Chapter 12: The Guild war (part 1)

We see Y/n, Woz and Alex were outside of Porlyusica place waiting for Bisca and Alzack as they take the injured Makarov to her to see if Porlyusica would heal him. They were silent cause how they found out the Phantom Lords real goal: Capture Lucy to bring her back to her father.

They hear the door open and they turn to see Bisca and Alzack walk down the steps and they walk up to them and asked.

Alex: How is he?

Bisca: She will try to heal him the best she can but we have to fight without him.

Woz: Lucky no one else wasn't hurt in battle.

Alzack: Yeah but now Phantom is gonna try yo strike to try to get Lucy and we have to get ready for them.

Alex: Right.

Y/n: It's my fault.

They turn to Y/n as Y/n turns away and looks at the path as he said once again.

Y/n: If I was with yous, I would have saved him and we have a fighting chance. But I was a coward and a fool. I'm sorry.

Alzack: Don't say that Y/n. It's not your fault at all.

Bisca: He's right, we all didn't suspect this and you made a good decision to stay behind and keep an eye on the guild including the rest back at Magnolia.

Woz: They are right, if you haven't been their, Lucy would have been kidnapped without us knowing.

Y/n: Yeah but still......

Alex: We're wasting time, we need to head back and start making plans of attack.

Alzack: Right.

Bisca: Let's go.

They start to walk back to the guild but Y/n stop and turn back to Porlyusica place and still felt bad for Makarov for getting hurt badly.

Y/n: (thought) Makarov, I'm sorry.

He then turn and walk off with the rest to head back to the guild Hall to get ready for a plan of attack.



They return back to the guild and head down to the basement as they see everyone getting ready as they pack up their magic bombs and already planning out their attack.

Emma was helping some patched up and turns to see Y/n, Woz and Alex as they run up to Emma and Y/n asked.

Y/n: Emma is everyone alright?

Emma: some are injured from the battle but no serious once.

Y/n: Well that's good.

Alex: Where's Erza?

Emma: In the shower but she seem down after what happened to Makarov. She blames herself for what happened to him.

Alex: No one is to blame here, right now we gonna fight the Phantom Lords without him until he gets healed.

Woz: We know their base is so we should strike at them no problem.

Alex: Yeah but something tells me they be placing a trap for us.

Emma: Their targeting Lucy and they may have plans to break into the guild and capture her.

Alex: True, we need a plan and fast.

Y/n slips away from the Alex and the rest and walk over to Lucy and wityher were Natsu, Happy, Elfman and Gray as Y/n walks up to them and asked.

Y/n: You alright Lucy?

Lucy: No, I'm not fine.

Y/n: We get through this, don't worry.

Happy: I'm surprised your family were rich, why didn't you tell us?

Lucy: I didn't mean to keep it a secret. I wanna get away what happened between me and my father. He never cares about me even since I was young and now he wants me back by hiring a dark guild to trash Fairy Tail, I hate him that way! Still this shouldn't have happen because of me.

Elfman: You can't blame yourself cause of all this, your father shouldn't be a better man and ask you to come back instead, like me!

Gray: Really Elfman.

Lucy: Still, he's not gonna stop until he gets me back. If I return to him, if I just give up and go with them......maybe everything will be alright.

Y/n: That's not gonna happen.

Lucy and the rest looks at Y/n and Y/n looks at Lucy and said.

Y/n: This is the guild you wanted to be. A family that truly cares for you, a family that never cares about anything other then each other. If your father wants you back with his heart, he would have come here and beg you to and apologise for everything he has done. But now he just trash our guild, the guild you feel happy after all these years.

He then grabs Lucy's hands and stare at her and said.

Y/n: We are with you Lucy and I promise no one will not get to you, I promise.

Tears start to run down at Lucy's cheeks and Y/n hugs her as she cries while Nstsu, Gray, Happy and Elfman agreed to that. After that Y/n walks up to Cana as Cana try to use her magic cards to try to contact mystogan but no sucks luck as she throws the cards away and Y/n asked.

Y/n: No luck?

Cana: No, try everything but Mystogan isn't responding.

Mirajane was at the bar with the magic lacrima on the table as Mirajane turns to Cana and said.

Mirajane: This can't be good, we need the help we can get.

Y/n: We have Erza but we need more S-Class wizards in order to protect Lucy.

Mirajane: Agree.

??? (Lacima crystals): Well hello again kid, seems things aren't happening at the guild Hall.

Y/n looks at the lacima crystals and in it was Laxus with a smirk on his face as Y/n walks over next to Mirajane and asked Laxus.

Y/n: Laxus we need your help to face the Phantom Lords in order to win.

Laxus (Lacima crystals): (smirk) Woah that surprising. You killed me out of being a S-Class wizard and all of sudden you calm back and needed my help.

Y/n: Please Laxus, if we don't win then they will take Lucy.

Laxus (Lacima crystals): Who? Oh wait the blonde chick, sure I keep her safe and she will be fine.

Cana: (anger) Your such a pig!

Laxus (Lacima crystals): Is that what you said to someone who wanted your help?

Y/n: Please Laxus we're begging you to help us.

Laxus (Lacima crystals): (smirk) Tell you what kid, I help you if you leave this guild. You took away my S-Class rank so what's about you leave this guild and I'll be the most strongest guild again without you-

Then the crystals shattered into pieces and the transmission was cut out. Y/n and Cana were shocked as Mirajane lower down her arm and she her fist in anger and sadness at all this.

Y/n: Mira?

Mirajane: (tears) Why is people so cruel. We're suppose to be a family and now he turns against us.


Mirajane: (tears) I can't sit by and watch, I have to join in and fight!

Cana: Wait I know your have magic but you can't-

Mirajane: (tears) I can't sit around and see everyone I care about getting hurt around me, I have to join in.

Y/n: I know how your feeling mira. But we're in this together.

Y/n rest his hand onto her shoulder and contusions on saying.

Y/n: No matter what happens, I will keep all of yous safe even it means taking them on by myself because that's what a true king would do.

Mirajane was still have tears in her eyes but she nods and place her hand on top of Y/n and said.

Mirajane: Yeah....I know....thank you Y/n.

Y/n: No problem, Mira.

Emma: Y/n!

They turn to see Emma running up to them and she said.

Emma: I since something and it's something big!

Y/n: What is-

Then suddenly there was a huge thud coming from outside. They race put of the guild and once out they were shocked to see something over by the ocean, coming towards them. It was the Phantom Lords base with spider like legs coming towards them.

Alex: (shocked) My god!

Erza came out with a towel around herself and see what everyone wa seeing and it was shocking to everyone. The Phantom Lords vase stops as it opens its chest to reveal a massive cannons aimed right in the fairy tail guild Hall.

Then it start to charge up which everyone realised it's about to hit them all.

Y/n: Everyone move!

Time mazine!

Y/n's Time Mazine flys over and Y/n gets on and it transform into bot form and got in front of everyone.

Natsu: What are you doing!?

Y/n: Keep the guild safe, just like a true king would.

The cannon was almost charged up as Y/n rais the time mazines arms in front of him as he ready to block the attack.

Alex: Y/n!

Woz: My lord!

Emma: Y/n!

Everyone was worried and soon the cannon fired and Y/n was ready for it but Erza got in front of Y/n just in time and requip into her Adamantine armor and block the blast instead of Y/n.

Y/n: (shocked) Erza!

Erza holds the blast for a while until the cannon stopped firing and Erza was thrown back and Y/n's time mazine caught her and Y/n got out and carry Erza behind his Time mazine and set her down.

Y/n: Erza why did you do that?!

Erza: I didn't want you to get hurt Y/n, I'll sacrifice my self to save you and everyone in this guild.

Y/n: Erza.

Jose: So the brave Knight risk her own life to save her own king huh?

They turn back to their base and see Jose is speaking through them in the speakers as he said.

Jose: I would stop all this if yous give up and hand over Lucy Heartfilia at once.

Y/n: We won't.

Y/n stands up and turn to Jose and his Phantom Lord base and scream out.

Y/n: Never! We will not give up, we will never ruin the happiness Lucy has! If you want Lucy then you have to get pass all of us!

Everyone cheered as Lucy was in tears and cover her mouth in both sadness and fear as everyone continues yelling at Jose, telling him they will never heard her over to him.

Jose: (anger) I won't ask again! Hand over Lucy or be destroyed!

Erza: We will never betray Lucy like that! You have to kill us first!

Natsu: You can stop asking cause we're not gonna hand her over! WE'LL BEAT YOUR ASSES NO MATTEE WHAT!?

Jose: (anger) Last chance, Fairy Tail!

Y/n make a fist and reach out his hand and fired a blast that hits the side of the Phantom Lords base which cost a damage. Everyone wa surprised by this and how much magic Y/n has but it's maybe because how much he will do to protect Lucy and everyone in the guild and make them happy.

Alex walks up besides Y/n including Emma and Woz as Jose once again spoke.

Jose: (anger) Fine, you have 15 minutes until Jupiter will fire, bet yous will dodge that!

Alex: 15 minutes, we need to act fast now.

Then Erza passes out as Y/n and the rest turn back as Cana and Elfman lift her and Cana said.

Cana: She be fine, that power must of  sucked every magic out of her.

Y/n nods and turns back to their base and turns to Alex and asked.

Y/n: Ready?

Alex Ready.

Y/n nods and ther two pulls out their rider watches and press them.



Y/n and Alex: Henshin!

Ziku Driver: RIDER TIME! (electronic beat) KAMEN RIDER ZI-O!

Ziku driver: RIDER TIME! ( Electronic riff) KAMEN RID~ER GEIZ!

Then ghost lies Phantoms appear out of the base and heads towards them which shocked everyone.

Zi-o: What are they?

Woz: Their must be summit by Jose to distract us while their cannon is getting ready to fire once more.

Geiz: Then we have to go pass them all and destroy that cannon.

Time Mazine!

Then Geiz Time Mazine flys over and Geiz jumps on and he turns to Zi-o.

Geiz: Get on yours and let's go.

Zi-o: Right

Emma: We hold them off as much as we can and protect the guild.

Zi-o: Right.

Zi-o hops on his and both Geiz and Zi-o flys off while Natsu also follows them as well with Happy carry him along with Elfman and Gray.

Emma: You think they be alright?

Woz: Who knows, but the Lord will win no matter what.

Emma: Hope so Woz, Hope so.

We cut to Geiz and Zi-o fly through the ghost and dodging their attacks ut in they arrived to their location as they hover over the cannon. Natsu and Happy lands on top of it and Natsu tries to punch it but it's not working.

Natsu: Man it's harder to break this as I thought.

Geiz: Well if we can't destroy it from the outside then the inside may do.

Natsu nods and the four lands inside the cannon and run the cannon unit they reach the core. There were four Lacima surrounded by one which was Tremain core.

Happy: If we destroy that Lacima at the middle, their cannon will be destroyed.

Zi-o: And everyone will be safe.

Natsu: Then let's start breaking!

Natsu leaps up and was about to punch it with his iron dragon fist when he punch himself all of a sudden and fell onto the ground.

Zi-o: Um Natsu, why did you punch yourself?

Natsu: I didn't do it, it just randomly dose it by it self!

???: It seems we have some intruders here.

They all turn to see a member of the Phantom lord and another Gaim next to him.

Geiz: Who are you?

Totomaru: The names Totomaru and I am a member of the of S-Class wizards known as the Element 4.

Zi-o: The Element 4?

Geiz: That must be what Erza told us about.

Totomaru: Indeed, I control fire and your friend over there will not stand a chance against my fire magic.

Natsu: We'll see about that!

Natsu leaps up and was about to land a iron fist but he the  suddenly punch himself once more and lands hard on the ground. Zi-o, Happy and Geiz runs over to him and looks up as Another Gaim pulls out its large orange blade at them as Zi-o and Geiz stood in front of Natsu and Geiz told both of them.

Geiz: Take down the Lacima while we hold them off.

Natsu: OK.

Happy: Good luck.

Zi-o: Same to yous.

Natsu and Happy run off as Totomaru and Another Gaim were ready. Geiz and Zi-o summon their sword and blades and they charge at them. Totomaru fired fire balls at Zi-o but Zi-o dodges it and once close he kicks him away.

Geiz runs up to Another Gaim and try to land a strike at him but eh blocks it with his huge blade and push Geiz back. Geiz rolled on the ground but stands up and blocks another attack from Another Gaim. Geiz kicks him back and fire two arrows at him but Another Gaim leaps into a portal and disappear.

Geiz slowly stands up and looks around and see where he will strike. Then a portal opens behinds him and Another Gaim leaps out and strikes Geiz from behind.

Geiz stumbled forward and turn and Another Gaim slash him with his blades and Geiz was sent flying back and crash onto the wall. He quickly stands up and said.

Geiz: You wanna fight true blades?

He throws were his weapon and pulls out his Baron ride watch.

Geiz: You'll get one.


Ziku driver: ARMOR TIME! (Baron standby sound) COME ON! BARON!

Geiz charge at Another Gaim and blocks Another Gaims strikes and he even give a few blows with his and kicks Another Gaim back.

We then cut to Zi-o fighting Totomaru as he protect Natsu and Happy as he blast Totomaru but he dodges it and fired his flames at Zi-o hitting him and setting him flying. Zi-o rolled on the ground and he slowly stands up as he looks at Totomaru as Totomaru walks up to him while saying.

Totomaru: There is no way your guild can't win, we will win and complete our mission.

Zi-o slams his fist and stands up and pulls out a drive ride watch.


Ziku Driver: ARMOR TIME! (Mr belt type speed music) DRIVE! DRIVE!

Zi-o dashes over and try to strike Totomaru but he surround himself with fire as Zi-o dodges it and stops as he looks at the flame tornado and it suddenly flys up and then came down and strikes at Zi-o and sending him flying.

Zi-o lands on the ground as Totomaru smirks as Zi-o slowly stands up and summon his blade one last time. He the  throws it at him but Totomaru kicks it away and said.

Totomaru: Is that all? I was suspected a king like you have plans to save everything with Fairy Tail?


Totomaru was confused when Zi-o chuckled but then he turn to see Zi-o sword stabbed into the Lacima and there was a crack and it's breaking.

Natsu: (smirk) Alright!

Happy: Good thinking Y/n!

Totomaru: (shocked) Y-You tricked me!

Zi-o: Hey a lesson is never esteemed the king.

Totomaru: (anger) You shall pay!

Totomaru charge uo his fire attack at Zi-o but Zi-o press both ride watch and spine the driver around.


At the same time Geiz kicks Another Gaim away and dose the same.


Totomaru throws the fire back at Zi-o but Zi-o upwards kicks it and dashes over and spine around and rider kicked Totomaru many times while Geiz charges at Anoyher gaim and slice I'm into many pieces and Another Gaim exploded.

Zi-o kicks Totomaru into the Lacima and the Lacima breaks and there was a large explosion that destroyed the cannon and once the smoke was clear both Geiz and Zi-o turn back into their base forms and Zi-o walks up to Natsu and Happy as they cheered and Natsu and Zi-o high fived.

Geiz: Zi-o.

Zi-o turns and catches another gaim ride watch and looks at it and back to Geiz. Geiz nods and Zi-o nods back and looks at another gaim ride watch and with a flash, it turn into pure now.

Happy: Now we have a fighting change!

Zi-o: Yeah.

Then suddenly the whole place shakes and Natsu suddenly feels sick as everything start to move and soon it stopped.

Gray: Guys!

They look over and see Elfman and Gray run up to them and they said.

Gray: They change this place into a large bot and it appears their gonna make a huge magic circle.

Zi-o: (shocked) A huge magic circle!

Elfman: If they finish it, it will destroy not only Fairy Tail but Magnolia as well.

Natsu: That's no good.

Geiz: Then we need to split up and find a way to stop this.

Zi-o: Right, I'll go with Elfman.

Geiz: I'll go with Natsu and Happy.

Gray: Guess it's just me but who I'm i complaining, I can have the whole fun to myself.

Zi-o: Right let's go guys.

They all split up to find a way to stop them from completing the magic circle before its too late.


We see Jose and Swartz as they were watching the fighting so far.

Swartz: It seems their not gonna give in.

Jose: Indeed, we must not let them in?

Swartz: Tell me Jose, why are you willing wanted to destroy Fairy Tail so desperately.

Jose: Strange I thought your time jackers know the reason why since you can travel through time.

Swartz: True but I wanna know why though.

Jose turns away Swartz and start to tell him.

Jose: Years ago I use to be in a dark guild that used to took over Magnolia. We were unstoppable and no other guilds can stop us. But their first guild master came and try to fight us. At first we defeated them but she returned and beat us and kick us out of Magnolia. Till this day I will never forget that and swore revenge on them.

Swartz: I see.

Jose: We maybe different but we have a enemy that must be destroyed.

Swartz: I thought you wanted to capture Lucy?

Jose: That but think about it, her family is very wealthy and if I black mail her father to hand over what's left of him, we can be the most powerful guild in the world and no one, not even Fairy Tail will not stop us.

Swartz: (smirk) I see

Jose: Your goals is still the same?

Swartz: Indeed, I will not stop until Zi-o is defeated once and for all.


We see Elfman and Zi-o running through the long halls trying to find a way to stop the huge magic circle outside.

Elfman: Man this place is huge.

Zi-o: Yeah but we can't give up, we gonna keep on looking.

Elfman: Right.

Elfman step on the floor that opened up to a large eye and then suddenly a black smoke cames up behind them and strike them. They fall otno the ground as the black smoke lands in front of them and once the black smoke appear they see Another Ghost their starting at them.

Elfman: Who's this creepy monster!

Zi-o: That's Another Ghost!

???: Salut Fairy tail.

They turn back around and a guy appear out of the ground and stands their as he bows at them as he said.

Sol: The names Sol and I am the earth wizard and a member of the Element 4.

Elfman: What ever you are, you won't stop us.

Sol: We'll so about that.

Zi-o: You alright dealing with Sol?

Elfman: Yeah, your man enough to deal the ghost freak.

Zi-o: You know it man.

Elfman charge at Sol and start to fight while Zi-o charge at Another Ghost and try to punch him but his punch went through him. Then Another Ghost strikes Zi-o and Zi-o rolled back and he fired his blaster at him but the blast went through Another Ghost.

Zi-o: Seriously, you gonna be kidding me!

Another Ghost start to float around and strike Zi-o a few times before one strikes  Zi-o rolling but Zi-o stands up and pulls out his wizard ride watch.


Ziku driver: ARMOR TIME! (Drum beat mixed with magical portal chimes) PLEASE! WIZARD!

Another Ghost charge at Zi-o as Zi-o dodges Another Ghost attack and he fired fire, water, earth and wind at Another Ghost. They hits Another Ghost and Zi-o charge at Another Ghost and then we cut yo Elfman fighting Sol and strike him with his beast arm but Sol's suddenly turns all bonedy like and was it around Elfmans arm.

Elfman: Man you starting to creep me out man.

Sol: Oh my deal enemy, I have seen all the things you have done when you step on me and I find one that is very important to your life.

Elfman: What do you mean?!

Sol leaps back and lands on his feet and stands up straight and said.

Sol: Your still not get it do you. I've seen your memories and I have seen you have a you younger sister named Lisanna. She was so happy with you and your other sister Mira. But tragic struck on one mission, that mission cost the death of Lisanna because of you, You have killed your younger sister!

Elfman: Shut up! That is not true, take that back!

Elfman charges at Sol ready to strike at him but a statue of Lisanna appears in fro t fo Elfman which made him stop himself and stare at it in shock. Zi-o kicks Anothee Ghost away and turn to see this.

Zi-o: Elfman!

Sol: Your younger sister looks beautiful right? Well she should be if she hadn't been killed by her own big brother!

Then more statues of Lisanna came out of the ground as they start to talk telling Elfman that it's his fault or how could he while Elfman hears all this and roars out in anger.

Zi-o was about to rush over to help him but Anotyer Ghost appear in front of him and kicks him back. Zi-o stumbled back and Sol fired a power earth blast that sent Elfman flying.

Zi-o dodges and Elfman hits the wall and the wall breaks appear leaving outside as Zi-o slowly stands up and stare at now both Sol and Another Ghost.

Mirajane: (distance) Elfman! Elfman!

Zi-o turns and Elfman opens his eyes and see Mirajane trapped between the fi gers of the bot.

Zi-o: Mira!

Sol: Oh I see you wil, lose your other sister as well. Oh well you along with your friend will die.

Zi-o: Not in my watch!


Ziku Driver: ARMOR TIME! (Horn and traditional Japanese music) SOIYA! GAIM~!

Zi-o: Now the time king is on stage!

Both Sol and Another Ghost charge at Zi-o and Zi-o charges at them and the two start to fight. Zi-o was swinging his two orange swords at them. Sol disappear into the floor but Zi-o stab the floor and Sol came out grabbing his butt as he yaws out in pain.

Zi-o kicks Sol away and turns to Ghost and strike him with his blades before he kicks him. Another Ghost and Sol slowly stands up as Zi-o press both of his ride watch and spine his rider.


Zi-o: Time to slice yous up!

Zi-o gets into a running stand and the he charge them. Sol disappeared to the floor and Another Ghost doesn't have much time as Zi-o slice Another Ghost and Another Ghost was cut into pieces and exploded.

Sol appear behind Elfman as Zi-o catches another Ghost ride watch and looks at it. Then with a flash it turn into a pure version of the Ghost ride watch.

Sol: You may have defeated our monster but you'll and your friend will die by my hands.

Zi-o turns and looks at the ghost ride watch and was about to use it but then Elfman spoke.

Elfman: No you won't.

Sol: Hmmm?

Zi-o: Elfman?

Elfman: You hurt my friends, torment my past and now your gonna kill the only sister I care about! YOU WIOL PAY!

Then suddenly a huge magic circle appears below Elfman and a blast that knocks back both Sol and Zi-o. Dust appears around them as they look at Elfman and they were shocked to see a large and massive monster turns to them and roars at them.

Sol: (scared) Wh-wh-what on earth is that!

The monster roared once more and it charge at Sol and punches the ground. Sol dodges it and so dose Zi-o. He walks backwards to the wall and Mira calls out to him.

Mirajane: (distance) Y/n don't hurt him, that's his beast form!

Zi-o: What?!

Mirajane: (Distance) That's what I've been telling you about. That's one form he will never use, that's the form he accidentally killed Lisanna!

Zi-o can't believe it that is Elfman as the monster as he turns back see Elfman roaring like a beast as he roaring is heard throughout the halls of the Phantom Lords base.

To be continued..........

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