Chapter 11: The Guild War begins
It was night time at the city of Magnolia we see the time jackers look out on top of a roof of the building as they look over at the Fairy tail guild Hall completely empty as Ora asked.
Ora: Are we sure our new friends can be trusted?
Heure: Yeah what if they will turn on us?
Swartz: They have a past history with Fairy Tail long ago and they haven't forgotten about it. They are their greatest rival and now it's time to them to proof to Fairy Tail who is the strongest.
Ora: Hope your right.
Heure: Yeah same here.
Swartz: Here he is.
They look down to see a cloak figure walk up to the guilds doors and he kicks it open as the doors slam against the walls. Then the mystery man enters the guild and looks around to see no one which cost him to smirk and said.
???: (smirk) Alright Fairy Tail. Time to start the party.
Then large pillars appear out of him as he crash through the builds building and making a large mess while the Time Jackers watched and Swartz smirks knowing on this day.....Zi-o will fall.
(Next day)
We see Y/n and the rest returned back from their job as they walk through the streets of Magnolia as Y/n said.
Y/n: (smile) Woah that job was pretty easy.
Natsu: (smile) Yeah lucky we didn't cost any damage to the village for once.
Happy: Aye and lucky we got paid well.
Y/n: Guess that means you can pay your rent now Lucy.
Lucy: (smile) Yeah.
Alex: Is it suspicious that there haven't been any reports of Another riders anywhere? It's like they suddenly disappeared?
Erza: That is true. It has been a few days since we haven't heard of them.
Natsu: Oh relax, maybe they give up and ran off. Guess that proofs that we're the strongest guild around.
Gray: Don't be a idiot Natsu its obvious they are planning something out.
Natsu: (anger) Who you'll calling me a idiot!
Gray: You are fire breath.
Erza: That's enough you two.
Natsu and Gray (Scared) Aye ma'am.
Woz: Even if the Time jackers are planning something we can defeat them no matter what.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah that's right, we're a team after all and no matter what, we're always sticking together.
They all nod and Alex turn to see everyone look at them and whispering to each other about something and soon the rest notice it as well.
Happy: Why is everyone is being weird all of a sudden?
Natsu: No clue.
Woz: Guys look!
They all turn and see something odd about their guild Hall and they rush over and once there they were shocked to see their guild was trashed. Pillars were sticking out, windows were smashed and the front entrance was destroyed.
Erza: (shocked) Wh-What happened to our guild.
Lucy: (shocked) This is horrible.
Y/n turns to Natsu see the rage and anger within him and Y/n was also angry and looks back at the damaged guild Hall and Alex broke the silence and said.
Alex: This must be the Time Jackers that cost this.
Emma: It's not just them.
They turn to see Emma and Mirajane as Y/n walks up to them and asked.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Mirajane: They got help, by the Phantom Lords.
Natsu: (anger) Phantom did this?
Y/n: What's the Phantom Lords?
Woz: Another dark guild that show rivalry to Fairy Tail. They have annoying Fairy Tail a lot over the tears but this......this is new to them.
Mirajane and Emma lead them to the basement were they see everyone else their as they talk about what The Phantom Lords did and Y/n see they were mad and pissed as their guild was destroyed but luckily no one wasn't harmed.
Makarov: Hello their kiddos.
They walk up to Makarov behind the job request board drunk as he holds a cup of bar in one hand as Makarov asked them in a drunk voice.
Makarov: So how was the (hic) job doing. Have all of yous behaved well.
Y/n: Um yeah?
Emma: Ignore him, he's been like that when he heard what happened to the guild.
Y/n: I see.
Mirajane: Lucky no one wasn't in the guild Hall when this happened.
Alex: At least that's good to hear.
Woz: Why would the Phantom Lords would do such a thing and more importantly why teaming up with the Time Jackers?
Lucy: But they team up with many dark wizards so why is teaming up with the Phantom Lords is not normal.
Emma: The Phantom Lords only wants to be the more strongest guild around and when they heard time jackers are around they try to capture them in order to get their power. But that was years ago and things have been quite eve since. But it appears they are teaming up to fight again Fairy Tail.
Makarov: Sure those dark guild may have surprised us but as long we are not hurt we should be fine.
Then Natsu punches a nearby box and yells at Makarov in anger.
Natsu: (anger) Those jerks trashed our guild Hall! We can't let them get away from this.
Erza: Natsu calm down!
Natsu: (anger) We gonna fight back and teach them lesson.
Y/n: I don't know by that. This is maybe what they wanted us to do. I am mad what they did I understand that but trying to attack them head on will cost more trouble and we can't accept that.
Natsu: (anger) Oh come on Y/n, you know we gonna fight them, we can't let them get away from this!
Makarov: Natsu that's enough!
Then Makarov smack Lucy's butt instead of Natsu's by accident.
Lucy: And you smack me because?
Emma: Hands to yourself Master.
Makarov laughs it off and then runs off which Emma shakes her head and Mirajane said.
Mirajane: Both Master Makarov and Y/n are right. If we face them head on we may cost more trouble not from both towns but also the magic council will get involved. Makarov is mad and dose care about his guild but fighting them will not gonna solve anything.
Natsu: (anger) So what now?
Alex: Guess we have to accept this until our guild from above gets repaired.
Erza: Alex is right. Until then we must stay calm and hopefully they would leave us alone.
They all nod but Y/n see Natsu was mad but he placed his hand on his shoulders and nods. He calms down a little and nods back and he walks off as Y/n watches him walk away.
(Later that night)
We see Y/n and Lucy walking through the streets as Y/n was taking Lucy home as Lucy said.
Lucy: Can't believe the Phantom Lords were in a rivalry with Fairy Tail.
Y/n: Yeah me too, Woz even told me they used to take over Magnolia years ago before they were kicked out but the first Fairy Tail guild master.
Lucy: That may explain why.
Y/n: Yeah.
Lucy: Hey thanks for walking me home Y/n, you really don't have to do it.
Y/n: (smile) It's no problem Lucy besides it is a nice night out here.
Lucy: (little blush) Yeah it sure is.
Y/n: Still I'm a bit worried what would the Time Jackers next plan will be.
Lucy: Who knows but I'm sure we beat them together.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah.
They arrived at Lucy's apartment and Lucy opens the door and they were surprised to see Erza, Happy, Gray and Natsu their sat around the table.
Erza: (smile) Hello Lucy and Y/n.
Gray: (smile) Sub you two.
Happy: (smile) Hey.
Lucy: Why are yous in my house all of a sudden!?
Y/n: (surprised) Yeah we never suspected yous to be here.
Alex: Don't forget about us Y/n.
Then Alex, Emma and Woz came out of the kitchen which made Lucy sigh as she gives up and Woz explains.
Woz: We figured we stick together cause now Phantom may strike again.
Y/n: I see, what about everyone else?
Emma: Their doing the same thing as well so we should be fine.
Y/n: Well at least that's good news.
Natsu: Still we should be kicking their butt's.
Emma: Not this again Natsu.
Alex: We've been over this. If we fight them, it will cost trouble and we cannot afford that.
Natsu: (anger) Still we can't let them trash our guild and get away from it!
Lucy: Can you please use your inside voice, thanks.
Y/n: So tell more about the Phantom Lords and what makes them different to ours.
Erza: Well they have their own S-Class Wizards. But the difference is that their are four and they call themselves the Element four.
Gray: They are very strong and they also have their own dragon slayer if I am correct.
Woz: Yes. This dragon slayer is named Gajeel and he is the Iron dragon slayer.
Y/n: (shocked) No way! I thought Natsu was the only one.
Woz: You are mistaken my lord. There is more but it is unknown how many they are or the reason why they're exited but we do know is there is more out there.
Lucy: That's crazy.
Woz: But enough talk. I have prepare this delicious food for all of us, let's us eat up and rest up for tomorrow morning.
Lucy: (surprised) Wait you can cook Woz?
Woz: (smile) Of course. The king needs its meals after all.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah he is a great cook and you gonna like his meals.
Gray: I'm done on it.
Happy: Aye me too.
Erza: (smile) It sure be nice.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah.
Once Woz brings up the food they start to eat it and it was very delicious and even made Natsu little better and after they were done they each take a shower in Lucy's bath room before they head off to sleep for tomorrow morning.
We cut to Levy, Jet and Drop walking through a dark street as Droy asked Levy.
Droy: Um are you sure it's a good idea to walk through here?
Jet: Yeah have a bad feeling about this.
Levy: (smile) Don't worry, if we are together then there is no way Phantom can't get us.
They walk pass a tunnel which they fail to notice a mysterious creature in the tunnel as it slowly looks at them and Droy stop and turn at the tunnel but it was gone as Jet and Levy stop and see Droy looking at the tunnel and asked.
Jet: Hey you alright man?
Droy: Yeah I thought I saw-
The suddenly someone lands a powerful strike behind Droys head that cost him to be sent flying to Levy and Jet and Jet caught Droy and he see Droy was unconscious as they look up to see a Dark rider by the name of G4.
Lecy: (scared) Jet.
Jet: Hey who the hell are you?!
Jet: Speak you coward!
Jet charges at G4 ready to strike at him but the he heard.
Then another Dark rider appear beside Jet and kicks him back and Jet lands near Levy and the unconscious Droy as Levy looks up and Dark Kabuto appear beside G4.
The two dark riders stare at Levy which Levy was scared and they start to walk towards her and Levy walks backwards but she bomb to something or someone and turns around to e faced with a monster with a member on his chest that said "2019" which cost Levy to scream as the monster reach over to her and grabs her by the head as it laughs in a monster like way.
(Next day)
We see the citizens of Magnolia gathered around a huge tree in the middle of Magnolia's Park and Erza and the rest see the crowd of people and Lucy asked.
Lucy: Wonder what's going on?
Y/n: No clue but this isn't good
They all walk pass the crowd of people so they can see whats going on. Once at front they were horrified to see Levy, Droy and Jet stuck onto the tree badly hurt with a symbol of the Phantom Lords logo that was on Levy stomach as they were all unconscious.
Lucy place her hands onto her mouth in shocked and horrified as Y/n, Alex and Gray help them down and they place them down and Y/n place down Levy and see she was badly hurt and unconscious.
Y/n: (thought) Levy I'm so sorry.
Alex: They have gone it way too far now.
Gray: Yeah I agree. They may trash our guild but hurting our friends is too far.
Natsu: (anger) They need to pay.
Y/n: This is what they want guys. I know they hurt our friends but we can't-
Then Makarov walks through the crowd to see Levy, Jet and Droy which angered Makarov as Erza asked.
Erza: What should we do now?
Makarov: (anger) They may trash our guild apart. But hurting my children is too far!
He was soo mad that he snap his wooden staff in half which made Lucy jump a little as Makarov said in anger.
Makarov: (anger) We have no choice. We must go to war.
Y/n was shocked and know this will lead to many injured people and many towns destroyed. He looks down at the unconscious Levy and asked himself.
Y/n: (thought) What should I do? What can I do to stop this?
(Short while later)
Levy, Droy and Jet were sent to the hospital within Magnolia as they are seen resting in bed while Lucy and Y/n were their as they look down at them and Y/n said to Lucy.
Y/n: I'm very sorry Lucy. I wish I would have saved her but.....
Lucy: It's ok. I don't blame you, we didn't know this would have happen.
Y/n: Still now Fairy Tail is going to face Phantom and I have a feeling something is gonna to happen.
Lucy: How can you be sure?
Y/n: They didn't trash the guild Hall so they can mess with Fairy Tail. They were trying to lower us away from Magnolia for something else, but what.
Lucy: You may have a point there but they will pay for this.
Y/n: Yeah. I see that you two gotten along well.
Lucy: Yeah. I even promise her I share my story I've been writing to her once I'm done.
Y/n: Is it that pile of paper that was on your desk?
Lucy: (nervous) Y-Yeah, it's kinda embarrassing cause I'm kinda a worse writer.
Y/n: (smile) Don't say that Lucy, I know your be a great writer one day. Heck maybe you can be Queen of all books one day.
Lucy: (chuckle) Yeah.
Y/n: Still I won't rest until Phantom will answer to their crimes.
Lucy: Yeah hope so Y/n, Hope so.
Y/n grabs her hand insuring her that things will be ok. She blushes a little but nods as they sat with Levy and the rest before they left the Hospital leaving them to rest.
We see the Phantom Lords members were just sitting around and talking and drinking to each other while we see Ora and Heure were above them sitting at the wooden beams as Ora start to count down..
Then suddenly the front entrance blows up setting Phantom lord members flying as the rest turn to see Natsu in front followed by the rest of Fairy Tail including Alex as Makarov shouted out.
Makarov: Fairy Tail has come!
Alex: Let's do this.
Alex: Henshin!
Ziku Driver: RIDER TIME! (Electronic riff) KAMEN RID~ER GEIZ!
The Phantom Lords members charge at Fairy Tail and they charge at them and they start to fight them. Natsu and Gray were firming their ice and fire attacks while Erza was swinging her blades around taking all of them out while Geiz jumps in he air and slash his Zikan Zax at them and blocking their attacks as he gets to Cana as she throws cards at them and turn sto Geiz.
Cana: It's too bad Y/n isn't here to help us.
Geiz: He'll be staying at Magnolia cause he thinks that something is up.
Cana: True hope he is doing alright with Mirajane and Lucy.
Geiz: Where's Woz? Haven't seen him at the guild?
Cana: No clue but hope Hello join up.
Geiz: Yeah hope so.
Geiz see more coming their way so he charge at them and slice them up and continues to fight them while Ora and Heure watches them from above while we cut to in Oak Town as we see white Woz standing on top of the roof smiling as he is seeing the Chaos at the Phantom Lords guild when he heard.
???: I shouldn't known you'll be here.
He turns to see Woz as he walks up to White Woz as White Woz said with a smirk.
White Woz: It's been a while Black Woz, I see your making progress with your demon King.
Woz: So you have been spying on us.
White Woz: Correct. I have been watching your guild for a very long time and I'm surprised that you haven't noticed that one of your friends has a little secret that she never tells all of yous about.
Woz: What are you on about?
White Woz: You see. There is a rich father that is screeching for his daughter and wants her back. But thanks to the Time jackers he place a request with a high money to take Fairy Tail out so he can have his daughter back.
Woz: What are you on about?
He then turn back to the Phantom Lords guild Hall before he turns his head to Woz and asked with a smirk.
White Woz: (smirk) Do you like to know his daughters name Woz?
We see Lucy and Y/n walking through town with a bag of shopping on them as they turn to a street and Lucy said.
Lucy: Can't believe they left us without asking first.
Y/n: Yeah but I have a feeling that they are planning something here and I need to keep our eye out.
Lucy: Yeah, thanks for helping me with the shopping Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) No problem Lucy, I'm glad to help.
Lucy: Cool.
Lucy blushes a little and thinks this is maybe her chance to tell him how she felt so she was about to say something to Y/n and someone said.
Swartz: Hello Demon King.
They look forward and see Swartz in front of them and Y/n got in front of Lucy and said.
Y/n: I knew they have plans here.
Swartz: Indeed they have. You must be a smart boy to realise our plans.
Y/n: what do yous want?
Swartz: Usually I would sent my another riders to kill you but that slightly change. Now we're here for our target.
He looks at Lucy and Y/n see this and they must be here for Lucy and place the shopping bags onto the ground and place his Ziku driver on his waist and said.
Y/n: You won't touch Lucy, I will protect her.
Y/n: Henshin!
Ziku driver: RIDER TIME! (Electronic beat) KAMEN RIDER ZI-O!
Swartz chuckles a little as he said to Zi-o.
Swartz: In the past months you have managed to defeat my army of Another riders without any problem. But this will be different.
Swartz pull out Another Decade ride watch and press it.
Lucy: Decade?
Swartz: It's time for the demon king meet the destroyer of Worlds.
Swartz slam it into his chest and he transform into Another Decade which shocked Lucy and Zi-o as they step back a bit as Another Decade growls and takes one step towards them.
Lucy: (shocked) Wow he is scary.
Zi-o: And looks very strong.
Then Another Decade swing his hands as a patrol swips them up and now they were at a field of grass as Another Decade explains.
Another Decade: With the powers of Kamen rider Decade. I will be strong enough to destroy the demon king once and for all.
Zi-o: I like to see you try!
Zi-o charges at Another Decade and swing his blade back try to strike at him but Anotger Decade walks back into a portal and dissappear which surprised Zi-o and Lucy as Zi-o looks around and Another Decade appear behind him and Zi-o turns and Another Decade punches him that sent him fly back and crash into a tree.
Lucy: Y/n!
Zi-o stands up and change his blade to gun mode and fire a few shots at him but Another Decade opens a portal in front of him and the blast went through and another portal appear behind Zi-o and his shots hits Zi-o from behind that sent him stumbling forward as Another Decade chuckles.
Zi-o pulls out a Kuuga ride with and place it ont his blater.
Zi-o fired the blast that lands a hit of Another Decade but when the smoke was clear they see Another Decade didn't even stumbled backwards or even hurt him which shocked Lucy and Zi-o.
Lucy: (thought) This is bad, really bad.
Another Decade: (chuckles) You see, you can't beat him. I am the true destroyer of worlds.
Zi-o: Let's see about that!
Ziku driver: ARMOR TIME! (Electronic rock music) BEST MATCH! BUILD!
Zi-o charges at Another Decade and swing his drill at him but Another Decade jumps back and a portal appears beside him and Evol and Dark Ghost exit out of the portal and they charge at Zi-o.
The two dark riders fight Zi-o as Zi-o was out match against them so Dark Ghost floats around and slashes Zi-o with his blade while Evol runs up towards Zi-o and lands powerful punches to Zi-o before one punch sent Zi-o flying back and lands hard on the ground.
Zi-o slowly stands up as Another Decade gets in front of Evol and Dark Ghost and jumps to the air as Zi-o looks up and Anoher Decade lands a ride kick to Zi-o that sent him flying back with an explosion and Zi-o dehenshin as he rolled on the ground before he stops and was badly hurt as Another Decade lands on his feet and stare at the weaken Y/n as Lucy can't stand here fight.
She pulled out her gate keys and was about to summon a spirwhen Dark ghost flys over and punches Lucy in the stomach and she drop her keys and fell unconscious. Dark Ghsot picks her up as Another Decade turns to walk away but felt a hand on his ankle and looks down to see Y/n grabbing a hold of it as he looks up at him and said.
Y/n: You won't take her.
Another Decade: Your just pathetic. You don't even know she is from a rich family.
Y/n: (thought)
Then Another Decade kicks Y/n away and him , Evol and Datk Ghost walks away and enters a portal along with the unconscious Lucy as the portal closes and Y/n slowly stands up and walks up and grabs Lucy's gate keys and looks at them as he failed to save her.
Woz: My lord!
Ge turns to see Woz running up to him and caught Y/n as he almost falls to the ground and Y/n said.
Y/n: They were going after Lucy. But I fail to save her.
Woz: I know but their is something you know and this maybe the reason why.
Y/n: What?
Woz: Lucy is actually from a rich family that she ran away many years ago. Before she joins Fairy Tail.
Y/n: (shocked) What?!
Woz: I'm shocked as well my lord. What should we do now?
Y/n: We need to get her back.
Woz: Lucky I place a tragger on her in case this would happen.
Y/n: Dose Lucy even know that?
Y/n: Still let's go get her back.
Woz nods and they head out to save Lucy before it's too late.
We see everyone in Fairy Tail holding off Phantom as Emma use her Time jack abilities to freeze the Phantom Lords members in place and Eleanor punches them into the air.
Emma looks over and see Makarov on the second floor before enter a huge door and Emma finds Erza fighting a bunch of Phantom Lords members so she run up and asked Erza.
Emma: Where is Makarov going?
Erza: Gonna face their master at the top floor and hopefully this will end quickly.
Emma: Hope so.
Then someone crashed onto the grass and they see Gajeel standing up and Geiz and Natsu were near to see him as Natsu shouts at him.
Natsu: Gajeel!
Gajeel: (smirk) Nice to meet the fire dragon slayer here. Are you enjoying the fun?
Natsu: (anger) This ends here Gajeel.
Geiz: Natsu let's do this together.
Natsu: Right
Gajeel: Oh please your just a Kamen rider.
Geiz: Yeah but with ride watches.
Geiz and Natsu charge at Gajeel and the three began to fight as Geiz try to give blue fire like blows to Gajeel including Natsi but Gajeel dodges it and jumps back and fires out a large fire dragon roar and Geiz and Natsu jump back and many of Gajeel's guild members also gets hit as well and Geiz calls out.
Geiz: Your gonna hurt your guild members you know.
Gajeel: (smirk) They just get in my way. Now let's see what you got blue dragon breath.
Geiz: Being it.
Geiz jumps up and both Geiz and Gajeel blow strikes at each other before Natsu joins in and the two fight Gajeel together but Gajeel was too strong as he turn his hands to iron like blades and Natsu and Geiz try to dodge them but soon they get strike by them and they stumbled backwards.
Gajeel chuckled as Geiz and Natsu stands up straight and the two charge at Gajeel at the same time and the two punches Gajeel in the face but Gajeel grabs both of their fist and throws them away and they crash into a table and rolled on the ground.
Geiz and Natsu slowly stands up as they see Gajeel smirking at them which pissed Natsu off.
Natsu: (anger) Damn I hate that guy.
Geiz: Yeah me too but we gonna beat him and win.
Natsu: Hopefully Y/n will get here on time.
Geiz: Maybe but we still need to hold on until-
Then there was a large explosion above them as then something crushed onto the ground that sent everyone back and Geiz, Natsu, and the rest of Fairy Tail were horrified to see Makarov weaken as his face was all green.
Erza: (shocked) Master!
They all rush over to the weaken Makarov and they see that he is badly hurt and weaken which horrified the rest.
Natsu: (shocked) Who would do such a thing.
Emma: (shocked) My god.
The Phantom Lords see this and they charge at them. Erza see all this and call on retreat and the rest of Fairy Tail falls back while Erza carries Makarov away as Geiz can't believe this would have happen but he followed the rest along with Emma and they exit out of the Phantom Lords guild Hall before they would be wiped out.
We see Lucy waking up inside a cell of the Phantom Lords as she looks around and see that she has been captured with her arms tied up behind her as she stands up and see a opening and walks over but she see it was a long way down and she steps back a bite.
Swartz: You are awake.
Lucy turns to see not only Swartz but also Phantom Lords guild master named Jose as he turns to Swartz.
Jose: Thank you for bring her here Swartz.
Swartz: Your welcome.
Lucy: What have you done to Y/n!
Swartz: He is fine. I left him weaken on the grass so he won't ruin our deal.
Lucy: Deal? What deal?
Jose: Is it obvious Lucy. Your father hired Phantom to bring you home by any needs necessary.
Lucy: (shocked) My father sent yous to bring me back?!
Swartz: Correct. At first I wasn't sure you were his daughter until I went back in time and see that you are his daughter. I can understand why you ran away from him, how he has been treated you after the lost of your mother, but the job has to be fulfilled.
Lucy steps back as she was shocked that her own father was the one that hurt Levy, Droy and Jet and trash Fairy Tail. She looks down feeling that it was her fault that she ran away, if she hadn't ran away Fairy Tail would be safe and Levy and the rest will be fine.
Lucy: (anger) I won't go back.
Lucy looks up at them and said in anger.
Lucy: (anger) I won't go back to my father! He has treated me badly and I won't go back to him!
Swartz: You will. There is no escape except for that.
Lucy turns to the open window to down below and turns back as Swartz and Jose walks over to Lucy and Lucy thinks this was it for her and she will be taking away from everything she called her family and even Y/n.
Lucy: (thought) Natsu, Gray, Happy, Erza, Alex, Woz, Emma and everyone else.....I'm so sorry for all of this. Y/n.....forgive me.
Then suddenly two blast shots went by Lucy and Swartz dodges whole Jose gets hit and stumbled backwards. Lucy quick turns and see Y/n on top of the time Mazine as he call out to her.
Y/n: Lucy jump!
Lucy nods and leap towards the time Mazine and lands perfectly onto the time mazine and Swartz looks on as the time Mazine flys off as Swartz slam his fist onto the wall in anger and he walks away as Jose stands up also mad and filled Swartz out of the cell.
We cut to Y/n on top of the time Mazine with Lucy as he frees are and Woz at the cockpit said to Y/n.
Woz: Where to my lord?
Y/n: Back to the guild. We gonna tell everyone what's going on.
Woz nods and they fly away as Y/n look at Lucy and Lucy was looking away and Y/n asked.
Y/n: Are you ok, did they hurt you?
Lucy: I'm so sorry.
Y/n: ???
Lucy: I did all this. It was my fault that our guild it was trash, it was my fault that Levy and the rest are badly hurt's my fault that you also got hurt as well.
Y/n: Lucy.
She then turns to Y/n with tears in her eyes which shocked Y/n as Lucy said to him with tears.
Lucy: (tears) But I don't want to leave. I like Fairy Tail and I wanna stay. I don't want to leave.
Y/n never seen her like this ever as she starts to cry. Y/n hugs her which surprised Lucy as Y/n raps his arms around her as he said to her.
Y/n: It's alright Lucy, Woz told me why they are targing you and I will not let them take you.
Lucy: (tears) Y/n.
Y/n: I promise in my heart I will protect you and everyone from Phantom and the time jackers, no matter what.
Lucy couldn't stop crying and hugs Y/n back as she crys and Y/n continues to hug her while Woz flys the time Mazine back to the guild Hall and now Fairy Tail and The Phantom Lords are at war and will Y/n aka Zi-o stop this war or will he fall along with Fairy Tail, only time it will.
To be continued...........
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