Chapter 2: The swordsmen of water has arrived

It was the sunny day as we see Y/n and Aether making their way through the beach as the ocean gently moves in and out from shore while Aether and Y/n stop and look around as Aether pulls out his map while Y/n looks over.

Aether: There should be a town through the forest but there will be monsters there so it's probably best we be careful while walking through the woods.

Y/n: I agree. Who knows what we might stumble while walking through the woods.

Aether: (smile) Yeah but we can handle if any monsters attack us. After all, we are pretty good in blade combat right.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Say I've been meaning to ask you?

Aether: Sure what is it?

Y/n: You never told me where you came from? Like what village you live before you go on your adventure with Paimon.

Aether was silent for a minute and just tell Y/n.

Aether: Maybe it's best I'll tell you that for another time. For now let's get moving.

Y/n: Oh okay then. Say speaking of Paimon, where is she?

Aether: Yeah actually i don't see your other friend with you? Where could they b-


They turn to see Desast chasing Paimon around while having a pot to cook as he try to have Paimon into the pot so he can eat her.

Desast: Come on you little delicious thing! Get in the pot!

Aether and Y/n stood there watching this happen as Y/n gently place his hand on us face while Aether said.

Aether: This might take a while.

Y/n: Yeah agree. (Sigh) Let's hope Desast wait a bit longer until we arrive.

Aether: Yeah let's hope so.

In the distance we see a shadowy like figure looking down at them before he turn and walks off.



We see the four walking through the woods trying to make it to their location while Paimon keeps clear from Desast so he won't try to eat her for his meal.

Desast: Man your really are quick when you flap those wings of yours.

Paimon: (anger) Paimon doesn't want to talk to you meanie.

Desast: Just trying to start a conversation, no need to be a brat about it.

Y/n: Desast, your the one that try to eat Paimon. I really don't understand on why you think of her as food to you?

Desast: I don't know. When ever I see her, I just see food flying in front of me.

Paimon: But Paimon isn't food!

Desast: Keep telling yourself that kid, to me your food to me and if we're out of food, we go to plan p as pur last resort.

Paimon: Plan P?

Aether: Best you not know what plan P is.

Paimon is still confused but they reach a edge of a cliff and they see a large veiw of the land as they see many trees and mountains around. They also spotted what looks like a statue in the distance and on a small island in the middle of a lake.

Aether: What is that Statue over there?

Y/n: I believe that's the statue of the seven.

Aether: The statue of the seven?

Paimon: Yeah, there are few of these statues across the land to show. The Seven's protection over the world. Among the seven gods, this god controls the wind.

Desast: So a god of wind? Man that sucks to be that god.

Y/n: Let's get over there and get a closer look.

Desast: Sure why not, maybe a monster might attack us while we get distracted by a large statue in the middle of a small island in the middle of a lake.

Paimon: Do you want us to get attacked by a monster?

Desast: If that means not dieing from boredom, yes. Yes I do.

Still they make their way down a hill and soon they cross the lake and get to the statue. They statue at the statue as Desast can feel it's power coming from the statue within it.

Desast: Feels pretty powerful. Hey Aether, dare you to touch it.

Aether: You sure?

Desast: Hey can't hurt to touch it and see what happen.

Aether: o...kay?

Aether stare at the statue and slowly walk towards the statue and once close he place his hand in the middle of the statue and suddenly Aether can feel some powerful enegry enter his body and once that was done, he let go and step back.

Y/n: You alright?

Aether: Yeah I'm fine. It feels like this statue give me some magic or something like that.

Desast: Well at least it didn't blow you up.

Y/n: I don't think a statue can just blow someone up after they touch it.

Desast: And how do you know that?

Before he was about to respond there was a roar not far from them as Paimon hide behind Aether while they look around to see where did that riar come from once it was gone.

Y/n: (surprised) What in the world was that?!

Desast: Sounded like a dragon but that's no possible. But who I'm I kidding, we just met a blonde boy with annoying but delicious pet.

Paimon: Paimon is his friend! Not pet!

Desast: Pet. Friend. Both are the same to me.

Y/n: I think it's coming from over there! Come on!

Y/n rushes off which the rest follow as they enter back inside the forest as Y/n hide behind a tree when he hear the dragons breathing was close as he take a deep breath and peaks over.

He was amazed to see a crystal blue dragon standing there while he see a person there as he is standing in front of the dragon while he lend out his arms towards it.

???: Don't be afraid. It's alright, I'm back.

Y/n: (thought) Is he talking to that dragon?

Then his foot step on a stick which snapped which startled the dragon and roar out almost like it was scared while the person looks around to see anyone but he just disappeared while the dragon lend out a roar once more before it flies off into the sky. Y/n walk out of hiding and looks up to where the dragon just fly off.

Y/n looks over to where the dragon was standing and see something glowing in a hill so he walks over to it. He climbs up the hill and sees a red like crystal as he walks up to it looks and grab it from the ground and looks at it.

Soon Aether and the rest catch up so Y/n puts the red crystal into his pocket and rejoins with everyone else.

Desast: Jesus that roar was even more louder then the last one. You alright kid, did that dragon attacked you or something?

Y/n: No it didn't. When I got there, someone was with the dragon. It's like this person was trying to calm it down or something like that.

Paimon: That's weird.

Aether: Do you know who this person is?

Y/n: No clue but he seemed to know this dragon for qome odd reason. Still that person was gone, along with the dragon.

Desast: Did the dragon eat him?

Y/n: No he just disappeared. Its like he was teleported or something else.

Desast: Well what's more important is that you are fine. So how's about we keep going and we-

Suddenly a arrow hit Desast butt which he yells in pain while a female voice calls out.

???: You three alright?!

They turn to see a women aiming her arrow at Desast while on a tree branch as she leaps down from the tree and walks over to them while aiming her bow at Desast.

???: (smirk) Nice try monster. You think trying to attack them from behind huh? Well you thought wrong.

Y/n: Wait! He's not evil! He's alright!

???: Wait what? But....isn't he a Megid?

Y/n: Well yes but he is different! He's a friend!

???: Oooohhh...Whoops, um sorry about that man.


Paimon giggled thinking that that is what he gets for trying to eat her while the women slide her bow at her back while she says.

Amber: Sorry about that. Guess I didn't know you guys were friends with a monster. Anyways, names Amber and you guys are?

Y/n: (smile) I'm Y/n and this is Aether, Paimon and Desast.

Amber: (smile) Nice to meet you. So what brings you here?

Aether: (smile) We're looking for thid place called Mondstadt. Do you know where it is?

Amber: (smile) Yep. It's actually not far from here, come I'll take you there.

And so they follow her while Desast pulls out a arrow out of his butt and throws it away while he catch up with them as Amber walks beside Y/n as she turn to him and give him a smirk.

Amber: (smirk) So you also gonna live in Mondstadt as well?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah, figured it be interesting to join.

Amber: (smile) Yeah it's a great place, trust me as soon you get there, you will be impressed to see what we have in there.

Y/n: Say can you tell us more about this place?

Amber: (smile) Sure. Mondstadt has been a symbol of hope for soo long. There is two organisations living in that town. The Knights of Favonius and the Sword of Logos. We maybe cool but the sword of logos are awesome. They can pull off so much stuff along with their fancy swords.

Y/n: You mean Seiken swords?

Amber: (smile) Yep those type of swords! Wait, how do you know about that?

Y/n: Well I got one as well, see.

He show her his Seiken sword which Amber was amazed by and asked.

Amber: (surprised) Are you a new rider as well!?

Desast: Yep he is. Saber, that's his rider name also known as the flames swordsmen.

Amber: (smile) Whoa sounds hot....I mean your element I mean!

Amber blushes a bit while they were a bit confused but they keep on walking. Soon they made it out of the forest and see Mondstadt dead ahead.

Amber: There it is boys! That's Mondstadt, a town that doesn't fall and has been a symbol of hope for so long! I can't even the last time I was even attack.

Then there was an explosion coming from the bridge of Mondstadt as they see the smoke while Desast said.

Desast: A town that wasn't attacked for millions of years.....all until now.

Y/n: Let's go and check it out!

They agree and they race over there and once there they see the Mondstadt knights battling the Shimi while the Snimi push through the knights and charge towards the front gate.

Desast: Guess no welcome to our home party I'm guessing.

Paimon: If they enter Mondstadt, they will hurt more people.

Aether: Then it looks like we have to stop them before-

Suddenly water below the lake came out and splash onto the Shimi which surprised them except for Amber as she smirk and see the other Shimi stepping back while some who were trapped float up in the air only to pop follow by an explosion as a figure leaps down onto the bridge and slash at the Shimi while they charge at them.

They see a blue rider with a lion on his chest as he take down the Shimi forces with his Seiken sword.

Desast: Huh he knows his sword tricks.

Amber: (smile) I know right. That's blades, a swordsmen of water. He's pretty cool when it comes to sword combat and very nice in public.

Y/n: Well looks like he need so e help. Time for me to join in.

Brave dragon!

He place his swordriver into his waist while sliding in his brave dragon wonder ride book and pulls out his Seiken sword.

Swordriver: Rekka Battou!

Y/n: Henshin!

Swordriver: Brave Dragon~! Rekka Issatsu! Yuki no ryuu to kaenken rekka ga majiwaru toki, shinku no tsurugi ga aku wo tsuranuku!

Saber charge into the battle while Amber was amazed as Saber leaps over and blocks a strike that was gorgeous Blades as Blades was surprised of a new rider as Saber kicks back the Shimi as the two riders stand back to back while the Shimi circle around them.

Blades: Thanks for the help. Never suspected a new rider to arrive here.

Saber: You and me both. Names Saber, nice to meet you Blades.

Blades: Same face any of them before?

Saber: No but they're easy to beat.

Blades: Yeah that's because they're led by a more powerful Megid.

Saber: Who?

Suddenly a Megid show himself by trying to striek on them but Blades blocks his strike and kick him back. He lands on his feet and looks up and they see a Goblin Megid as he stood up and calls out to his Shimi.

Goblin Megid : Attack!

The Shimi charge at them which Blades and Saber split off as they take out the Shimi while Blades slices down a few Megid while trying to get to Goblin Megid.

Goblin Megid lend out a laughter but he was shot by an explosion arrow as he turn to see Amber.

Goblin Megid: (anger) Why you!

The Goblin Megid charge at her while she fores more explosion arrows at him but she soon ran out as the Goblin Megid was about to strike at her but Saber see this and leaps over and stand in front if Amber and block Goblins strike.

Saber: You okay?

Amber: (smile) Yep. Thanks.

Saber nodes while he kicked the Goblin Megid and slashes at him a few times as he stumble back while Blades turn back to the Shimi's as he slide his Seiken sword into his driver and pulled it out.

Swordriver: Hissatsu Dokuha! Nagare Battou! Lion Issatsu Giri! Water!

Blades slash his sword sword strikes at the Shimi and taking them out as they drop to the ground and blow up. He turn and rushes over to help Saber as Saber blocks Goblin Megid's strikes and dodge his heavy blows as he still block his attacks before Saber land a few kicks at Goblin Megid and then he kick him before he swings a slash at him.

The Goblin Megid stumble back while Blades rush up next to Saber and the two knock and slide their swords into their drivers.

Hissatsu Dokuha! Dragon Issatsu Geki! Fire!

Hissatsu Dokuha! Lion Issatsu Geki! Water!

The two riders leap up into the air and the two land a double rider kick at Goblin Megid as he yells out and then Goblin Megid blow up as Blades and Saber land on the ground and stood up as Saber reach out his hand to Blades which Blades take his hand and shake on it.

Paimon: Paimon thinks that was an amazing job!

The rest walk over but Blades spotted Desast qnd rushes over and slash his sword at him which sent him flying and land hard on the ground.

Saber: Wait Wait Wait! Desast isn't one of them! He's good!

Blades: (surprised) Really?! You sure?

Saber nodes which Blades made a mistake and helps Desast up.

Desast: First I got a arrow at my ass and now I got slashed by a lion rider.

Paimon: Paimon thinks you deserve it.

Desast: Shut it or I'll eat you!

Blades: Still sorry about that. So Amber, you just found them in the woods I maybe guessing?

Amber: Yep. Saber is Y/n, that's Desast, Aether and Paimon.

Blades nodes as he pulls out his wonder ride book and dehenshin as he has black short hair with blue eyes as he smile and said.

Jack: (smile) Nice to meet you. You may call me Jack, it's nice to meet you especially a new rider like you.

Saber nodes as he too dehenshin and once that Jack and Y/n shake hands.

Y/n: (smile) Same to you Jack.

Amber: So I'm guessing those Megid were just here to cost some trouble.

Jack: Yeah. It's a good thing I was here when it happen.

Amber: Whereis everybody else?

Jack: On their own mission. I was the only one to stay here and it's a good thing I did. Anyways great job out there Y/n. Who teach you in sword combat?

Y/n: It was actually Desast who teach me.

Jack: A Megid teach you sword combat?

Desast: Yeah, got a problem with that water boy.

Y/n: Desast be nice.

Jack: Oh no I'm sorry. I just never suspected a Megid would teach a human sword combat or anything like that. Still your skills were impressive, do you want to join the swordof logos?

Y/n: (smile) Sure why not.

Jack: (smile) Good then let's head inside.

Jack walks over to the door and tell the guards that everything is clear which they node and they open the gate. The gate open as the rest walk over as Amber turns to Y/n with a smile on her face and tell him.

Amber: (smile) Let's go! Your adventure starts here!

She rushes over while Y/n cracks a smile and agree as he follow everyone else as they enter Mondstadt and they're adventure starts now at Mondstadt.

To be continued....................

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