Chapter 1: How my journey begins
(News opening scene)
Female news: (smile) Good morning you beautiful people and welcome to the news! This one is a special one ladies qnd gentleman because world famous and cute author Y/n L/n has released his latest book which the sales has sky rocking due to his success of his latest book. Many years back he has released a touching and interesting story and since then he has continue writing stories to fill the hearts and joy to his fans. Keep up the good work and maybe one day we can grab some coffee.
She winks signaling to Y/n on a date if he is watching then talks about something else.
Female news: In other news there are reports of Earthquakes and disturbance that has happen at some parts of the world. Scientists have no clue what is going on and advice people to stay safe and take care. Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and have a nice day.
We see tones of people lined up at the library with books made by Y/n as everyone is here to get an autograph by Y/n himself.
We cut to inside the library where we see Y/n sat on the table with cardboard cocer of his book and stacks of his copy books on the table next to him.
He patiently sign each book which give joy to his fans as they walk away with joy.
Y/n: (smile) There you go. Thank you for reading my book.
Male citizen: (smile) No problem. Your book is really cool. When will the next one will come?
Y/n: (smile) May take a long time but an author takes time.
Male citizen: (smile) Respect.
Theh continues giving people his autograph and hours later the last group of his fans left and he was done. He let's out a sigh of relief while an old lady came over and handed him a cup of water.
Y/n: (smile) Thank you. Thanks again for letting me use your library to sign some autographs. Sorry if it was a bit loud.
Old lady: (smile) Oh I'm not complaining. I'm pleased that you choose here to do some autographs.
Y/n: (smile) I like this place. Fills me with good memories.
Old lady: (smile) Still it is good to have you here Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks.
Then he got a message on his phone so he took it out, had a disappointed face then deletes the message.
Old Lady: Who was that?
Y/n: People in Hollywood wants to make a deal for me to adopt my books to a movie.
Old Lady: Sounds quite an honour.
Y/n: Not really. You know how many books Hollywood adopts only to ruin it. Sure not all of them are bad but I'm afraid my books will be adopted and become bad.
Old Lady: I see.
Y/n: Besides I didn't want to make books just to get money. I just want to fill peoples joys and see them smile.
Old lady: (smile) Your such a kind person. I'll see you later.
She walk away as Y/n pack things up and then loads them to his car. He climbs in and then he drives off. He decided to stop by the park so he can relax and enjoy nature for a bit.
He soon park his car, climbs out and walk through the gate of the book and walks through the trail. He enjoys the nature around him as he stroll through the park all alone.
Soon he finds a perfect tree so he walks over and sat down, letting out a relaxing sigh. He enjoys the calm nature around him as he shut his eyes for a moment.
That's when something hits him on the head which made him to open his eyes and look around for anything. At first nothing but then he looks down a notice a small red book right he pick it up.
It was small and it had a title on it called "Brave dragon" on it. He was about to open it when he heard a familiar voice.
???: Y/n! There you are!
Then his editor name Mei rush over which Y/n gets up qnd came up to her.
Mei: (smile) Your book is a success! Alright, we need to think about another book you'll be writing. We need to keep this streak up!
Y/n: (smile) Right, Right.
Mei: So, got something in your big head of yours?
Y/n: (smile) I'm cooking up something. What about yourself?
Mei: Oh you know talking to the coworkers and all else. Still the business is going great! I'm telling you, your gonna be famous than other authors.
Y/n: Yeah but now let's talk about our lives instead of our job lives.
Mei: Right, Right. Sorry just excited how business is going on. With you on our side, we got this covered. Anyhow, heard reports of mysterious deaths.
Y/n: That took in a dark turn there.
Mei: Yeah but you noticed these myself deaths right? How people somehow die with no reason. Some say they saw three demon like creatures.
Y/n: I'm sure they were just saying these things to get attention.
Mei: Maybe.....hey how about we-
Suddenly there was an earthquake which the two stumble for a bit which cost the two to collapse on their knees. Soon the earthquake stopped.
Mei: Another earthquake?
Y/n: It felt violent this time. Hey we should go and-
The Mei have a stock expression which soon Y/n also as they all stood now on a floating island surrounded by chunks of other places around the world while creatures fly around the sky.
They were left speeches then Y/n noticed something which looked like a sword on the ground.
Y/n walks towards the sword, the closer he walks towards it, the brighter the small book he has on his pocket gets.
He soon approaches the sword, stare at it for a moment then he grabs it and then picks it up from the ground. He stare at it in amazed then fire appears around his waist as a driver suddenly appear on his waist.
Y/n: (shocked) Wow! What is-
Mei: Y/n look!
He looks back up to see three figures flying over from the red chunk. Immediately he and Mei hide as three angels with creepy and intimidated mask with grey and black wings land on thr ground and look around.
Mei: (whisper) Angels are real?
Y/n: (whisper) They don't like angels. Then again I never met one.
Suddenly web wrap the three up and seconds later a spider monster appear out of the bushes and approaches the mysterious spiders.
Spider Megid: Looks like the Excorists here. Must say, I'm honoured.
???: Let us go you fucking freak!
Spider Megid: Ah I remember you. Your Lute, Adam's second in command. So, how is the first human doing up I heaven? You know what, I don't care.
Lute: Go fuck yourself!
Spider Megid: Such languages. Looks like someone has to touch you a little lesson.
He then show his claws as he gets up and goes on to say.
Spider Megid: Don't worry. I'll deliver your head to Heaven and show them what happens when you mess with us. Say goodbye.
He raised his claw towards Lute while Mei and Y/n watch. Then the small book glows bright which he stare at it. Then he looks down at the belt and the book then inserts it.
Then he grabs the hilt of the sword then he pulls it out.
Swordriver: Rekka Battou!
Suddenly there was burst of fire which draws their attention while Mei stumble back and she sat there in shock as Y/n begins to tranform.
Swordriver: Brave Dragon~! Rekka Issatsu! Yuki no ryuu to kaenken Rekka ga majwaru toki, shinku no tsurugi, ga aku wo tsuranuku!
Saber looks at himself with amazement while the rest are also shocked as Saber then turns to Spider Megid and calls out to him.
Saber: Hey, leave them alone.
Spider Megid: That's impossible. Your a kamen rider?
Saber: Kamen rider?
Spider Megid: Looks like I needed a little back up.
He snap his finger then another one from the red chunk landed next to his partner.
Then the two shoot out webs but Saber quickly dodges their attack. Amazement how fast he dodge that, he ready hos bladd then charges towards the two.
Disbite being two against one, Saber handle well against two Spider Megid's as he perfectly block their attacks qnd cutting them down.
He kicks one back then slashes at the other one. The Hirst Spider Megid rolled onto the ground while the other behind him shoots a Web at him, stuck him on the back then pulled him towards him.
He tosses him towards a tree and he slammed against the tree. He land onto the ground but gets up and immediately dodge a launch. Saber gets up on his feet then remembered of a triangle like shape on the back of small book and on the tip of the Sword.
He pulls it out and tap it onto the tip of his sword which lights up into flames.
The spider Megid charges towards him but he quickly cut him down with a singal swing and he falls and blows up behind him.
He turn towards the last Spider Megid which leaps over to the red chunk which he follow and land on the red chunk. The spider Megid growls at him, then Saber insert his swordriver in and press the trigger two times.
Swordriver: Hissatsu Dokuho! Brave Dragon Issatsu Geki! Fire!
He then leaps up into the air then rider kicks the last Spider Megid and he land on his feet. Mei cheered at the other side of the chunk while Saber stood up and is also amazement about his action. Lute and the rest cut themselves free qnd fly over to Saber and Lite tells him.
Lute: I suppose I owe you my life.
Saber: No problem. So what are you? Are you three really angels?
Lute: Yes- hold sound familiar. Are you Y/n L/n?
Saber: Y-Yeah.
The three were surprised but before they have time to chat, suddenly there was a shake on the red chunk while the park also shook and suddenly disappear with Mei inside.
Saber lands on the ground and soon he was covered by bright light and soon everything turn dark for him.
Y/n let's out a groan as he shake his head and then sat up. He slowly open his eyes only to see the entire city in flames. The sky is red with the moon having a Pentagram on it, demonic monsters running around, killing stealing and..."other" things and explosions in the distances.
Y/n gets up, stunned and thinking it must be a nightmare. He take a few steps back only to bump into someone behind him.
He turn around and was met with a beautiful woman blonde hair, wearing a suit and have a cute face. The two look at each other for a moment then she spoke with a simple.
???: (nervous smile) Um.....hello.
We then cut to Lute and her Extorcists fly away as they report to what they saw to their supervisors.
To be continued......................................................
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