Chapter 1: Welcome to Earthland my lord
We see fire and flames everywhere as we see a long blonde girl on her knees and was looking around the flames and chaos of distraction.
Lucy: (thought) No....this can't be happening.
She heard dragons roaring above her as one dragon swoop down to attack something but it stop in mide air and was pushed away. Lucy slowly turn her hear and see "him" in horror as a red rider with red glowing visor walks towards her while staring at her with his visor.
Then suddenly flames block Ohma Kaiju path and then Natsu came up in front of Lucy and stare at Ohma Kaiju as he chuckled and said.
Ohma Kaiju: Natsu Dragneel the last dragon slayer in this land and the most strongest one in fairy tail.
Natsu: You'll pay for killing my friends Ohma.
Ohma Kaiju: You will never defeat me, I am the demon king the strongest and most powerful rider in the world. You don't stand a chance.
Natsu: (anger) Just shut up and die!
Natsu charge at Ohma Kaiju in his rage an they fight while a boy in the direction watches the fight and then he woke up with a shake.
(Dream Over)
Male Boss: Hey Y/n wake up!
Y/n snap out of his dream and woke up and look around to see he was back storage of his shop were he is working for ans his boss woke him up.
Male boss: You fell asleep again, what's with you?
Y/n: I'm ok sire, sorry I've slept.
Male boss: Well get back to work other wise your fired.
His boss stomp off as Y/n sigh to himself and stand up.
Y/n: (thought) Ok then, time to get back to work.
(Inside the shop)
Y/n was stacking up some shelfs when his coworker walk up to him and asked.
Male coworker: I've heard you fell asleep while on your break?
Y/n: Yeah I didn't get enough sleep because of those dreams I've had.
Male coworker: What kind of dreams were you having?
Y/n: Well I'm some sort apocalypse like world and it show me this golden rider named Ohma Zi-o....and he is fighting all those Wizard's and killing them and taking there powers away.
Male coworker: Woah looks like you have sone crazy nightmare.
Y/n: (chuckled) Yeah you can say that.
Male coworker: Hey me and my friends are having a small party to celebrate my daughter's 18th birthday, want to join?
Y/n: Sorry I need to catch up with my sleep and maybe get this dream thing sorted.
Male coworker: Well your lost and good luck man.
Y/n: Yeah you too.
His coworker walks off and he walk pass a guy with a large book on his shoulder and staring at Y/n while he was stocking. Y/n feels someone is watching him so he turn and see no one there. Y/n shrugs and continue's on his work.
(At Y/n's apartment)
Y/n ente his apartment and turn on the lights. He took off his coat and hang it beside the door and walk to his living room and sat on the couch.
Y/n: Man that was some hard work, well at least I can sit back and relax now.
Y/n reach to his table and was about to grab the remote but then stopped and notice something next to remote. Y/n picks it up and see it some sort a black watch but with no numbers or hands on it.
Y/n: Huh what's this thing? I don't getting this thing?
Y/n find this weird but puts the watch into his pocket and watch some TV before he dose to bed. After his show was over he turns off his TV and heads into his bedroom to get some sleep.
After he fall asleep a clock on his alarm clock hit 12:00 and then something glows through his window and outside we see a portal outside of his window and was slowly lifted out of his bed and floats out of his window and into the portal were the portal closes and Y/n was gone.
(Y/n's new apartment)
It was bright time and Y/n open his eyes and woke up fresh as new and realise he didn't have a bad dream or anything.
Y/n: Yes no more bad dreams or anything like that, well time to head back to work and.......
Then Y/n also realised his place was very different. Everything around him looks old and was something he see in magical movies of videogames.
Y/n: Wait....what the?
Y/n got his clothes on and exit out or his apartment and run outside were he see everyone was completely different. There was small houses and people walking by wearing old clothes. Y/n was find this very weird.
Y/n: (thought) Wait where I'm I, is this a dream? Only one way to find out.
Y/n pinch himself to try to wake up but it wasn't working as he let's go and realise this wasn't a dream.
Y/n: Ok not a dream. So where I'm I?
A random guy walk by so Y/n walk over to him and asked.
Y/n: Hey where I'm I?
Random guy: Your in Magnolia sire.
Y/n: (thought) Magnolia? I never heard of that town.
Y/n: What year is it?
Random guy: Its the year x784.
Y/n was shocked as he step backs bit and was confused what's going on.
Y/n: (thought) What is going on here.
Random guy: Are you Ok?
Y/n: Yeah I'm fine, sorry I bother you.
Y/n runs over to....somewhere to find answers.
(At the park)
Y/n arrives at the park with a huge tree in the middle and was thinking about what's going on.
Y/n: (thought) Ok so this isn't a dream or I'm I not hallucinating this is real. How did this happen and how did I end up here? Maybe someone will tell me but who?
Then there was a huge blast and people start to run away. Y/n hide behind a tree and then a blonde girl named Lucy jump down and landed on her feet with Taurus next to her.
Y/n: (thought) Is that a gaint huge cow?
Then a monster like creature appeared out of the smoke and stare at Lucy before walking down the steps.
Lucy: This thing is stronger as we thought.
Taurus: Yeah and I wont let this thing touch you butty Lucy love.
Y/n: (thought) Ok that was weird.
Another Build: Hahah best match.
Taurus: Listen here buddy you better stay away from my Lucy got it!
Taurus charge at Another Build and was about to strike at his axe but Another Build jump very high that missed Taurus huge axe and landed down and took out Taurus. This shocked both Lucy and Y/n as Taurus lay there as Another Build pull out his empty fullbottle and suck Taurus inside of it.
Lucy: Taurus no!
Another Build look up at Lucy and slowly walk towards her. Lucy was about to summon another build she felt weak and fell to her knees.
Y/n: (thought) Oh no I got to help her.
Y/n exit out of his hiding spot and rush towards Another Build. Y/n pull back his arm and once close punched Another Build on the chest before he could touch her. Another Build stumbled back and to his knees and Y/n grab Lucy's hand and said.
Y/n: Let's go.
Lucy was surprised but she nods and Y/n take Lucy to safety while another build roared in anger realising Lucy was gone.
???: Forget about her.
Another Build turn and see a guy on top of the stairs wearing a light purple like cout and said.
???: Continued on your rampage and soon, you'll be the king.
Another Build chuckled and walks off to cost more trouble.
Y/n and Lucy was catching his breath in the alleyway and Lucy said to Y/n.
Lucy: Thanks for saving me back there sir.
Y/n: Yeah no problem.
Lucy: I'm Lucy from Fairy tail guild and your name?
Y/n: My name is Y/n L/n and Guild?
Lucy: Wait you don't know Fairy tail, it's a wonderful guild in Magnolia. There also other guilds around Earthland that you can take jobs and earned money.
Y/n: Ok so do you know what that thing is?
Lucy: I don't know what that thing is, what I do know is that thing sucked all my celestial spirits into his bottle.
Y/n: I see.
???: My lord it seems the time jackers are up to no good.
They turn to see a guy with a large book on his hand and a long scoff rapped around his neck.
Y/n: Who are you?
Woz: I am Woz and I am here to assist the king of Earthland.
Lucy: The king of Earthland?
Woz: Yes.
Woz turns to Y/n and bows in front of him and said.
Woz: I chose you to be the king of Earthland and serve us as a true king around Earthland my lord.
Y/n and Lucy: (shocked) EEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHH?!
Lucy: (shocked) So wait your the king?!
Y/n: (shocked) What no I dont even know what is he talking about!
Woz: But you are why else you have that watch in your pocket.
Y/n: Watch?
Y/n realise about the watch and put his hand into his pocket and pull it out and realise it has changed.
Y/n: What the?
Lucy: Is that a watch?
Woz: Indeed, in the future a evil king by the name of Ohma zi-o will destroy this world and make a dark world. I've pulled you out from your time and sent you here to defeat this king and save the world.
Lucy: Wait your from a differen time?
Y/n: Yeah from the year 2018.
Lucy: (surprised) Wow really that's long.
Y/n: Yeah.
Lucy: So Woz who was that monster and what are the time jackers?
Woz: The time jackers are three people that despised Ohma Zi-o and want to make there own king by transforming other people into Another rider monsters. These monsters are copys of past riders and they want nothing more but to become the next king and defeat Ohma zi-o.
Then there was a huge explosion and they exit out of the alleyway to see flame's.
Lucy: That must be Natsu.
Y/n: Then let's go.
They rush over to see what's happening and once there they see Natsu facing off Another Build.
Happy: Lucy!
Then happy fly down and Lucy asked.
Lucy: What's going on?
Happy: We were looking foe you and then this monster came out of nowhere and start attacking Natsu and me.
Woz: Natsu won't stand a chance against that monster.
They watch the fight as Another Build dodge Natsu's swing and pull out his q sucked up aquarius fullbottle and fired water at Natsu burning off his Flame and Another Build run up and kick Natsu on the chest and Natsu was sent flying back and crash into the ground and Lucy and Happy run up to him.
Another Build chuckled and walks towards them but then Y/n got in front of Another Build and said.
Y/n: Leave them alone.
Another Build chuckled and walks towards him. Y/n have no choice and run up him and tackled him trying to push him back but Another Build grab him and throw him back to Natsu and the rest.
Y/n slowly stand up and Lucy said.
Lucy: Y/n theres no way no one can't defeat that thing.
Y/n: Yeah, but I'm not giving up.
Y/n stand up and said.
Y/n: If I am chosen to be this world's king then so be it. I will a king so jo one will not get hurt by Ohma zi-o or the time jackers. I will be the nicest demon king ever!
Woz smiles and walk towards Y/n and Y/n turn and Woz hands Y/n a Ziku driver.
Woz: Your journey starts here, my lord.
Y/n grabs the driver and nods and turn to Another Build and place his Ziku driver on his waist and pull out his Zi-o watch and turn it and press it.
Y/n slide it onto the right slide and press the button onto of the driver and Y/n shouted.
Y/n: Henshin!
Ziku driver: RIDER TIME! (Electronic beat) KAMEN RIDER ZI-O!
(Battle music start)
Natsu, Happy and Lucy were shocked as Woz open his books and said.
Woz: Iwae! The one to inherit all riders powers, the time king who will rule over the past and the future! Truly, this is the moment kamen Rider Zi-o is born!
Natsu: (shocked) Wait king?!
Happy: (shocked) He's gonna to be king?!
Lucy: (shocked) Wow.
Zi-o looks at himself and looks back at Another Build.
Zi-o: Ok let's do this!
Zi-o charge at Another Build and they fight. Another Build try to hit Zi-o but Zi-o dodge his swings and Zi-o punch Another Build back. Another Build shake a sucked Taurus fullbottle and summon Taurus axe.
Zi-o dodge Another Builds strikes and rolled onto the side and summon his sword.
Zi-o and Another Build clash weapons around the street and the Zi-o managed to dodge Another Builds strike and slash up his captured celestial spirits fullbottles and they were sent back into Lucy' keys.
Lucy: (smile) Alright!
Another build: No!
Another Build charge at Lucy but Zi-o turn his sword into gun mode and blast Another build. Another Build gets hit and turns as Zi-o press his Zi-o watch and spone his Ziku driver.
Zi-o jump into the air and came down and rider kicked Another Build. Another Build flys back and then he exploded as Zi-o landed on his feet.
Happy: Yeah! He did it!
Natsu: That was awesome!
Lucy: Way a go!
(Battle music ends)
Zi-o walks over and picks up Another Build watch.
Zi-o: So this must be the cost of it.
Then Zi-o heart a grunted and look down to see a man standing up and looking around.
Random guy: Where I'm I and who are you?
Zi-o: Its a long story but are you......
Natsu: Hey!
Then Natsu walk over and grab the guy by the shirt.
Lucy: Natsu wait?!
Natsu: (anger) Why did you attack my friends, answer me!
Random guy: (scared) I-I don't know what are you talking about man.
Zi-o: Natsu wait he maybe not remember what happened.
Natsu: Huh?
Zi-o show Natsu the watch and said.
Zi-o: I sense some dark powers in this watch so it's not is fault, wather its this.
Woz: My lord is right, Time jackers force another people to become one of there kings so don't blame him.
Natsu let's the guy go and the guy runs off. Then Another Build watch start to glow bright and once it the light was gone Zi-o looks and see it has changed.
Zi-o: (surprised) Wow what happened to it.
Woz: It seems like you hot ride of its evil.
Zi-o: Huh?
Woz: Once anonymous Riders are defeat you use your secret ability to suck away the evil powers within and turn it good.
Zi-o: So this is my new form?
Woz nods and Zi-o dehenshin and Natsu pat Y/n on the back.
Natsu: (smile) Thanks for the help man, we own you.
Happy: (smile) Yeah and we didn't know you the king.
Y/n: I'm not actually the king but soon I will.
Y/n turn to Lucy and asked.
Y/n: Is your celestial spirits safe?
Lucy: (smile) Yeah thanks to you, thank you very much for saving them and me.
Y/n: (smile) No problem Lucy, Anytime.
Lucy suddenly blush a little when Y/n smiles at her.
Lucy: (thought) Wow he's kinda cute when he smiles.
Natsu: Hey what about you and Woz joins us?
Y/n: Really?
Natsu: Sure you start you journey at our guild.
Happy: Yeah we treat each othe like family.
Woz: They have a good point my lord. If you reveal yourself to them then everyone around Magnolia will know you.
Y/n: Well I dont want to be popular but I want to help other people so yeah, I gest we can join.
Natsu: Good now let's go.
Nastu drags Y/n to the fairy tail guild while Lucy saying while running.
Lucy: Natsu if you hurt him, I will hurt you!
Woz: (chuckled) My lord this story will get interesting.
Woz fallows as well while in the fear distance we see a cloaked figure watching Y/n and said.
???: Ohma Zi-o....I finally found you at last.
On the persons hand was a red rider watch as he stare at Y/n in anger.
To be continue......
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