Chapter 4: The template of the four winds

We see Jack, Lisa, Jean and Espada aka Luke at the meeting room within the Knights of Favonius base as Luke informs them something important while he was away.

Jack: You sure about this?

Luke: I'm sure about it. The Megid are making their moves, attacking any cities or towns in their way. What I've found they are showing themselves to thid land.

Jean: What's the possibility for them coming here?

Luke: Not too sure but judging how desperate they are, it's a possibility they will arrive here in a few weeks.

Jean: I see. We must be ready for them when they come. We can't allow this place to fall, not without a fight.

Lisa: Let's hope the others will be back soon as possible.

Jack: Same. I've just got both Buster and Kenzan will return back tomorrow morning.

Jean: What about Slash?

Jack: He'll be here within 4 hours. Let's just hope he's alright while making his way back.

Then the twin doors open and then Kaeya step inside the room and telle them.

Kaeya: Sorry to interrupt but I've just word that one of the storm templates have been open, it's possible a Megid.

Jean: Well it's a good thing Amber and her team are on their way to investigate it.

Kaeya: Her team?

Jack: (smile) Let's just say I have a new member to go with them and investigate it.

Kaeya: I see. You think they need some help?

Lisa: (smirk) Do not worry, I'm sure Amber and the others will be fine, I'm sure of it.



Walking through the dirt road we see Amber, Y/n, Aether, Paimon and Detast making their way to the Temple of the four winds and investigate as their first mission of the day.

Still a sound of Detast's stomach grumble in hunger as he let's out a sigh while he place his hand onto his stomach and then said.

Detast: Man I'm soo hungry.

Aether: Didn't you not have a big breakfast?

Detast: Yeah but I'm hungry now. Hey Paimon get inro my mouth.

Paimon: No! Paimon is not food! How many times dose Paimon tell you!

Detast: Don't care, get in my belly right now.

Paimon: No!

Y/n: Now Detast let's try to be nice.

Detast: Fine.

Amber: (giggle) You Megid friend is pretty funny.

Y/n: (smile) Guess you can say that. So tell me about this temple and why is it so important?

Amber: They are Temples that are homed to the four winds that protected Mondstadt for years. But that's all in the past, now these temples are abandon and not much touched by anyone, not even Stormterror doesn't go there anymore.

Y/n: Stormterror?

Amber: He was once of them before something happened and now he's out there costing chaos to anything that he sees.

Paimon: (shocked) Eeeh?! So that scary dragon was once apart of the four winds.

Detast: Huh who knew, guess the others are also dragons as well.

Aether: Probably.

Y/n: Why did they abandon their temples?

Amber: I'm not too sure. I heard there was a huge battle which cost them to split apart but either way it's still a mystery to this day. Still we have to see what's going on at one of them.

Y/n: Right.

Soon they arrived at one of the temples and when they step foot at the entrance they felt that the wind has stopped.

Amber: Wait.....did you just feel that?

Detast: Me being hungry, yes I do.

Y/n: Not that, it's the wind.

Amber: Yeah something isn't right.

Aether: Must be whatever is inside this temple.

Amber: Agree, still be careful, who knows what traps this Temple may have.

Y/n: Right, let's do this guys.

And so the Temple slowly open and once fully open they walked through the temple and once inside the temple that doors shuts behind them. It was dark and they couldn't see anything but Amber pulled out one of her arrows and enlight it in flames, making as a touch for them to see.

They start to move forward and make their walk through the temple. They see many ancient writing within the walls of the temple.

Aether: What do these writings say?

Y/n: A lot of things to what I can tell. I've study these kinds of writings before in books and it seems these writings are telling different stories about the four winds battles.

Detast: So it's like a wall of journals? Neat.

Soon they come across a door and when they get close to it, it doesn't open.

Detast: Now what?

Amber: Look for a control console, maybe it will open if we find it.

Paimon: Found it!

Paimon fly over to a control console which was right next to the door and then push the button. Then the lights around them came on and there was a huge shake as the door in front of them slide open and it slowly revealed a huge area of space with castle like buildings that looked like to be floating.

Amber burn out the touch and they step in and look around as they were amazed by what they are seeing.

Detast: So they build a castle within a temple? How dose that make any sense?

Amber: (smirk) We don't know but it's really cool, don't you thinm so Y/n?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah really cool.

Then Aether spotted something and walked over and kneel down and down below were some Hilichurls walking about and not noticing them.

The rest came over and they kneel down and watched them walking about.

Y/n: (whisper) Looks like this temple isn't much abandon then we thought.

Amber: (whisper) Looks like it. So ready for some action?

Y/n: (whisper) You know it.

Brave dragon!

Y/n: Henshin!

Swordriver: Rekka Battou! Brave dragon~!

Saber leap down and once he hits the ground the Hilichurls spotted him and they charge towards him. Saber chatge towards them and swings his Seiken at them, cutting them down while Aether and Detast join him as they leap down and they fought them.

Amber is seen aiming down her bow and taking shots at the Hilichurls that were coming at them and even took more out when they are coming down the steps.

Detast blocks the incoming arrow until he grabbed a Hilichurls by the head and rushed towards them while they fired their arrows which hitting one of their own and then Detast cuts them down with his sword.

Saber leaps back and land onto the wall for a second and then leap away and back onto the ground as he spin around and cutting all of them down within seconds. The area was clear which Amber and Paimon came down and walked up to them.

Amber: (smirk) Nice job, they don't stand a chance.

Aether: (smile) Agree.

Saber: Let's move uo to the next floor.

They agree and they move up to the next floor but to their surprised the room was clear as they see Hilichurls laying on the floor as they look at them.

Saber: Looks like they fought something else.

Detast: So where were those guys come from?

Amber: Must be scouts returning back only to see one of their own dead.

Paimon: Who could have done this?

Saber: I think I know who. Come on!

They continue on moving and they see more dead Hilichurls within the hallways as they kept moving and looking around for any signs of a ambush.

After a while of walking they come across astrong wind blowing upwards as they looked at it for a bit and then Amber tells them.

Amber: I know, use your Wind gliders, that might help us get up there!

They turn to look at the huge castle that is too high for them to get there. Saber sees that Amber might be right so he pulled out his Wind glider and then leap into the wind and immediately he was shot up in the air.

He yell in surprised and then he land face first onto the next floor. Detast chuckle a bit to hear Saber's surprised yell.

Amber: Are you okay?

Saber: Yeah I'm fine! Come on up, it's clear.

They did so and once they were on the next floor they keep on moving amd it wasn't long for them to be spotted but instead of Hilichurls, it's Shimi as they charge towards them.

Saber and Aether charge towards them and cut them down.

Paimon: Why are the Megid here?

Detast: Must be here for whatever is within the temple.

Saber: Still we have to push them back!

Saber kicks one back and slash at them while Amber pulls out her bow and takes a while she pulls her arrow back, she spotted exploded barrels at the far end so she fired her arrow and seconds later there was a huge explosion that sent half of Shimi flying.

Amber: (smirk) Nice!

Saber: Not bad Amber!

Amber: (giggle) Thanks.

Soon most od the Shimi fall back while some were cutter down. They follow them and once they turn a corner, they see them running through a door and they close it shut right in front of them.

Amber: Damn it! Blocked off.

Detast: How do we get in?

Amber: Maybe there is another way?

They looked around and after a short while of searching Saber discovered a hole that gose to the other side of the door but it ain't big enough for anyone to go through except one.

Saber: Paimon come here for a moment.

She fly over to him and once there he points to the hole and ask.

Saber: Is it possible for you to go through to that hole and activate the door from the other side?

Paimon: Paimon will try.

She fly through the hole and they stand in front of the door and waited for Paimon to open it. After half a minute of waiting they worry that she got caught but soon the door slowly open and Paimon came through.

Paimon: (smile) Done~!

Aether: (smile) Nice work.

Detast: Eh, not too bad kid.

They walk through the door and soon they arrived at a room with Shimi around what looked like an egg like stone in the middle of the room.

Y/n: What is that?

Amber: That must be dragons breath. That must be it!

Aether: Yeah and it looks like the Megid git to it first.

They leap down and the Shimi turn to them but then a Megid appeared behind the dragons breath stone and looked at them before saying.

Medusa: It seems we have some visitors.

Saber: That's right, step away from dragons breath at once!

Medusa: Never, this will be our weapon to take over the world and you all will not stop me!

Saber: We'll see about that, let's see what happens if I do this!

He then pulled out Jack and the Beanstalk wonder ride book and insert it into his swordriver and pulled out his sword.

Swordriver: Rekka Battou! Nisatsu no hon o kasaneshi toki senaru tsurugi ni chikara ga yadoru! Wonder rider! Dragon! Jack to mamenoki! Futastsu no zokusei o senaeshi yaiba ga togisumasa reru!

Amber, Aether and Paimon were surprised by his new form, then the Shimi charge at them but Saber turn around and fired seeds at them, making them stumble backwards and then shoot the other Shimi at the right and they blow up.

Medusa charge towards him while Saber charge at him and the two clash blades. The two battle each other as Saber blocked Medusa's strikes and blows, soon they enter a blade lock as Medusa pushes Saber to one knee but Saber fired seeds at him, making him stumble back and then Saber swings a vine over, wrapping Medusa around him and then Saber swing him around, slamming him into walls around them until he tosses him across the room and he slammed onto the wall and fell hard onto the ground.

Medusa gets up and charge towards Saber but he move out of the way which Medusa smashed dragons breath by accident and when he realised this he turn to see what he did.

Medusa: No! You will pay for this!

Saber: Like to see you try!

Medusa charge towards Saber and swing his twin blades at him but Saber blocks it and then he strikes a blow at his stomach, making him stumble back and then Saberleaps up and kicks him in the chin, making him stumble back as Saber slide his sword into his Swordriver and pulled the trigger.

Swordriver: Hissatsu Dokuha! Rekka Battou! Dragon, Jack to manenoki Issatsu giri! F-F-Firs!

Vines came out and they wrapped around Medusa and then he was pulled towards Saber as Saber leaps up and strikes a rider kick at Medusa and he blows up while Saber lands onto the ground and stands up straight.

Amber: (smile) Nice work!

Saber: Thanks but still, was dragons breath important?

Amber: (smile) Nah it was a threat so it's good it's destroyed.

Saber: That's good.

He dehenshin and he walks up to them and ask them.

Y/n: Guess missing done?

Aether: Looks like it, let's get out of here before any more monsters shows up.

Paimon: Paimon agrees.

Amber: (smile) Same let's go.


They finally leave the temple as they breath the nice fresh air as Y/n walks up to Amber and tells her with a smile.

Y/n: (smile) You did a great job Amber. Your great with the bow.

Amber: (little blush) Thanks, your not soo bad yourself.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks.

Amber look at Y/n for a bit while her heart skip a beat but then Detast called out to them.

Detast: Yo let's go home already, I'm hungry as hell alright and I'm almost gonna eat Paimon.

Paimon: Please stop.

Y/n: (sigh) Alright let's go.

Amber: Right.

And so they head off home as they leave the temple while we see three mysterious figures on top of a hill, they looked like Megid as they look down at them before they turn and leave the area before they were spotted.

To be continued...........................................

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