Chapter 10: Young sister
It was raining at Magnolia as we see Y/n running through the rain trying to get to the guild before he gets wet.
Y/n: (thought) Man I wish this world have any weather reports or something so I won't get wet by this rain.
Y/n see the guild ahead of him and once at the entrance he open the guilds doors and enter inside. He closes the door behind him and take a breath before saying.
Y/n: Man it was raining hard, so how is thin-
He turn and was shocked to see everyone crying and the room was silent as Y/n looks around and seeing everyone sad and wonder to himself.
Y/n: (thought) What is going on?
He see Elfman cuddling Mirajane while they cry as Y/n walks over to them and asked.
Y/n: Mira what happened and why is everyone is upset?
Mirajane and Elfman look up at Y/n still have tears in their eyes and said.
Mirajane: (tears) Lisanna....she's....she's gone.
Y/n: (thought) Lisanna, who is?
Suddenly everyone disappeared and the room around Y/n turn into black as Y/n looks around to see whats going on. Then he hear a roar as he turn and was shocked to see a massive beast standing over him as it roared in the air.
Y/n was shocked by this and try to grab his ziku driver but it was gone. The beast swing its huge arm back and Y/n try to move but can't as he look back up and the beast swing its large arm towards Y/n and it hits Y/n setting him flying off.
Before he black out his see a girl with long white hair as she looks at Y/n. Y/n see this and then he black out and then woke up.
(Dream ends)
Y/n sat up of his bed and catching his breath as he look out through his window and see it was almost morning properly around 5:50 as Y/n was catching his breath and lend back onto his bed and thought to himself.
Y/n: (thought) What was that all about and....who is Lisanna?
It was a beautiful day in the forest as we see Y/n with Lucy, Happy and Natural as they go fishing at a lake near town as they try to catch a big fish.
Lucy: I don't know why you drag me to this, I have a lot of stuff to do.
Natsu: Come on Lucy this is a perfect time to have some fun, besides fishing is actually relaxing.
Happy: Make sure you catch a big one.
Natsu: (smirk) SureI can, no fish is not gonna get away from this dragon.
Lucy shake her head and noticed Y/n wasn't saying anything or not moving so she asked.
Lucy: Hey Y/n, you ok?
Y/n drop his fishing rod and lend his head onto Lucy's should which made Lucy blush a little. Natsu and Happy look over to see Y/n have falling asleep as he slept on Lucy's shoulder.
Nastu: Huh I thought Y/n would be interesting with fishing?
Happy: Maybe he got bored and falling asleep.
Then Y/n open his eye's and looks up to see Lucy and realise what happened and move away while the two blush a little.
Y/n: (blush) Lucy sorry about that, I didn't know I was sleeping on your shoulder there.
Lucy: (blush) N-No that's alright, really.
Lucy: (thought) Actually that was pretty nice Y/n sleeping next to me, he's kinda cute while sleeping.
Y/n: (yawn) I didn't get any sleep after that weird dream I have this morning.
Natsu: Weird dream?
Happy: What was it?
Y/n: Well it's kinda odd but do you guys now about-
Then Natsu fishing rod got something and Natsu grabs it and move around as Natsu try to rail it in.
Natsu: Looks like this is a big one!
Happy: I hope it's tasty.
Natsu: Here it comes!
Then Natsu pulls it out and it was a large snake like sea fish as it fly over them before it hit the ground as Lucy and Y/n were shocked while Happy cheered to himself.
Y/n: (shocked) Woah that is a large one.
Lucy: (shocked) Yeah you telling me.
Natsu: No let's dig in.
Natsu walks over and Y/n looks back and noticed someone on the other side of the lake just starting at Y/n. Y/n looks at the guy back before he hear Happy cry out as he quickly turn to see Natsu trying to cook it while Happy try to stop him.
Happy: Natsu you know it's better to not cook it.
Natsu: I caught it so I can cook it if I want.
Happy: Natsu!
Y/n turn back to the guy on the other side of the lake and see he was gone like he just vanished. Y/n find this very creepy and walks back to Natsu and the rest to see Natsu have completely eaten the whole fish by himself leaving Happy shocked as Y/n said to Lucy.
Y/n: Did Natsu literally eat that whole fish by himself?
Lucy: Yeah I'm surprised that Natsu isn't sick.
Y/n: Well he is a dragon slayer after all so it's possibly his stomach cooks the fish within his stomach?
Lucy: Maybe.
Happy: I can't believe you eat that whole fish without sharing it to me.
Natsu: Yeah so, you hate it cooked and if you want one, get you own.
Happy was upset by this and run off saying.
Happy: That's it Natsu! We're no longer friends!
Y/n: Happy wait!
But Happy was gone before Y/n catch up to him. Y/n turn to Natsu and said.
Y/n: That was hush you know that.
Natsu: He get over it, it's just a fish.
Y/n: Common Natsu.
Lucy: Oh Y/n you said you have that dream this morning, what was it about?
Y/n: Oh well it was a rainy day and I was rushing to the guild and once I got in and turn around. Everyone was crying for some reason, I walk up to Mirajane to ask her what happened and she said "Lisanna".
Natsu's eyes wide open in shocked to hear Lisanna's name for some reason as Lucy asked.
Lucy: Lisanna? Who is she?
Y/n: I don't know, hey Natsu do you know Lisanna?
Natsu stands up and walks away in silence. This made Lucy and Y/n confused as Y/n walks up to Natsu and asked.
Y/n: Natsu, you ok?
Natsu: Just drop that ok man.
Y/n: I'm sorry but I was wondering who is-
Natsu: (anger) I said drop it!
Lucy and Y/n were surprised by Natsu's anger and Natsu walk off leaving Lucy and Y/n confused as Y/n watch Natsu go somewhere in the woods to be alone.
Y/n was back at the guild and sat at the bar and still wonder why Natsu get mad when Alex and Woz walk up to Y/n and Woz asked.
Woz: Is everything ok my lord?
Y/n: Yeah I was thinking of why did Natsu get mad all of a sudden when I mentioned about someone.
Alex: Really, got mad by you? That isn't like him to get mad at someone besides Gray or Laxus.
Woz: But who is this person you said that made Natsu angry?
Y/n: Lisanna but I didn't say anything mean to her or anything that will piss Natsu off.
Alex: Lisanna? Hmm never heard of that name?
Woz: Do you think she is a S-class like Erza?
Y/n: Maybe, were is Erza anyways?
Alex: She is away on a job with Emma, they won't be back for a while.
Y/n: Alright maybe I can ask her once she comes back.
Mirajane: (smile) Hey Y/n.
Mirajane walks over to Y/n, Alex and Woz as she hands Y/n a cup of coffee and Y/n thanks her and take a drink and said.
Y/n: (smile) This coffee is the best Mira, it feels like I can be king today.
Mirajane: (smile) I'm glad you enjoy it Y/n, bet that will keep you awake for a while.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah thanks Mira.
Alex: So Mira, any news about Another riders attacking towns or anything like that?
Mirajane: No things seem to be quite for now.
Woz: Then we can relax before the next another riders appear.
Y/n: Yeah we have a few ride watches so this won't be a problem dealing with them.
Alex: Agree, well gonna take a job and head out.
Y/n: Alright good luck Alex.
Alex nods and walks off. After that Mirajane turn to Y/n and asked.
Mirajane: So Y/n have any plans for today?
Y/n: Well nothing I could think of, why do you ask?
Mirajane: (smile) Well I was wondering that you and I go out somewhere so we can enjoy ourselves and maybe get to know each other more.
Y/n: (blush) w-wait l-like a date?
Mirajane: (smirk) You could say that, so what do you say?
Y/n: (blush) W-Well I guess I day out can't be that bad so yeah, why not.
Mirajane: (smile) Thanks Y/n, meet me at the park in 3 hours ok?
Y/n: (smile) Sure.
Wakaba, Macao, Jet and Droy at a table as they hear all that and were kinda jealous.
Macao: Man that kid is lucky.
Wakaba: I'm surprised Mira asked Y/n out.
Jet: Yeah even Levy talks to him more and more.
Droy: What a lucky kid.
We see Natsu sitting near a lake just alone to his thoughts as he have flashes of a young girl with short white hair before he shakes it off. He heard a branch snap as he turn to see Woz there as he walk up to Natsu while saying.
Woz: Hello there Dragon slayer, I see your taking a breather after all the training you have been doing.
Natsu: What do you want Woz?
Woz: I have come to see if you are alright and tell me why you were mad at Y/n when he asked about Lisanna?
Natsu: It's nun of your business Woz, neither is Y/n's.
Woz: Natsu it be a lot more easier if you can tell me why?
Natsu: (anger) Looks just leave me be!
Woz steps back a bit and see Natsu was upset so he nods and turns to leave but he stop when Natsu said.
Natsu: Lisanna was our guild member in our guild.
Woz turn and walk back as Natsu stands up and look at his reflection at the lake and said.
Natsu: Years ago before you, Y/n or Lucy join us. Lisanna was the one that fill people's smiles as she was the nicest girl in our guild. She was the younger sister of Elfman and Mirajane.
Woz: I see.
Natsu: Me and her were great friends when we were kids. We went out and discovered an egg which we take care of it. She sometimes tells me that we are like the eggs parents and after we came back to the guild and egg hatched and Happy was born.
Woz: So that's how you and Happy met for the first time.
Natsu: Yeah. Ovee the years we get older and older and soon she becomes a S-class wizard along with Elfman and Mirajane. They were great together going on jobs and she was a family to us and we thought things will never get worse.......but we were wrong.
Woz: What happened?
We see Y/n at the park were Mirajane wants to meet him at and Y/n was nervous by this as he never been on a real date before and was nervous that he may mess up.
Mirajane: Sorry if I was late.
Y/n turn to see Mirajane wearing are clothes that made Y/n blush a little because how beautiful it was.
Mirajane: (smile) You like what I'm wearing?
Y/n: (blush) Y-Yeah you look good on you, not in a creepy way!
Mirajane: (smile) I know but thank you, it has beena while since I wear nice for this day out.
Y/n: (smile) I can probably tell why, bet you were getting tired wearing the same thing for work.
Mirajane: Sometimes but I don't mind most of the time but at least I have a chance to wear this for this day.
Y/n: Right. So is there anyway you want to go?
Mirajane: Really? I don't mind I follow you.
Y/n: No, No I'm ok following you along.
Mirajane: (smile) OK, let's go.
Mirajane grabs Y/n's hand and they head off. Y/n blushes a Little to feel Mirajane's soft and warm hand but he smiles when he sees Mirajane smile and they go to different store around Magnolia.
They were at the clothes shop trying out some clothes. Mirajane puts on a beach hat and show it to Y/n and Y/n likes it. Y/n puts on a T-shirt that has a clock on it and shows it Mirajane.
Mirajane giggles and after they buy some clothes they visit the perfume store and they try out many perfume. Y/n looks at a few perfumes and he picks up one and accidentally spray it onto his face and stumbled backwards.
He made a cute sneeze that made Mirajane giggled while blushing a little cause how cute it was and Y/n also blush a little embarrassed and after that they visited a pet store and they look at many animals within the store.
Y/n was looking at the birds in the cage and he looks over rto see Mirajane smiling and giggling at the puppies as they berked and Mirajane pick up one and one start to lick her that made Mirajane giggle more. Y/n smiled to see Mirajane have a great time.
But outside of the store we see that same mystery man from before as he turn to a dark alleyway and then discovered into the darkness.
We see Mirajane and Y/n at a restaurant and were having their food and after that Mirajane lend back and said.
Mirajane: (smile) This has been wonderful Y/n, thanks for coming with me.
Y/n: (smile) No problem Mirajane and I'm glad you have a great day as well.
Mirajane: So Y/n what magic abilities have you've learned over the weeks?
Y/n: Nothing important to be honest. I have been training with Woz to test out my magic and I have learn I few magic. One of which is to freeze time for 10 seconds, the other is to teleport stuff into my hands, just as long it's not someone huge like a ship or a house.
Mirajane: (smile) Yeah but you are getting good and I'm proud of you.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks. So I didn't think I ask this but what magic do you use?
Mirajane: My magic is to turn into anything.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow seriously? Like anything as you pleased?
Mirajane: Yeah Elfman has a similar magic as mine and it's pretty useful while in jobs.
Y/n: That is awesome, what about people?
Mirajane: Yeah watch this.
Then a puff of smoke appear and once it was clear Y/n was surprised to see Mirajane transform into Lucy.
Y/n: (surprised) Woah your just like Lucy, that is soo cool.
Mirajane: (smile) Thanks I can even match people voice so no one will think I'm the fake Lucy.
Mirajane transform back to normal as Y/n was surprised but he was still bothered by something and he decided to ask Mirajane about it so he asked.
Y/n: Hey Mira, I wanna ask you something that has been bothering me and if you don't want to talk about it, that's ok.
Mirajane: Oh well sure Y/n, what's in your mind?
Y/n: (thought) OK here gone nothing.
Y/n: I wonna know about this guild member that I didn't know of, who is Lisanna?
Mirajane was kinda surprised he asked that but she doesn't blame him because she was gone before Y/n join the guild so she clear her throat and then said.
Mirajane: Well this may shock you but Lisanna is actually me and Elfman's younger sister.
Y/n: (surprised) Really, now way.
Mirajane: Yeah. Many years ago we were kick out of our own village after we shown out beast magic to everyone and they kick us out.
Y/n: Beast magic?
Mirajane: Beast magic is another thing to our transformed magic. Not only we can turn into both humans and animals but also monsters as well.
Y/n: I see.
Mirajane: After we left the village Makarov found us and take us to his guild were we feel happy. Elfman used to be a shy kid in the past, I was a rough house of the guild and sometimes clash with Erza when we were kids.
Y/n: (thought) Wait clash? As if they were rivals when they were kids?!
Mirajane: Lisanna was just the same, very kind and also have a smile on her face and everyone enjoyed her company and we grow stronger with Lisanna around us.
Y/n: I see it must be nice but where is she now and why is no one talking about her now?
Mirajane looks down for a moment as it was silence until Mirajane said.
Mirajane: I....I show you where she is now.
Y/n: OK?
After they pay for their meal they arrive at a church which confused Y/n as they enter a grave yard as they walk through many graves until they reach to one grave with a angel statue on top of it as Mirajane points to it and said.
Mirajane: Here we are, her resting place.
Y/n was confused until he looks over and his eyes wide up in shock to see that this grave stone......belongs to Lisanna who died years ago. Y/n steps back still in shock and turn to Lisanna and before he asked Mirajane explained.
Mirajane: We went on a job to arrest someone who cost chaos to towns. When we face him he proofing to be strong for us and Elfman try to punch him but he did something to him, I don't know what but I think he show Elfman the future or something because he turn into his full beast form and almost kill me but Lisanna came and try to tell Elfman to change back and telling him that it isn't his fault.
Then tears start to appear on Mirajane face as she cover her face with her hand as she said.
Mirajane: (tears) Elfman......can't control himself and.....and accidentally killed Lisanna with his blind rage. I try to run over and help her but she was too leat and she.....she was gone.
Y/n was shocked by all this and felt bad for their lost as Y/n give Mirajane a warm hug as Mirajane looks at Y/n and Y/n looks at her and said.
Y/n: Mira I'm truly sorry about your lost, I didn't know you lost someone that is apart of your family. I promise with my blood I will protect you and everyone in the guild so no one else will die, that is a promise.
Mirajane: (tears) Y/n.
Mirajane blushes and her heart skip a beat as they were close and Y/n was also the same. They look at each other and they were about to do something before someone said.
???: Woah what a cute moment to see.
They tur around to see the same guy stepping out of a tree and step into the light as they see his face.
Y/n: Who are you?
Hiryu: The name is Hiryu and it's very nice to see you after all these years Mira.
Mirajane was shocked to see the same man who made Elfman go berserk and lead to Lisanna's death which made Mirajane angry as Hiryu sat on a grave stone and said.
Hiryu: How long did we last met? Two or three or maybe longer, still I see your doing well.
Mirajane: (anger) You were the one that cost Elfman to go berserk and you were the one that killed Lisanna!
Hiryu: So you do remember me huh? How nice of you to know me and who is this boy your with?
Y/n: My name is Y/n and if you were the one that cost Lisanna's death then you will pay.
Hiryu: (smirk) I like to see you try, after all.....I will be king one day.
Hiryu pulls out another ride watch and show it to Y/n and Mirajane which surprised them because it was another Zi-o ride watch.
Mirajane: (shocked) Is that?!
Y/n: (shocked) Yeah but it can't be.
Hiryu slam another Zi-o ride watch into his chest and he transform into Another Zi-o.
Y/n: (shocked) No way!
Another Zi-o: I see your surprise by my form.
Y/n: Mirajane get behind me.
Mirajane: OK.
Ziku driver: ZIKU DRIVER!
Y/n: Henshin!
Ziku driver: RIDE TIME! (Electronic beats) KAMEN RIDER ZI-O!
Zi-o and Another Zi-o stare at each other for a while and then Zi-o charge at Another Zi-o and throw a punch at Another Zi-o but he dodge and Zi-o stumbled forward. He turn around and Another Zi-o throw a punch at Zi-o and Zi-o stumbled back as Another Zi-o rush at Zi-o and Zi-o charge at Another Zi-o and they began to fight at the grave yard.
Zi-o kicks Another Zi-o on the waist and try to trip him but Another Zi-o push Zi-o back and summon clock hands as his blades and walk up and was about to slash at him.
Zi-o blocks a strike with his blade and Another Zi-o kicks Zi-o back and they clash their blades at each other while Mirajane watch in worry for Zi-o. Zi-o was thrown out of the grave yard and fell on the ground but Zi-o stands up and clash a blade strike from Another Zi-o as they stumbled into the empty street were they clash their blades at each other once more.
Another Zi-o kicks Zi-o back and he swing his blade back to strike but Zi-o blocks it and they have a blade lock as they struggled to go through but Another Zi-o slash Zi-o with his other blade and strike him with another and Zi-o stumbled backwards and fell to his knees.
Another Zi-o walks over to Zi-o but he tur his blade to gun and fire a few shots at Another Zi-o and stood up and then asked.
Zi-o: Why did you made Elfman kill his own sister?
Another Zi-o: Why? Because the world is cruel and I have seen fairy tails smiles so I show them how it feels to lose someone they care about.
Zi-o: But why Elfman, that's wrong and you know it.
Another Zi-o: Whats the fun of seeing brothers vs sisters, it's entertain to watch.
Zi-o: So you don't care if one of them dies!
Another Zi-o: Dose it look like I give a shit.
Another Zi-o charge at Zi-o and was about to strike at him but he dodge and pukl out his wizard ride watch and slide it into his blaster.
Zi-o fire a fire blast at Another Zi-o but time suddenly stops and Another Zi-o chuckles to himself as he walks to the left and time turn to normal as the fire blast mist Another Zi-o and Zi-o was shocked as Another Zi-o explained.
Another Zi-o: I can freeze time and rewind time. I can even predict your next moves so no matter what you can't hit me.
Zi-o: Let's see about that!
Zi-o charge towards Another Zi-o and Another Zi-o predicted his move and he blocks it and he blocks the strike with second blade and then strike Zi-o with another which cost Zi-o to be sent flying back and roll on the ground.
Mirajane runs over and aid Zi-o as they look up to see Another Zi-o walk up to them and then Mirajane got in from of Zi-o and Another Zi-o stop himself.
Mirajane: (anger) You better leave now.
Zi-o: Mira no.
Another Zi-o: How cute your protection your boyfriend, how nice. Too bad you two will be in the after life after I'm done with yous.
Another Zi-o swing his blade back and was about to slash at Mirajane but suddenly flames hit Another Zi-o from behind and he turn and was punched in the face by Natsu and Another Zi-o was sent flying and landed hard on the ground.
Natsu: You ok?
Natsu reach out a hand to Zi-o and he grabs Natsu hand and Natsu helps him up.
Natsu: I'm sorry how I said to you at the lake.
Zi-o: That's ok, I know what happened to Lisanna and I'm truly sorry for your lost.
Natsu nods and Woz runs up to them as Another Zi-o stands up and said.
Another Zi-o: It seems that you have back up, that's kinda cheating.
They all stare at Another Zi-o for a while before he dehenshin and then said.
Hiryu: Perhaps next time we meet, this would be a far fight. Until then see you later.
Hiryu turn to walk away but Zi-o steps out and calls out to him.
Zi-o: Wait! Tell me what did you show Elfman before he go berserk. What did you show Elfman?
Hiryu turns to them as he smirks and saida.
Hiryu: I show him the future. A future.....where fairy Tail will fall and all his sisters and friends he knew.....Will be gone.
Then Hiryu walks away and disappeared as Zi-o dehenshin and Mirajane walks up to Y/n and asked.
Mirajane: You ok, that was a tough fight.
Y/n: Yeah I'm fine, thanks.
Woz: Still I never knew Another rider would become you my lord.
Y/n: Yeah who ever he is maybe dangerous to face when we see him again.
Natsu: Still what dose he mean by fairy tail will fall?
Y/n: No clue but let's not make that happen right Natsu.
Natsu: (smirk) Right.
Y/n smirks and they fist pumped as now everything is settled down.....well almost Natsu have to do one thing.
We see Happy at the lake still upset about Natsu as he is fishing on his own as he said to himself.
Happy: (anger) Stupid Natsu, I don't need him. I can catch some fish on my own.
Natsu: Hey Happy!
Happy: (anger) Beat it Natsu, there is nothing you can say that will make me better.
Natsu: So you don't won't these fishes I caught.
Happy turn and see Natsu have piles of fishes behind his back as Happy was surprised by this as Natsu said.
Natsu: I can't eat this on my own, mind joining me?
Happy was still surprised and thought this was a way for Natsu to say sorry so he smiled and said.
Happy: (smile) Aye sir.
At a nearby cliff we see Mirajane and Y/n watching this as Mirajane smiled and said.
Mirajane: (smile) I'm so happy they are friends again.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah me too. Sorry if our day out was ruined by away.
Mirajane: (smile) Don't be silly Y/n, it was fun day and I'm glad we spend some time and get to know about each other more.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah me too.
Mirajane smirks a little and lend in and kiss Y/n on the cheek. Y/n's face turn red in blush as he looks at Mirajane as she giggled while also blushing and said.
Mirajane: (smile) Your cute when you blush Y/n. Maybe we can go out again someday and maybe I could invite you my me and Elfman place so I can show you around and have some "fun".
Y/n: (smile) Fun? What do you mean by fun?
Mirajane turn and walks away but not before she turn back and give Y/n a wink and said.
Mirajane: (smile) You find out soon enough.
She giggled and walks off leaving Y/n along still blushing as he wants to know what she ment by that.
To be continued..........
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