Chapter 1: Let the show begin
At a small village we see the village being attack by monsters as they begin their rampage within the village. Screams can be heard follow by explosions as the monsters launch their magic attacks at the villagers.
We then see a mother and daughter hiding in the alleyway as the monsters runs pass them while they quickly hide from sight.
Once the monsters are gone the two leave the alleyway and make a run for it. They turn back to see they are being chased but it wouldn't matter when they bump into something.
They look to see then immediately screamed as the same monsters stood in front of them and aim theie spears at them.
The Mother quickly get herself and her daughter up and turn to make a run for it. However the monsters gather qnd fire at them. The two turn back to see magic attacks coming towards them then there was a sudden explosion.
The fire covers them as the mysterious monsters were about to turn when suddenly they heard something and quickly turn to see the flames sudden floating and forming a spiral. They all stood at attention while the flames slowly fates away revealing both mother and daughter alive and well.
They hug each other tightly. After realising they are alive they turn to see a mysterious mask figure standing in front of them, he controls the flames and soon they sink into his ring as he show it to the monsters then he spoke.
Wizard: It's show time.
(Intro/Battle music start)
Wizard causal walks towards them while they charte towards him. One swings his spear at him but he leaps away then strikes at him with a kick. Then two more came forward only for him to kick them back.
Both were sent flying back while Wizard pulls out his WizarSwordGun and quickly takes them down with it with perfect shots. He avoided their swings and he return that with a swift kick.
He keeps causal walks towards more monsters as they charge towards them only to causally lifting up his weapon and fire at them.
He catches a spear then shoots the monsters three times and throws him away. He ducks down a few swings then his weapon changed from a gun to a sword.
He rush forward and begins cutting down the monsters. He swiftly slashes at them and block their strikes only to kick the one away. He then dodges a few swings then turns his weapon to gun mode and place the barrel at the monsters chest then blast him away.
Then all begin to surround him which he wasn't scared as he let's out a small chuckle then he opens a hand on his weapon and place his hand which has his ring on it onto the hand.
Flame, shooting strike! Hi-Hi-Hi, Hi-Hi-Hi!
Then he spin 360 and he shoot fire bullets that hits the monsters and all exploded around him. Slowly the flames fate to reveal Wizard as he stood there then turn away as the monsters in the village is clear.
(Intro/battle music ends)
Everyone in the village came to where Wizard is and stare at him with amazing in his eyes. Wizard stood there for a moment then the same little girl rush over to him.
Little girl: (smile) Your real! I knew you were real.
Wizard: (bends down) Because you still have hope within you. Never lose that hope kid, okay?
She node with Jo as Wizard then gets up and make his leave all awhile the villagers all cheer and will remember Wizard's heroic deed.
(Next day)
The sun rises on a new day as we cut to a bedroom with books shelfs filled with spells and magic surround the whole room.
There is also a mess chest on the table near a bed of Y/n L/n who wakes up seeking the sun rising and then he sat up from bed. He stratched his body for a bit then he climbs out of bed.
He heads to the bathroom to wash up then aftee he dry himself he gets changed. Once down he looks at himself in the mirror and sees that he is ready to go.
Then he glance over the bed and sigh as he then walk at the other side of the bed then shake the person on his bed.
Y/n: Hey wake up. Time to get up.
There was a sexxy groan and slowly a woman name Cindy sat up from bed, barely naked as she let's out a yawn then gives Y/n an attractive look.
Cindy: (smirk) Morning honey. You could have let me sleep more.
Y/n: You wish I could.
Cindy: (smirk) True.
Y/n: Well I'll leave you to get change. I'll be in the kitchen.
Cindy: (smirk) Okay. By handsome~
She winks at him which he takes it then he leaves. He walks down what look like a castle. He kept walking then he turn and open a door only to be tackled to the ground and pinned to the ground.
Another woman growls at him as her head gets closer and closer to his then she then begin to lick his face. He let's out some chuckles then he gets up and begins to pet her.
Y/n: (smile) Well good morning Delta. Aren't you in a mood today.
Delta: (smile) I am master! Breakfast is ready.
Y/n: (smirk) Aren't you my good girl.
Then Delta came in and kiss Y/n on the lips. He didn't mind and return back with the kiss then Delta suddenly felt chills down her spin when another woman stood behind her, glaring at the two kissing.
They stop and Delta turns to her with fear in her eyes.
Delta: (scared) Oh-Oh h-hello Alpha.
Alpha: Delta. Go and have your breakfast.
Delta: (scared) Yes ma'am!
Delta then rush into the kitchen while Y/n gets up and smirks a bit while he tells Alpha.
Y/n: (smirk) You sure know how to put Delta in her place.
Alpha: (sigh) Indeed. But she won't control herself when your in the room. Especially the times she has tackled you.
Y/n: (smirk) You know I really don't mind.
Alpha: Very well then. Anyways.
Then Alpha came over and kiss him on the lips. The two kiss then the two stop and Alpha tells him with a smile.
Alpha: (smile) Good morning Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) Same.
Cindy: Seems like I'm missing something here?
They turn to see Cindy standing and waiting so Y/n walks over and kisses her as well. After that Cindy feels better and goes in to have breakfast.
Y/n: (sigh) Well let's start the dark.
(Sometime later)
We oversee a massive kingdom with shops, a train station, a museum, hotels and most important one of the most fancy academy that has ever to be seen.
Students were going into the academy to learn new spells and learn other things. All the students enter to their classrooms, among them was Y/n as he sat in a class which his teacher always points him out to do spells that seem hard to the students just to embarrassed him, why? Maybe some issues or something.
His teacher writs in a language which not all the students don't recognise. Then the teacher slammed his chalk onto the table and within a second points at Y/n.
Male teacher: (smirk) Mister L/n. Come here and see "if"yiu can read on what is on the board.
The students turn to him to see if he is worried but he isn't.
Y/n: (shrugged) Okay.
He gets up and causally walks over to the board and read through the language. Then says it what is on the board then his hand begins to glow and a mini tree appear on his hand.
The students are shocked and clapped while his teacher was stunned with his jaw dropped while Y/n smirked and tells his teacher.
Y/n: (smirk) Better luck next time tech.
He collapse onto the floor to after the bell rang the students left to get some lunch. Y/n walks by while many students whisper to each other, saying how amazing Y/n is and the girls dreamed to date him.
He gets this attention a lot but he never let's it get over his head. Then he walk pass a classroom which he noticed one female student in there.
The classroom was a sword training as the woman swings her blade around. However she gets tired and then he slipped and was about to hit the mat when she stopped mid falling.
Y/n use a float spell to catch her fall then he walks over and helps her up.
Y/n: You good?
???: Yeah I'm fine. Thanks.
Y/n: You know the bell rang right?
???: I know. Just want to stop more and keep on training.
Y/n: You will be weak if you don't eat.
???: Look I'll be fi-
Then her stomach grumble which embarrassed her a bit. Then Y/n tells her while he approaches her.
Y/n: Hey I know a good place we can have our lunch while catching your breath, come on.
She thinks about it for a moment then she decided Togo with him.
She and Y/n sat on the roof of the academy together as Y/n pulls out a sugar donut and eats it while she has her own.
???: You pack a donut for lunch?
Y/n: Sugar donut and yes. So you must be Alexia Midgar. The second princess of the Midgar Kingdom and younger sister to Iris Midgar.
Alexia: Huh you really do know everyone in this school.
Y/n: (smirk) Indeed I do. So what was that earlier? You seem determined or something.
Alexia: It's nothing. Just need some training that's all.
Y/n: Must be intense. You want me to help?
Alexia: I appreciate but no thanks. I rather do things my own.
Y/n: Some help won't hurt.
Alexia: I'm fine.
Y/n: Right.
Alexia sat there for a moment then she gets up and tells Y/n.
Alexia: Nice chat but I gonna go.
She turn to leave but then Y/n tells her.
Y/n: Whatever it might be, don't let "them" take it away fro you?
Alexia turn to him and was about to ask but she didn't have time so she just walks away while Y/n glance away and look at the veiw.
(Somtime later)
The day ended and we see the students leaving to go home. Alexia walks alone as she still thinks about what Y/n told her but she shakes it off.
Alexia: (thought) Just ignore him. I need to focus and do my best. I need to be better.
She soon takes the park and walks through the trail when a sound gets her attention. She turn thinking it was someone else but to her shock a large monster with horns approaches her.
???: Look what I got here. A lonely human with no one around. What ashame.
Alexia: What in the world are you?!
Minotauros: Names Minotauros. I am a phantom. Monster styat feed off humans despair so a new phantom will be born.
Alexia is shocked by this but quickly she draws out her sword and launches towards him. She swing at him only for him to catch her blade with a singal hand then kicks her away.
She rolled onto the ground then slowly sat up to see Minotauros holding her sword.
Alexia: No! Give that back to me!
Minotauros: Hm? You seem desperate. You really want to be better than your sister don't you? Well that will never happen. You'll always be her shadow.
Then he breaks her sword which shocks Alexia then purple cracks appear in her body while the Minotauros begins to laugh.
Minotauros: Let a new phantom be born!
He laughs when suddenly he gets shot from behind. He quickly turns around to sees Y/n holding up his WizarSwordGun at Minotauros.
Y/n: Not on my watch.
Minotauros: Ah if it isn't Kamen rider Wizard. Why can't you stay out of my way!
Y/n: Whenever people have lost hope within their hearts. I will give them the hope they need.
He then lifted up a ring that is shaped like a hand and place it onto his belt.
Wizard driver: Driver on, please!
Then a wizard driver appear on his chest as he flip the levels on each side to turn it on and pulls out a flame style ring and turn to Minotauros and calls out.
Y/n: Henshin!
Then he place it over the driver and he begins to trangorm into kamen rider Wizard.
Wizard driver: Flame, please! Hi-Hi, Hi-Hi-Hi!
(Battle music start)
Wizard: It's show time.
Then Minotauros summons his battle axe and charges towards Wizard while Wizard rush at him and once close he avoided his swings and even block his strikes with his arm.
Then he kicks him back. Minotauros charge towards him only for Wizard to shoot at him a few times. Then switch his gun mode to blade mode and land some quick ans swift slashes at him.
The two clash blades as Wizard blocks every strike then he double kicks him back. Minotauros skidded back but stop himself, he then looks up only to see Wizard firing his shots at him which he blocks then Wizard leaps over him him and lands a slash at him.
Minotauros rolled away but quickly gets up as Wizard pulls a kick style ring then place it over us driver.
Wizard: Time for the final!
Wizard driver: Chiine kick strike! Saiko!
Then his right leg burst into flames as Wizard bend down and then charges forward. He does a front flip then leaps up into the air and then he came down and rider kicks Minotauros which he exploded.
Wizard does a nice spine and a pose while Minotauros blows up behind him.
(Battle music stop)
Once that was done Wizard turns his attention towards Alexia and rushes over to see her with more purple cracks around her.
Alexia: Wh-What is happening to me?
Wizard: A phantom is about to be born. I must stop it before that happens.
He then pulls out a ring and puts it onto Alexia's finger, before he can place her hand onto the driver Alexia stop him and ask him.
Alexia: Why are you doing this for me? He's weak. I'm pathetic. I'm not as great as my order sister and I will never be. Why should I keep going?
A singal tear drop onto the grass as she begins to cry with more cracks appearing then Wizard tells her.
Wizard: I hate giving up. As long you don't give up, hope will never disappear. Because I am the last hope.
Alexia with tears in her eyes turn to Wizard and without looking away place her hand onto his driver and everything turn bright.
Wizard driver: Engage, please!
(Short while later)
We find Alexia laying on the bench and soon she woke up and quickly sat up and look around and sees that she is still in the park.
Alexia: (thought) What happen? Was all that a dream? Did i pass out.
She was about to play it off as a dream till she sees a Engage style ring on her finger which is when she realise it wasn't a dream.
She then look around for Wizard but he was no one to be seen. She then make hee way home and try to ignore what just happen.
To be continued................................................
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