a date which made her blush a little when she thinks about them. She imagines Y/n and Levy having fun at the ocean, then building sand castles at the beach and then watch the sunset while they lend over their heads towards each other for a kiss.
Steam came out of Levy's eyes with her face blushing just imagine it.
Y/n: Levy check this out.
Levy snap out of her imagine and turn to Y/n peeking aound a cliff. She runs over and peeks over and they see piles of bags laying everywhere as if someone left all of his or her bags at one spot and then left it.
They walks over to the piles or bags and look at the bags. Levy opens one and looks inside and see there was some viable and expensive stuff in this bag and said this to Y/n.
Levy: (surprised) Wow this bag has a lot of stuff in this.
Y/n: I think all of them have.
Levy: The client did say people came to daylight beach were rich so who ever this monster is must be doing this for their stuff.
Y/n: Yeah but the question is, where is it?
???: You mean, where is he?
They turn to see a man stepping out behind the bags and turn to them.
Y/n: Who are you?
Bag robber: I'm what people call, the bag robber.
Y/n: The bag robber?
Bag Robber: I steal expensive bags and seal them to people for money. You must be Kamen rider Zi-o from fairy Tail huh? The one that took down the phase lords.
Y/n: You heard about that?
Bag robber: Of course. The news about you beating a dragon slayer and leader of phantom lords spread out everywhere across Earthland. Must say you are famous.
Levy: Well you gonna get taking away and there is nothing you can do about it.
Bag robber: (smirk) I don't think so.
He then pulls out another Faiz ride watch and presses it.
Then he slams it irno his chest and he transform into Another Faiz.
Levy: You gonna be kidding me!
Another Faiz: Now shall we start this party?
Y/n: Levy call in everyone else.
Levy: Right.
Levy writes out fire ball and then a shot of fire is shot into the sky, giving Woz, Jet, Alex and Droy attention and they rush to their location.
Ziku driver: ZIKU DRIVER!
Y/n: Henshin!
Zi-o: Let my life, burn bright!
Another Faiz charge at Zi-o and Zi-o blocks the first strike and then kicks Another Faiz back. Another Faiz stumbled backwards and was about to land a punch but suddenly chains suddenly appear and it strapped around Another Faiz arm.
He looks over to see Levy giving him a wink while she smirks before Zi-o punches Another Faiz and he crashes through a few bags and rolled inro the ground. Zi-o leaps over and land a few punches to Another Faiz and he dodges some blows to Another Faiz.
Another Faiz lights up red and the red lights form into his left fist and he thrust it to Zi-o. But his fist went through Zi-o which shocked him. Zi-o kicks Another Faiz back and then he floats around him and give blows to Another Faiz until one strike set Another Faiz flying and he crash into a wall and fell onto the sand.
Zi-o lands on his feet while Levy runs over to Zi-o as Zi-o walks over to Another Faiz while he said.
Zi-o: Looks like it's game over for you.
Another Faiz slams his fist into the sand while Zi-o was about to finish this. Then suddenly explosion appears around them Zi-o and Another Faiz that sent them flying.
Zi-o fell onto the sand and slowly stood up as Levy runs over to him and help him up.
Zi-o: What was that?
Levy: I don't think it wasn't that robber.
Y/n: Then who?
Then they hear someone coming towards them and they turn to see someone walking towards them. This person was not Alex or Woz or anyone they knew of. This person looked like a black rider with red lines on this mysterious person ae he stops in between them and turns to Zi-o and Levy.
Zi-o: (surprised) Another Kamen rider?
The mysterious rider then turn to Another Faiz which he is standing up and took out his Zikan Girade but it was panted just like his rider form.
He walks uvee to Another Faiz just as Another Faiz stood up and mate eye contact with this mysterious rider.
Another Faiz: and who are you?
Another Faiz: Hey are you deaf or something? I said who are yo-
Then the mysterious rider stab his Zikan Girade in blade mode into Anothrr Faiz stomach and he looks down to see the blade enter his stomach. He turn back to his human form and the mysterious rider catches another faiz watch as the bag robber cough out blood while the mysterious rider spoke in a dark and deep voice.
???: Now die like the rest of the people you've token.
Then he pulls out his blade and bag robber fell to his knees and then face first onto the ground. He was killed with Levy horrified by this while Zi-o asked.
Zi-o: Why did you kill him!?
???: This world is no room with the criminals like him. They shall be killed.
Zi-o: But that's not justice!
???: I make now own justice once I'm king.
Zi-o: Who are you?
The mysterious rider turns to Zi-o and Levy and then said.
Aion: I am, kamen rider Aion and your time is up, demon king.
He then charge at Zi-o and Levy and swing his blade back to strike back Geiz leaps up and kick Aion. Aion lands on his feet and looks over to see Geiz. Then Jet, Droy and Woz run over and see this new rider.
Droy: (surprised) Another kamen rider?
Jet: Who is he?
Geiz: no idea but he try to hurt Zi-o and Levy.
Aion: So your Geiz huh? No wonder you were a failure to him.
Geiz: Shut it!
Geiz rushes over and try to blow punches to Aion but he dodges Geiz blows and then he catches his fist which shocked Geiz and everyone else.
Geiz: (shocked) What? How?
Aion: My magic is called "foreshadowing" it basically allows me to see my enemies next moves. So there is no way you can't beat me.
Then Aion kicks Geiz in the wast a few times that cost Geiz to stumbled backwards while Aion walks towards Geiz. Geiz try to land a punch at Aion but he dodges it and punches Geiz in the stomach before he swing his leg and kicks Geiz back.
He was sent flying and land onto the sand. Aion rushes at him but he quickly dodges Jets speed and the he slices Droys plant attack with his Zikan Girade and see Jet and Droy have surrounded him which Aion smirks underneath his helmet and said.
Aion: No point of yous defeated me. Yous already lost.
Then Aion reach out both at his hands at Jet and Droy and they suddenly feel like they are stuck. Then Aion claps his hands towards and Droy and Jet slams together and then Aion pulls them towards Aion and once close he stretch 9ut his feet and kicks both Jet and Droy that sent them flying and rolled next to Geiz.
The three were on their knees badly hurt while Aion stood strong and said.
Aion: Is there no one that can challenge me?
Zi-o slowly stood up and pulls out his decade ride watch and was about to insert it until Woz said.
Woz: I will.
Woz step forward in front of Geiz, Jet and Droy and stood in front of Aion.
Aion: Really? How are you gonna do to beat me?
Woz: (smirk) You may see me as a servant to Lord Y/n, but if my Lord and his friends are threatened, then it's time for me to take the stand.
He then open his book and then a green glow appears from his book and then Woz reach into his book and pulls out a new driver thet Zi-o and Geiz never seen.
Zi-o: Is that?
Geiz: A driver?
Jet: Never seen that kind a driver.
Droy: Same.
Woz: I think it's time to show yous what I have been making after the war against Phantom.
Beyondriver: BEYONDRIVER!
Then Woz pulls out a new type of ride watch and the press the button on it.
Then he slide it inr his Beyondriver and the ride watch opens up.
Beyondriver: ACTION!
Woz: Henshin!
Beyondriver: TPUEI! FUTURE TIME! (Chinese-Themed electronic music) SUGOI! JIDAI! MIRAI! KAMEN RIDER WOZ! WOZ!
Everyone was shocked to see Woz in its rider base form but Aion wasn't that impress.
Woz: Iwae! The reader of the past and the future. The prophet who will write the proper timeline. And his name is Kamen rider Woz! This is the first page of a new history!
Levy: (surprised) Wow!
Zi-o: (surprised) Woz is a kamen rider?!
Jet: (surprised) Now we have three Kamen riders?
Droy: (surprised) Awesome!
Aion: I don't care you have a new rider. I'll beat you as well.
Woz: You'll can try your best.
Aion charges at Woz and pullback his fist to land a blow but Wos dodges his fist and then he kicks Aion. Aion stumbled back as Woz walks towards Aion and then Aion try to land another blow to him but he dodges it and then he grabs Aion's fist and then lands another kick at Aion.
Aion stumbled back and looks up to see Woz gone. He looks around for him but Woz appear behind him and lands a kick at Aion's back and sent him flying. Aion lands hard onto the ground just as Woz pulls out a new weapon in this fight.
Aion summons his Zikan Girade and charge at Woz and they clash blades for a while urnil Woz strikes a few blows to Aion as Woz moves around with quick speed.
Aion stumbled backwards and felt weaken while Woz walks towards Aion and then asked.
Woz: Your done yet?
Aion: Never.
Woz: Thought so.
Woz leaps up into the air just as Aion stood up and Woz stick out his feet towards him and rider kicks Aion with an explosion.
Aion was sent flying back and he drop another faiz ride watch which Jet quickly grabs and hands it to Zi-o. Zi-o takes it and the ride watch lights up and turn another ride watch into pure.
Aion slowly stood up and looks at Woz and the rest and stand up straight and then said.
Aion: The next time we meet, I won't go easy on yous.
Then he walks into the forest and disappear into the darkness never to be seen again.
They told the client about the job...slightly done and he pay them up and they walk back to Magnoila. While the walk Y/n asked Woz.
Y/n: So you created your own driver and watch?
Woz: Indeed. I decided to make it since we need more riders in the guild so if anything happens the guild will have the upper hand.
Jet: (smile) That sounds awesome.
Droy: (smile) Yeah, you were awesome back there.
Woz: (smile) Thanks but I did my work for Lord Y/n.
Alex: Yeah but I wonder who is this fourth rider?
Levy: He said he use magic so he must be a wizard.
Alex: True but who?
Y/n: One thing to sure, it's not the gonna be the last time we gonna see him again. Who ever he is.
They nod and they walk back to Magnoila while on top of the hill looking down at them. We see Aion looking at them and said.
Aion: Enjoy your win Zi-o. Soon I'll be king and you and your friends will fall and I'll finally have my revenge on those who have token everything from me.
Then Aion turns and walks off as he dissappear from a mountain as this will not be the last time they have see Aion.
To be continued.........
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