Chapter 13: The Guild war (part 2)

Within the forest we see Porlyusica outside of her house as she sense many of Fairy Tail members fighting and falling to the Phantom Lords as she swipe her broom as wind blow just a little.

???: How is the master doing?

She looks up to see Michigan sat on a tree brench looking down at Porlyusica as Porlyusica sighs and said while swiping her broom.

Porlyusica: I wish humans like you will just leave me alone.

Michigan: I have since everyone in Fairy Tail fighting.

Porlyusica: Aren't you gonna help them?

Michigan:.....There is no point. They sure win thanks to their king.

Porlyusica: King? You mean Y/n, how so?

Michigan: Because I've since his magic when I first met him at the guild. He maybe a kid but there is a truth within him that he'll soon will find out.

Porlyusica: Then what truth would that be?

There was a long silence as Michigan took out a apple from a apple tree and took a bite on it and then he said.

Michigan: That he is not the only person who has been the demon king for years until.......

Porlyusica: Until what?

Michigan: You have to find that out.....yourself.



Elfman roared within the halls of the phantom Lords base as both Zi-o with his gainarmor and Sol as he was terrified by the size of it.

Zi-o: (thought) This isn't good. If I don't do something, he'll hurt others.

Sol: (scared) He-Hey I was just joking with the hall Lisanna thing and didn't mean anything by all that so what about we leave it aside and call it truce.

Zi-o: Do you think he's gonna fall for that?

Sol: (anger) Shut up!

Elfman looks at Sol as Zi-o turn it off his base form and walks over to Elfman and said.

Zi-o: Elfman I know your in there, you don't want to do this. Please let us save Mira and-

Then suddenly a dust storm strikes at Elfman and Zi-o as Zi-o was sent flying and lands on the ground as he looks up to see Sol with his hand reach out as Zi-o stands up and said.

Zi-o: What are you doing?!

Sol: (smirk) Ha! You have falling to my trap!

Zi-o: By trap you mean being an idiot and get us killed!

The Elfman roared in rage once more as he slam his fist onto the ground making a large shake that sent both Zi-o and Sol flying.

Zi-o hits the wall while Sol flying in the air just as Elfman grabs him in his beast like hands and slams him onto the ground.

Sol: (scared) Please I beg of you, please let me liv-

Then Elfman start to beat the living days out of him as Zi-o slowly stands up and looks over to see what's happening.

Zi-o: Elfman stop!

Elfman didn't hear him so Zi-o rans up towards him and leap into the air and kicks Elfman in the chest. Elfman stumbled back as Zi-o lands safely onto the ground and spoke to Elfman once more.

Zi-o: Please Elfman, this isn't you. You gonna snap out of it!

But Elfman roared once more and come towards Zi-o. Zi-o dodge te first strike but Elfman grabs Zi-o and lift him towards his face and roared at him.  Then he throws Zi-o across the room and he slam on the wall and fell hard onto the ground.

Elfman went back to beating up Sol as Zi-o slowly stands up as Mirajane see him slowly standing up and call out.

Mirajane: Y/n! Are you ok, say something!?

Zi-o: I'm good but Elfman can't listen to me.

Mirajane: He's blind by rage. He can't stop himself or you.

Zi-o thinks of something until he looks over to see the Ghost ride watch on the ground as he picks it up and looks at it and back to Elfman and said.

Zi-o: Maybe I can.

Mirajane was confused as Zi-o stands up and press the button on the ride watch.



Zi-o: (thought) OK let's see this works.

Zi-o start to float up just a little as he flys over to Elfman as Elfman roared onec more and once close Zi-o grab his arm s around the back fo Elfman's back and there was a flash of light as Zi-o enters Elfman mind so he can claim him down.

(Elfman mind)

It was fog everywhere as we see Y/n walking through the fog and looks around for Elfman as he calls put to him.

Y/n: Elfman! Elfman where are you!

Then he hears some child crying as he turn to see Elfman as a child as he was in his knees as he crys in front of a grave stone that was Elfman's pet bird as Y/n walks up next to the crying Elfman and bend down to him.

Child Elfman: (crying) Why are you here?

Y/n: I know how upsetting you are. You've lost everything you cared about and I'm truly sorry for that.

Child Elfman: (crying) You should leave me alone. I (sniff) I can't do anything right. I lost everything I cared about all because of this cures magic. This take over magic ruined our lives. They were right about us, they were right calling us freaks, monsters and other nasty stuff. They were right, they were right about everything. I wish (sniff) I wish I didn't exist so Lisanna still be alive!

Child Elfman start to cry once more as he bow his head as he cries. Then a hand gently touch his shoulder and looks up to see Y/n as he said.

Y/n: Your not a monster Elfman. You were gifted a power to save everyone in your village and even your siblings. What they did to you and to your siblings was not right and they should know that. Your magic isn't a cures at all, it is something that you and your sisters can learn and train hard to do.

Child Elfman: (tears) B-But I-I killed my younger sister.

Y/n: Mira doesn't blame you, including Lisanna as well. Sure she may not be alive now but she is still you and Mira memories.

Then the fog disappear as a beautiful sun rose within the sky as the Child Elfman looks up to see the sun which surprises him cause how beautiful it was and how bright it was.

???: Hey there Elfman.

The Chilr Elfman's eyes widen as he know that voice as he and Y/n turn to see Lisanna but memories of Lisanna as Lisanna smiles as Elfman and said.

Lisanna: (smile) No matter what happens. Your still my big bro.

Chilr Elfman burst into tears once more but this time it was tears of joy as Y/n looks at the Child Elfman and said to him.

Y/n: You promise you will protect everyone in the guild and even your only sister which is Mira. I swear as a King I will protect you, Mira and everyone else within Fairy Tail. No matter what Elfman, your a part of us, your our family and we accept you no matter what you are.

The Chilr Elfman looks at Y/n and hugs Y/n as he burst into tears as he cries. Y/n smiles and hugs Elfman back and Lisanna join in the hug the two as a bright light covers the whole place as Y/n exit out of Elfman's mind.


Mirajane hear nothing in there as she was worried if Elfman has done it again. Then Elfman appear out of the hole and lands onto the arms and runs over to Mirajane.

Mirajane looks up at Elfman as she thought he has finished Zi-o off along with Sol.

Mirajane: (shocked) Elfman, please you haven't-

Then Elfman grabs the fingers of the bot and grab Mirajane once opened as he hold Mirajane tight which surprises Mirajane.

Mirajane: (shocked) Elfman?

Elfman: I'm sorry Mira, I didn't mean to scare you. I was worried that I will lose you just like Lisanna.

Mirajane: Elfman, I'm just glad your ok.

Elfman set Mirajane down as Y/n runs up to them and asked.

Y/n: You alright Mira?

Mirajane: I'm good but how.....?

Y/n: Let's just say I go into his mind to calm him down thanks to this Ghost ride watch.

Mirajane: What a relief.

Elfman: Y/n thank you for stopping me. If I would have continued, I don't know what I will do.

Y/n: It's no problem Elfman. Your our family and no matter what, we protect each other.

Elfman: (smile) Indeed, thanks again and sorry about that throw back their.

Y/n: (smirk) Hey it's not the first time I get thrown by something or someone and walk away like it was nothing.

Elfman: (smirk) Now that's what a real man dose it!

Y/n: (smile) Yeah.

The two smiled while Mirajane looks at the large magic circle as Elfman and Y/n join in and asked.

Y/n: What are you thinking?

Mirajane: That magic circle is taking a long while, don't you think?

Elfman: Yeah I just realise that now. What's up with that?

Y/n: Maybe it's because how it's taking damage?

Mirajane: I don't think so? How many Element 4 members have you defeated?

Y/n: There was one at the cannons core and the other we just defeat just a second ago.

Mirajane: If that's true then that's how we stop the magic circle. They most be using the Element four members as power to charge up their magic circle.

Y/n: So we need to defeat the other half of them and we shut this down.

Mirajane: Exactly.

Y/n: Yous go find Natsu, Happy and Alex and tell them what we must do. I go and find Gray and tell him the same.

Elfman: Right, let's do this.

Elfman gets a head start as he runs off and once that Y/n was about to go when Mirajane call him.

Mirajane: Wait, you forgot something.

Y/n: Really? What is-

Then Mirajane lend in and kiss Y/n on the lips which made Y/n blush bright red as Mirajane pulls her head away after she stop kissing him and smiles followed by a giggle.

Mirajane: (smile) You forgot your reward of course. Thank you for helping Elfman and let go of his terrifying past.

Y/n: (blush) S-Surw no problem Mira.

Mirajane: (giggle) Your cute blushing like that.

Y/n: (blush) I-I-I'll be best going!

Then Y/n runs off still blushing as Mirajane smiles to herself as she also heads off with Elfman to find Natsu, Happy and Alex and tell them the news


We see Natsu, Alex and Happy as they run through a long hall way as they look around but to see no one around.

Alex: Looks like it's clear here.

Natsu: Man where are they, I wanna fight them!

Alex: We're trying to save Magnolia, not pick a fight with Phantom lord members.

Happy: Alex is right. If we don't hurry, we lose everything.

Natsu: Fine, what's your plan?

Alex: We need to find someone high ranking enough that may tell us how to stop their large magic Circle before it's too late.

Natsu: Sounds like a plan.

Then Alex feels somethings wrong as he turns and kicks something behind him just as a guy reappear as Alex has kicked him in the stomach and he slam into a wall and fell orno th ground.

Happy: (shocked) Wow where did he come from?

Alex: He is using Air magic to cloak himself. I believe he is one of the element four.

Them the guy stands up and turn to Alex and the rest.

Aria: Indeed I am Aria the leader of the Element four, my element is wind and you shall not stop our plan.

Alex: We see about that.


Alex: henshin!

Ziku driver: RIDER TIME! (Electronic riff) KAMEN RID~ER GEIZ!


Geiz: Ready Natsu!

Natsu: (smirk) Hell yeah, I'm all fired up!

Aria: (tears) It is sad that I must defeat yous. But my mater ordered no one will not get pass so die!

Then he fired a wind magic that sent both Geiz and Natsu flying back including Happy as they slam into the wall. Geiz change his Zikan Zax into bow mode and fired a shot that hits Aria.

They land on their feet and Natsu and Geiz charge at Aria and Geiz slash him with his weapon while Natsu punches him in the face and then kicked him.

Geiz turns Aria around and punch him in the face a few times and then he kicks him back. Geiz charge at Aria once more and Aria try to fire his wind magic at him but Geiz dodge his wind attack and strikes Aria with his blade and quickly turn and slash him in the back.

Aria stumbled forward as Geiz ducks down as Natsu behind him fire flames at Aria as Aria takes damage while the flame go over Geiz.

Once Natsu stopped Geiz stands up and leap up to the air and kicks Aria in the stomach as Aria stumbled forward and fell to his knees.

Natsu walks up next to Geiz and the two look at each other and nodes as Geiz pulls out his Cross-Z ride watch as he change his Zikan Zax into bow mode and slide it irno it.


Aria slowly stands up as Natsu and Geiz fired both blue and orange flames as it cone together like a drill and hits Aria and he was sent flying as there was an explosion as Aria lands hard on the ground defeated as Natsu and Happy cheered while Geiz smirks underneath his helmet and Natsu turn to Geiz and said.

Nateu: (smile) Nice job man. At first I thought you were just a jerk trying to hurt Y/n but now you're a totally badass, up top!

Natsu rise up his hand waiting for Geiz to high five him. Geiz smirks and high fired Natsu as they cheered.

Mirajane: Natsu, Happy, Geiz!

They turn to see Mirajane and Elfman as they run up to them and once they got to them Geiz asked.

Geiz: What's wrong?

Elfman: We figured out how to slow down the magic circle.

Natsu: How?

Mirajane: The element four are powered it so we need to take them out so we can save Fairy Tail and Magnolia.

Natsu: Well we took down their leader so this leaves one more.

Elfman: Maybe Y/n or Gray run up to their last member.

Mirajane: Hope so, hope they be alright.


We see Y/n running through the halls to find Gray and he see Gray finish it off with a few fountain lord members as Y/n runs up to him.

Gray: Oh hey Y/n, what's happening?

Y/n: Pretty good bit we have pig news. If we take down the element four then we can stop them even finishing their magic circle.

Gray: Sounds simple since you and Natsu defeated the fire element member.

Y/n: And Sol and possibly their leader or the last member.

Gray: Well let's go up to the roof and have a better look.

Y/n: Right.

They leap over to roof and see the battle going on in the distance as Y/n hope they can end this for good. Then suddenly rain start to pour down on them.

Gray: Rain, in the middle of the day?

Y/n: Something isn't right.

???: Drip, Drip, Drop.

They turn and see a girl with long blue hair and wearing all blue with a umbrella and beside her was another ride which was Another Hibiki.

Juvia: You shall not pass, I am Juvia and I'm the water element. Drip, Drip, Drop.

Y/n: (thought) She sound depressed.

Y/n: Listen Juvia we're not gonna let you destroy Magnolia or Fairy Tail. We will save them and protect Lucy no matter what.

Juvia: So be it.

Gray: You deal with the Oni monster?

Y/n: (smirk) Yep, let's do this.


Y/n: Henshin!

Ziku driver: RIDE TIME! (Electronic beat) KAMEN RIDER ZI-O!

Another Hibiki growled and Charge at Zi-o. Zi-o charge at Hibiki and dodge his swing and kicks him back. Another Hibiki stumbled back and fire flames at him but Hibiki dodges his attacks.

Gray rush over to her to try to strike him but Juvia fired a water blast that knocks Gray back and sent him flying back and over the wall.

Zi-o: Gray!

Zi-o dodge another attack by Another Hibiki and summon his Zikan Girade in blade more and slash Another Hibiki and Another Hibiki stumbled forward just as Zi-o charge up his sword.

TIME CHARGE: 5...4...3...2...1....ZERO! GIRI GIRI GIRI!

Then Zi-o slash at Another Hibiki that sent him flying back and land next to Juvia as Zi-o looks at them and Another Hibiki growled in anger and was about to stand up but Juvia stop him and said.

Juvia: I see your not gonna give in and surrender to us.

Zi-o: Yep, I'm not gonna give up until I'll save everyone down there and make sure protect everyone I know.

Juvia stare at Zi-o as Zi-o stare back at her as rain pours down them and then.......a blush came across Juvia's cheeks as she turns and said.

Juvia: (blush) Well, you've won. I'll be leaving now, goodbye.


Another Hibiki:............

Zi-o: Come again?

Then Juvia turns and walks off leaving Zi-o so confused as Juvia's heart beats ever faster as she can imagine.

Juvia: (thought) What is sudden beat within my heart? Is it love? That is impossible, why would I-

Then Another Hibiki grabs her by the arm and pulled her back as Zi-o was still confused on what's going on.

Zi-o: (thought) Ok I have no idea what's going on or should I leave but due that Magnolia is in my hands I gonna do this.

Juvia: Let me go!

Another Hibiki pushes Juvia onto the ground as it has enough and was about to strike at her back Zi-o slash Hibiki with his sword as Another Hibiki stumbled backwards as Juvia was surprised Zi-o would save her.

Zi-o charge at Another Hibiki and strike him with his blade as he blocks a few of his attacks just as Juvia watched which her heart skips a beat even more.

Zi-o kicks Another Hibiki and pulls out his Ex-aid ride watch and press it.


Ziku driver: ARMOR TIME! (Retro video game-themed music) LEVEL UP! EX-AID!

Zi-o charge at Another Hibiki and strike him with his twin hammer fist as he give blows to Another Hibiki. Another Hibiki rolls on the ground but he quickly stands up and fires flames at him but Zi-o leaps up in the air and came down and punch Another Hibiki in the face.

Another Hibiki rolled on the ground once more as Zi-o both of his ride watches and spone his driver around.


Zi-o leaps up into the air and lands a double punch and then a spon kick at another Hibiki and Another Hibiki exploded as Zi-o catches Anither Hibiki Ride watch as he dose a pose as he said.

Zi-o: Game clear!

Juvia was shocked by this as Another Hibiki Ride watch turn into pure once more as Zi-o looks at it.

Zi-o: And that is how it's done.

Juvia: I am surprises how you defeat Another Hibiki. But I shall not allow you to stop us. This is goodbye my love.

Zi-o: (thought) Wait did she said lov-

Then she fired water at Zi-o but Gray run up and pushes Zi-o out of the way a she two fell on the ground. Once Juvia stopped the two stands up and Zi-o said to Gray.

Zi-o: Thanks Gray.

Gray: No problem.

The two turn to Juvia as Juvia heart skip even more but she doesn't know on who until Gray said.

Gray: Man what is up with this rain, it's all droopy.

Those words echo irno Juvia's head as she heard that many times by many people in the past as she shake her fist in anger as she said.

Juvia: (anger) I have enough.

They turn to her just as Juvia pulls out Another Agito ride watch and looks at it before saying.

Juvia: (anger) I'm sick and tired of everyone call me that! YOU SHALL PAY!


Zi-o: Juvia don't!

Then she slams it into her chest as she transform into Another Agito as she growls at them both.

Gray: Oh no.

Then Anothrr Agiro roars in rage as the liquid rise up and they turn into Anothrr Agitos as they look up at them like zombies.

Gray and Zi-o step back as the zombie like Another Agitos charge at them and they attack them as Another Agito see them in pure rage and anger.

Zi-o blocks their attacks and punches them while Gray use his freeze magic to freeze them and soon they were all defeated and turn into water as Another Agito roars in rage and charge at them.

She kicks Gray away which Gray was sent flying and crash through the ceiling window and hits the ground. Another Agito was about to jump down but Zi-o pushes her away and grab a hold of her as he said.

Zi-o: Juvia let me help you! It's too dangerous for you to use-

Another Agito: (anger) I don't care! I'm tired that everything call me droopy or the o e that ruins everything!

She then pushes Zi-o and kicks him. Zi-o stumbled forward and looks up at Another Agito and asked.

Zi-o: What do you mean?

Another Agito: (anger) My whole life I was cursed with this magic and everyone call me the gril that ruins everything or the droopy girl. My life was horrible and my boyfriend I cared broke up with me and I was alone! No one want me except Phantom, they welcome me with open arms and now I'LL SEEK MY REVENGE ON THOSE WHO CALL ME NASTY NAMES!

She then charge at Zi-o as Zi-o dodges her attacks because he see her pain and what she has been through over the years. He actually felt kinda bad for her so he dodge her attack and stand up straight as Zi-o said yo her.

Zi-o: Juvia I didn't know your life was awful and I'm very sorry for that, really I am. Your master is just using you, using your mind so you can be stronger and be his doll, be his shield so people can see him as powerful and doesn't care about you or how you feel. I can help you Juvia, I can help you broke the cures and free you.

Zi-o reach out a hand to Another Agito as she looks at Zi-o in shocked as Zi-o said.

Zi-o: Please Juvia.....let me help you.

Another Agito was surprised by this and a singal tear run down her cheek. But the power within the watch start to control her and she can't stop it.

Zi-o: Juvia!

Another Agito: I-I can't stop it! Please defeat me!

Zi-o: I....I can't.

Another Agito: Please! It is the only way!

Zi-o doesn't want to do this but he pulls out his Zikan Girade in blaster mode and slide in his Zi-o ride watch and aims it at Juvia.

Zi-o: (thought) I'm sorry for this Juvia.


Then Zi-o pulls the trigger and a blast came out and hits Another Agito as she exploded and Juvia was sent flying off the roof.

She thought this was it for her as she will die alone with no one to remember her. But then a hand catch her hand and she looks up to see Zi-o grabbing her hand and saying.

Zi-o: I got you, just hang on!

Juvia was surprised by this as Zi-o pulls her up and once that she sat on down with Zi-o as Zi-o dehenshin and asked.

Y/n: You ok?

Juvia: Y-Yes but why did you save me?

Y/n: Because you were alone throughout your life and I don't want your life to end like that. You should have a life with smiles and joy, not sadness and aloneness. I believe you deserve to be happy.

He then picks up Another Agito ride watch and a flash of light and it was pure once more.

Y/n: (smile) I believe you deserve to see what happiness really is.

Juvia: (blush) Y-You really think so?

Then a light hits her as she looks up and was shocked to see that the clouds has cleared and there was the sun as Juvia was shocked by this as Y/n looks up at the sky and said with a smile.

Y/n: (smile) No matter what, light will always wins and bright your darkness day once and for all.

Juvia heart skips even more and can't help but hug Y/n which made Y/n blush a little but hugs her back as Juvia thought herself.

Juvia: (thought) I know why my heart beats so fast. It's because I'm in love....I love this boy so much.

She then passed out due to the blast as Y/n see this and lay her down and stand up just as Gray appear on the roof and runs over to him and said.

Gray: (smirk) Alright we did it! With Juvia put of the way, the phantom Lords plans has failed.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah.

Swartz: I don't think so demon king.

They turn to see Swartz but a hologram of him as they run up to him and Swartz said.

Swartz (hologram): You may have stop our plan, but our goal has finally come.

Then he pulled Lucy into view which both Gray and Y/n were shocked.

Y/n: Lucy!

Swartz (hologram): We suppose to take our leave but I told them to hold on cause I need to settle the score.

Y/n: What score would that be?

Swartz (Hologram): Face me and Gajeel alone and we see how strong the demon king really is. Don't bring anyone else, this is the fight between both Iron Dragon slayer, The leader of the Time Jacker......Vs the demon king himself.

Y/n makes a fist in anger as Swartz disappeared as Gray was also mad by this and then Y/n said.

Y/n: Find Natsu and the rest and take take Jose. I go and save Lucy.

Gray: Are you nuts! Your up against a Time Jacker and a dragon slayer, there is no way you can't beat them alone!

Y/n: I got ti try! I fail to protect Lucy from Swartz, I won't fail her again!

The two stare at each other as Gray steps back and Y/n nods and runs off to save Lucy as Gray watch him go.

Gray: (thought) Good luck Y/n, we're counting on you.


We see Porlyusica and Michigen as they were at the same spot as they can sense the battle going on between Fairy Tail and Phantom Lords as they were silent for a while.

Michigan: I know your there.

Porlyusica was caught off guard when Michigan said that as Michigan turn to the woods and said.

Michigan: I know you have been watching us, show yourself.

Then a figure appear out of the woods which Porlyusica was shocked to see someone spying on them as the person spoke.

???: Sames like your rider is doing his best to try to save Magnolia and Fairy Tail. I've been travelling to many worlds to see many riders saving the world against evil.

Porlyusica: Mind tell me who you are and why you are at my property?

???: Just here for some photo taking. Must say the view is quite good by away.

Michigan: This doesn't answer her question. Who are you?

Then the figure came out of the woods with a camera tied to a string and rap around his neck as he pulls out a card with the words "Kamen ride: Decade" on it as he said.

???: Just a Kamen rider passing through.....better remember that.

To be continued..............

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