Chapter 16: These Feelings, Dwell in this Blade

Tassel is currently crying.

Tassel: Minna-san, I am currently utterly devastated!

A book opens a pop-up page to show a theater-like scene. Showing what happened from the previous chapter.

Tassel: Touma was able to defeat Calibur with his new power given by his predecessors, Dragonic Knight, but... Kento was still consumed by the power of darkness and vanished from this world. And now, Calibur has successfully brought life to the giant book that will lead him to immense power! Is there no end to this crisis?!

At the Megiddo Base

Storious, Legeiel, Zooous, and Bular watch the colossal book beings surrounded by the flames.

Bular: Saber has blocked our only way to our prize.

Storious: It's only a matter of time before the final door is open.

Zooous: But those damn flames are in the way of us getting-


Legeiel: The flames will die out eventually. Just have a little patience.

Storious: I must say, I did not expect Jaou Dragon to be defeated so easily... The new Saber is truly quite fascinating. A lot different from the many others we have faced.

Zooous: You think this is funny?!

Storious: Come now, there's nothing to worry about. He's not done just yet.

(Scene Change)

Kuriyama continues its purple glow.

Desast arrives and attempts to take the sword.

But the emblem glows.

Desast: Well, would you look at that.

A large dark aura appears and turns into...


Calibur: I won't allow anyone to get in my way again.

At Northern Base

Everyone right now mourns for Kento.

Touma holds Ikazuchi.

Elise: If I had just kept a better watch on Kento...

Rai: It's not your fault.

Sebastian was patching Leon's wounds.

Leon: Kento wouldn't want you to blame yourself. 

Rai: He wouldn't want us to sit around crying, even after seeing him like that...

Leon: Kento was a remarkable swordsman. We have to uphold the conviction he stood by.

Touma brings Ikazuchi closer to him.


Touma visits Lillian in the hospital. He had told her that Kento was consumed by darkness and was gone.

Lillian: I can't believe it. Kento... My little light.

She started crying after hearing about the disappearance of her youngest son.

Touma then offers Ikazuchi to return to its previous wielder. But Lillian declines the offer of taking the sword of Lighting back.

Lillian: Kento has trusted you with it. Use it to honor my son... Touma-kun.

{End of Flashback}

Elise: I promise I will.

Icchi: We'll avenge him, no matter what.

Rai: Agreed. But most importantly...

Touma finally breaks his silence.

Touma: We have to save the realms!

Everyone's time being down came to an end... 

Thanks to Touma reminding them what their duty is.

Leon: Our duty as swordsmen is to protect the balance of the realms.

Touma: That was the promise we made to Kento!

Emma: Touma...

Everyone nods.

Touma: Ogami-san.

He goes up to him and gives Needle Hedgehog.

Needle Hedgehog!

Needle then appears out of her book.

Touma then goes to Icchi.

Touma: Icchi.

He then gives him Tri Cerberus.

Tri Cerberus!

Then Cerberus appears out of his book.

Touma brings out Lamp Do Alangina.

Lamp Do Alangina!

Alangina then appears out of his book.

[Alangina: Touma... As a genie... I can grant you one wish for this hour of need.]

Touma: Then... I wish that you fight with me... for Kento.

[Alangina: Your wish is mine command.]


(Instruments) Shows Touma opening a book that is a sign for his future book store, it then changes to a bookshelf, then to a book flipping pages, changes to school uniforms, then to Touma grabbing his ARCUS and sword. Showing someone pulling a book off the shelf, revealing "Wonder Story". Shows Touma smiling in front of the school before the book turns to a pop-up page of Touma and the school. Then it changes scenes to appear in reality.

(The saber in your hand!) Shows the scene where Touma is stretching his arms in front of the school. The camera zooms out.

(Is a pen to write it down!) It shows Thors Military Academy in Wonder World, along with magnificent creatures flying in the air.

(Words to save this world!) The title appears and Brave flies in the air releasing a roar.

(Dare ni mo mirarezu) It then shows Touma writing his story, changing to Touma swinging his sword to practice as he spotted Elliot with Gaius with smiles. And Touma smiles back before Brave comes up from behind Touma as he smiles.

(Saku hana wa mushou no ai) Shows Leon with a smile holding books with Senki along his side. Then changes to show Jusis and Machias passing through the hallway, then changes to the girls of Class VII having a chat with each other and smiling.

(Hisoyakana yasashi sa was) Shows Touma opening the Wonder Ride Book; Brave Dragon and changes to show the pop-up book of a scene of the academy showing Touma and Class VII strolling in front of it alongside Kento, Leon, and Spirit Book partners.

(Hitoshirezu saite chiru) The next page shows the first page of Wonder Story; Wonder World, seeing young Touma leaning on a tree alongside his childhood friends Kento and a girl before it shows the two pinky promising.

(Kamen ni kakureta) It then shows Northern Base with all the swordsmen facing the camera, then converts to Sophia on the balcony alongside Allen facing the camera, then the scene changes with Sara slamming paperwork on the table before she winks. Then it shows Crow, Towa, George, and Angelica smiling at the camera, changes to see Elise and Alfin smile, and then it changes and shows Captain Claire ordering her soldiers, and then see the Megiddo leaders; Legeiel, Zooous, and Storious holding books with grins on their faces.

(Namida wo misezu ni) Shows the army of Megiddo grunts, terrorists, gumm-gumms, and dark magical people all behind Calibur and Jaaku Dragon as he faces the camera before he swings his sword sending an energy slash. Changes to Touma with a serious expression before he grabs the handle with Wonder Ride Book Brave Dragon behind him.

(ALMIGHTY!) Touma pulls the sword out from his driver, causing the book to open. Touma slashes his sword in an X. Before Brave merged with Touma to transform into Kamen Rider Saber.

(Hon ni kakareta) Shows Saber slashing Megiddo grunts down.

(Chie to yuuki wo tsukande) Then to Blades slashing them down. Then shows Espada slashing them too. Then it shows the pages flipping as Tassel was dancing with a smile on his face in his house.

(ALMIGHTY!) Shows Saber forming a combat stance before large Wonder Ride Books pop out from the ground.

(Shinjita hou e) Then changes to show Saber and Blades on their bikes, then Wonder Ride Books stack upon each other.

(Ugokaserusa mirai) Finally showing Saber falls off a cliff as he changes to Touma and lands with Class VII coming up to him with a smile on all of their faces as the photo was taken.

Back to the Story

The flames that surround the colossal book started dying out.

At the Megiddo Base

The four started laughing with joy.

Legeiel: I'll be going on ahead. 

He gets up to the exit.

Legeiel: The end is almost upon us!

Bular: I shall assist you.

Bular follows Legeiel.

At the Northern Base

Leon, Azari, and Elise go up to Kaito

Leon: Daishinji-san, have you finished the new Wonder Ride Book?

Kaito: No, not yet.

Leon: When you do, please give it to me.

Kaito: Very well, I will adjust accordingly. Your Wonder Ride Books.

Leon: Of course.

Leon gives Kaito his Wonder Ride Books and Kaito placed them in the slots under the computer. One at a time.

Tenkuu No Pegasus!

Lion Senki!

Peter Fanatasista!

Then Kaito finally placed the book with immense power.

King of Arthur!

Elise then feels the book glow and then opens it.

Elise: Oniichan's flames are dying out!

Rai: Let's keep it simple. We'll go with the lady's plan. First, we'll make sure we don't let them anywhere near the center. Then we'll destroy the pillars of light

Icchi nods.

Touma: Let's do this!

Gaius: We'll make sure the civilians are far from the center.

Laura, Machias, Jusis, and Emma stood behind and nod in agreement.

Touma, Rai, and Icchi left the base with Gaius, Laura, Machias, Jusis, and Emma behind them.

In the City

Legeiel and Bular watch as the fire dies out.

Legeiel: The two worlds will soon be ours to control, and it's all thanks to that great power.

Bular: And we shall be the ones to see this through!

Touma then came into the scene.

Touma: We won't let you have your way!

Bular: Unfortunately for you...

He points to the book.

Bular: It's already too late.

Icchi then arrived at the scene.

Icchi: No! Not if we have anything to say about it!

Rai then arrives.

Rai: We're not letting you take another step!

Calibur then made his return.

At the Megiddo Base

Zooous: Calibur!

Storious: Just as I thought.

In the City

Touma: Calibur...

Icchi: I'll make sure you stay dead this time!

He places his Wonder Ride Book in the slot of his sword.

Sarutobi Ninjaden!

He splits his sword in two.


Icchi: Henshin!

He charges straight toward and transforms into Kenzan.


Rai: I'm gonna make give me some real answers this time! You hear me, Kamijo!

He places his Wonder Ride Book in the slot of his sword.

Genbu Shinwa!


He then charges straight toward Calibur. But was interrupted by Bular.

Bular: You're gonna have to get through me first!

Rai: Nani...?!

He then pushes Bular away.

Rai: Henshin!


As Rai transform into Buster, Bular charge at him and their swords clash with each other.

Touma stands.

Touma: Kento... let's save this realm as one.

He then takes out Lamp do Alangina Wonder Ride Book.

Lamp Do Alangina!

Touma: Alangina... Lend me your power!

[Alangina: As I said... Your wish is my command!]

He then takes Brave Dragon Wonder Ride Book.

Touma: Ikou, Brave!

[Brave: Of course, Aibou!]

Touma: Henshin!

He then placed them in his driver and unsheath his sword.

Rekka Batto!

He was then sent to his flaming library.

Nisatsu no hon o kasaneshi toki seinaru tsurugi ni chikara ga yadoru! (When two books synthesize, the sacred sword is infused with power!)

Brave and Alangina merge with Touma.

Wonder Rider! Dragon! Alangina!

Futatsu no zokusei o sonaeshi yaiba ga togisumasa reru! (The blade equipped with two attributes will be honed!)

Saber: We will defeat you... and protect the realm!

He then comes in and attacks Calibur.

Their swords then clashed with each other.

Calibur: You cannot protect anything! The universal truth will be mine!

He then pushed Saber away.

Kenzan: We're not losing to someone like you!

He sends a fury of windmill slashes at Calibur.

Kenzan: Kento's a thousand times stronger than you'll ever be!

Calibur slashes horizontally across Kenzan's stomach.

Saber then comes in and clashed against Calibur.

Saber: You struck down both Kento and his father... What truth is worth the lives you've taken?!

Calibur: An undeniable truth the world has never seen!

Saber: That's no reason to make people suffer!

Kenzan hen comes in and clashes his sword against Calibur.

Kenzan: I'll show you just how strong Kento is by defeating you!

The three each push each other their might.

Saber: I will carry on Kento's convictions!

Saber and Kenzan push Calibur, then Saber slashes through Calibur.

Kaenken Rekka!

Raimeiken Ikazuchi!

He then presses Lamp Do Alangina with the end of Ikazuchi

Lamp Do Alangina!

Saber/Brave/Alangina: Flaming Destroda!

Kenzan set his sword to Shuriken Mode

Sarutobi Ninjaden!

Kenzan/Shinobu: Hurricane Sword Dance!

Saber sent a fireball with lighting while Kenzan summoned a tornado around it. They both send it to Calibur

Hayate Sokudoku Geki!

The attacks then hit Calibur and caused him to tremble a few inches away.

With Buster

Buster and Bular had their swords clashed against each other.

Bular: The last time we had this fight... Was when we tried to open the door. The power of my father lies within my swords!

He pushes Buster away.

Bular: Your troll-like strength alone won't be enough to defeat me!

Buster: All it would take is just sunlight to end you!

He then slams his sword on the ground making the rubble around him enlarge his blade. Buster then swings it clockwise. That only pushed Bular a few feet away.

Kenzan then jumps in and slashes at Bular.

Bular growls at the two swordsmen.

With Saber

Calibur jumps toward Saber until Buster comes in and clashed against his sword.

Buster: I don't know what your story is, but if you had just come to us and talked about it...

He then pushed Calibur away and takes out Needle Hedgehog's Wonder Ride Book.

Buster: Kento wouldn't have had to suffer 11 years!

He places it on the scanner of his sword.

Needle Hedgehog!

His sword charges with electric spikes around the blade.

Gekido Grandokugki!

He slams his sword at Calibur.


The attack pushed Calibur. Buster then charges at the Swordsman of Darkness.

Buster: Both you and Takeshi!

He attempts to slam his sword at Calibur, but he dodges the attacks.

Buster: You kept silent and left us in the dark!

Their swords clash against each other.

Calibur: Talking about it would've proved futile!

He then holds the sword by the blade, pushed it down, and points his sword at his neck.

Calibur: There's more to this than meets the eye!

The Swordsman of Darkness then slashes the Swordsman of Land downward and then upward.

Buster trembles backward. Saber catches him, then Kenzan comes in and charges toward Calibur.

Kenzan: You don't know how strong Kento-senpai and I are, do you?


Kento and Icchi were sparring out in the park in the Sky Realm near the Akamichi Temple.

Kenzan: "We're the greatest and strongest swordsmen alive!"

{End of Flashback}

Kenzan spins like a windmill slashing and kicking. He then back kicks Calibur in the stomach and he then takes out Tri Cerberus' Wonder Ride Book and places it on the scanner of his sword.

Tri Cerberus!

He then jabs his sword toward Calibur summoning Tri.

Hayate Sokudoku Geki! Nin nin!

Tri jumps and spins attack Calibur. But Calibur blocks and then he slashes Tri, destroying his holographic body.

He then turns to see Saber standing straight.

Saber: Kento had to carry that burden all on his own. Yet, he never lost his smile...


All clips are shown Kento smiling.

{End of Flashback}

Saber: And now, it's my turn to fight with his convictions!

He charges at Calibur. Scissor slashed but Calibur dodged it. He then attempts to slash downward, but Saber blocks it, Calibur then tries upward, fortunately, Saber dodges it.

Their sword then clashed against each other but Saber had an extra sword and slashed Calibur horizontally.

He then sheath Rekka in the Swordriver and presses the trigger.

Hissatsu Dokuha!

He uses Ikazuchi to slash Calibur as he came toward the Swordsman of Flames and then he sheath in the Hissatsu Holder.

Ikazuchi iai!

he then unsheaths both of them.

Dokugo Issen!

Dragon! Alangina! Nisatsu Geki! F-F-Fire!

He then slashes Calibur.

(Scene Change)

The flames surrounding the book are dying down.

At the Northern Base

The new book continues to be on hold. Slowly getting made.

As Elise, Allen, Nari, Leon, and the elves watch the flames die out and the others save civilians. While the Swordsmen fight.

Kaito then broke his own hold.

Kaito: They need my help!

He then grabs his jacket and sword.

Leon: How much longer will the book take?

Kaito: Ask the book!

He then left Elise, Leon, and the elves in question.

Nari goes up to the book and waves her hand over it.

Allen goes up to her.

Allen: Can you feel its spirit?

Nari: Almost. But for a Wonder Ride Book's spirit to completely awaken... It needs to combine with the souls of fallen swordsmen.

Aira: Where can we get one of those?

Farron: I don't suppose we can buy some in a store?

Leon thought for a moment and remembered what his mother once said.


At a lake, Asuna and Leon were training in the ways of the swordsmen.

Young Leon looks at Nagare with high hopes of someday holding it.

Leon: Mother... Is there anything special about Nagare more than it was made by Merlin and was crafted for only elves to wield it?

Asuna: Why yes.

She then picks up the sword and offers Leon to hold it.

Leon then takes hold of the handle and feels a strong surge of magic

Asuna: Do you feel it? The magic?

Leon: Yes.

Asuna: That magic... Is the magic of your ancestors. All the souls of the swordsmen in our family... Are in this blade. And soon... My soul will join them. And maybe someday... Yours will as well.

{End of Flashback}

Leon then takes out his sword.

Naida looks at him and at the sword.

Naida: Our mother's sword.

Leon: It holds the souls of all the swordsmen that once wield it.

Nari: Your sword will help complete the awakening of the Wonder Ride Book's spirit.

Leon then inserts his sword into the computer and the book starts to glow.

At the City

The flames have finally died out and the colossal book has opened.

Saber: The flames...

[Brave: They're dying out.]

Calibur: The time has come. I can't afford to play with you any longer.

Kenzan and Buster regroup with Saber and they charge toward Calibur, but Storious, Zooous, and Legeiel block their way to him.

Storious: Go on ahead.

Calibur then turns to go to the book.

Saber, Kenzan, and Buster try to catch up to Calibur but the three Megiddo stop them from advancing.

As Saber clashes against Storious, Kenzan cuts in.

Kenzan: I'll handle these guys!

Saber nods and jumps above the battle. He then rushes to Calibur and their sword clashed against each other.

Saber: I know you wanted to protect the world once, alongside your friends and comrades!

They separate and Saber swings his swords. Their swords then clashed again.

Calibur: I cast them all aside!

He then punches Saber in the chest and then slashes him.

Saber rolls on the ground.

Buster: Novelist!

Buster and Kenzan continue to fight the three Megiddo.

Saber struggles to get up.

All of a sudden Slash comes in and attacks Calibur but he ducks from Slash's attack and dodges one coming downward.

Saber finally gets up on his feet.

Saber: Daishinhi-san!

Slash then charges toward Calibur and swings his sword but Calibur dodges it. Their sword then clashes against each other.

Slash: My old friend! The sound of your heart has no echo anymore!

They threw each other off and then clashed again.

Calibur: You haven't changed a bit.

He then threw him off and slash him horizontally.

Slash rolls toward Saber and then Saber charges at Calibur and their swords clashed.

Slash then gets up and joins the fight with Buster and Kenzan against the Megiddo.

Their fight leads them to an abandoned factory.

Storious slashes Slash away.

Zooous slashes Buster away.

Legeiel slashes Kenzan away.

The three swordsmen roll toward each other. They get back up on their feet. Slash then takes out his Wonder Rider Book

Slash: Ogami!

He passes it to Buster.

Bremen No Rock Band!

Buster takes it.

Buster: This is gonna be interesting. Let's get along!

[Rock Band of Bremen: Of course!]

He then takes out his Wonder Ride Book.

Buster: Icchi!

He passes it to Kenzan.


Kenzan takes it.

Kenzan: Let us rampage!

[Jack: Okay!]

He then takes out his Wonder Ride Book.

Kenzan: Get a load of this one.

He passes it to Slash.

Kobuta 3Kyoudai!

Slash takes it.

Slash: This is going to be loud!

[Three Little Pigs: (1) Okay then! (2) Music is our way of living! (3) Where's the meat?!]

He then places the book in the slot of his sword.


Kobuta 3Kyoudai then merges with him.

Buster then places the book in the slot of his sword.


Bremen No Rock Band then merges with him.

Kenzan then places the book in the slot of his sword.


Jackun-to-Domamenoki then merges with him.

Buster pushes Zooous to another room.

Buster: You gotta deal with me, pal!

Zooous: I've always wondered what it would taste like to gobble you up!

Buster then pushes Zooous away.

Buster: How 'bout you get a taste of this?!

He then slams his sword on Zooous and pushes him.

With Kenzan

He backflips.

Kenzan then places his Main Ride Book on the scanner of his sword.

Sarutobi Ninjaden! Nin nin!

Legeiel: Come on, came at me!

Hayate Sokudoku Geki!

Kenzan then sends a tornado at Legeiel but he absorbs it and sent it back to Kenzan throwing the Swordsman of Wind flying and crashing on the floor.

Kenzan: You're not half bad!

Legeiel: I can use any power I wish!

Legeiel then plunged his sword into the floor and throws large concrete pieces at Kenzan.

Legeiel: A swordsman of your skill is no match against me! 

Kenzan does his best to dodge them.

Legeiel: Now suffer! Suffer for me!

Then the boulders close into Kenzan and crushed him. The boulder cracks and explodes to reveal that Kenzan was gone.

He then sees that Kenzan was upside down on the ceiling.

Kenzan: Now I'm pissed off!

He jumps off the ceiling and lands on his feet. He then charges toward him.

With Slash

Slash faces off against Storious.

Storious then disappeared, leaving Slash to wonder where he was.

He then appears behind Slash.

Storious: All those years you people have spent fighting us...

Slash goes to strike him, but he got away.

He then examines the area until Storious appears behind again.

Storious: All that effort you put in to protect this world... In the end, it was all for nothing.

He disappears again before Slash could even attack.

Storious: What a truly pitiful existence. 

He then appeared behind Slash.

Storious: At the very least, spend your final moments entertaining me.

His eyes glow green and two projections appeared

Storious: Now, which one is the real me? Or maybe they are all my illusions... Or perhaps not... Go on, which will it be?

Slash then relaxes his tense expression. Under his helmet, he closes his eyes and lets his ears to the work.

Slash: Enough yapping... I'll put an end to you, and that mouth of yours.

He then takes the book out and placed it on the scanner of his sword

Kobuta 3Kyoudai!

He then multiplied into three Slash.

Yay! Suzune Ondoku Geki! Yay!

All the Slash attack all three Storious.

(Scene Change)

The colossal book opens completely. Sprinkling gold dust all over the six realms and people started seeing Wonder World. Desast walks around with a joyful expression.

Desast: Worlds, books, and swords are clashing against each other... The greatest and most vile party is about to begin!

At the Northern Base

Leon and Azari watch the book complete.

In the City

Calibur and Saber stand against each other intensely.

Saber: I will protect this realm!

He charged at Calibur and clashed against his sword. Calibur breaks off and slashes horizontally at Saber as he turns to dodge him.

Saber: That's what I promised Kento!

Their swords then clash against each other.

Calibur: A human's nature is to betray, and to break promises.

Saber: No, it's not!

He then throws his sword and swings his sword clockwise.

Calibur: Nothing compares to humanity's weak will and fragile nature. A person can only rely on the absolute truth of the world!

He then clashed against Saber's and swing his cape at him, but Saber dodged, and Calibur was able to slash Saber upward.

Saber then rolls to the ground and it made him drop Alangina's Wonder Ride Book.

Saber struggles to get back up.

Saber: Our will is stronger than you think.

He then gets back on his feet.

Saber: I carry on Kento's convictions!

He then charges at Calibur but Bular stopped him.

Bular: You have proven to be rather troublesome... Like all your predecessors...

He then punches Saber in the stomach. Causing him to stumble back a few steps.

Bular: Go on then, now's your chance.

He then charges toward Saber and clashes his sword against Saber's.

Then all of a sudden, Slash, Buster, and Kenzan push the Megiddo Leaders to the battlefield with Saber against Bular.

Calibur then flies off into the book.

Leon then comes in with Elise, Naida, and Azari behind him and picks up the Wonder Ride Book, and faces the battlefield

Leon: In the name of Suiseken Nagare... and my partners of the Blades... I shall protect this realm!

He then takes out the complete Wonder Ride Book.

King Lion Daisenki!

Slash: Took you long enough!

Leon opens the cover page.

"Shizen o chouetsu shita aoki tategami ga soukou o matoi ouza ni todoroku..." (A blue mane that transcends nature wears armor and roars on the throne...)

He then placed it in his driver and drew his sword out opening the book.

Nagare Batto!

He was then taken to his water library.

Leon: Henshin!

Rhyming! Riding! Rider! 

He sends his energy slash horizontally. Allowing him and Senki to merge together with a new power.

Juoh Raiou! Rising! Lifull! King Lion Daisenki! Sore sunawachi hougeki no senshi! Welcome the Beast King! Rising! Lifull! King Lion Daisenki! In other words, the artillery warrior!

Saber: Leon!

Buster takes out Needle Hedgehog.

Buster: Use this!

He then tossed it to Blades.

Kenzan: This too!

He then tossed Tri Cerberus to Blades.

Blades catches them and lifts his left arm.

King Lion Booster!

Its mouth then opens and then he places Alangina's book in it.

One Reading!
Lamp Do Alangina!

He then takes out Needle's book and put it in King Lion Booster.

Two Reading!
Needle Hedgehog!

And finally, he puts Tri's book in King Lion Booster.

Three Reading!
Tri Cerberus!

Blades: I also made a promise of my own!


Kento: Take care of Touma for me.

(End of Flashback)

Blades: Minna! Please stand aside!

All swordsmen then quickly moved out of the battlefield. Then Blades shoots out all of Espada's power at the Megiddo and Bular.

Lionic Burst!

He then rushes into battle.

Blades: Leave this to me!

He tosses King Arthur's Wonder Ride Book to Saber. 

King of Arthur!

Saber: I'll make sure to stop Calibur. You guys destroy that pillar of light!

Blades: Understood!

Saber: Let's do this.

He tells his other Spirit Partners as he brought out their Wonder Ride Books.

[Storm: Of course, Aniki!]

[Wukong: Let us save the realm!]

Blades face off against four enemies on his own. While Saber flies to the book.

Buster places Bremen's book on the scanner of his sword.

Bremen No Rock Band!

Kenzan places Jackun's book on the scanner of his sword.


Slash places Kobuta's book on the scanner of his sword.

Kobuta 3Kyoudai!

Blades then line the monsters up and then three swordsmen send their energy slashes at them. The four monsters struggle to get up. 

Blades: I will pierce through with my convictions!

He then flips an end piece on the top of his book.

Nagare Houkou! (Running Water Cannon Roar!)


King Lion Dai Change! 

Sore sunawachi hougeki no senshi! Sarani wa Lion Henkei! (In other words, the artillery warrior! Furthermore, a lion transformation!)

Blades lets out a loud roar.

Naida: My little brother turned into a lion?!

Azari stares with hearts surrounding her.

Blades then slashes Legeiel and Zooous with his claw, pushed Storious with his head, and kicked Bular.

After that, he aimed his cannons at the pillar of light and shot it down.

He then let out another roar.

Before the book could slightly close Saber flies into it.

Ending Dance Time

Shows three riders clashing their swords on top of each other.

(Instrumental) Touma and Class VII, point at the camera and hold their Wonder Ride Books, and they started dancing.

(Michi naru mono ni nomikoma reru toki) The teens raise their arms up in the air. Then it shows Saber practicing his swordsmanship with Brave next to him.

(Yami wo kirisaku no wa hikari ka tamashii sa) Then shows Emma taking the lead, then moves to the back while rolling her arms before Leon takes the lead. Changes to Blades practicing his swordsmanship with Senki next to him. As everyone explores the museum. Then back to the gang dancing. They jab their left arms like striking with swords before raising their right hands up in the air.

(Sekai wo kaeru kikotsu arunara) Now shows Espada practicing with his sword with Alangina next to him. The class jabs their arms again like striking with swords before raising their right hands up in the air.

(Mazu jibun jishin wo kaero!) They swing their right arms down and swing back before spinning around.

(Henshin!) Pages fall to the floor. As for an act like they drew their swords out.

(Aijou koeru youna seijitsu-sa de junan no hate mi ni kizamu) Two riders were riding on their bikes in Wonder World.

(Fumetsu no kokoro wa kokoda to) Then shows Buster practicing with his sword with Genbu next to him. Then shows Kenzan practicing with his sword with Shinobu next to him.

(Kakikaero yume wo monogatari no ketsumatsu wa kimi ga kimeru) Then shows practicing with Slash his sword with Hansel and Gretel next to him. And now shows everyone in the dorm rec room.

(Kamen Rider Saber!) Saber then slashes his sword, as it changes to Touma and the others slashing their pens down and lifting their right hands in the air. As they smile putting their hands over their head throwing out, before rolling their hands, and they the kicks and punches, as they're stances. Then it shows three Kamen Riders, each in three different worlds.

Next on Kamen Rider Saber x Legends of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (The Swordsman of Promise)

Chapter 17: Beyond The Resolution, and Beyond

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